I want UN membership back! Nazi Europe Invasion.
Ya, i thought i'd appeal because i invaded Nazi Europe and didn't give out the password. I didn't know this was a rule. And when the moderators told me it was a rule i wasn't even online. It also said i have 2 nations in the UN. Which i don't. Richardutopia was and Richardutopia Junior was never in the UN. Same with the rest of the invaders. Don't bar them from the UN because of my mistake. Well no, your mistake because there's nothing in the FAQ saying to share out the password.
You're mean!
Can anyone understand what exactly he's complaining about?
Right then, tell me where to go to appeal to the moderators about this unjust barring of my nation and my team mates from the UN!!
Crazy girl
19-05-2004, 10:12
i think he's angry cause he got punished for breaking the rules.
Well, the rules in this case weren't at all clear.
Crazy girl
19-05-2004, 10:19
tried reading this? (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=109397)
19-05-2004, 10:21
Okay, what he means is that he never did have two nations on the UN and that he didn't know he (as delegate) had to supply the password to everybody in the region.
Okay, what he means is that he never did have two nations on the UN and that he didn't know he (as delegate) had to supply the password to everybody in the region.
Which, historically speaking, is his/her own fault.
To my memory, previous Moderation ruling is that not knowing the rules is no excuse. Darn'd right.
Also, Moderation Scanning is meant to be quite accurate, I would be interested to know if such a stuff up * really * happened ... :wink:
- Le Représentant de Komokom.
Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États.
http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/komokom.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/24401/page=display_nation)
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite
<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
Crazy girl
19-05-2004, 10:32
maybe you accessed your UN nation on a friend's comp, or a friend did that on your comp..
and not knowing the rules isn't an excuse, i do agree that there should be at least a link in the FAQ or a note that you should read the forum...
CG, that's heresy... if that happened, then how would we sort the weak out from the strong?
Richard, give up. You won't be getting UN status back for this nation, ever.
Crazy girl
19-05-2004, 11:02
i know, ro, but i'm getting bored, i'd even settle for any invader to kick now..
Thanks Crazy Girl for that thread. VERY informative.
I too like Richardutopia, was confused about use of pwp as a UN delegate. For the record (as if the moderators don't already know :wink: ) I know that while Richardutopia did not give out the password to the natives. He hasn't ejected any either.
Thanks for clearing up this matter.
In general I believe that the moderators are fair precisely because they are moderators. Of course if Richardutopia believes he DIDN'T have another UN nation active in NS, how can he find out your evidence of it?
All the things you said in this regard I know to be NS gameplay. But rights of appeal are essential, within limits.
I'm sure they exist. Please illuminate. There are at least four folks in NAZI EUROPE who are bewildered about their ejection from the UN.
All the best to you guys
-- The Abita Beer Drinking Emir of The Isle of Orleans
Tuesday Heights
19-05-2004, 13:50
Want an appeal? admin@nationstates.net.
<--- not a mod.
Thank you Tuesday Heights
Griffin Lord
19-05-2004, 14:38
Ya, i thought i'd appeal because i invaded Nazi Europe and didn't give out the password. I didn't know this was a rule. And when the moderators told me it was a rule i wasn't even online. It also said i have 2 nations in the UN. Which i don't. Richardutopia was and Richardutopia Junior was never in the UN. Same with the rest of the invaders. Don't bar them from the UN because of my mistake. Well no, your mistake because there's nothing in the FAQ saying to share out the password.
You're mean!
Well I support you, perhaps you did or didn't know the rules but you crashed a nazi region and that sounds fine with me.
As has been already stated before, it's your responsibility to make sure you know the rules. There are stickies chock full of rules all over Moderation, and if you didn't read them, then sorry. They still apply to you, and you broke them.
Additionally, the methods mods use to ensure someone is multiing are very acurrate, and they don't tend to overturn decisions at any rate.
The Sandra Peninsula
19-05-2004, 18:25
I don't think my nation was in violation of any rules. I was endorsing the delegate, but I wasn't aware that he was "griefing" at all! I went active a few minutes ago for the first time in almost 20 hours, and find myself ejected, despite not having been multi-ing or anything or flamebaiting.
But there is no way to know if your delegate is breaking rules - not handing out passwords etc! I trusted him to adhere to the rules, but it was him who broke them, not me.
Please can you reinstate me to the UN? All I did was indulge in a bit of self-righteousness by moving into a nazi region. Why didn't EVERYONE who endorse Richurdotopia get deleted?
The Confederate Empire
20-05-2004, 02:27
He was told, it was in our region message board most of the day eventually a quote from the forums was used.
20-05-2004, 09:55
Okay, first of all, Richardutopia has been deleted, but not the nations that endorsed him. They were simply ejected from the UN. He wasn't griefing either. He never did eject anyone. The regions SS NAZI EUROPE and Imperial Europe have lost most of their nations for some reason. Supporting totalitarian regimes I guess, if their delegates kept passwords secret as well.
Richardutopia Junior
20-05-2004, 09:56
Griefing? Nope. Seizing power fomr another region? Yeah. From evil freaks. Hitler's dead and when he died so did National Socialism. His party commited some of the foulest crimes against humanity ever. Why the hell would ou want to walk in such a terrible persons footsteps?
Anyway, the thing is that i really didn't mean to grief. I had read the FAQ thoroughly and griefing is vaguely defined. No where does it say i have to give out the password to other members of the region. I didn't want Nazis to come back in, that's all. The rules were not clear and so it's moderation's fault.
And to the Nazis. If you think you're so great, start a coup in Germany or something and get blown up by the army rather than hiding in this game. it's not real guys.
Reploid Productions
20-05-2004, 09:57
Okay, first of all, Richardutopia has been deleted, but not the nations that endorsed him. They were simply ejected from the UN. He wasn't griefing either. He never did eject anyone. The regions SS NAZI EUROPE and Imperial Europe have lost most of their nations for some reason. Supporting totalitarian regimes I guess, if their delegates kept passwords secret as well.
How many ways must it be said?
First off, I'm sorry you got ejected from the UN. You and your pals (several of whom WERE NOT ejected from the UN) are still playing an invaluable role to deprive professed NS Nazis another stronghold.
Rules are rules however. I at once believe you and at the same time you need to be doubly sure that you didn't let someone else in your household who also made a UN nation to use your computer.
I have identified two allies in the NE campaign who lost their UN status in this way. As noted previously it would be VERY rare for a former UN nation to gain a return of such a status back to a nation. But make an appeal and do so using the appeal email as noted above.
Dear moderators and/or know-it-alls: please clarify the rule regarding NS players sharing a computer for gameplay. Twisted Willows said his friend had utilized his only briefly because that latter person's (Toesville, I think) computer was in the repair shop. Maybe if TW can produce a receipt for such repair might he get his UN status returned?
Thank you in advance for considering Sandra Peninsula and Twisted Willow's appeals. I do understand that the rules are there for everyone to follow, and ignorance of them is the players responsibility.
One other note regarding why not all of Richardutopia's allies were ejected.
I was present in the region yet I did not get ejected. I think Sandra the moderators in general justly determined which nations had and had not violated the UN multi rule. I believe their actions leaving some UN nations with status intact (seven I believe were) had absolutely nothing to do with Richardutopia's password withholding behavior. For the record I believe no one else but Richard had the password. I certainly didn't. And when I left to go onto Imperial Europe, I could not return to NE as long as Richardutopia held the password protection closed. Indeed, not a single nation made it back in when he had control of it.
The Confederate Empire --
I think the events of just over eight hours ago indicate that you have very little room to be so self righteous about your allies versus ours. We had eight nations that suffered ejection from the UN because of having UN multis (and I might add all of them at this writing still exist as nations). Only Richardutopia was deated entirely from NS for rule violations.
(and he is now a glorious martyr :wink: )
Contrast that with over ten of your nations that were thoroughly deated from NS for crimes far more severe than just withholding a password. We don't need to recount them here, except to say, most were deated for severe flaming of the moderators and other NS players.
Suffice to say, your "cheats" more than anyone elses has led to the demise of your command of not only NAZI EUROPE but also that of at least two feeder regions, SS NAZI EUROPE and Imperial Europe.
Finally, I see that Reploid Productions has (justly I believe) blown his stack!
Please Richard Jr., don't press the issue. And certainly not in the vain that you are. (Please read back through this thread for a more appropriate way to go about addressing this matter). Your daddy's wonderful and glorious spirit of zest in NAZI EUROPE will be compromised.
--The Abita Beer Drinking Emir of The Isle of Orleans
Crazy girl
20-05-2004, 10:54
yeah yeah..
i see a lot of threads with the same gameplay questions in gameplay and tech and all from new players, so i'm trying to collect them and get them in one thread with the answers..
(yep, that's how bored i am these days...)
waits for someone who thinks he/she is funny and makes this thread now
yeah yeah..
i see a lot of threads with the same gameplay questions in gameplay and tech and all from new players, so i'm trying to collect them and get them in one thread with the answers..
(yep, that's how bored i am these days...)
waits for someone who thinks he/she is funny and makes this thread now
Did that. Was bored a few weeks ago. I'll send you a link some time.
Crazy girl
20-05-2004, 11:02
come on ro, i've been working on it for weeks (well, it's been a bit dormant, cause i've also been doing other stuff)
where's yours then?
come on ro, i've been working on it for weeks (well, it's been a bit dormant, cause i've also been doing other stuff)
where's yours then?
Wait, did you say gameplay and technical?
Sorry, I did a thread of moderation problems. I'll go and get the url, anyway, though.
Crazy girl
20-05-2004, 11:06
LOL, aaa, you mean that one? saw it, read it, loved it ;)
LOL, aaa, you mean that one? saw it, read it, loved it ;)
Took me awhile, it's nice to be appreciated.
Just wish I had gotten it stickied... :cry: Hey, if you add your thread to mine, then maybe it'll get stickied! And my...I mean our... name will last through the ages!
Crazy girl
20-05-2004, 11:09
LOL, i'm not making a sticky, just something i can point at so i don't need to post the same answer over and over again ;)
and i'll link to your thread in mine, okay?
The Confederate Empire
21-05-2004, 03:10
Orleans..how is it the natives losing one un nation, after the multi's had cheated, for outside events and many many puppet nations deleted, whom couldn't affect NE one way or another more of a demise to NE then several invading UN multi's, two of which were deleted, who directly affected the region's control ? Your glorious cause was racked by cheating, if that is still glorious, so be it.
Sargent Tom's invasion is included he was deleted and several un losses as well.
And how is it high and mighty to say what I said?
Twisted Willows
21-05-2004, 08:46
Hi, I thought I'd add my little bit in if you don't mind ....
I was going to ask for my son (Toesville) and myself over this matter but Isle of Orleans has already come to our aid - thanks for that, we appreciate it.
I'll just expand a bit. I was over at Nazi Europe helping out and we have both been ejected from the UN. This is because we're both using my computer while his is being fixed. This you already know. We thought it wouldn't be a problem seeing as he originally set up his nation using his computer which has a different IP address - unfortunately it seems we were wrong. In fact, most of the time I only get on my nation at work because he seems to have taken over mine for homework and other such stuff (like NS and Halo) but that's a different story.
My question is this. Is there any way we can get reinstated or is that it? If it is a problem because we both sometimes use the same computer at the moment (yep - his is still being fixed) - would it be possible to get me reinstated now and Toesville reinstated once his computers back. I promise to ban him from using Toesville (if we are allowed UN membership) on my computer ever again.
I understand that it is a difficult situation and also understand that using IP addresses is the only way you could try to keep a lid on the amount of UN members one person has, so will totally understand if you decide it can't be done. If this is the case, once the computer problem has been rectified, could we start new nations and have them as UN members and keep our other nations as non UN members - or are we just totally stuffed?
Thanks for listening.
21-05-2004, 15:51
Okay, I have a question for those of you who know anything about IP addresses and all that: In my house, we have three computers all connected to a broadband router. Do the three computers appear to have different IP addresses online? I'm asking because I want to know if other people in my household can run UN nations from the other two computers.
Crazy girl
21-05-2004, 15:59
from what i know, my broadband router gives all 3 our comps the same ip, and hack wouldn't tell me if he saw the difference between me logging on to different comps :evil:
and twisted willows, the mods do have other ways than just ip's to catch multis (although they won't tell anyone how), and even though your nations got kicked out the UN, you can still make a new nation, and put that in the UN.
just make sure you don't both access your UN nations on the same comp..
and that's all i'm gonna say for now...
*walks out before a mod kicks her out*
okay, and it's all i know bout this stuff too...
From my memory, your IP depends on the lines coming into your house or other place of access.
I think ...
So while you have 3 computers, your router probably gives them all the same IP.
I think ...
Damn, all those years, well, 2 of them, in a state of not listening in IPT ... pay back is a ... well, any-way,
It depends on set up to set up. Maybe try and see if the data regarding this is in your product documentation and or try your tech support, in other words, if your accessing from a college or university or business, see your IT people or who-ever is responsible for maintaining the system.
Alternatively :
Save us, save us oh tech-modling !
- Le Représentant de Komokom.
Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États.
http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/komokom.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/24401/page=display_nation)
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite
<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
Crazy girl
22-05-2004, 07:50
sal isn't a tech modling anymore.
he's a game admin now..
* Slaps himself across the face.
Hmmm, the painful part is that I know that already.
" Save us, save us, Moderation or Administration staff member who knows the answer to our tech related query ! Ahem, save us ! "
:wink: Better ?
- Le Représentant de Komokom.
Ministre Régional de Substance.
L'Ordre de Vaillant États.
http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/komokom.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/24401/page=display_nation)
Aspirez a la legalite avec l'egalite
<--- Not a Moderator, just a Know It All.
The Island of Orleans
22-05-2004, 12:34
Just wanted to let everyone know how much I have appreciated this adventure of NS. It certainly is not at an end I think but the whole NAZI EUROPE episode is confusing.
I am the same NS player, but the ghost of The Isle of Orleans, ex-nation.
My question today is to figure out the progression of events with regards to The Isle of Orleans UN ejection. I have no plans to appeal the decision. Twisted Willows -- I am taking the very advice you and I spoke of regarding your situation. Hope it works out again for you.
Unlike TW I had only one UN nation at once. I am sure of this. It can be verified by viewing the posted progression of The Isle of Orleans' demise.
In fact, my nation "ceased to exist" four minutes before it was reported to be "Ejected from the UN for rules violations".
This progression is backwards. Yet the moderators know I was not a UN multi. Never have been in nearly nine months in NS.
So why was The Isle of Orleans wrongly stated that I was?
I await humbly your reply, and thank you in advance.
-- ex Abita Beer Drinking Emir of the Isle of Orleans
.. yes and now can someone explain then why was my nation deleted from Nazi Europe.
The Island of Orleans
22-05-2004, 15:11
:( I think I have the answer.
Even if true that War-is-Good was not communicating with any other NAZI EUROPE nations (that is returning any telegrams) then the endorsers of him were automatically put into peril when War-is-Good woke up after six days of no recorded activity. He actively imperiled everyone that endorsed him when he violated massively NS rules and kicked everybody out of the region, would-be ally and foe alike.
I had exited safely before War-is-Good awoke. So did a few others. I maintain that none of us had any communications returned by War-is-Good at anytime in this whole era! RE Lee was right. WiG was a "dummy" to all of us!
The only advantage we had over the professed Nazi adherents is that some of us were aware of War-is-Good being "a dummy" before they were.
You were deleted I believe because you had not left the region in time before he awoke and did his mass griefing. No doubt the real confusion of having your UN nation both ejected to the Rejected Realms by him and yet also deated by the moderators. Nevertheless, as I understand NS rules, even unsuspecting UN endorsers of a griefing UN delegate are held liable regardless.
I want to say this clearly once again -- Myself definitely and I believe everyone else foes of professed Nazis AND adherents of them, had NEVER received any outbound communiciation from War-is-Good. He was not selective in his griefing EVERYONE IN THE REGION when his time came to do so.
Having discovered and explained this, I am requesting other knowledgable players (including Moderators) to comment on this. I think this is wrong. Maybe though there is something undoubtedly I'm not seeing.
I also do not know why I was singled out for deletion even when I had left the region. To be sure I supported War-is-Good in preference to the Nazis.
The moderators I believe can computer screen nations who are real violators from those who just are unsuspecting endorsers just because one might be wary of other UN nations in a given region. I was originally faced with the choice of endorsing someone I didn't have any communication with than endorse known opponents. The old adage should apply here -- The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Once again I say that the moderators should be able to discern between endorsers of griefing UN delegates WHO ACTUALLY EXCHANGE TELEGRAMS BOTH WAYS WITH EACH OTHER versus those who do not OR RECEIVE NO REPLY.
I await the word of knowledgable authorities on this matter. Of course if this cannot be addressed because of Game Mechanics, then certainly I understand and support the decision of the moderators however unhappy I feel about it.
This situation regardless imperils the fullest communitarian spirit of NationStates.
-- the ex-Abita Beer Drinking Emir of The Isle of Orleans
Gothic Kitty
22-05-2004, 15:52
*Dreams of players who know the perils of endorsement swapping. Finally wakes up, to learn that not many players here will ever understand that endorsing a stranger is like playing Russian Roulette.*
I try to explain the nations in our region that swapping is not smart, but it is not easy. Many have to experience a griefing first, before they learn. :cry:
The Island of Orleans
22-05-2004, 22:26
Gothic Kitty --
Great points.
Lesson learned :wink:
My first action in NAZI EUROPE
upended the region -- Though not as I intended
I did it too in Imperial Europe -- Had endorsed the current delegate
(Just look at the magnificant World Factbook Entry!)
The Emir of Orleans
Twisted Willows
24-05-2004, 09:29
Well that's torn it. We're on broadband and go through a router (3 computers and 2 x-boxes). I'm at work at the moment so I'm gonna check this IP thing when I get home. If I can find a way to sort this out (through Chef my trusty computer builder) I'll let you all know.
The Island of Orleans
24-05-2004, 09:54
I' m very happy for you TW --
You certainly have been a thoughtful player (And a parent too!)
Meanwhile this Orleans will remain an ambassador
I never thought that I would consider the "warzone" regions calmer than our nazi hunting upending in NAZI EUROPE and Imperial Europe
-- The ex-Isle of Orleans
Twisted Willows
26-05-2004, 14:30
Thanks chuck.