NationStates Jolt Archive

Modalert - Godmodding and nation selling

Foe Hammer
11-01-2004, 16:33
Ok, the nation selling isn't really that bad of an offense, but it's highly frowned upon, and some jackass bid $500 trillion.
Yeah, that's what I said.

There are also young (2-3 months old) nations coming in and bidding trillions and trillions of dollars like it's Monopoly money. I gave them a fair warning and alerted them that they're godmodding, but it persists. So...


Ahh, that felt good.
11-01-2004, 16:41
i don't think you can modalert that sort of thing, even though i do agree with you
~ not a moderator, so don't be sure until one of them tells you.
Foe Hammer
11-01-2004, 16:59
Multi (Multi-ing):
The use of one or more nations to benifit one nation by the same user. Multi-ing is a variant on godmodding, and is an IGNORABLE offense.

Amendment for Dragonosia: If the extra nations are being used as states, this rule does not apply UNLESS the user decides to sell off the states.

Example: "I use my nations Calsbad and Tubby to invade you" or "I sell Calsbad and Tubby to raise money".

Quoted from
11-01-2004, 17:05
frowned upon, IGNOREable, but not against the rules of the site.
11-01-2004, 17:07
just know that not all small nations are imbeciles, i just started yesterday, and i have not done this