NationStates Jolt Archive

Resurrected Flamers

12-06-2004, 22:53
"Right...I am back!....[This is Benicius - which you probably guessed. I created this nation long ago on advice from a friend who used to play on NS that as a conservative I would likely be deleted at some time. Rather than start from scratch, I should create a second nation in the event that such a tragedy should occur]....Let the debate continue..."

writes Thuthmose III, Envoy, Founded: 20 Feb 2004.
at (Page 16).

This was within a matter of hours of "Lord Pheonix Benicius" being deleted for flaming, after several such incidents.

It is my inderstanding that this individual has been deleted on at least one prior occassion for flaming.

If the rules can be flaunted in such an apparently simple manner, and treated with such obvious contempt and disdain, what is the point of enforcing them at all?
Tactical Grace
12-06-2004, 22:58
People are entitled to second chances. However, as a player's number of deletions grows, particularly if they are closely spaced together, the trigger grows ever more sensitive. Ultimately, no-one escapes justice.

Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
13-06-2004, 11:22
Traditionally in the forums I frequent, there are three chances. Each chance is an account; your first is your first chance, your next account is your next chance, and your third account is your final chance. The third ban, is a permaban. It's a good system.
13-06-2004, 14:30
Ultimately, no-one escapes justice.

Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator

:x You don't know the meaning of the word! :x