A request:
11-04-2004, 17:53
I'm not sure if i can request this, being as I'm not the author of the thread but, The Real HLF has cluttered up the Terrorism sticky on international incidents. He has been asked several times by myself, and Euroslavia, the author, to cease his action, yet he persists, i was wondering if the mods could possibly strike the useless arguments from the thread, including the rebuttals offered by myself and others, returning the sticky to its proper use, questions about terrorism, and possibly issue a warning to the Real HLF.
((I have spoken to Euroslavia on AIM, and told him i would request this if he continued, if that makes a diffrence))
If i am out of line in requesting this, i apologize
Thanks in advance to the Moderation Team
12-04-2004, 04:59
Sorry about that, i meant to add one, and it totaly slipped my mind
Tuesday Heights
12-04-2004, 05:38
While this thread is running... perhaps, the mods could take a chance to check if its sticky material. It is very well-written and a good guide. :D
12-04-2004, 06:51
While this thread is running... perhaps, the mods could take a chance to check if its sticky material. It is very well-written and a good guide. :D
it has been sticked, Hack did it for him maybe 2 weeks ago....i think thats what you were saying right?
The Most Glorious Hack
12-04-2004, 07:34
HLF stuff split to new thread, "bump" posts removed as well.
12-04-2004, 07:37
HLF stuff split to new thread, "bump" posts removed as well.
Thank you very much! We really to appercaite it
12-04-2004, 16:30
I really, really hate to once again bother the moderation team and distract them from more important duties, but. The Real HLF refuses to let it go, and continues to fight with us. I know he had been warned before hand, he appears to have ignored this warning, insulted the moderation team, namely Most Glorious Hack, who cleaned the thread in the 1st place and issued the warning.
The sticky has been cleansed, but he wont stop. He has the new thread he wanted for his argument, and he wont use it. He has said that anyone "cluttering it" he will ask they be punished....Im rather confused by the fact that he wanted an argument, then refuses to use it. I asked him to cease his actions as well this morning.
Anyways, im wondering if any further steps can be taken?
Im once again sorry for bothering the mods again, i know you are all very busy and this seems like nitpicking, but, his constant prattle and misguided attempts to argue his points with us are becoming rather tiresome, if there is anything mods can do, i implore you to please do so as soon as its convenient for you
I ask forgiveness if i am out of line
links to the threads
The terrorism sticky, in which he insulted MGH, was asked, once again, by myself, to cease his actions, and refused, responding with an uninformed remarks, and possible flame....since im not sure what he meant by calling me...Trannie....yeah....
The new discussion thread, provided last night, in which he also insulted Hack, and is now obsessed with, vowing to get everyone who posts it it deleted for cluttering....
Thank you!
You have been reported to the moderators for what I percieve as bullying Transnapastain
Tuesday Heights
12-04-2004, 18:20
it has been sticked, Hack did it for him maybe 2 weeks ago....i think thats what you were saying right?
Wow, I totally missed that. :oops:
13-04-2004, 05:09
You have been reported to the moderators for what I percieve as bullying Transnapastain
....i honestly do not believe this.....
You better believe it. Im not going to have you threatening and trying to scare me and others any more. http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=139021&highlight=
At this point, don't we just need one thread on this subject? Could a mod lock one?