TJHairball: Referee RP request
Scandavian States
17-04-2004, 14:15
I've talked to Allanea over IRC and he refuses to take reasonable losses over an attack that clearly dictates that most, if not all, of his army along one front would be destroyed. I would like you to review the last series of attacks on page 16 and 17 of the thread I'm about to give you and make a judgment on whether or not the losses that Allanea has taken are reasonable. Personally, I don't think 6500 tanks of any kind could survive 38,000 triple-charge warhead ATGMs, but that's my just my opinion.
EDIT: Oops, forgot the thread. Here you go:
I would like to point out that
1)all tanks mentioned have various active-defense systems
2)this is from someone who uses "unlimited-range" 50-inch cannons and claims them to be modern tech
3)I am willing to negotiate, on IRC, again.
Scandavian States
17-04-2004, 14:32
effectively unlimited in range because the shells can go sub-orbital and skip along the atmostphere. Ask anyone who has a sub-orbital bomber in their NS military how this works, the principle is over 60 years old. Oh, and I'm not willing to negotiate anymore, you've been taking entirely too few losses for my taste and if it weren't for the fact that ignoring you would render vain all the shit UnAPS has suffered lately because of you, I'd have done it already.
EDIT: I'd also like to note that they don't have to go suborbital to reach Allanea, which is close enough to my nation to avoid that. Hell, regular Titan guns can hit anywhere inside of Haven and they're only 30" gun, what do you think 50" guns would do?]
Well, if they're not modern-tech (2000-2020, then there's no point to it because this was agreed to be limited to 2020 tech, tops, by all participants).
Scandavian States
17-04-2004, 14:47
[I consider modern-tech anything up to the here and now and post-modern anything possible up to 2020 that doesn't qualify as modern-tech. ETCs are possible now, they just need a lot of power and can't be mounted on tanks yet. I have each Ragnarok gun powered by a small nuclear reactor, so I guess you could classify them as modern tech.]
[I consider modern-tech anything up to the here and now and post-modern anything possible up to 2020 that doesn't qualify as modern-tech. ETCs are possible now, they just need a lot of power and can't be mounted on tanks yet. I have each Ragnarok gun powered by a small nuclear reactor, so I guess you could classify them as modern tech.]
OK than...
[I consider modern-tech anything up to the here and now and post-modern anything possible up to 2020 that doesn't qualify as modern-tech. ETCs are possible now, they just need a lot of power and can't be mounted on tanks yet. I have each Ragnarok gun powered by a small nuclear reactor, so I guess you could classify them as modern tech.]
OK than...
Tuesday Heights
17-04-2004, 17:27
Arguing in a moderation thread will only get you both warned. Wait for a moderator response.
<--- not a moderator.
Scandavian States
19-04-2004, 14:47
Scandavian States
19-04-2004, 14:47
20-04-2004, 00:41
Also, bumping in moderation is discouraged, because the mods will get to this eventually. They have more important things to do than engage in moderating a petty squabble.
<--- not a moderator.
Ok, first off - a 30" gun could not span the entirety of Haven.. period. Hell, going by your saying that SS is the size of China.. And I don't know where people.. I totally got off track so, yea.. TJ Hairball, you have offered in the past moderation to control bad RPs, so I hope you do it here as well.
20-04-2004, 02:01
Also, bumping in moderation is discouraged, because the mods will get to this eventually. They have more important things to do than engage in moderating a petty squabble.
This isn't a general moderation request - it's a request for help from a specific moderator, TJHairball. Generally speaking, the mods do not regulate RPs. However, TJHairball, in addition to his regular moderation duties, often helps out with RPs, especially in II. Therefore, a possible reason to bump is because there were no replies in two days and we don't know if TJHairball has seen this thread yet.
I'm no fan of bumping, but I can understand it in this case.
The Liberal Unitary Republic of Goobergunchia
Founder, Democratic Underground region
Tuesday Heights
20-04-2004, 04:05
If I recall correctly... TJHairball isn't on as often as some of the other mods, right?
If I recall correctly... TJHairball isn't on as often as some of the other mods, right?
Last time I saw him was a few weeks ago.
The Most Glorious Hack
20-04-2004, 08:09
He logged in yesterday, he probably just hasn't checked this thread.
07-05-2004, 05:44
My apologies, I've been extremely busy IRL lately and didn't notice this. I could take a serious look-see at the thread and poke around if it's really required at now (although it's rather late for that) but it does look like there's quite a bit of mess to sort through.
And if you do still want me to poke around the thread, all of you might want to sit down and tell me what terms you agreed to with one another, and what exactly are the specific problem(s) you're having trouble agreeing over.