This American Woman wants a new Spam rule (includes pictures! dialup beware...)
American Woman
12-10-2004, 18:27
I'm a resident in The Pacific, and I hate the spam. Yes, I know, spam is legal there. But what about making it a two lines of spam rule? Or four? If I'm really, really nice? And if I give you Chocolate and puppies? ;) See the puppies? You can't say no to puppies!
Tuesday Heights
12-10-2004, 18:55
There are already spam rules in place; those that violate them are taken care of appropriately.
The Barking Spiders
12-10-2004, 19:07
Indeed! Too much spam is suffocating.
Let the puppies breath!
American Woman
12-10-2004, 19:11
This is the idea: Limit it. They can still spam, but not the ones that take up the whole thing.
"***********Attention Citizens of The Pacific************888
Come to region "Blabalalbd"!
We all lovegerthaethsdghadsfh
Our Constitution:
1. The Pacific is dumb! < No0b!
2. bla bla bla
3. srytery
***********Attention Citizens of The Pacific************888"
would turn to
"Come to region "Blabalalbd"!
We all lovegerthaethsdghadsfh
Crazy girl
12-10-2004, 20:38
seems she means regional ads :p
and i agree, those very long ones are annoying, as well as those with a lot of those * that break up my poor little screen.
not sure if they'll change it though..
Lord Vetinari
12-10-2004, 20:53
I wouldn't be bothered if I had to use narrow advert. But I am biased in the issue, mine is already slimmed down.
Neo England
13-10-2004, 00:26
It doesn't matter how many lines in regional advert there is, the point is that it takes up one of the 10 spaces on the CH. So I doubt the spam will be shortened.
Anyway, if you don't like it, move to player created region.
13-10-2004, 01:29
Put a bit more diplomatically:
Player created regions are, indeed, regional ad-spam free. The feeder regions are the only places where posters wishing to recruit may post ads -- at the rate of one per day advertising a specific region. If a single poster or group ad-bombs the regional HQ, let us know, but otherwise... they are within their rights.