NationStates Jolt Archive


29-12-2003, 06:06
since when did he become a game mod?Fritolays,

As you might be aware, it is considered Spam to post unwanted regional advertisements in player created regions, such as:

The Iron League
The iron curtain of kriegor
The Final Fantasy Fanatics
The Free Pacific Army
Trousar Islands
Neu Dystopia
The Kingdom
Elite Ghosts II

Consider yourself formally warned for this. NS operates on a two strike system. Should you continue these actions, policy dictates your deletion.

Tech Modling

is this correct ?
i am unaware of this being a rule that is enforced. there is regional board spam (recruitment) on every board in the game!
The Basenji
29-12-2003, 06:09
He is a Tech Modling, not a Game Mod. :? Where did you get the idea he was?
29-12-2003, 06:12
well i recieveid the tele above as a warning! now can he do that?
The Basenji
29-12-2003, 06:13
I see no reason he can't do it. But I'm sure he'll explain himself.
29-12-2003, 06:20
well i have tele-ed him personaly and hope to get a reply soon! just have never heard of him doing anything like this before!
Unfree People
29-12-2003, 06:22
It is correct that you cannot post regional adverts on the boards of player created regions. Has been said so many times by GMs.

I believe someone in Europe was tired of your regional adverts (and they weren't the only one!!), and asked Salusa to have a look at the situation.

Believe me, Salusa was acting legitimately. All of you spammers are illegal, I suppose you were just unlucky enough to be caught.

Edit: For a decent guide to regional advertising, read this (

2ndedit: spelling.
29-12-2003, 06:25
I'm pretty sure Sal has total Mod abilities of a game mod, but he's more tech. That's why's he's a tech modling. He's also the only tech modling, so I believe tech modling just meanns Mod with tech skills...
29-12-2003, 06:40
I'm pretty sure Sal has total Mod abilities of a game mod, but he's more tech. That's why's he's a tech modling. He's also the only tech modling, so I believe tech modling just meanns Mod with tech skills...
He has access to the game code and mod center, but only has forum mod powers in the Nuts & Bolts Section (that he admits to) I think that he's a semi-admin.
1 Infinite Loop
29-12-2003, 06:45
those regions belong to the people who created them the nations in there are all friends and they donot want to see your advertisments on them, you are best advised to follow Sal's advice and stop posting spam there, lestwise you get , , Punished.

also, advertising in the pacifics after the delegate has told you to stop (usually after you type the same message more than once and make it visible muriple times, is spam as well. )

The One ane The Prime.
His Holiness the Lord High Protector/Executioner
My current flag

Hail, Hail the Lord High Executioner!
The Basenji
29-12-2003, 06:47
Lol on your flag, Loop.
1 Infinite Loop
29-12-2003, 06:50
YOu DARE mock teh über 1337 XJ9 Robot, Jenny!

The Basenji
29-12-2003, 06:53
I saw that cartoon a while ago. Couldn't bear to watch an entire episode. :lol: It was too painful...
29-12-2003, 06:53
Personally I feel that a certain region on there deserves to be spammed, but of course, I really detest those inbox-auto-spamming-arrogant-codescending-hippocrites, so I might be just a tad bit biased.
29-12-2003, 08:27
Since you posted this publically, I will respond in kind.

I am not a GM, however, here it is irrelevant. Regional adverts, as you posted, are considered spam. Like all moderators, I am capable of issuing warnings. The remainder of the TG was not a threat (and I sincerely hope that it wasn't taken as such), but simply a notification of the policies so that you are not taken by surprise.

This is a very difficult rule to enforce, due to the number of regions, however, it is enforced whenever possible.

In the TG, you mentioned that there is a great deal of spam in The Rejected Realms. First, I noted that this is prohibited in Player Created regions. RR is a system region, and subject to different rules. Second, one of the reasons that I have a tendancy to reside there is to discourage spam.

I hope that this clears up your questions and concerns.
Tech Modling