NationStates Jolt Archive

Alright, WTF? (an IRC issue)

The Resi Corporation
09-05-2004, 06:53
Alright, anyone who's ever been on NationStates IRC knows clearly that "fap" is a banned word. Although some of us don't know why (I myself only know it has something to do with Marathon, who's been DEATed anyway), you get banned for saying it, and can log in later. When I got off IRC last night (or morning, as some saw it), I said "fap" to get myself booted from the room temporarily. I then got the usual PM from KarmaBot saying that my one second boot had passed, and the room was open to me again. Then I try and log in today and I get a message saying I've been IP banned. What gives, I ask, what gives?

Normally I could see the logic in permabanning me for saying "fap", but it's practically a running gag in the chat. The word "fap" gets flung around so much that if you were to ban me for saying it, you'd have to ban half the people who visit the chatroom.

And then there's the issue of me being warned. I was warned - twice - for impersonating KarmaBotXIXi as KarmaBotXlXi. It should be noted that the second offense lasted for a grand total of 3.2 seconds, and that I did the first offense with no criminal intent. The second offense was only to prove that the chat revolved around me as a gag. In any case, this shouldn't factor into my ban as my fap-saying and this are two exclusive offenses.

As I see it, an operator, probably Treznor because he never liked me much anyway, got sick of seeing me there and used me saying fap as a lame excuse to permaban me. If that's not the case, correct me.

Now to see if Trez has the gall to respond to this...
The Atheists Reality
09-05-2004, 07:05
you said an illegal word, you got banned, DEAL
The Resi Corporation
09-05-2004, 07:06
you said an illegal word, you got banned, DEALYes, but no warning, no nothing? I said fap ONCE, mind you, and I got banned. If they told me to stop, I would've. It's not like I spammed the frekking chat or anything.
Attitude 910
09-05-2004, 07:08
Why is fap a banned word?
The Atheists Reality
09-05-2004, 07:10
Why is fap a banned word?

one of the irc ops said it was a masturbating sound :?
The Atheists Reality
09-05-2004, 07:11
you said an illegal word, you got banned, DEALYes, but no warning, no nothing? I said fap ONCE, mind you, and I got banned. If they told me to stop, I would've. It's not like I spammed the frekking chat or anything.

i think it was trez that said you always use that word to exit the room
The Resi Corporation
09-05-2004, 07:12
one of the irc ops said it was a masturbating sound :?It's a reference to masturbation in some webcomic or another, I think. That, and Marathon spammed it.

And yes, someone else telegrammed me what it was. Props. :wink:
The Resi Corporation
09-05-2004, 07:13
i think it was trez that said you always use that word to exit the roomI used it like that about, oh, something in the neighborhood of twice. And hasn't he ever heard of warning through PM?

Face it, this is just a crappy excuse by Trez to ban me just on the fact that he doesn't like me. He hates on me every single time I go in that chat, what can I say?
The Most Glorious Hack
09-05-2004, 07:29
This is not IRC. Complaints about how things are done on the IRC channel have no place in this forum.
Unlike NationStates (a "Father Knows Best" state), IRC channels tend more towards Iron Fist Dictatorships. Technically, a channel op needs no reason to ban a person.
Your ban was pending the Channel Founder's decision. By now, however, I'm going to assume that the ban was upheld.
Twisting the facts is a poor tactic. I've seen you leave the channel for the night on numerous occations by typing "fap" and have the channel bot eject you.
If Karma wants to continue dialogue over this medium, he can unlock the thread, or post through the lock. Or, should Treznor wish to continue via this medium, he can request the thread be unlocked, however, since this has nothing to do with moderation NationStates, it is spam, hence the lock.
I'm sure you're still welcome in #nationstates_general

People, please remember that NationStates has no authority over the operation of #nationstates. Problems with #nationstates should be addressed to the owner or operators of the channel, or, if you truly feel you've been abused, the IRCOPS of

NationStates the game is in no way affiliated with the channel. Don't come here expecting the mods or admin of the game to over turn decisions on the channel.