NationStates Jolt Archive

Is it possible to greif in any of the Pacific regions?

19-12-2003, 20:27
Strange game mechanics question:

Is it theoretically possible to greif in any of the Pacific regions?

The North Pacific contains 7,272 nations
The South Pacific contains 7,353 nations
The Pacific contains 6,864 nations
The West Pacific contains 7,140 nations
The East Pacific contains 6,880 nations
The ban list is 200 people, therefore the greatest percentage who could potentially be banned is only around 3%. A 3% ejection or banning is not unacceptable in any other regions (1 person in 33 member region). The delegate cannot set passwords, so nations can always enter the Pacifics.

Bearing all this in mind, are there actually any circumstances in which a delegate could be said to have griefed the Pacific regions? Are these circumstances possible in human terms? (to eject every nation and clear the average Pacific region you'd have to eject a nation every 12 seconds for a full 24 hours)

Please note: this question does not pertain to the Francos Spain issue, although there is clearly a connection.
Crazy girl
19-12-2003, 20:31
i think the mods will have taken action before it would ever get that far, still, it's an interesting question, seeing as the banlist has a limit of 200 (which i personally kinda like ;) ) it would be impossible to grief any of the pacifics..
HC Eredivisie
19-12-2003, 20:41
why do i have the feeling i know the reason for Spoffin's question?
19-12-2003, 22:27
why do i have the feeling i know the reason for Spoffin's question?
I'm not trying to get Francos deleted if thats what you're implying. But I've seen a lot of people say that he is griefing, and I'm thinking that probably he isn't and that he actually literally couldn't do so.
HC Eredivisie
19-12-2003, 22:32
'm not trying to eject Francos if thats what you're implying. I'm wondering about what qualifies as greifing.

no, i don't care about that. Do you know the region "Realms of Rejection", my puppet is there, try to guess which one by looking at the motto's and you'll know the reason for my question :wink:

edit: hee you modified your post :)
19-12-2003, 22:34
In an invasion, kicking a significant fraction of the natives (I think 40% has been quoted as a very rough guideline) is griefing. So, if you take over a Pacific reigon, you can grief it by kicking 2,000 nations immediately ("immediately" being a relative term, as it would take even the fastest-fingered Delegate the better part of an hour to pull that off under ideal server conditions).

It's also possible to grief such regions verbally. Remember that "griefing" is a catch-all term meant to cover any activity we mods feel was designed with the specific purpose of bothering other players. ("Bothering" isn't quite a stong enough word for what I'm thinking. To carry the emotional tone of what I intend, I would say "griefing other players", but that's technically a circular definition.)

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Game Moderator
19-12-2003, 22:53
In an invasion, kicking a significant fraction of the natives (I think 40% has been quoted as a very rough guideline) is griefing. So, if you take over a Pacific reigon, you can grief it by kicking 2,000 nations immediately ("immediately" being a relative term, as it would take even the fastest-fingered Delegate the better part of an hour to pull that off under ideal server conditions).

It's also possible to grief such regions verbally. Remember that "griefing" is a catch-all term meant to cover any activity we mods feel was designed with the specific purpose of bothering other players. ("Bothering" isn't quite a stong enough word for what I'm thinking. To carry the emotional tone of what I intend, I would say "griefing other players", but that's technically a circular definition.)

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Game Moderator
Hang on, one of us have got our calculations wrong.
7000 ejected in 24 hrs takes 12 seconds apiece (me)
2000 can be ejected in one hour (Cog). Thats... 0.18 seconds each? % nations a second? Thats possible? Or have I screwed up the maths on mine?
19-12-2003, 23:10
In an invasion, kicking a significant fraction of the natives (I think 40% has been quoted as a very rough guideline) is griefing. So, if you take over a Pacific reigon, you can grief it by kicking 2,000 nations immediately ("immediately" being a relative term, as it would take even the fastest-fingered Delegate the better part of an hour to pull that off under ideal server conditions).

It's also possible to grief such regions verbally. Remember that "griefing" is a catch-all term meant to cover any activity we mods feel was designed with the specific purpose of bothering other players. ("Bothering" isn't quite a stong enough word for what I'm thinking. To carry the emotional tone of what I intend, I would say "griefing other players", but that's technically a circular definition.)

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Game Moderator
Hang on, one of us have got our calculations wrong.
7000 ejected in 24 hrs takes 12 seconds apiece (me)
2000 can be ejected in one hour (Cog). Thats... 0.18 seconds each? % nations a second? Thats possible? Or have I screwed up the maths on mine?

I don't know exactly how the game mechanics work, but if you were smart enough I think you could write a program/script to kick them all out such as the "unstoppable nationstates bunny" has to move.
19-12-2003, 23:21
Hang on, one of us have got our calculations wrong.
7000 ejected in 24 hrs takes 12 seconds apiece (me)
2000 can be ejected in one hour (Cog). Thats... 0.18 seconds each? % nations a second? Thats possible? Or have I screwed up the maths on mine?

Any region with more than 100 nations in it has a text box (not a pop-up list) for ejecting nations. If you have the list of nations handy, then you can simply copy, paste, and click. Time estimates vary depending upon the person and the server response time, but can range from 2 to 10 seconds.

At 2 seconds each, 2000 ejections requires 4000 seconds (a little over an hour, so my earlier estimate was a bit off). At 10 seconds each, 2000 ejections requires 20,000 seconds, or (...divide by 3,600...) somewhere between 5 and 6 hours.

2,000 ejections in one hour (3,600 seconds) is 1.8 seconds each.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Game Moderator
Crazy girl
19-12-2003, 23:28
2 seconds?
i hought it would take at least 10 seconds for one nation..
19-12-2003, 23:31
Hang on, one of us have got our calculations wrong.
7000 ejected in 24 hrs takes 12 seconds apiece (me)
2000 can be ejected in one hour (Cog). Thats... 0.18 seconds each? % nations a second? Thats possible? Or have I screwed up the maths on mine?

Any region with more than 100 nations in it has a text box (not a pop-up list) for ejecting nations. If you have the list of nations handy, then you can simply copy, paste, and click. Time estimates vary depending upon the person and the server response time, but can range from 2 to 10 seconds.

At 2 seconds each, 2000 ejections requires 4000 seconds (a little over an hour, so my earlier estimate was a bit off). At 10 seconds each, 2000 ejections requires 20,000 seconds, or (...divide by 3,600...) somewhere between 5 and 6 hours.

2,000 ejections in one hour (3,600 seconds) is 1.8 seconds each.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Game Moderator

I should have realised that from very basic mental arithmatic actually.

You'd still have to be exceptionally dedicated to greifing the region if you're willing to do it for about 4 hours solid.

And TM Cog
20-12-2003, 00:38
The sad thing is that many would-be griefers are exceptionally dedicated to doing so.
20-12-2003, 00:47
Spoffin, I only wish I knew what went on inside the head of a griefer. It's a dark and peculiar location which I have no desire to try to enter. Perhaps that's the abyss that Neitszche wrote about when he said that if you stare long enough into it then you will become it (or something like that).
20-12-2003, 01:04
Spoffin, I only wish I knew what went on inside the head of a griefer. It's a dark and peculiar location which I have no desire to try to enter. Perhaps that's the abyss that Neitszche wrote about when he said that if you stare long enough into it then you will become it (or something like that).
Sorry, I cut that post because it didn't say what I wanted it to say.

The sad thing is that many would-be griefers are exceptionally dedicated to doing so.
This is true.

But, my question really is, are the pacifics really affected by greifing rules? Short of spending 4-6 hrs sat at a desk repeatedly ejecting people, could someone actually break the griefing rules in the pacifics? Are the delegates of the pacific, in effect although not in theroy, untouchable?
20-12-2003, 02:29
Not being well up on what the griefing rules have evolved into, I'm hardly the authority on it. What I will say, though, is that no delegate or founder position is untouchable. It might take more effort for a Pacific-related delegate to actually grief the region, but if he/she did then we'd come down on him/her like a tonne of bricks - same as any other region.
20-12-2003, 03:20
Any region with more than 100 nations in it has a text box (not a pop-up list) for ejecting nations. If you have the list of nations handy, then you can simply copy, paste, and click. Time estimates vary depending upon the person and the server response time, but can range from 2 to 10 seconds.
I'm not completely certain, but depending on the browser the person is using, it may be possible to eject nations at a rate of about two per second without using any type of script (although it would require considerable preparation and dexterity).
20-12-2003, 03:23
Keep in mind that ejecting a region with more than 100 nations, you need to write the nation's namein the eject field. A LOT of copy-pasting.... :?
20-12-2003, 05:04
Keep in mind that ejecting a region with more than 100 nations, you need to write the nation's namein the eject field. A LOT of copy-pasting.... :?
XML feed. . .
20-12-2003, 05:13
'm not trying to eject Francos if thats what you're implying. I'm wondering about what qualifies as greifing.

no, i don't care about that. Do you know the region "The Realms of Rejection", my puppet is there, try to guess which one by looking at the motto's and you'll know the reason for my question :wink:

edit: hee you modified your post :)
Your's is the billionic one with a shield as a flag right?

Unless you actually meant "Realms of Rejection", which I doubt.
Crazy girl
20-12-2003, 07:13
Keep in mind that ejecting a region with more than 100 nations, you need to write the nation's namein the eject field. A LOT of copy-pasting.... :?
XML feed. . .

not in such a big region..
it just says

20-12-2003, 18:52
Keep in mind that ejecting a region with more than 100 nations, you need to write the nation's namein the eject field. A LOT of copy-pasting.... :?
XML feed. . .

not in such a big region..
it just says

Crazy girl
20-12-2003, 18:54
i was talking bout the XML thingy ;)
HC Eredivisie
20-12-2003, 20:33
Your's is the billionic one with a shield as a flag right?

Unless you actually meant "Realms of Rejection", which I doubt.

that's the country :D
20-12-2003, 21:45
Your's is the billionic one with a shield as a flag right?

Unless you actually meant "Realms of Rejection", which I doubt.

that's the country :DWhats the motto?
20-12-2003, 22:03
Your's is the billionic one with a shield as a flag right?

Unless you actually meant "Realms of Rejection", which I doubt.

that's the country :DWhats the motto?

"i will grief the pacific!!!111"

It was something in Dutch, and I knew that HC was Dutch.

Then I log onto Xyaza and check The RoR, and I see that it has changed, and my suspicion is verified.
HC Eredivisie
20-12-2003, 23:24
i changed the motto a couple of hours before this thread was created, so I suspect i knew the reason for this thread.

(Qa, both names have the word 'divisie' :wink: )
20-12-2003, 23:55
I don't know what I've just got caught up in here, but I am absolutely not planning to greif the pacific, nor was I at the time of posting aware of any griefing going on in the pacific or any griefing planned in the pacific.
21-12-2003, 00:40
One player did grief the East Pacific a while back, using massive numbers of multis.