NationStates Jolt Archive

mod call on FWS

22-05-2004, 02:26

FWS is at it again. He was warned last week for anti-semetic, racist flaming. He was posting links to sites to back up his racism. He claimed it was IC and not OOC. Well now he is doing it IC, but still posting links to try to prove he is right and get people to listen to his racist ramblings. This isn't just national beliefs he is posting, but rather attempts to get more people to agree with his racist thinkings.
22-05-2004, 02:40
I was doing no such things... The links are all to non-racist sites... News sites... They are to provide background information about things mentioned in IC... The oil pipeline... People might not know what the heck that stuff is and might think "Is he crazy"..

You need to lighten up... Seriously...
22-05-2004, 04:31
Hmmm ...

Independant Player Analysis :

FWS seems to be flaming IDF with anti-sematic posting.

"Yesterday, we received two letters from IDF that we were to consider them allies... Today, we receive bombs, terror, death, and destruction... This is a lesson we must learn. Never trust the eternal jew. He will attempt to befriend you one moment, and then plunge a dagger into your back the second you look away. He only sticks with the side he thinks will benefit him the most, he knows nothing of greater good or higher causes other than profit. To him, money is the most important thing in the world. The jewish bombers have ravaged our farmers and killed many of their family members. Why do we not retaliate against his farmers you ask? Because the jews are a people without farmers or workers, a race of parasites. They will not farm their own food, they require other peoples to work for them. Why do they attack our farms then? Well we are indeed a major exporter of food. Could it be that the jews wants to drive world food prices up so they can use their stranglehold on the world economy to buy up all available food and then control and dominate the world. Obey or starve is what they'll say... Well I say with every inch of strength, oppose the demons... Fight to the death."

Independant Player Conclusion :

Similar posts to this follow. One link provided by FWS was checked, did not show any clear violations. Time limit and b-width priority negated checking the others. How-ever, the further posted material shows an OOC type rail against IDF which cn only be seen as to be "offensive wih intent".

Independant Player Recommendation :

Moderation action seems to be required after examining data provided.

Independant Player Opinion :

Nasty stuffs.

Thank you for your attention.

A Community Service From Your Friendly Atheist Know It All

- Le Représentant de Komokom.

Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États. (
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite

<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
Mutant Dogs
22-05-2004, 04:41
Hmmm ...

Independant Player Analysis :

FWS seems to be flaming IDF with anti-sematic posting.

"Yesterday, we received two letters from IDF that we were to consider them allies... Today, we receive bombs, terror, death, and destruction... This is a lesson we must learn. Never trust the eternal jew. He will attempt to befriend you one moment, and then plunge a dagger into your back the second you look away. He only sticks with the side he thinks will benefit him the most, he knows nothing of greater good or higher causes other than profit. To him, money is the most important thing in the world. The jewish bombers have ravaged our farmers and killed many of their family members. Why do we not retaliate against his farmers you ask? Because the jews are a people without farmers or workers, a race of parasites. They will not farm their own food, they require other peoples to work for them. Why do they attack our farms then? Well we are indeed a major exporter of food. Could it be that the jews wants to drive world food prices up so they can use their stranglehold on the world economy to buy up all available food and then control and dominate the world. Obey or starve is what they'll say... Well I say with every inch of strength, oppose the demons... Fight to the death."

Independant Player Conclusion :

Similar posts to this follow. One link provided by FWS was checked, did not show any clear violations. Time limit and b-width priority negated checking the others. How-ever, the further posted material shows an OOC type rail against IDF which cn only be seen as to be "offensive wih intent".

Independant Player Recommendation :

Moderation action seems to be required after examining data provided.

Independant Player Opinion :

Thank you for your attention.

A Community Service From Your Friendly Atheist Know It All

- Le Représentant de Komokom.

Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États. (
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite

<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.

Wow. Some people really wanna be mods...
Tuesday Heights
22-05-2004, 04:42
Komokom, trying to be a mod, are we? LOL. :lol:
22-05-2004, 04:49
:D Yes, and ... no, :(

If I was, I'd only want to be a Forum Mod, and even then I'd end up only on the U.N. / + U.N. Forum stuff, and Moderation Forum Stuff. Its my only real interest as it goes.

Rather too, I like helping. Please, don't laugh. :wink:

If you'll excuse me, I have to go report a bunch of U.N. Flamer nOObs.


- Your Rep of Komokom. :)
22-05-2004, 05:24
My intention was not to flame anybody... My nation IC was using the fact that Israel betrayed us to further our nation's anti-semitic propaganda... That it was and nothing more. I am sorry if anybody was offended, but you must remember that character of my nation is going to offend probably the whole world... Well most of the world.
22-05-2004, 05:34
* Decides to skip any further analysis, instead leans over and says :

" Yes, and one can sit behind the OOC v.s. IC argument all day but, "

* ( Music )

" Moderation will ... decide ! The likes of us ... abide ! "

( Must ... kill .... the ABBA MP3 before ... too ... late ! ) :wink:

- Le Représentant de Komokom.

Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États. (
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite

<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
The Most Glorious Hack
22-05-2004, 06:08
It's RP. No action taken.

Here's a radical concept... how about you two STOP INTERACTING? Seriously, I'm getting sick of seeing one of you complaining about the other.
22-05-2004, 17:54
I think IDF has some sort of personal crusade going with FWS, he keeps trying to get me to ban him off the International Mall after he bought one thing there :P