11-09-2004, 22:43
What happens when I get a warning for trolling. What effects does that have.
From Message
NationStates Moderators
Received: 2 days ago You are hereby warned for trolling: http://www.forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6984790
And how was this a troll.
It means that you're more likely to get deleted if you break the rules of this website again.
Daistallia 2104
12-09-2004, 11:34
Hopefully the definition trolling (as found in the sticked glossary of forbidden actions thread) may help you:
Posts that are made with the aim of angering people. (like 'ALL JEWS ARE [insert vile comment here]' for example). Also is used to refer to making obviously silly topics that people nonetheless will reply to. (making a case for the proof that teletubbies exist for instance. There will always be someone who feels compelled to post 'No they don't.' Threads like this should just be ignored.)
13-09-2004, 04:24
What happens when I get a warning for trolling. What effects does that have.
From Message
NationStates Moderators
Received: 2 days ago You are hereby warned for trolling: http://www.forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=6984790
And how was this a troll.
Well, the post that you made was obviously offensive, seeing that a moderator had to edit what you said. That should be proof enough.