imported_White Lotus Eaters
24-05-2004, 10:51
In the course of finding interesting nations to recruit, I spot a few with names/flags/mottos etc. that I would think are possibly offensive. My own strongest reaction is to racist ones, but there are other types too.
I was wondering if there were any guidelines about what is or isn't allowed? And if so are players supposed to do anything if we notice the rules being broken - eg report to mods and if so, how? - or whether new nations are checked automatically.
(The latest example I saw was Gaypplville - motto "Toilets rule!" - "Gaypplville's national animal is the poo, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the flush." Seems to be someone determined to link homosexuality with sh*t, quite childish really.)
I was wondering if there were any guidelines about what is or isn't allowed? And if so are players supposed to do anything if we notice the rules being broken - eg report to mods and if so, how? - or whether new nations are checked automatically.
(The latest example I saw was Gaypplville - motto "Toilets rule!" - "Gaypplville's national animal is the poo, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the flush." Seems to be someone determined to link homosexuality with sh*t, quite childish really.)