NationStates Jolt Archive

Wow - censorship on NationStates

20-12-2003, 12:25
(was - Stephistan v. the "Whips, Chains, and Leather, oh my!)

Frrrpistan, your a jackass on so many levels. Calling someone a "Thoughtless pig", wheter they are a mod or not, is uncalled for.

Yup. Labelling an innocent kid a pedophile through telegram bombing is thoughtful on the other hand. And you approve. Jackass ? Moi ?

I did send a few telegrams at the time acting as regional delegate of my region (I wasn't a mod yet) to the people of said region asking them if they were aware that your delegate thought it was ok to have sex with 7 year old children.

No you did not you liar. You accused my delegate of being a child molester, and TERRIFIED him. Because he _disagreed_ with you. YOU accused him of something that could become a PERMANENT scar.

Liar, liar, liar, pants on fire. Blubbbery cellulite and all.

<followup without even a single key stroke>

Yes Raevyn, you're still an idiot. No need for reminders.

[quote=Neutered Sputniks]

Locked for the flamebait and reasons I've posted in the other thread attacking Stephistan.

In other words, she swallowed. Lucky you. <Barry His Excellency's janitor vomits in bucket>

Barry, His Excellcy's janitor
20-12-2003, 13:06
That was more than a little uncalled for.
20-12-2003, 13:51
This is total grave digging.. this was hashed out weeks ago.. Also.. this is the last time you flame me for nothing. What you're talking about happened months and months ago.. Good-bye!


How's that for censorship ;)