24-12-2003, 17:21
here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=107799)
That was... educational...
my eyes... :shock:
The Basenji
24-12-2003, 17:34
I think somebody just needs a hug! :o :lol:
Am I to take your response in that thread to mean they were one guy?
Imagine that, flaming masturbation. That had to hurt.
The Fedral Union
24-12-2003, 17:37
:|:| we will just have to ride the flames out lol.
Yep, same guy. Anymore rule-breaking by 'im/'er just report here thanks.
The Basenji
24-12-2003, 17:39
Having a flame war with himself? That's just sad... :|
Yep, same guy. Anymore rule-breaking by 'im/'er just report here thanks.
... I'm going to have to ask my talented roomie to draw a picture of a guy with his lap on fire to commemorate this.
The Fedral Union
24-12-2003, 17:39
Im shure thare will be a lot more reporting going on...
The Basenji
24-12-2003, 17:41
Ding, dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead! Ding dong the wicked witch is dead..
The Fedral Union
24-12-2003, 17:44
What is with all those Flame baiting .?
*starts timer*
Go on, Cog. Get him!
The Fedral Union
24-12-2003, 17:45
Lol Lest give a toast to the mods for theare wondrefull preformance..
Ifi t weirnt for them we would have flames coming out of evry ware.
Looking at his post history, he's done nothing but flame and flamebait for the duration of his stay here
The Fedral Union
24-12-2003, 17:48