One of my nations is now an ex-nation
23-04-2004, 07:46
One of my nations, by the name of "Suckmaballs" has mysteriously disappeared. It says that it has ceased to exist. I don't think I have done anything wrong. Can someone please offer a suggestion as to what may have gone wrong?
I also have a nation by the name of "MassDebate" which was unaffected.
23-04-2004, 07:53
I suspect it was probably deleted for having an offensive name.
(Maybe this should be in Moderation?)
/not a mod
The Most Glorious Hack
23-04-2004, 08:54
If you can't figure out the problem with "Suckmaballs"...
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
The Most Glorious Hack
23-04-2004, 10:54
Okay, let's try this again.
Reference to Cartman or not, that name is in violation of NationStates Terms And Conditions for acceptable nation names. Using the Game Moderator Standard Operating Procedures, the mod in question deleted the nation for the aforementioned violation.
Since nation names cannot be changed by Moderators, and since we maintain standing delete-on-sight orders (also per: SOP) for nations with names that violate the Terms and Conditions, the nation in question was terminated at approx 0200 hours Central Daylight Saving Time, April 22nd, 2004.
This nation, having a terminal flaw (the aforementioned name in violation of the aforementioned Terms and Conditions), and having been terminated (following aforementioned SOP), will not be restored. As this nation cannot be made to comply with the Terms and Conditions of NationStates, it must, and will, say deleted.
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For the past couple of days myself, Tactical Grace and Stephistan have been sweeping out offensive names.
TG and I look through the nations listing for common offensive words, report them to Steph and then she deletes them. Neut's had a few too :wink:
We've nabbed over 100 to date :twisted:
23-04-2004, 13:42
If it wasn't offensive, it wouldn't be on South Park!
Res ipsa loquitor.
3 am Eternal
23-04-2004, 13:55
…it must, and will, say deleted.
Following standard pernickety, ha-ha, pointing-out, egit, procedures I assume the above “say” is a missing a “t” betwixt it’s first and second letters.
Hack I own you, who is your daddy (psst is 3 am rude to binarians?—don’t delete me), I’m the man blah-blah.
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Tactical Grace
23-04-2004, 17:19
We're already at a couple of hundred, in fact.
I have never seen the Centre, but I am told it is quite mundane and functional. Reality is always less romantic, I guess.
Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
23-04-2004, 20:22
I have a quick idea, though it would probably have 2 be in NS2. When your nation gets deleted, there should be somewhere you can find out why when you try to login with it. Not have to post and find out why. Of course this has probably already been suggested, but I'm saying it anyways.
Kwas out.
Tuesday Heights
23-04-2004, 23:46
I have a quick idea, though it would probably have 2 be in NS2. When your nation gets deleted, there should be somewhere you can find out why when you try to login with it. Not have to post and find out why. Of course this has probably already been suggested, but I'm saying it anyways.
Kwas out.
This isn't necessary. Most intelligent human beings know when they're breaking the rules, it's the ignorant ones who claim innocence.
Persecuted Redeemed
24-04-2004, 05:41
Actually it's the intelligent ones that claim innocence.
The ignorant ones simply get angry and start spewing forth all manner of profanities.
Very few exceptions to that rule. *smirks because he's one of the exceptions* 8)