A question for a moderator out there-please read.
This is to any mod willing to listen:
As a national socialist i think it disgusting how i am not allowed to have a swastika as my national flag, my question to you is can i have a flag that has Adolf Hitler on it/in it/as the main image?? Ive seen a few nations with a picture of the Fuhreh as their flags, and was wondering whether it is possible to have a picture of hitler as my national flag.
And if so, why cant i have a swastika, if i can have hitler?
08-10-2004, 21:53
Why you can't have a Swastika on your flag (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=275081) - by [violet].
The Hitler question I leave for the mods.
Only the swastika is banned.
This will not be changed.
Hitl0r is fine.
How can you have one rule for a symbol, and one rule for another symbol. i see no difference, they both represent "Evil" as much as the other.
How can you have one rule for a symbol, and one rule for another symbol. i see no difference, they both represent "Evil" as much as the other.
Essentially, because Max said so. His site, his rules. This will not be debated.
08-10-2004, 22:10
How can you have one rule for a symbol, and one rule for another symbol. i see no difference, they both represent "Evil" as much as the other.
Max Barry and Game Administrator [violet] made a specific ruling regarding a specific symbol. The swastika was banned from NationStates flags because of the associations that most people make with it. However, this reasoning is not extended to other symbols; only this specific symbol and its mirror image (the swastika and the reverse swastika; 4-leg varieties only) are banned.
Other Nazi symbols are allowed on NationStates flags.
This has been argued up, down, forwards, backwards, rightside-up, upside-down, inside-out, diagonally, left, right, and center. If you wish to read previous discussions, then I recommend a forum search on all topics in "Moderation" with the words "swaktika" and "ban".
You can also read the official ruling: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=275081
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation