NationStates Jolt Archive

Spam in Warzone Sandbox

23-05-2004, 17:47
A nation named 'Bumlick' has spammed Warzone Europe:

58 minutes ago
The Rather odd place of Bumlick

Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this? etc. etc.

I'm not sure if that is within game rules, but I think it is unfair that several of our announcements have been bumped off because of this, what he did served no purpose at all.
Gothic Kitty
23-05-2004, 17:49
This is bad spam:

Regional Happenings
72 minutes ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Africa.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick departed this region for Warzone Africa
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.
3 hours ago: The Rather odd place of Bumlick arrived from Warzone Sandbox.


Warzone Sandbox Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
70 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick Spam
69 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick Spam
69 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick Spam
69 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick Spam

68 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick Spam










68 minutes ago The Rather odd place of Bumlick <snip>allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?Am I allowed to do this?
Crazy girl
23-05-2004, 17:55
it's legal in the warzones, as far as i know..
23-05-2004, 18:01
I only know that clearing the board of a Warzone region is allowed for any player.

However, breaking window width is bad; you may clear a message board fo a Warzone region, but you don't have to break window width while doing it. I'll discuss this with the other Moderators and get back to you.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
Gothic Kitty
23-05-2004, 18:05
And I brought this one back to proportion, after mod confirmation. :wink:
Gothic Kitty
23-05-2004, 18:19
] Spamming the region's civil HQ is allowed, spamming the region's happenings is allowed (so long as a region not involved doesn't get spammed in the process!)

23-05-2004, 18:40
Well that clears that up then, thanks for your help. But I wouldn't be suprised if he came back and did it again. It's going to be hard to keep these warzones if you can't make announcements poperly. Is there nothing we can do to stop him?
23-05-2004, 19:51
Sorry for breaking window width, I didn't know that you weren't allowed to do that.

I'm not sure if that is within game rules, but I think it is unfair that several of our announcements have been bumped off because of this, what he did served no purpose at all.

It served the purpose of knocking off an announcment that I didn't want to get out. Plus it says in the WFE I was allowed to.
Gothic Kitty
23-05-2004, 19:53
Plus it says in the WFE I was allowed to.

Very adult behaviour. Just as your name.
23-05-2004, 19:54
Maybe, but posting huge spam messages will just annoy everyone. Keep it short.
23-05-2004, 20:42
You still get this message: 'To prevent spam, you cannot post a message so soon after your previous one. Please try again in a few moments.'

What glorious irony...
Puppet nr 784523
23-05-2004, 20:49
Question: Since the Warzones are not player-created, and spamming is allowed... is it allowed to post recruitment messages in there? Technically speaking of course.. I'm not planning to do it, because I don't see the use of it anyway
Gothic Kitty
23-05-2004, 20:56
Question: Since the Warzones are not player-created, and spamming is allowed... is it allowed to post recruitment messages in there? Technically speaking of course.. I'm not planning to do it, because I don't see the use of it anyway

Technically a recruitment message is spam, so I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed there.

All those spammers are turning those warzones in a mockery, so soon the novelty will wear off. It is slowly spoiling the fun.
23-05-2004, 22:43
Lets break this down..

Warzon regions were created to introduce a new style of game play and divert crashers from crashing other region.

Reploid Productions posted that Spamming is allowed in Warzone regions. She did not say Breaking the width of the screen while spamming is NOT allowed. That, to me, means that breaking the width is allowed.

Also, there is no rule saying spam messages have to be short to prevent annoyance of others, so it would be wise for one to assume that there is no limit to length of spam.

I think that if you're going to make such a region, and give it such rules, you need to stick with the rules that were given, or change them. But not over rule them without changing them.

However, this post reflects not on my opinion, because, as Reploid Productions knows, I don't approve of the spamming rule in Warzone regions, but instead points out the rules, and possible flaws in them.

-Brandon, TROUSRS Player
The Most Glorious Hack
24-05-2004, 08:06
Reploid Productions posted that Spamming is allowed in Warzone regions. She did not say Breaking the width of the screen while spamming is NOT allowed. That, to me, means that breaking the width is allowed.

Oh, no. We are not going into those waters. Reppy also didn't say "spamming ASCII porn isn't allowed", that certainly doesn't make it legal. Spamming and screen-breaking are two different things (despite their tendancy to overlap).

We are not going to start playing "everything you don't explicitly ban is therefore allowed".

Remember my comment about finding a loophole in a brick wall? Prime example.
24-05-2004, 15:36
Thanks! :D
24-05-2004, 17:40
Why was Bumlick (me) deleted, I did not know that breaking screen width wasn't allowed and I said sorry.
Tactical Grace
24-05-2004, 19:58
Why was Bumlick (me) deleted, I did not know that breaking screen width wasn't allowed and I said sorry.
Your name was also inappropriate.

Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
24-05-2004, 23:03
Reploid Productions posted that Spamming is allowed in Warzone regions. She did not say Breaking the width of the screen while spamming is NOT allowed. That, to me, means that breaking the width is allowed.

Oh, no. We are not going into those waters. Reppy also didn't say "spamming ASCII porn isn't allowed", that certainly doesn't make it legal. Spamming and screen-breaking are two different things (despite their tendancy to overlap).

We are not going to start playing "everything you don't explicitly ban is therefore allowed".

Remember my comment about finding a loophole in a brick wall? Prime example.

Looks like you found a loophole in my loophole, eh? :D
25-05-2004, 09:44

Thank you all for claifying the difference between spamming and breaking thread. It was so good of Bum---- to admit to his transgression so quickly.

Maybe he/Please explain why can reveal what Warzone regions he hit --
Initially I thought he might be a cousin of DOS is Bad!

I thought he might have been another clone of Hitlers austria / Puerto Centro!
1 Infinite Loop
25-05-2004, 09:59
Reploid Productions posted that Spamming is allowed in Warzone regions. She did not say Breaking the width of the screen while spamming is NOT allowed. That, to me, means that breaking the width is allowed.

Oh, no. We are not going into those waters. Reppy also didn't say "spamming ASCII porn isn't allowed", that certainly doesn't make it legal. Spamming and screen-breaking are two different things (despite their tendancy to overlap).

We are not going to start playing "everything you don't explicitly ban is therefore allowed".

Remember my comment about finding a loophole in a brick wall? Prime example.

Looks like you found a loophole in my loophole, eh? :D

First Hack is looking for them in Brick walls.

now you are looking for them in themself.

Will People Quit lookind for Loop Holes.

25-05-2004, 14:46
We are not going to start playing "everything you don't explicitly ban is therefore allowed".
Right, because it just wouldn't be NationStates if the mods didn't alter the rules at will, without warning.

I was wondering how long the "Wild West" would remain wild.
Gothic Kitty
25-05-2004, 15:52
Right, because it just wouldn't be NationStates if the mods didn't alter the rules at will, without warning.

I was wondering how long the "Wild West" would remain wild.

Hey it is me, Corinthe, remember? You used to be such a nice person, what has happened to you? You sound bitter :cry:

Special rules have been made for the Warzones, but that doesn't mean that people just can go in there and misbehave. I think that normal decent rules still aply there, so page-widening spam, and an undecent name will still be dealt with, according to NS rules. I guess that posting recruitment spam isn't allowed either.
Take it easy. It is still NationStates. The FAQ is still the FAQ, even for a Warzone.
25-05-2004, 16:57
25-05-2004, 17:08
Special rules have been made for the Warzones, but that doesn't mean that people just can go in there and misbehave.
I know. It just amuses me the way this place operates.

Oh, wait, we forgot to tell you something, aaaaand we deleted you.

It is still NationStates.
It hasn't been NationStates since they turned it into Calvinball about a year ago, but your point is taken.
Gothic Kitty
25-05-2004, 17:20
Oh, wait, we forgot to tell you something, aaaaand we deleted you.

Ow, I must have missed that one :lol:
25-05-2004, 18:23
I'll discuss the question about recruitment ads in Warzones with the other mods.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
The Most Glorious Hack
26-05-2004, 10:23
We are not going to start playing "everything you don't explicitly ban is therefore allowed".
Right, because it just wouldn't be NationStates if the mods didn't alter the rules at will, without warning.

I was wondering how long the "Wild West" would remain wild.

And it just wouldn't be a thread involving invaders without you venting a little bile on the thread. This is hardly "altering the rules at will, without warning" and you bloody well know it.

However, I guess assuming that you could use just an ounce of common sense is just too much, hmm?

How about I send you a telegram once a week via the Mod Centre that is 18,000 characters without a space? After all, that's not explicitly disallowed. Hell, technically, there's no rules regarding spam via the Mod Centre. I could whip up a script that does it every 5 seconds. However, I wouldn't do that, because it would clearly be spamming, even if there is no exact rule against it.

Or is that just me changing the rules on a whim?