Griefing in Western Siberia?
Siswai Aman
10-03-2004, 11:54
I was under the impression that Defender groups also must distribute the password to natives if they take over a region from invaders? Going by the regional in Western Siberia it would appear that in this case they have not.
15 hours ago The Commonwealth of The Ostend Company This region has been liberated from the evil B-Team by the Habsburg Alliance. We've passed the new password on to Dad Clark, who'll hopefully pass it on to the original nations.
I was under the impression that Defender groups also must distribute the password to natives if they take over a region from invaders? Going by the regional in Western Siberia it would appear that in this case they have not.
15 hours ago The Commonwealth of The Ostend Company This region has been liberated from the evil B-Team by the Habsburg Alliance. We've passed the new password on to Dad Clark, who'll hopefully pass it on to the original nations.
As this is a quite serious accusation, allow us to defend ourselves. Yes indeed we have liberated the region from the invaders and, yes, we have installed a new password. We've subsequently passed it on, after kicking the invaders out, to the one nation we were sure of of being a real native and therefore able to confirm the authenticity of the other one or two natives of whose credentials we had doubts. Naturally, we also gave the new password to our fellow members of the Habsburg Alliance. Therefore, we don't feel that we have violated the rules.
10-03-2004, 12:32
Correct, in that all invaders (including defenders) must provide the password immediately to all natives as well. No argument there.
In this case however, there were two natives prior to the invasion by Bokrijk ("B-Team") that set current events off: Dad Clark, and Ronja Rovardotter.
Feb 13 XML:
March 6 XML:
Current XML:
The nation Ronja Rovardotter has since ceased to exist (28 days idle). It seems to me (my interpretation as an observer) that they have provided the password to the one remaining native, and are saying that it is up to that native to indicate whether or not there are other original natives which are unknown to them right now. Personally, I think there aren't any for the following reason:
Membership count of Western Siberia earlier on (I didn't start storing XML feeds before Feb 13) :
03-10-21: 3 Western Siberia
03-11-21: 1 Western Siberia
03-12-13: 1 Western Siberia
04-01-03: 1 Western Siberia
04-01-24: 1 Western Siberia
04-02-13: 4 Western Siberia
04-03-06: 5 Western Siberia
Please note: I'm not a mod, and whether or not what is happening now is legal or not is up to them to decide. I'm just providing additional information.
(EDIT: as I typed this, pulling info from my db, Ostendt Company replied as well. I have not been in contact with that nation. I've limited my part in this to observing.)
Crazy girl
10-03-2004, 12:52
nope, i told the ostendt company bout this thread, seems only fair to let him know, so he could explain himself ;)
Let me see if I have this right. This region was invaded and then re-invaded by this defenders group and there is only 1 Native?
And if thats not enough this region of 1 even managed to deserve a post here? Does nobody have anything better to do with their time than Invade, Defend and post about passwords to a region of 1? :lol:
The Most Glorious Hack
10-03-2004, 13:48
It's been known to happen.
Two words: Central Asia
This is very true Hack. As I'm learning the ins and outs of this game I find some of it like this very entertaining and even show my wife things like this.
Of course she thinks all of us are nuts and just a bunch of guys with to much testosterone.
10-03-2004, 14:04
10-03-2004, 14:53
Part of why things end up this way here is that the fight isn't actually over the region, it's fighting one another. The region in question just happens to be the battleground, and whether it has 1, 10, or 100 natives only influences the strategies used to combat the enemy. The typical 'roles' in this though are that invaders are the ones to target a region, and then the defenders are the ones who try to kick them out and give the region back to the natives. This is a cycle which can repeat itself over and over again.
While I do not have exact data for it, I'm convinced that at some point the region Byzantium ended up with a technical total of '0' natives, after several months of continuous invasions, liberations, re-invasions, and infiltrations by both invaders and defenders, where original natives ended up simply moving elsewhere in disgust or died of inactivity. Eventually I just stopped trying to keep track of it as it was getting way too confusing to be entertaining as a spectator sport.
It's been known to happen.
Two words: Central Asia
Ooohhhh. *shudder*
Compared to that one, this situation is still very simple.
Originally, there were more natives than just the one still being there, but they were forced out or left -as far as we know- by the invading nations. It is true that it's all about our own little private war against the invaders of the B-Team, but we do like to stress that we received help from that lonely native liberating his region and that since our action, one new nation has arrived, probably with the native's consent.
10-03-2004, 15:29
This is very true Hack. As I'm learning the ins and outs of this game I find some of it like this very entertaining and even show my wife things like this.
Of course she thinks all of us are nuts and just a bunch of guys with to much testosterone.
Your wife needs to meet Crazy Girl and Pope Hope. :wink:
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
Founder of The Realm of Ambrosia
The Most Glorious Hack
10-03-2004, 15:32
As of right now, I see nothing wrong here. Just keep your noses clean, and we'll be fine.
Crazy girl
10-03-2004, 15:47
Someone called? :P :twisted:
11-03-2004, 12:52
I'll tell my wife to follow Crazy Girl around to show her it's not all men with the testosterone flowing.
Anyhow, Ive found the whole Invader/Defender game boring. It's like your being classified as one or the other and that just limits your options. My region is slowly settling into being both. Gain more fun that way!!! Already in our short time we have tried our hand at being an invader which was fun but at the same time have been on the defenders side twice in Capitalism and Workers Alliance. I just think limiting a region to being one or the other just takes away some of the fun that this is supposed to be.
11-03-2004, 13:05
nah, i was an invader in my early weeks (months?), but that was boring.
all those power hungry people and all, and natives of a region forced to have you around. staying in a region for a period of time to hold the place..
as a defender, it's several different regions every update, mostly natives are happy to see us (and even ask us for help), there's no hunger for power, just friendship and working together with mutual respect.
i've tried both, but in my opinion, defending is much more fun than invading (okay, and liberating is fun too) ;)
edit: lol, this is Crazy Girl logged in a wrong nation once again
11-03-2004, 13:26
Zandra, aka Crazy Girl I can see your going to be fun to chat with on here.
I do agree defending is fun and beating the invaders is always a good experience. We have found to this point it just limits us is all. So unlike most we have put a new twist on the Invaders/Defenders game. We Invade the Invaders!!!! :lol: No fun in invading a peaceful region as we would prefer to be allies with them. No we want to take over the game by taking out the invaders so only we are the big game in town. Of course now every Invader here is reading this and we became a marked region but thats all good as it makes my job of pissing them off easier .
Problem for us has been learning the 10000000000 rules that govern this game. Twice I've tripped over them and the last thing we want is to be a problem child here. We would prefer Mods, maybe not endorsing what we do but at least being able to say Well Done and Legal.
11-03-2004, 13:54
aaaa, you mean invading invader regions?
well, that's something else, i've done that before, and members of my group have invaded the home region of the AA once. but those are more like raids, you move in, change the factbook, kick some key members (and of course remove them from the banlist immediatly ;) ), and get out again. have to agree with ya, that's fun to do ;)
12-03-2004, 11:27
Ahhh but Zandra, we don't intend to get back out. If they wish to get they're region back thats fine but as I was given nothing for free in life neither shall I give regions for free. If they want it they can beat me fair and square for it. Afterall they're invaders so they should be able to do it.
Actually we just invaded this region that sends those Nation Emails to join their region. 50+ nations in my region and they sent them to almost all of us. So we decided to take them up on their offer and we all joined :lol:
It' s against the rules of Nation States to do that but instead of getting a Mod which to me seems almost like Calling your Mommy we just taught them a lesson.
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 11:35
well, most invader regions have founders (and most of them are active too), so staying there will probably just get us to visit Kandarin.
invading a region which telegrammed almost all nations in your region to join them?
lol, that's a good joke, i like it, but i wouldn't keep the region, poor things might not even understand what happenend ;)
12-03-2004, 12:09
I doubt we will either but this one was just pure comedy and something that really just brought joy to our hearts.
We will do that normal, boot, ban, unban, password, email password stuff to make it legal and then see their reaction. I mean we did do what they asked. We joined their region :lol:
and before I forget
Good Morning
Crazy Girl
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 12:17
actually lunch time here, but thanks anyway ;)
and a good morning to you too.
yep, that's the good comedy about it, you did what they ask, just not the way they would've expected ;)
but with a region like that (who just want to try to get some people so they can grow), i wouldn't do too much, i think they just learned their lesson, and after all, telegramming ppeople asking them to join their region is still the best way of getting people in your region.
but invaders, that's another story.
that's good fun, beating them in their own game.
but really, keeping the region, staying there, just not really my style, gets me bored soon, only fun in highly active regions ;)
so invaders have to take their own regions back, when they want it back? but how easy is that to do with you guys? are you active at update and all?
also, how many regions have you invaded, and how many defended? (if you can remember it)
The Most Glorious Hack
12-03-2004, 12:17
Okay, now that is funny.
12-03-2004, 12:28
So far we have defended Capitalism, which Hack here is involved with at the moment and Workers Alliance with success. We started to defend the Caribeen but Freedom Fighters were tricked into helping the Invaders so we lost there but I guess since the original invaders didn't win it's not a loss.
Invasions are another story as we don't want to be seen as preying on helpless peaceful regions but want to aim big and go for invaders. We have invaded Alpineholm already and had them beat until their founder got lucky and happened to check in. First time in over a week he did that after 10pm as we had them scouted.
Thats are track record so far but then we have been here only 6 weeks. 50+ nations and 3 defensive and 1 offensive I would think says we got off to a running start.
But then in about a month I'll be up over 100 nations as my new baseball season started on my websites so I'll be adding those guys. Owning websites gives me an unfair recruiting advantage here.
12-03-2004, 12:29
Hack, thats our new regional motto. "Recruit us and We Will Come" :lol:
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 12:32
haha, not really unfair, but tricky advantage :D
you say you got 50+ nations, but i doubt those are all UN..
how big is your army?
and of course also important, how active?
and maybe for defenses, it's useful to have good communications with other defendergroups, maybe you could even talk about alliances? ;)
12-03-2004, 12:39
I treat this like I treat my website fantasy leagues. If you join and your not active I'll fire you. Of course here I don't have that option but my owners know me and our very dedicated.
I own 2 .coms, One website has 120 and my other forum website has 96 so thats over 200 to recuit from.
Un nations right now stand at about 25 to 30 alltogether.
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 12:41
and with that you still have 50+ nations? all active? that's pretty god, how'd you do that?
12-03-2004, 12:43
I'm trying to stay away from specifics as I've tripped on rules twice already and don't want a mod pouncing on me because he thinks I'm placing Ads for my websites here. I have no clue if it's allowed and don't want to find out the hard way it isn't.
But if you like to chat about other topics you shoud visit my region and look for my forum link. Todays politics, sports TV/Movies Etc. We discuss anything and everything there.
12-03-2004, 12:50
My fantasy leagues have been together now for 7 years. I have a highly active base of owners to recruit from and something like this is a good distraction from crying kids, wife yelling and other daily headaches. I've only begun to tap into this website and will recruit all of them shortly.
Then you add in my own forum thats almost an exact copy of this one except it's base isn't Nation States but other topics. There I can recruit as well as I'm the only region there as I own it :lol:
Given a years time we will end up being not only one of the biggest but most active regions here. Like I said, and my owners know, I'll fire and dismiss anyone thats not active.
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 12:51
lol, sounds good, i'm sure i still have a puppet somewhere i can move to your region ;)
and i think they're not really happy with us chatting here in the mod forum anyway ;)
12-03-2004, 13:01
I agree Crazy just a matter of time until the hand of a mod comes crashing down on us here. I look forward to more convos with you on my forum and who knows, the mods are welcome to come as well.
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 13:04
well, i wouldn't worry bout it too much, the mods ain't that bad, and 2 also posted in this thread with us ;)
well, most mods ain't bad, but others.... *looks around scared*
The Most Glorious Hack
12-03-2004, 14:15
well, i wouldn't worry bout it too much, the mods ain't that bad, and 2 also posted in this thread with us ;)
Yeah, but that was when you people were on topic. :P
well, most mods ain't bad, but others.... *looks around scared*
Oh, sure, just because I send messages to regions via the Mod Centre you bad mouth me. :wink:
Crazy girl
12-03-2004, 14:19
uh huh...
so western siberia getting griefed is what you thought was funny? :P
and you know i hate those message!
i think it's time for some nice revenge :twisted:
12-03-2004, 14:30
You have to admit it does put a nice spin on the recruiting game. Somehow I doubt they will be back to post spam and email my members again.