NationStates Jolt Archive


Crazy girl
13-10-2004, 05:49
just posting it here because the region will die in a few hours, it was already reported by my friend through the GHP


World Factbook Entry: Welcome to Alagaesia: land of peace, harmony and fear. Once here you will become of the elite Dragon Riders! Please give a description of your dragons color, name, and special qualities. We welcome all who would like to join us! Please contact the UN Delegate for information on joining the region....
Go to the regional website for more details on the region!

UN Delegate: None.

Founder: Galbatorix andshruikan

Alagaesia is an empty wasteland, devoid of nations. [List all nations]

Today's United Nations Report
The Smartest Citizens in Alagaesia

IQ tests were sent to random citizens from various nations in an attempt to determine which nations are the smartest and best educated, on average. Those citizens who failed to return their tests were scored poorly.
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. FlagThe Free Land of The Nation of GregUN Member Father Knows Best State "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
2. FlagThe Confederacy of FyrezUN Member Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Oppose Fyrez and you choose the path of death!"
3. FlagThe United States of Ylad Capitalist Paradise "the duck is an anvanced species of the tutle"
4. FlagThe Empire of 32lizard Capitalist Paradise "If you aint got it get it"
5. FlagThe Empire of Grubgobb II Capitalist Paradise "The Empire will rule all!"

Regional Happenings

* 2 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez departed this region for The Varden
* 2 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez removed regional password protection.
* 2 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez barred UN Delegate access to Regional Control.
* 7 hours ago: The United States of Ylad departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 7 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez ejected The United States of Ylad from the region.
* 7 hours ago: The Free Land of The Nation of Greg departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 7 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez ejected The Free Land of The Nation of Greg from the region.
* 7 hours ago: The Empire of Grubgobb II departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 7 hours ago: The Confederacy of Fyrez ejected The Empire of Grubgobb II from the region.
* 7 hours ago: The Empire of 32lizard departed this region for The Rejected Realms

Alagaesia Civil Headquarters

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
4 days ago The Shurtugal of Grubgobb very well done, nation of greg! you will be a good choice of vice delegate!
4 days ago The Free Land of The Nation of Greg Thank you Grubgobb.
4 days ago The Shurtugal of Grubgobb What about Ylad, is he running for vice delagation seat? If he doesn't reply in 12 hours Nation of Greg will automatically be vice delgate!
4 days ago The Shurtugal of Grubgobb EVERYONE!
I am going to move to a different region for now, so while I'm gone Nation of Greg is in charge! Please try to get new nations to come here!
3 days ago The Free Land of The Nation of Greg Yes! I am the non-official vice delegate! Thank you for your support everybody. I was sure Ylad was going to try to become vice delegate, but I guess not.

Vice delegate,
2 days ago The Free Land of The Nation of Greg Could anyone please try to get other regions to come to Alagaesia?
That would be a tremendous help on the Delegate and the Vice Delegate's part.
If some people telegram you back for the password to move into the reigion, just tell them to telegram Grubgobb and he will tell them.

Vice Delegate,
1 day ago The Empire of 32lizard pick me for the village idiot because that is what i want you to make me then when i become the president some day i will make you all very large because every body will want to come to your places because of me so vote for me the village idiot.
1 day ago The Free Land of The Nation of Greg If you are planning to run for the village idiot campaign, then you have to respond in 12 hours or 32lizard wins by default.

Vice Delegate,
1 day ago The Confederacy of Fyrez I am going to be delegate of this regino and there are going to be some changes.... I am going to eject everyone from the region and were going to move to a new place. I hope everyone is ok with that or else! Just so you people are wondering Grubgobb doesn't know anything about this!
Your great Delegate, Fyrez
7 hours ago The Free Land of The Nation of Greg The winner of the Village Idiot campaign is 32lizard!

32lizard won by default!

Vice Delegate,
Crazy girl
13-10-2004, 05:53
not sure about this one, might be one, might not be one, maybe someone with more info? it might have been a slow griefing..



UN Delegate: None.

Founder: Fabled failures

ICA contains 3 nations. [List all nations]

Today's United Nations Report
The Smartest Citizens in ICA

IQ tests were sent to random citizens from various nations in an attempt to determine which nations are the smartest and best educated, on average. Those citizens who failed to return their tests were scored poorly.
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. FlagThe GoAts of TJ NarkUN Member Father Knows Best State "STAND BACK CUZ THE NARKS R GONNA TAKE OVER!!!!!!!!"
2. FlagThe Dictatorship of DOUG BANKS 2 Father Knows Best State "Listen to me or DIE again"
3. FlagThe Crazy Nation of COILN BENTON Capitalist Paradise "You are making me crazy!"
4. FlagThe Oppressed Peoples of Sexy TinaUN Member Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "I AM A LESBIAN!"
5. FlagThe Republic of A Dead Jack the Ripper Iron Fist Consumerists "Revenge is a dish best served cold -Kill Bill"
6. FlagThe Armed Republic of The Psychotic Rabbit Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Sharp...pointy...teeth..."
7. FlagThe People's Republic of Harry Potter Himself Democratic Socialists "I will avenge my parents"
8. FlagThe Community of Star TekUN Member Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "The Land of the GoAts"

Regional Happenings

* 57 minutes ago: The Crazy Nation of COILN BENTON departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 57 minutes ago: The GoAts of TJ Nark ejected The Crazy Nation of COILN BENTON from the region.
* 57 minutes ago: The Republic of A Dead Jack the Ripper departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 57 minutes ago: The GoAts of TJ Nark ejected The Republic of A Dead Jack the Ripper from the region.
* 12 hours ago: The Community of Star Tek departed this region for Dark Axis Alliance
* 12 hours ago: The Oppressed Peoples of Sexy Tina departed this region for Dark Axis Alliance
* 12 hours ago: The GoAts of TJ Nark departed this region for Dark Axis Alliance
* 3 days ago: The GoAts of TJ Nark removed The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git from the regional ban list.
* 6 days ago: The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 6 days ago: The GoAts of TJ Nark ejected The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git from the region.

ICA Civil Headquarters

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
37 days ago The Republic of A Dead Jack the Ripper But then we have one if we are on here?
36 days ago Fabled failures shut up you are killing the point...
35 days ago The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git so? I'm with Jack on this one.
33 days ago The GoAts of TJ Nark who cares
19 days ago The GoAts of TJ Nark hey all
16 days ago The Republic of A Dead Jack the Ripper Hey. Sorry, the ICA might be quiet for a while. My freinds have been busy with school, but would you like to go annoy?
9 days ago The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git ATTENTION FREINDS OF THE ICA!

8 days ago The GoAts of TJ Nark i have returnd to this great region.. i went out looking for regions to destory but never found any
6 days ago The Fiefdom of The Annoyimg Git Sonds fimiliar. FF is very busy, she will return eventually.

If you refuse to give up your region, ICA II shall be made.
5 days ago The GoAts of TJ Nark ya and your gone
Crazy girl
13-10-2004, 12:21
and perhaps a third one?

Unibomberz 16
World Factbook Entry: just tell nemo that u could not find him cause u were gettin stoned..........he will understand

p.s-he said fat book tehehehehehehehehehe

You make kitty scared!

UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 (elected 4 hours ago).

Founder: The Free Land of Unibomber the 6th

Unibomberz 16 contains 5 nations. [List all nations]

Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in unibomberz 16

# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Most Serene Republic of The Oniwabon Group Compulsory Consumerist State "At least this is a motto "
2. The Free Land of Unibomber Capitalist Paradise "WHY DONT U GO EAT A DECRODED PIECE OF CRAP!!!"
3. The Free Land of Unibomber2 Father Knows Best State "my mommy says i can stay and chat a whole 5 more min"
4. The Dictatorship of Bmx riderz Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "fight to the death"
5. The Republic of Qwerf Democratic Socialists "thÊ®ë Î$ ÑÖtHÎÑG tô Fëâ® ßÛt Më!!!"
6. The Empire of Empirez Authoritarian Democracy "Mess with the best, die like the rest."
7. The Rogue Nation of Git-r-done Corrupt Dictatorship "Git-r-done"
8. The Republic of Unibomber the 77 Democratic Socialists "Oooooooo...son of a ...that's gonna leave a mark"
9. The People's Republic of Magicdude1818 Civil Rights Lovefest "freedom and equality for all"
10. The People's Republic of UnibomberzTen Authoritarian Democracy "My problems are your problems."

Page: < 1 2 >

Regional Happenings
18 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 changed the regional password.
18 minutes ago: The Free Land of Unibomber departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 ejected The Free Land of Unibomber from the region.
18 minutes ago: The Free Land of Unibomber2 departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 ejected The Free Land of Unibomber2 from the region.
19 minutes ago: The Free Land of Unibomber the 6th departed this region for The Rejected Realms
19 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 ejected The Free Land of Unibomber the 6th from the region.
19 minutes ago: The Republic of Unibomber the 77 departed this region for The Rejected Realms
19 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Unibomberz666 ejected The Republic of Unibomber the 77 from the region.
19 minutes ago: The People's Republic of UnibomberzTen departed this region for The Rejected Realms

Unibomberz 16 Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
1 day ago The Rogue Nation of Tantrums F4er teh b4DgAr!~!`!11`

Teh B4dg4r si Teh M3st4r!`!!1 LOOlLOLOOLolololoLOOl!1`@!
1 day ago The Free Land of Unibomber lmao
1 day ago The Free Land of Unibomber ooOloLOL)LOLol0Lllo)LOL)LOLOl0 000 ROFL !`1`1`1~!`!!!1~1~!~1`!~1`!~1121`@@
1 day ago The Rogue Nation of Tantrums stFU /\/\an, i r teh r0xx0rz liek emin3m, u cna go tO EHLL OR ATLE4St help m3 wit hthIS!!111!!!!!!!1~~1!!``!! LOLLOLOLLOLOLlOoLLOlollLLl u n00b

Liek, u gott4 re3D teh gudieCAREFUl1y and tehn OMG LIEK I AM R0XX0RZ ya anD ify 0u turn into teh reTARDED u gota go 2 MY WEBP4GE LOLLOLOL!!111~11 ad check 4 warez n stfuu. if u r a n00b go2HELL LOLLOLOlROFLMFAO11!!!11!!!! gtg n00b suxx0rz ur b0xx0rz OLOOOLOLLLL HELP HELP HELP 1337133713371337

tHEir isnothinG H34r yEtt LOLLOLOL!111!1!!~~~!!`! 13371337

I roxx0rz ur b0xx0rz!1!11 OLOLOOLOOOLOLO!!1!!

t3her isnoting! 2 f43r 3cxept fe4r itselfLOLoLOOLl!!1!

I roxx0Rz ur b0xx0rz LIek 3m1n3m.

F4ck teh f4ck1ng F4xxorz1!~1!`~~!
11 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf ÐÃññý Û R §0 GÃý, Î WÎll 0Wñ Û Îf Û T®ý 2 TÃlk Ñ00ßÎ$h ÊvÊ® ÃgÃÎñ. Î WÎll KÎll Û Ãñd J00R £ÎttlÊ þhÃggÊt RÊÎgÎ0Ñ 00þ$ Î Ãl®ÊÊdý HÃkÊd Û þÃ$$w0Rd!@#$%!@#$%!@#$% HÃhÃ Û §tÛpÎd FÛx0R. §0 WÃtçhà G0Ññà Ð0 ß0Ût ThÃt.

ÐÃññý §Ûx ßÎg K0K
11 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf 0H ÝÊÊ Ãñd Î þh0Ûñd 0Ût Û £ÎttlÊ þÎÊçÊ 0F §hÎt ThÃt Û ÇÃñt ÊvÊñ TÃlk Ñ00ßÎ$h, Û JÛ$t K0þÎÊd Ãñd þÃ$tÊd Ît Û £ÎttlÊ ßÎtçh

Î HÃkÊd J00R FÛkÎñ' þÃ$$w0Rd ßÎtçhÊz
10 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf 4n¥ w4¥$ ¥0µ h4v3 t0 t4£k n00b1$h £1k3 th1$. $0 $hµt µp (µz ¥0µ (4n't Ð0 31th3r

h4h4 ¥0µ $µ(k 4t b0th!!!!!
10 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf 1 h4(k3Ð ¥0µ p4$$w0rÐ ¥0µ £1tt£3 b1t(h$!!!!!!!!!!£0££0£000£0£0££0£0£0£~~£0£0`£0£0~
9 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf d4nny 1'm s0rry b3c4us3 y0u suck 4t 3v3ryth1ng y0u d0 but m4yb3 1f y0u g3t 0n y0ur h4nds n kn33s 4nd b3g l1k3 l1ttl3 b1tchs 1'll t3ll y0u h0w 1 g0t th3 p4ssw0rd!
9 hours ago The Republic of Qwerf $0 Ð4|\||\|¥ Ð0 ¥0µ \/\/4|\|7 |\/|3 70 73££ ¥0µ???? (µ2 ¥0µ'££ |\|3\/3® ƒ19µ®3 17 0µ7
Crazy girl
13-10-2004, 19:08
this one was refounded after the griefing...could a mod check if it is a native who refounded it?


World Factbook Entry: This is a vast and bountiful region with many hills, valleys, and lush forests. An island chain off the coast provides a vacation getaway for the hardworking residents. A checkered past has been turned into a brighter future.

UN Delegate: None.

Founder: The Most Serene Republic of Alagaesian Founder

Alagaesia is home to a single nation. [List all nations]

Today's United Nations Report
The UN has not compiled a report for this region yet.

Regional Happenings

* 11 hours ago: The Most Serene Republic of Alagaesian Founder arrived from The South Pacific.
* 11 hours ago: The Most Serene Republic of Alagaesian Founder updated the World Factbook entry.

Alagaesia Civil Headquarters

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

There are no lodged messages at present.

second one is still the same....guess it wasn't a griefing then?

third one was solved by coggy

4 hours ago NationStates Moderators The password, banlist, and griefers have been cleared.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation