NationStates Jolt Archive

Offensive nation name

16-04-2004, 17:37
I still could use some help in getting links to nations but here is the name.

Chicken Phuckers.

There you are, doing my duty.
The Psychotic Daunce
16-04-2004, 17:39
sounds like there will be a modbomb going off in the not to distant future...
16-04-2004, 17:41
*High pitched whistle that slowly builds in volume*........
The Basenji
16-04-2004, 17:48

How I get links to nations-

Find a nation, then go to their region. Find the nation in the region, and right click it. Go to properties. Copy and paste the link that you see.

And is this nation really illegal? It may be pushing the limits of good taste....but that's it. :?
The Psychotic Daunce
16-04-2004, 17:53
And is this nation really illegal? It may be pushing the limits of good taste....but that's it. :?

I think it is - it is a deliberate atempt to get a swear word into a nation title.

I don't find it offensive but some people might
Tuesday Heights
16-04-2004, 18:49
This is a matter for the Getting Help page.

<--- not a moderator.
16-04-2004, 20:18
Thanks Besenji, I needed that help. I am in your debt. Just don't ask too much of me. :wink:

To be honest, while I personally see this as being offensive, not to me, I don't get offeneded really, but, as Dauncer said, it very well could be to others because it is a deliberate attempt to slip in an obscenity.

He is very eloquent though, I'll give him that. He responded with eloquence and insinuated hostility to my telegram simply suggesting that I didn't think he would last a long time.

You know Tuesday, just about everybody knows you are not a mod. The fact that it doesn't say "Game Moderator" below your name kind of gives it away.
Tuesday Heights
16-04-2004, 20:23
You know Tuesday, just about everybody knows you are not a mod. The fact that it doesn't say "Game Moderator" below your name kind of gives it away.

I was told by Cog a long while ago to put it there just in case. So, I stick by the guidelines given to me.
16-04-2004, 20:30
The nation has been HIPPO!ed.

When you find a nation with an offensive name, please report it to the Getting Help page in future.
16-04-2004, 22:14
Alright, I shall do that.

And I apologize for the way I sounded Tuesday. I was not aware that you were working under guidelines.

Please accept my apology.