an explanation is in order
22-05-2004, 10:20
why was my goodbye-thread "adieu" deleted? I, nor anyone else broke any rules that I am aware of. unless the reason was arbitrary, which i'm sure it was. I would like to know what rule I broke to improve my behavior in the future
22-05-2004, 10:23
It is best not to whine about deleted threads, lest the powers-that-be delete you.
Oppression is a fact of life, except in Lysergica.
Well, we kill all pit bulls and incorporate them into out happy meals, but that's just life.
22-05-2004, 10:28
It is best not to whine about deleted threads, lest the powers-that-be delete you.
Oppression is a fact of life, except in Lysergica.
Well, we kill all pit bulls and incorporate them into out happy meals, but that's just life.
well delete me if they must but I would at least like an explanation. for you see, I would then be deleted honorably, instead of not standing up for what I believe in
The Most Glorious Hack
22-05-2004, 10:28
Probably excessing quote-pyramiding.
Tactical Grace
22-05-2004, 10:33
Philopolis, you were in no way at fault. Sadly, your thread was hijacked by several individuals who built a number of smiley spam quote pyramids which began to interfere with my browser. Hence my decision to toast the thread, as splitting would have been difficult in the circumstances.
This in no way reflects badly on you. Rather, on the people who have been spamming the forum rather a lot of late. If it is any consolation, you may repost your thread, and anyone who spams it would get nuked.
Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
22-05-2004, 10:34
I see. well thank you for enlightening me
22-05-2004, 10:39
I think all nations should declare war on quote-box pyramiders.
That is probably the most annoying ish on MBs.
Lysergica apologizes to Phil for the knee-jerk condemnation, but we have heard too much whining on our national sports boards that it seemed like more of the same.
Forgive my ignorance but what is a quote-box pyramid?
Its where you quote someone, someone quotes you with the other quote and so on.
Oh...thanks for the explanation. :wink:
22-05-2004, 22:41
Gah! Sorry,one of those people that were quoting in that thread was me,sorry about that,i wont do it in the future