Dark Fututre
21-06-2004, 04:36
comma pustic: "The conservatives will eat your babies" can i get a moderator to handle this it is very insulting :cry: .
Tuesday Heights
21-06-2004, 04:46
I don't see much wrong with it, but this type of complaint should be filed with the Getting Help page located under the FAQs.
<--- not a mod.
Dark Fututre
21-06-2004, 04:54
um i don't know which catogory to put it in aside from that it claims we do this and unless i am much mistaken we kill farless children then librals as in unborn.
21-06-2004, 08:14
Who’s to say who kills more babies, or, even those who commit these acts even have a political affiliation
But, in this game, you'll have to expect a little political poking, and some out and out biased people, on the far Right and the Far Left alike. That’s the nature of politics
I, myself, im severely right wing, I was born in the right wing of the hospital, and moved out from there, to quote a friend of mine ;). I don’t find that motto offensive at all, because; if it’s not true, and that person is wrong, then why worry about it? Let them be ignorant, you can't educate everyone
Disclaimer: not flaming comma pustic, speaking in general
but, then again, im not a mod