if this is a game of politic... why i'm cancelled????
hello i don't speack english very well so i defense my reason in Italian....
please reply me!!!!!!!!
bene... Il primo fine di questo gioco è fare politica... ora è possibile fare politica senza far sì che il propio messaggio venga letto da tutti???
Forse ho esagerato nel replicare più di una volta lo stesso messaggio ma esso non insulso e non conteneva messaggi volgari e scurrili e offensivi, ma faceva notare, solo un modo di essere contro la politica di un gruppo di nazioni della mia regione... e dato che questo è il gruppo dominante il mio messaggio veniva continuamente cancellato da nuovi... come potevo far leggere il mio messaggio alle nazioni da poche connesse senza che lo postassi di continuo????
well... The first aim of this game is to make... hour political is possible to make political without to make yes that propio the message comes read from all? Perhaps I have exaggerated in replying more than once the same message but not dull it and did not contain gross and scurrili messages and offensives, but it pointed out, only a way to be against politics of a group of nations of my region... and since this is the dominant group my message came continuously cancelled from new... as I could make to read my message to the nations from little connecting without that the postaces continually?
Response coming soon.
EDIT: Not a good translation, is it? :P Anyone got a better transloator/speak italian?
The Most Serene People's Republic of Naleth
"Life is a suicide mission"
Shameless Plug for Adelaide (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Adelaide)
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14-12-2003, 21:52
Sud di Casalanario, Sono spiacente, ma non penso che c'è ne dei mods parlino italiano (questo è tradotto usando un programma destinato all'elaboratore). Sto cercando un giocatore in maniera fidata che parla italiano ad aiuto traduce. Ma sopporti prego con noi. Se parlate Spagnolo, potrei potere aiutare là. Molto spiacente.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E
Pubblichi: Ho notato che un giocatore ha fornito una traduzione iniziale. Ancora stiamo lavorando alla vostra richiesta, ma questa può prendere una punta.
bene... Il primo fine di questo gioco è fare politica... ora è possibile fare politica senza far sì che il propio messaggio venga letto da tutti???
Forse ho esagerato nel replicare più di una volta lo stesso messaggio ma esso non insulso e non conteneva messaggi volgari e scurrili e offensivi, ma faceva notare, solo un modo di essere contro la politica di un gruppo di nazioni della mia regione... e dato che questo è il gruppo dominante il mio messaggio veniva continuamente cancellato da nuovi... come potevo far leggere il mio messaggio alle nazioni da poche connesse senza che lo postassi di continuo????
good... the first end of this game is to do politics.... now... is possible to do politcs whithout that your message is read from all???
i had exaggerated in post my politic message one more time... but in this message there aren't insulti.... a no correct linguage offensive.
whit this message i'm against a gruop of nations that have a trust of power in my region.... and see that they deleted my post with new post
i posted it "one more time" but this a politic message.... not spamming....
it was a mode to be against the dominion group in the region....
Attention Please Attention Please.... MESSAGE for all The Nations of the South Pacific......
Why spend your time for Election of the useless governament???
We are 6557 in The South Pacific and on the forum there are 412 accounts... I have 4 accounts on the forum....
and there are members of other regions and members of Atlantic Alliance....
... So.... (if all the accounts are Nations of The south Pacific!!!!!!) only the 6.283% of the Nations of the South Pacific are on the Forum...
Last election for the vice-president of the South Pacific see vote of 35 Nations/accounts of the forum.... so only 0.533% of The Nations of The South Pacific had voted....
There is The Permanent Council of The South Pacific on the Forumm... "THEY".... are voting for amendments to the "Charter" (???) (do you had voted this Charter???)...... This is an emendment...
" Article 6 - Legislative Power
Any active member of the Region of the South Pacific may propose a bill that they wish to become a law. [These bills will be sent to the Department of the Region, where the Secretary of the Region or an officially designated Undersecretary will select which will be voted on.]*
Article 7 - Passing a Bill
The bills submitted to the Council will be voted on by the active population of the region, and will pass from bill to law with a 60% majority after one week's voting time.
Article 10 - Roles of Officials
The Vice President will be responsible for overseeing the voting on any active bill, and the Secretary of Justice will be responsible with the enforcement of the bill after it has become a law.
Now... at this moment... ONLY 13 Nations/Accounts had voted for this resulotion.... 9 for yes and 4 for not...
On a POPOLATION of 6557 Nations had voted only 13 Nations/Account... HAD VOTED 0.198% Nations of The South Pacific... and... 0.137% are for this emendament...
D: IS POSSIBLE that 9 Nations/account CAN DECIDE for 6557 nations????
What ELECTORAL SYSTEM are using this governament???
Majority??? Proportional???.....
14-12-2003, 22:19
casa i'm glad you found a mod who speaks your native tongue.
the problem was never with the content of your message, but with its repetitive posting.
14-12-2003, 22:35
Bravo, Salusa, io mai sapeva che tu sai parlare italiano.
mi dispiace, io lo parlo con il dialetto siciliano.
Che significa all'elaboratore??
14-12-2003, 23:03
Casalanario, ti piace Articolo 31??
99 Posse?
Avrò francese su pane tostato, prego.
15-12-2003, 00:46
Umm, if anyone read my post, they'd see that it says that I don't speak Italian and use a program to translate my message. If anyone here speaks good Italian, their assistance would be appreciated.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E
15-12-2003, 00:48
Umm, if anyone read my post, they'd see that it says that I don't speak Italian and use a program to translate my message. If anyone here speaks good Italian, their assistance would be appreciated.
<---- doesn't speak Italian either...sorry!
agrigento ti prego aiutami.... io voglio solo recuperare la mia nazione.....
15-12-2003, 00:50
Umm, if anyone read my post, they'd see that it says that I don't speak Italian and use a program to translate my message. If anyone here speaks good Italian, their assistance would be appreciated.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E
Eh, I can try to help but I speak with a Sicilian Dialect, it will create some problems.
sient i parl o napulitan.... stamm appost accussì
Free Outer Eugenia
15-12-2003, 00:58
I can speak the American Tourist Dialect. In other words I can speak English s-l-o-w-l-y in a very loud and obnoxious manner, adding an extra vowel or two to the end of every other word.
15-12-2003, 01:01
sient i parl o napulitan.... stamm appost accussì
Doesn't seem like I can help. This is like reading the ingredients of a twinkie.
Lo capisco ma non tropo bene.
15-12-2003, 01:02
Agrigento: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=104358
pozo... ¿La primera puntería de este juego es hacer... hora política es posible hacer político fuera para hacer sí que el propio el mensaje viene leído de todos? ¿Quizás he exagerado en contestar más de una vez que el el mismo mensaje pero no embotado él y no contuve los mensajes y las ofensivas gruesos y del scurrili, pero precisó, sólo una manera de estar contra política de un grupo de naciones de mi región... y puesto que éste es el grupo dominante mi mensaje vino cancelado continuamente de nuevo... pues podría hacer para leer mi mensaje a las naciones poco de conectar sin ése los postaces continuamente
senti come posso fare per riavere la mia nazione?
15-12-2003, 01:10
State chiedendo notizie sull'omissione di una nazione?
I Babelfished that - it comes to "Are you asking about the deletion of a nation?" in English.
15-12-2003, 01:13
in memory of a deleted nations....
Goodbye Great Empire of Casalanario, born on 25/01/2003
distructed by a decision 14/12/2003
I think he's talking about a nation of his that was deleted...spamming perhaps?
15-12-2003, 01:14
Grazie. Penso che abbia calcolato abbastanza fuori per fornire una spiegazione inglese per i mods alla risposta.
Altavista -> Thanks. I think I've figured enough out to provide an English explanation for the mods to answer.
you have read my defense on page 1????
Crazy girl
15-12-2003, 01:15
in memory of a deleted nations....
Goodbye Great Empire of Casalanario, born on 25/01/2003
distructed by a decision 14/12/2003
I think he's talking about a nation of his that was deleted...spamming perhaps?
You were deleted for spamming, you think you have been wrongly accused?
Siete stati cancellati per lo Spamming, voi pensate che foste stati accusati scorrettamente?
i have find this translation....
well... The first aim of this game is to make politics... How is it possible to make political statements without making the message available to all, so that it is read by all all? Perhaps I have exaggerated in replying more than once by posting the same message but it is not dull and it did not contain gross, nasty or offensive messages , but it pointed out, only a way to be against politics of a group of nations of my region... and since this is the dominant group my message came to be continuously cancelled from when I posted it... How I could make my message available to the little connected nations from without continually posting.?
i have find this translation....
well... The first aim of this game is to make politics... How is it possible to make political statements without making the message available to all, so that it is read by all all? Perhaps I have exaggerated in replying more than once by posting the same message but it is not dull and it did not contain gross, nasty or offensive messages , but it pointed out, only a way to be against politics of a group of nations of my region... and since this is the dominant group my message came to be continuously cancelled from when I posted it... How I could make my message available to the new connected nations without continually posting.?
i have find this translation....
well... The first aim of this game is to make politics... How is it possible to make political statements without making the message available to all, so that it is read by all all? Perhaps I have exaggerated in replying more than once by posting the same message but it is not dull and it did not contain gross, nasty or offensive messages , but it pointed out, only a way to be against politics of a group of nations of my region... and since this is the dominant group my message came to be continuously cancelled from when I posted it... How I could make my message available to the little connected nations from without continually posting.?
Yeah, that makes sense.
You should make the advert for your region shorter, and post it less often. Not everyone will see it, but you won't make people angry.
Dovreste rendere l'annuncio per la vostra regione più corto e la inviate di meno spesso. Non tutto la vedrà, ma non renderete la gente arrabbiata.
15-12-2003, 01:25
Potreste inviarli nelle tribune pacifiche del sud, che sono individuate qui (http://invisionfree.com/forums/theSPacific/index.php).
You could have posted it in the South Pacific forums, which are located here (http://invisionfree.com/forums/theSPacific/index.php).
EDIT: Spoffin: According to the thread that Crazy girl linked, the message pertained to South Pacific business - not a regional advert.
15-12-2003, 01:29
Casa, you were repeatedly asked to stop reposting that message every 15 minutes. You blatantly defied that request, both from the regional vice president and the Secretary of the region.
The next day, you did the same thing, at 50 minute intervals. It was considered to be spam, as you were disrutping the flow of conversation on the South Pacific's regional boards.
You will find a link to this here http://s1.invisionfree.com/forums/theSPacific/index.php?showtopic=1078&st=0&#last.
This is the VP's reasoning for approaching the mods, and asking for help.
You are complaining about the locked forums on the boards. There are reasons for this, which we have explained to you numerous times.
You also state that the government isn't democratic. It is about choice. People choose to belong to the forums and choose to vote, which you have done in the past.
If anyone is interested in this case, and wishes to see evidence, please feel free to TG me.
i want my old nation!!!! the problem is this!!!!
what can i do???
It seems that this is a case where someone who didn't understand the language the rules were written in broke them. I also think that the reason that people called for his deletion was because again of the language barrier, they didn't understand what he was saying. I doubt people would have minded so much if the posting had been in English. I think that maybe theres scope for some leniancy here, at least, when we get a translator so that both the problem and the rules can be properly explained.
15-12-2003, 01:34
I've been using Babelfish (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/)...it works pretty well.
Casa, you were repeatedly asked to stop reposting that message every 15 minutes. You blatantly defied that request, both from the regional vice president and the Secretary of the region.Can we even tell if he understood that request?
I've been using Babelfish...it works pretty well.Its not the best thing for explaining the rules though, which are complicated and use internet terminology.
dear spoff my nation had been deleted becouse i had post the same politic message a lot of time...
now i want only the my old nation (the Great Sun Empire of Casalanario)
Hell Bovines
15-12-2003, 01:41
pozo... ¿La primera puntería de este juego es hacer... hora política es posible hacer político fuera para hacer sí que el propio el mensaje viene leído de todos? ¿Quizás he exagerado en contestar más de una vez que el el mismo mensaje pero no embotado él y no contuve los mensajes y las ofensivas gruesos y del scurrili, pero precisó, sólo una manera de estar contra política de un grupo de naciones de mi región... y puesto que éste es el grupo dominante mi mensaje vino cancelado continuamente de nuevo... pues podría hacer para leer mi mensaje a las naciones poco de conectar sin ése los postaces continuamente
No le veo la gracia a traducir las cosas al castellano. :wink:
Amigo Italiano: Io sonno argentino e io no parlo italiano, per io va a tratar de explicarte.
Il piace que tu (has roto?) una regla et que parce son rasone tu est elliminati. Io reccomendo que tu parle con un moderadore (moderator - moderador - whatever) que sonno parlar en italiano y (expliques?) ton problema.
That was my best (and only) attempt of speaking Italian. Although I don't know it, it is kinda similar to Spanish, after all.
dear spoff my nation had been deleted becouse i had post the same politic message a lot of time...
now i want only the my old nation (the Great Sun Empire of Casalanario)Capisco. Stiamo provando.
I understand. We are trying.
15-12-2003, 01:42
Well, I would assume so, because the next posts he made were along the lines of "You do not want me to post this, because it is against your government. "
To which it was responded, no we encourage free speech, we just don't like the same thing posted over and over and over everytime the last one clears off the board.
To which we got "No, You do not want me to post this, because it is against your government. "
The understanding is there. But I guess it's a situation thing really, on the day it was frustrating and rude.
Oh yes - and an attempt was made to tell him this in italian - but mine is very rusty.
Amigo Italiano: Io sonno argentino e io no parlo italiano, per io va a tratar de explicarte.
Il piace que tu (has roto?) una regla et que parce son rasone tu est elliminati. Io reccomendo que tu parle con un moderadore (moderator - moderador - whatever) que sonno parlar en italiano y (expliques?) ton problema.
That was my best (and only) attempt of speaking Italian. Although I don't know it, it is kinda similar to Spanish, after all.
There aren't any mods who speak italian, but we seem to have a grasp of what the problem is.
Hell Bovines
15-12-2003, 01:48
Oh. Ok. Perhaps we could find some who speaks italian and acts as a translator between him and the mods. In that way, the mods can explain him what he did wrong and he can ask the mods to be resurrected.
Any fluent italian speaker, out there?
Oh. Ok. Perhaps we could find some who speaks italian and acts as a translator between him and the mods. In that way, the mods can explain him what he did wrong and he can ask the mods to be resurrected.
Any fluent italian speaker, out there?
We're looking. Salsua and I have both already asked for translators.
Oh. Ok. Perhaps we could find some who speaks italian and acts as a translator between him and the mods. In that way, the mods can explain him what he did wrong and he can ask the mods to be resurrected.
Any fluent italian speaker, out there?
We're looking. Salsua and I have both already asked for translators.
dear spoffin... fudge is a member of the nation against my politic message...
Well, I would assume so, because the next posts he made were along the lines of "You do not want me to post this, because it is against your government. "
To which it was responded, no we encourage free speech, we just don't like the same thing posted over and over and over everytime the last one clears off the board.
To which we got "No, You do not want me to post this, because it is against your government. "
The understanding is there. But I guess it's a situation thing really, on the day it was frustrating and rude.
Oh yes - and an attempt was made to tell him this in italian - but mine is very rusty.Yeah, but clearly there is an element of doubt in this case, so we should at least give this a chance to be heard.
15-12-2003, 02:02
Before any decisions are made as to reinstate Casa, I would request that you speak to Bistmath, and see all the evidence there is on this case please.
Yes, I am a member of the South Pacific, and I am not against his message. The South Pacific prides itself on it's freedom of speech. What I am against is the frequency of his posting it, and the ignored request for it to be posted more infrequently.
I actually asked him to tone down the Caps in the message, and to stop using caps on the regional board. I had no objections to his posting.
Fudge you are discriminating me..... only becouse i can't write in italian....
15-12-2003, 02:08
Okay - I'm not discriminating against you - there are 2 sides to every story.
I am presenting the other side.
And I'm an extremely open minded person.
15-12-2003, 02:11
Eh, its odd because he keeps on switiching between conventional italian and his Naples dialect, if you can get him to stay with conventional I could translate it.
are you speacking as a member of the South pacific or as a member of a "unrecognoze" governament of the external forum of the South Pacific????
15-12-2003, 02:14
are you speacking as a member of the South pacific or as a member of a "unrecognoze" governament of the external forum of the South Pacific????
I am speaking as a member of the South Pacific here.
If I was speaking from the government's side I would have said so.
You, Bismath, Ladyrebels.... all members of this external web forum....
only becouse i do politics against This Governament...(but for NationStates is possibile the presence of this external forum???)
dear spoffin i ask to you the return of my old nation....
15-12-2003, 02:19
Casa - if you are wanting to make your case heard, please stay on the topic at hand. It will be in your best interests if you present your case, without dragging off topic things in.
If you wish to make a statement about the South Pacific's government - do it on the SP forums.
I'm sorry, but I feel I can't add anymore to this, and I don't want to get into trouble if my temper gets the better of me.
TG me if you need me or evidence.
May the right decision be made.
cara Fudgetopia io riconosco solo le regole di questo gioco e non le regole di un forum esterno a questo gioco come il tuo....
15-12-2003, 02:27
15-12-2003, 02:28
cara Fudgetopia io riconosco solo le regole di questo gioco e non le regole di un forum esterno a questo gioco come il tuo....
Vero, le tribune esterne non hanno riguardante questo gioco
15-12-2003, 02:28
cara Fudgetopia io riconosco solo le regole di questo gioco e non le regole di un forum esterno a questo gioco come il tuo....
Fudgetopia beloved I recognize only the rules of this game and not the rules of an external forum to this game like yours....
15-12-2003, 02:29
Goob, in this context Cara would mean Dear, not beloved, but yeah. It is pretty much the same.
15-12-2003, 02:30
Vero, le tribune esterne non hanno riguardante questo gioco
True, the external tribunes do not have regarding this game
15-12-2003, 02:31
What i said was that "outside forums do not have bearing on this game"
15-12-2003, 02:32
Meh, that's what you get for a dumb machine translator.
They have creating a GOVERNAMENT!!!!!!!!
but.... in nationstates... there isn't a regional governament.... we have only the delegate
15-12-2003, 02:33
Casa, in italiano perfavore.
io lo capisco, ma ho bisogno di più particolari
15-12-2003, 02:33
thanks for the translation Goober - :wink: but my italian is schoolgirl rusty ( I haven't used it for over 10 years) :lol:
Cara Casa, I thank you for your endearments however, if you enjoy playing the game as much as I do, then perhaps you should leave my friends play the game as we want to?
The region is big enough for all of us to play how we like, and to do it without getting in your way.
Okay - this time I'm really going.
To Spoffin, Gooberchungia, Agrigento, and Hell Bovines -thankyou for your help. It has been greatly appreciated, and has saved me from getting too cranky. and Casa - may the outcome be the best for everyone.
And as I said, if you need me, TG me.
Loro hanno creato un governo che nella realtà di questo gioco non esiste....
(hope this got translated well)
Casa, penso che abbiate fatto un errore nello Spoffin pensante siate un moderatore. Non può ristabilirlo è nazione, solo la latta di Mods del gioco...
Casa, I think you've made a mistake in thinking Spoffin is a moderator. He can't restore you're nation, only the Game Mods can ...
The Most Serene People's Republic of Naleth
"Life is a suicide mission"
Shameless Plug for Adelaide (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Adelaide)
Getting Help Page (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=help)
The Tech FAQ (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=81296)
15-12-2003, 02:45
Loro hanno creato un governo che nella realtà di questo gioco non esiste....
Si, ma nella questa gioco niente esiste. Mi dispiace, ma sono penso che abbia stato meglio se passaste appena, capisce??
potete referire voi al moderatore la questione e far rinascere la mia antica nazione????
15-12-2003, 03:03
Please if we are doing something wrong then let us know, but we have invited as many people as we can and will continue to do so, to the off site Forums, the only reason that we created them is because quite honestly we sometimes can not get on these boards due to the activity level on them sometimes.
I could not even post this until now.
The only reason the we have a "Government" is so that everyone has a chance to have their voices heard, at least for the ones that want to play that way.
I do not see where it is wrong, and after quite frankly about 5 months of trying to get Casa to understand things, he still sees it as wrong, which is his right, but to call for us to stop playing the way that we are, well I don't think that is right.
When I got on the Regional boards just a few min. ago he was telling Fudge not to even come here to post anything, about what has been happening.
I hope for the best for you Casa and I hope that they will give you your nation back.
Hopefully someone can make him understand things.
15-12-2003, 03:09
I am trying, buts its quite difficult.
Casa, non hanno fatto male niente.
Non lo so.
Okay, has I understand it: Casa was upset about something that went on in an outside forum, and about how they setup a government there, now, please correct me if I'm wrong, I think he spammed or did something that got his old nation deleted here in NS. Now he wants that nation back and is wondering why it got deleted. He still beleives that what happened in the outside forum was wrong.
Thats what I understand so far. Please if anyone from this outside forum knows more, lemme know.
Liverpool England
15-12-2003, 03:10
From what I can see and tell (my damn translator thingy got lost), the guy was deleted for spamming, but not spamming regional adverts. I'll try and see if I can get someone on this. I've got mods on hand in IRC.
15-12-2003, 03:11
Please if we are doing something wrong then let us know, but we have invited as many people as we can and will continue to do so, to the off site Forums, the only reason that we created them is because quite honestly we sometimes can not get on these boards due to the activity level on them sometimes.
I could not even post this until now.
The only reason the we have a "Government" is so that everyone has a chance to have their voices heard, at least for the ones that want to play that way.
I do not see where it is wrong, and after quite frankly about 5 months of trying to get Casa to understand things, he still sees it as wrong, which is his right, but to call for us to stop playing the way that we are, well I don't think that is right.
When I got on the Regional boards just a few min. ago he was telling Fudge not to even come here to post anything, about what has been happening.
I hope for the best for you Casa and I hope that they will give you your nation back.
Hopefully someone can make him understand things.
Traduzione Dei Pesci De Babele (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish):Onestamente,
Prego se stiamo facendo qualche cosa di errato allora li lasciamo sappia, ma noi hanno invitato altretanta gente come possiamo e continueremo a fare così, fuori alle tribune di luogo, l'unica ragione per cui le abbiamo generate siamo perché abbastanza onestamente a volte non possiamo ottenere a volte su queste cartoline dovuto il livello di attività su loro.
Non potrei neppure inviare questo finora.
L'unico motivo abbiamo "un governo" siamo in modo che tutto abbia una probabilità fare le loro sentirsi voci, almeno per quelle che desiderino giocare quel senso.
Non vedo dove è errato e dopo che abbastanza franco circa 5 mesi di provare a convincere il casa a capire le cose, ancora lo veda come male, che è la sua destra, ma richiedere noi per smettere di giocare il senso che siamo, buono non penso che quello sia di destra.
Quando ho ottenuto sulle cartoline regionali giuste alcuni minuti fa stava dicendo al Fudge neppure di non venire qui inviare qualche cosa, circa che cosa sta accadendo.
Spero per il la cosa migliore per voi il casa e spero che vi diano la vostra parte posteriore di nazione.
Eventualmente qualcuno può incitarlo a capire le cose.
I hope Babel Fish didn't mess that up too badly....
15-12-2003, 03:16
Okay - I know I said I was going, but here we go.
Casa was reported for spamming the regional board.
That's it.
So he got DEATed.
He now believes that the offsite government is to blame.
That's pretty much the story.
in Italia lo spamming è una cosa e l'INFORMAZIONE è tutta un'altra cosa..... io ho solo fatto informazione.....
credo che prima di cancellarmi un moderatore avrebbe dovuto richiamarmi.... perchè invece non lo sono stato?????
15-12-2003, 18:56
I am Bistmath and I am writing in my capacity as vice president of the South Pacific region.
On saturday morning I was alerted to a situation happening on the south pacific regional boards by the secretary of the region, Fudgetopia. I stopped what i was doing and loaded up the game to find Casalriano posting the same long message over and over. it appeared at intervals of fifteen minutes. we asked him to stop posting that message so often. he replied that we didn't want it on the boards because it was against our 'puppet government'. while speaking with him i did ask for clairification of the spam rules and that can be found here:
we talked to him and waitied while i awaited confirmation that what he was doing was spam. i fully believed that it was because this was a rule i had broken myself and had been warned about by salusa secundus. very little confirmation came and fudge and i attempted to get some attention to the thread. eventually a definition appeared and i read it quickly and deicded that the rule i had broken, the rule casa was breaking, was not to be found there. i have since reread it and changed my mind.
There were two new members on the boards whose names I do not remember asking questions and complaining as well. at that point i had three other members of the region complaining apart from my own irritation.
i checked the delegates page and saw that he had not signed in in a day. i was on my own. as the vice president it is my duty to assume the powers and the duties of the delegate in his abscence. i chose to do nothing but respond once to the post. casa then posted the same notice on the offsite forum where another member picked it to pieces.
the issue seemed to die down for the day and we all breathed a sigh of relief.
the next morning i was alerted to his posting the message again and again this time at 50 minute intervals. (i belive this shows some understanding on his part.) there was still no answer or clairification from the moderators on the above mentioned thread. i lost my temper i will admit. i started copying the screen and posting it in the thread evey time he posted the long message. while watching for this i checked the delegate's page and saw that he still had not checked in. this time i chose to act. i fully believed casa's willful behaviour would not stop so i wrote in to the getting help page and provided the link and a synopsis of the situation in the south pacific. i wrote in my capacity as the vice president and asked for help. i also explained that we usually deal with spam in house but that that option was not really available as the delegate had not been around. all i did was ask for moderator help in the situation. i did not ask for him to be deleted. i did fully expect him to get a warning.
as for casa's english understanding. it is less than perfect but he did understand enough to make a pass at me one night while we were discussing my cosmopolitain diet. he did understand enough to help the minister of justice set up a great council on these boards that he chose not to attend. casa tends to show up, complain a bit, get some attention and leave. we see this all the time in our region.
it should also be noted that after the deletion of his first nation, the long message has stopped.
i assume full responsibility for my actions and informed the people of the south pacific in a thread on the vice presidential section of the off site forums. i will also post a link to this topic there.
I have just recieved permission by the interviewer to publish this:
Casa says:why you are so interested about the government of the South Pacific????
Fudge says:I enjoy politics. I'm a very outspoken person and I enjoy debating current affairs.
Fudge says:Why are you interested in the government of the South Pacific?
Casa says:I play this game from long time...
Casa says:when borne the AAC.....
Casa says:and I was against the invasion of ACC of the pacific... Against New Ali.... XYZ.... and others... now I Think that there is the Womans Armed in this region of the new AA.....
Fudge says:But why are you against the government of the SP?
Casa says:Because I think that it isn't democratic.......
Fudge says:But it is democratic, more than a lot of other regions
Casa says:I don't see others regions.... I want the best for The South Pacific.....
Fudge says:But what is in the SP at the moment is working fine
Casa says:what???
Fudge says:
The government of the South Pacific is working fine. There aren't too many problems
Casa says:the problems are freedom and democracy.....
Casa says:are
Fudge says:There is freedom. You can post your opinions freely; you have the right to say what you want on either the regional board and all government officials are elected by active forum participants.
Casa says:this is propaganda ...... not freedom.....
Fudge says:And those who don't like it are encouraged to join the forums and post away to their hearts content, and even run for office.
Fudge says:No, that in my country is called 'Freedom of Speech', otherwise an essential part of democracy.
Casa says:... you have a distort vision of the freedom.....
Fudge says:No - my visions of freedom are fine.
Fudge says:Why are the people of the South Pacific so Oppressed, in your honest opinion?
Casa says:a omni-present government.... change the poll of members of the forum..... explell NAtions that are against the government there are llocked rooms in the forum..... i'm very free.....
Fudge says:Alright I'll address these issues individually.
Fudge says:
Omnipresent? of course they are - that's how government works
Casa says:works?????
Casa says:work of oppession......
Fudge says:Changing the polls? Well, when the poll is very one sided, and does not leave an unbiased anwer possible, of course it needs to be changed
Casa says:Argh - it's bad enough thinking that Casa is the 8th nudest - now I have visions of twits in lampshades dancingthru my head!....??????
Fudge says:No nation that is against the government has ever been expelled. That is against our charter. Expelled nations are those who excessivley threaten, flame of abuse the citizens
Casa says:I don't recognize "yours" CHART........
Fudge says:And finally, ther are locked rooms in the forums, there are also some hidden rooms. I don't have access to everything. But I accept this. It's like if I tried to walk into a closed session of the parliament here. It's not allowed, and for security of some of the stuff in those forums they must be kept closed to the general public.
Fudge says:Hey - and that post I made on the boards is in fun.
Casa says:this is a great limitation of freedom.... not all nations are equal......
Fudge says:Anything of any importance is made public.
Fudge says:All nations are equal. Regardless. If you notice earlier I warned a nation that is a friend of mine, For flaming. and I stand by that.
Casa says:the notice THAT the THE GOVERNAMENT WANT PUBLIC.....
Fudge says:What does the government want made public?
Casa says:why all Nations of the South pacific know that Lr was a member of the ACC????
Casa says:don0t know
Fudge says:Everyone Knows that she was a member of the ACC. Everyone. And we do have her under surveillance. Trust me on that
Casa says:this is false......
Fudge says:No it's not
Fudge says:And if you dare insinuate I am a liar, I will not be rational towards you again. I am listening to what you have to say here Casa, but you are not giving me anything new. AT ALL
Fudge says:So, what more can you add?
Casa says:I propose to you and yours friends to creat a new region were install yours government.......
Fudge says:Why?I'm a South Pacific native - born here and I plan to stay here,
Casa says:becouse the South Pacific don't need this "over-structure"......
Fudge says:What over structure? Have you looked at how overstructured tha pacific is?
Casa says:superstructure.....
Fudge says:What do you suggest as a replacement?
Fudge says:a Francos Spain type regime?
Casa says:nothing... only the presence of the delegate.....
Fudge says:Every Pacific nation has a governemtn to a degree, ours is one of the best organised and has the highest participation rate.
Fudge says:So what do you suggest if the delgate isn't around?
Casa says:replece him
Fudge says:Because no human being can be online 24 hours a day?
Fudge says:With whom?
Fudge says:and how can one person deal with potential takeovers, moderate hostilities and alliances?
Fudge says:Get a grip!
Casa says:this a problem for Nations that want more power.... not of nations that wants only to play a game......
Fudge says:But this is the nature of the game? Don't you understand that?
Fudge says:The game is about politics.
Casa says:no the NAture of this game don't need the presencs of a GOVERNAMENT....!!!!!!!!
Fudge says:that's it - it's about POLITICS!!
Fudge says:that's government, a ruling body, a descision making plan ...
Fudge says:Define the nature of the game then
Fudge says:No - this is not a superstructure on superstructure, this is a group of around 10 idividuals assisting the needs of 6000+ individuals
Casa says:and this is democracy????? 10 controll 6000????
Fudge says:they do not control anyone. They assist.
Casa says:I have 21 years.... I don't need you assistance....
Fudge says:you aren't being rational
Fudge says:you are 21 years old? Boy you have a lot to learn about life
Casa says:you are a Berlusconian.... were Murdock.......
Casa says:came to visit me in Italy.... and you'll see the real life....
Fudge says:Um no - I don't need to travel to italy to know the real life. I'm 26 and I haven't stopped learning about life yet, I plan to keep learning until the day I die. Your view are so egocentric and onesided you can't see past you nose an realise that your views, whilst they are noble, have no bounds, and no back up.
Casa says:we in Europe have the past....
Fudge says:You can't justify any of the accusations you make, your arguments are tired ... you have to approach things differently. Then people may stop looking upon your tirades as a joke and start listening
Fudge says:The past is fine, but we live in today, and are heading into the future.
Casa says:you want that people listen only wath do you want......
Fudge says:The past is a learning curve on which the future is based, we refine the ideas and problems of the past and make them into positives for everyone's life
Fudge says:Now where did that last silly comment come from? You aren't even answering or debating my questions and responses. What is the point of this conversation if you can't make a valid contribution
Fudge says:And no, we want all nations to have a voice and make a contribution
Casa says:so.... you accept my vision against the government.......
Fudge says:Yeah - I accept that it is your belief. It isn't the same as mine, but you are entitled to an opinion.
Fudge says:I can't agree with your views, but that is ,y choice to make.
Casa says:and i'm disagree on your vsion of the situation of the South Pacific.....
Fudge says:That's fine
Fudge says:And I am prepared to debate it at any time, but you need to have a refined argument and not hte same tired old rehash
Fudge says:In fact - start a debate in the our region thread, and I'll be quite happy to give you a run
Casa says:I hope that the great difference beetwen I and you is on the different vision of democarcy... you leave in Common low country.... I leave in a civil low Country......
Fudge says:whilst our views are different on democracy, I would really like to see you vcome to the boards with a rational debate, prepared to debate the topic and take the fallout that may happen. Don't just spout off on the regional boards, it will make people feel animosity towards you. Be rational, and back your arguments with well thought out, and proper arguments. I realise that english is not your fisrt language, but there are some of us on the boards who can help with some words, and various languages.
as you can see there are a few problems with understanding. the posessive yours for instance. but the greater understanding is there. great enough that he would understand (or know where to translate) the word stop.
i have some experience with esl and i have always tried to be careful to use that knowledge with casa.
vedo che molte nazioni del sud pacifico possono addirittura permettersi di presentarsi come Vice-presidente del sud pacifico.... siamo al ridicolo....
vedo che questa nazione ha postato un vero e propio atto di accusa nei miei confronti, ma si è palese (purtroppo) che Bismath non capisce l'italiano e soprtattutto il significato delle parole in italiano.
Cara (in italiano cara viene usata per le donne, equivale a caro) Bismath ti ricordo che voi non siete (tu Ledyrebels Fudgetopia, Aurelis) nè i padroni, ne i governanti ne gli avvocati ne i giudici del Sud Pacifico e soprattutto di Nation States... perchè a questo punto devo considerare una dicriminazione l'impossibilità di difesa nella mia lingua originale.
Spero che un moderatore prenda in considerazione la mia richiesta di far risorgere la mia nazione.
Distinti Saluti a tutti.
19-12-2003, 22:45
I see that many nations of the pacific south can quite allow themselves to introduce themselves as Vice president of the pacific south.... we are to the ridicule.... I see that this nation has postato true and propio an indictment in my comparisons, but is evident (unfortunately) that Bismath does not understand the Italian and soprtattutto the meant one of the words in Italian. Beloved (in Italian beloved comes used for the women, is equivalent to beloved) Bismath you memory that you are not (you Ledyrebels Fudgetopia, Aurelis) neither the masters, of the governors of the lawyers of the judges of the Pacific South and above all of Nation States... why to this point I must consider a dicriminazione the impossibility of defense in my language originates them. I hope that a moderator takes in consideration my demand to make to revive my nation. Distinguished Salutes to all.
20-12-2003, 04:11
Caro Casalanario, Io sono il traduttore ufficiale per Salusa. Salusa è un moderatore. Lui può aiutarlo, capisce? Questa problema è molto complicato, e fare le cose senza fretta. La pazienza è molto importante.
Va bene?
Okay, heres a summary of what he said:
I see that many of the Nations in the South Pacific proclaim themselves leaders, claiming power and the such without any grounds. These nations that claim power, Lady Rebels, Fudgetopia, and Aurelis have no real power in this game, and I will not be forced to listen to what they say. I hope that you will consider reviving my nation
So, he believes that he was deleted because the leaders of his region didn't like him, or further more didn't like the fact that he doesn't speak English. He feels that is the only reason behind his deletion and wants his nation back.
I will try to stay objective in this issue, and will do my best to make sure that the rules are clear to him.
THe problem stems from the fact that he is a casual player of this game, and doesn't understand the Role Playing of Regional governments.
20-12-2003, 04:43
Caro Casalanario, I will pull up the more detailed logs later.
However, going on simply what I have gathered from this thread, it appears that you were deleted for spamming (note to translator: Do we need to define spam?) the South Pacific message board. My understanding is that you repeatedly posted a long message to the board (by report every 15 minutes). You were asked to stop because it was considered "spam" and thus interfering with regional communications. You continued the next day at 50 minute intervals and then were reported to the moderators, who examined the evidence, and decided to delete you.
As you have pointed out, the "government" of the South Pacific has no standing with the officials of NationStates, however, like any other player, they are permitted to report wrongdoing. Spamming the regional boards is against the rules of the site, not just of the regional government. The moderators acted because you broke the site rules. We do not involve ourselves in regional politics.
If my sequence of events was wrong, please correct me.
Tech Modling
20-12-2003, 08:13
to the best of my knowledge and ability your sequencing is correct.
to the translator, the definition of spam can be found on the first page of the ham or spam thread i made.
Agrigento, please let me know if you need any information on the regional government of the sp. you can either write me or my secretary of the region. however there are elections this weekend so i will update the name after those are completed.
20-12-2003, 08:22
Thank you for your help, Salusa.
It is truly appreciated.
per il moderatore: a questo punto devo dire che c'è una differenza di come intendiamo in Italia lo spamming e di come viene da voi interpretato: da noi lo spamming è il postare "messagi inutili e indesiderati" che offendono i membri di questo gioco, mentre io postavo "messaggi politici" contro una determinata politica di alcune nazioni della mia regione.... a questo punto potrebbe essere più chiaro che io non postavo il messaggio per disturbare il quieto vivere della regione ma piuttosto per INFORMARE le altre nazioni che sono contrarie al governo.
E' da notare che esssendo le nazioni del governo in continuo nel gioco, applicando una specie di turn-over, offuscavano il mio messaggio, affinchè nessun'altro lo leggesse, costringendomi a postarlo di continuo.
Dichiaro la mia completa buona fede nel postarlo di continuo, pensando di postarlo per rendere un servizio alle nazioni che come me si oppongono al dominio incontrastato nella regione di alcune nazioni.
Ho pazienza e soprattutto fiducia nel lavoro dei moderatori. So che scrivo un italiano complicato ma Agrigento fà un ottimo lavoro.
Fiducioso nel vostro lavoro porgo i miei saluti.
Inoltre voglio far Notare una cosa: c'è un "conflitto di Interessi" tra la nazione che mi ha fatto cancellare e la sua posizione nel governo: in sintesi, non potendomi eliminarmi politicamente, ha sfruttato il postare del mio messaggio per eleminarmi e sconfiggere l'opposizione nella regione: inoltre voglio fare 2 domande a questa nazione:
1) Bismath, facendomi eliminare hai fatto più gli interessi del tuo governo o gli interessi di Nationstates???
2) E se hai fatto di più gli interessi di Nationstates.... perchè tu non sei mai stato accusata di Spam dato che nella precedente "campagna elettorale" postavi in continuazione il tuo messaggio per la canditatura alla carica di vice-presidente, disturbando anche tu il quieto vivere della regione??????
Caro agrigento Bismath ha omesso una cosa: di darti la password per le aree riservate nel loro forum....
20-12-2003, 15:08
casa in what i think i translated from your last post, the mods don't care about our offsite forum.....
before we really got going on it, ladyrebels sent an e-mail to the creator of the site max berry. mr. berry said that the offsite forum was fine by the rules of the game. we did check this out.
when the issue of our government came up agian, i asked cogitation what he thought. he said it was a good idea and i will be happy to provide the url.
Cara Bismath non risponderò più alle tue domande e precisazioni perchè queste servono solo a incasinare questa discussione. se vuoi per la tua gioia ti risponderò sul TUO forum.
20-12-2003, 22:00
the issue of casa's comprehension of english is currently being discussed on the south pacific boards. i would encoruage one and all to go read it there.
it can be found at this address: http://s1.invisionfree.com/forums/theSPacific/index.php?showtopic=1065&st=40
however i have been told that one must sign up to do read it. please feel free.
Casa, state parlandolo di e con il miracolo dei traduttori in linea posso leggere che cosa state dicendo. ho ogni destra rispondere ai vostri accusations scurrilous e fare in modo da penso con un certo judiciousness. ancora, le risposte che sto dando non sono per voi, sono per coloro che ha più alimentazione che la i e per i cittadini del Pacifico del sud leggere e pensare sopra. spetta a quella gente per comporla alle loro proprie menti con le informazioni ed ho dato.
casa ancora una volta che stavo lavorando ai reclami almeno di quattro nazioni. non ho chiesto ai moderatori di realizzare alcun'azione. ho segnalato semplicemente il vostro comportamento ad un'autorità superiore. non ci era conflitto di interesse. stavo sostenendo i diritti del Pacifico del sud nell'insieme contro uno chi è sembrato pronto a rimuoverli. la lettera non dice niente circa la comunicazione con moderatori e poichè non ho l'alimentazione del delegato, ho dovuto fare appello ad uno chi.
come potete vedere che sto rispondendo alle vostre domande: 1) non ho cancellato l'opposizione al governo regionale. ho protetto la vostra destra liberare il discorso sulla tribuna del offsite così come sulle cartoline regionali, a condizione che non Spam. tutti sono benvenuti attacare le mie politiche senza più rimprovero che un dibattito con me. dopo che la vostra omissione là sia una nazione che lo ha preso all'operazione sopra il mio comportamento. non ha affrontato sanzioni. stava esercitando la sua destra, una che proteggo.
2) non siamo accusati dello Spam perché i messaggi trasportati per gli scopi dei governi regionali non sono considerati Spam. gli prendiamo l'operazione ottenere la parola fuori ad altretante nazioni come possibili. se vi preoccupaste per leggere il vostro messaggio originale, uno dei vostri reclami è che non abbastanza nazioni votano. il governo è conforme e sta provando il relativo la cosa migliore per rimediare la situazione. non potete averli entrambi i sensi.
in risposta alla vostra definizione dello Spam ancora una volta dirò che non era il contenuto del vostro messaggio che stavo protestando circa ma la frequenza di tali. l'invio degli ogni quindici minuti in una regione di sei mila impedirà altri parlare liberamente. è il mio dovere come componente del governo del Pacifico del sud per accertarsi che tutti possano avere una voce. il vostro non è quello unico fuori là. una soluzione più adatta avrebbe dovuta inviarla alla tribuna del offsite ed agganciare una discussione con gli altri giocatori nella regione circa la vostra proposta. il messaggio era indesiderato tramite molti giocatori; non la prima volta avete inviato ma sempre dopo quello. non mi sono comportato fino a che i reclami contro di voi non impilassero in su.
in english:
Casa, you are talking about me and through the miracle of online translators i can read what you are saying. i have every right to respond to your scurrilous accusations and have done so i think with some judiciousness.
furthermore, the answers i am giving are not for you, they are for those who have more power than i and for the citizens of the south pacific to read and think on. it is up to those people to make up their own minds with the information you and i have given.
as you can see i am answering your questions:
1) i have not deleted opposition to the regional government. i have protected your right to free speech on the offsite forum as well as on the regional boards, so long as you do not spam. all are welcome to attack my policies without more reproach than a debate with me. after your deletion there was a nation who took me to task over my behaviour. he has faced no sanctions. he was exercising his right, one that i protect.
2) we are not accused of spam because messages carried for the purposes of the regional governments are not considered spam. we take the task amongst ourselves to get the word out to as many nations as possible. if you would care to read your original message, one of your complaints is that not enough nations vote. the government agrees and is trying its best to remedy the situation. you can't have it both ways.
casa once again i was working on the complaints of at least four nations. i did not ask the moderators to perform any action. i simply reported your behaviour to a higher authority. there was no conflict of interest. i was supporting the rights of the south pacific as a whole against one who appeared ready to remove them. the charter says nothing about not talking to the moderators and as i do not have the power of the delegate, i had to appeal to one who did.
in response to your definition of spam i will once again say that it was not the content of your message i had been complaining about but the frequency of such. posting every fifteen minutes in a region of six thousand will prevent others from speaking freely. it is my duty as part of the government of the south pacific to ensure that all may have a voice. yours is not the only one out there. a more appropriate solution would have been to post it to the offsite forum and engage a discussion with the other players in the region about your proposal.
the message was undesired by many players; not the first time you posted but every time after that. i did not act until the complaints against you stacked up.
i love babel fish...
Pope Hope
20-12-2003, 22:38
You are cancelled because you are not 400 pounds, don't live in a trailer and dared to be interesting.
Welcome to the club.
What's wrong with living in a trailer? Some people live in boxes...
Many people dare to be interesting without the unnecessary negative trimmings.
20-12-2003, 22:40
*feels terrible after all the work she had to go through to get all that translated...* :cry:
Pope Hope
20-12-2003, 22:43
lol...thank you Bistmath. The effort is appreciated. :wink:
20-12-2003, 22:45
well ya know all that clicking and typing... such hard work you know. :wink: ohi should mention that i have made a link to this page in the south pacific offsite forum so all the citizens who care to can read this thread. :)
20-12-2003, 22:48
Okay everyone, I am really busy today and tonight and cannot act as a translator. I am sorry but some RL things have come up.
Caro Casa, io sono proverò a aiutare, ma oggi io uscirò.
20-12-2003, 23:08
s'ok. babel fish is doing an okay job. i can work out what' he's saying to me.
have a good night/day!
although if you have a sec, what is the italian word for scurrilous?
intersting tidbit i just noticed. casa says that arg is doing a great job as translator. how would he know if he doesn't speak english?
21-12-2003, 07:16
Casa, The case seems to be relatively straight forward. As moderators we ignore the fact that it is a specific political message, and just judge upon frequency, and similar facts.
Though the primary meaning of spam is as you describe, in online games and forums, it also means repeated posts or messages, such as you did.
It appears that an understanding has occured, but one in which you broke the rules of the game.
You have a new nation, and we encourage you to be a tad more careful and considerate to the other nations in the game. Politicing is encouraged, but repetitive posts (especially after being asked to stop) is not permitted (neither are repeated Telegrams).
Il casa, il caso sembra essere di andata relativamente diritto. Poichè i moderatori noi ignorano il fatto che è un messaggio politico specifico e giudice giusto su frequenza e sui fatti simili. Benchè il significato primario dello Spam sia poichè descrivete, nei giochi ed in tribune in linea, esso inoltre significhi ripeti gli alberini o i messaggi, come voi. Sembra che una comprensione abbia accaduto, ma una in cui avete infranto le regole del gioco. Avete una nuova nazione e vi consigliamo essere un tad più attento e considerate alle altre nazioni nel gioco. Politicing è consigliato a, ma gli alberini ripetuti (particolarmente dopo essere stato chiesto di arrestarsi) non è consentito (nessuno sono telegrammi ripetuti).
Tech Modling
Caro Salusa devo dire che in Italia, nel nostro ordinamento giuridico "un reato non è tale se non vi è una legge che punisca tale reato". Ora, dato che:
1) la stessa definizione di spamming è incerta dato che la definizione parla genericamente non entrando in ambiti specifici come quello della distinzione tra spam di pubblicità e spam informazione ed è quindi riportabile solo al fatto di avere esagerato nel postare un messaggio che tutti noi riteniamo sia politico
2)non ho avuto nessun messaggio dai moderatori che potevo essere cancellato per quello che postavo,
3) essendo il mio messsaggio un'informazione e non pubblicità come invece fà Bismath del forum esterno a questo gioco....
INOLTRE Visto che
1)manca una disciplina ed una articolata descrizione di cosa è lo spam
2) è riconosciuta e risaputa la mia buona fede nel postare il messaggio...
CONCLUDO citando il broccardo latino "nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege " essendo la regola applicata incerta ed incompleta
CHIEDENDO infine il ritorno della mia ex- nazione.
Una precisazione: Cara Bismath io capisco l'inglese ma se postassi i miei messaggi di difesa in inglese, non avrei la stessa padronanza di linguaggio e quindi la mia difesa avrebbe minor possibiltà di dimostare ciò che in fondo è la verità. Confido nel lavoro dei Moderatori e dei traduttori.
21-12-2003, 20:51
casa i thought i'd post the definition of spam in italian for you.
here is what the game enforces as spam:
Spam/SPAM: Fuori-soggetto, irrilevante e multi-alberini che bloccano l'assistente. Ciò include l'invio dei lotti degli smilies che è conosciuto come Spam di Smilie. Inoltre analogo dello Spamming è l'Alberino-whoring che è quando un giocatore invia appena qualche cosa aumentare il postcount, anche conosciuto come Normacking. Andando dentro e fuori da una regione e quindi riempirsi sugli eventi regionali imbarcano con partire ed arrivare i messaggi è conosciuto mentre gli eventi annotano lo Spamming e non è permesso. Lo Spamming al punto in cui ottenete cancellati è conosciuto come Klamathing
Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server. This includes posting lots of smilies which is known as Smilie Spam. Also akin to spamming is Post-whoring which is when a player posts anything just to increase the postcount, also known as Normacking. Going in and out of a region and hence filling up the regional events board with departing and arriving messages is known as Events Log Spamming and is not allowed. Spamming to the point where you get deleted is known as Klamathing.
casa i thought i'd post the definition of spam in italian for you.
here is what the game enforces as spam:
Spam/SPAM: Fuori-soggetto, irrilevante e multi-alberini che bloccano l'assistente. Ciò include l'invio dei lotti degli smilies che è conosciuto come Spam di Smilie. Inoltre analogo dello Spamming è l'Alberino-whoring che è quando un giocatore invia appena qualche cosa aumentare il postcount, anche conosciuto come Normacking. Andando dentro e fuori da una regione e quindi riempirsi sugli eventi regionali imbarcano con partire ed arrivare i messaggi è conosciuto mentre gli eventi annotano lo Spamming e non è permesso. Lo Spamming al punto in cui ottenete cancellati è conosciuto come Klamathing
Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server. This includes posting lots of smilies which is known as Smilie Spam. Also akin to spamming is Post-whoring which is when a player posts anything just to increase the postcount, also known as Normacking. Going in and out of a region and hence filling up the regional events board with departing and arriving messages is known as Events Log Spamming and is not allowed. Spamming to the point where you get deleted is known as Klamathing.
Grazie per questa definizione, questa non fà altro che avallare ancora di più la mia tesi di innocenza infatti il mio messaggio innanzitutto non era irrelevante dato che erano statistiche sul comportamento di alcune nazioni della mia regione ed inoltre non aveva la finalità di bloccare il server del gioco. inoltre io non ho praticato neanche il Normacking, avendo il messaggio un fine specifico che è quello dell'informazione e non serviva affatto per incrementare il postcount. Io non mi sono mai mosso con la mia ex-nazione al di fuori della regione non praticando neanche il Klamathing.
A questo Punto CHIEDO che Salusa prenda atto di quanto da me scritto come prova inconfutabile che ciò che postavo non era spamming, al fine di una valutazione più oggettiva sulla mia causa.
Distinti Saluti...
Grazie per questa definizione, questa non fà altro che avallare ancora di più la mia tesi di innocenza infatti il mio messaggio innanzitutto non era irrelevante dato che erano statistiche sul comportamento di alcune nazioni della mia regione ed inoltre non aveva la finalità di bloccare il server del gioco. inoltre io non ho praticato neanche il Normacking, avendo il messaggio un fine specifico che è quello dell'informazione e non serviva affatto per incrementare il postcount. Io non mi sono mai mosso con la mia ex-nazione al di fuori della regione non praticando neanche il Klamathing.
A questo Punto CHIEDO che Salusa prenda atto di quanto da me scritto come prova inconfutabile che ciò che postavo non era spamming, al fine di una valutazione più oggettiva sulla mia causa.
Distinti Saluti...
Here is a crude translation for those who dont speak italian
Thanks for this definition, this not other fà that to guarantee still of more the mine stretched out of innocence in fact my message above all is not irrelevante given that were statistical on the behavior of some nations of my region and besides do not had the end of to block the server of the game. besides I not put into practice not even the Normacking, having the message a specific end that is thatCompletely to increase the postcount. I never I have moved with the mine former-nation to the of outside the region not put into practice not even the Klamathing.
To this Point I ASK that Salusa take fit of how much from written like irrefutable test that what posted is not spamming, to the end of a more objective evaluation on my cause. Different Greetings..
22-12-2003, 01:37
yeah i've been using babel fish, too.
22-12-2003, 04:21
I'm gonna need a better translation than that for that message.
22-12-2003, 14:16
Please note that Casalanario has asked for Salusa's opinion only
Okay bear in mind that my italian is not really good ... but here's the general theme of the message.
Thanks for this definition, but this does not guarantee my thesis that in fact my message in the first place was not irrelevant, and that I am innocent of these accusations since they were statistics on the behavior of some nations of my region.
Moreover it did not have the purpose to block to the server of the game. Moreover I have not practiced spam. having the fine message, a specific one, that it is that one of the information and did not serve at all in order to increase the postcount. I never have not moved with my former-nation to outside of the region not practicing spam or Klamthing. At his Point I ASK that Salusa takes noteof how much from written me, the inconfutabile test that that that post was not Spamming, to the aim of one more objective appraisal on my cause. Distinguished Salutes...
That's as good as I can go - but what he's still trying to say is that he feels he was deated on the content of the post, not the frequency of the post. His claim is that he does not feel it was spam, as it does not fit his defintion of it.
Quello è buono come posso andare - ma che cosa ancora sta provando a dire è che ritiene che era deated sul contenuto dell'alberino, non la frequenza dell'alberino. Il suo reclamo è che non ritiene che era Spam, poichè non misura il suo defintion di esso.
Salusa, agian I thank you for your patience here ...
ma quante controparti ci sono in questo discorso? Io ne conto almeno due.... mentre devo difendermi da solo.... Fudgetopia... se non ricordi bene l'italiano ti prego non fare traduzioni che si allontanano da ciò che ho scritto, in quanto c'è già agrigento come traduttore.
Ora voglio far notare al moderatore che se mi rivolgo solo a lui è solo perchè riconosco la sua imparzialità e preparazione.
Ringrazio Bismath per quella spiegazione sullo spam, in quanto dimostra che io in pratica non ho fatto Spam.
Vi prego di usare poco i traduttori universali in quanto potrebbero stravolgere il senso della frase.
Distinti Saluti.
casa i thought i'd post the definition of spam in italian for you.
here is what the game enforces as spam:
Spam/SPAM: Fuori-soggetto, irrilevante e multi-alberini che bloccano l'assistente. Ciò include l'invio dei lotti degli smilies che è conosciuto come Spam di Smilie. Inoltre analogo dello Spamming è l'Alberino-whoring che è quando un giocatore invia appena qualche cosa aumentare il postcount, anche conosciuto come Normacking. Andando dentro e fuori da una regione e quindi riempirsi sugli eventi regionali imbarcano con partire ed arrivare i messaggi è conosciuto mentre gli eventi annotano lo Spamming e non è permesso. Lo Spamming al punto in cui ottenete cancellati è conosciuto come Klamathing
Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server. This includes posting lots of smilies which is known as Smilie Spam. Also akin to spamming is Post-whoring which is when a player posts anything just to increase the postcount, also known as Normacking. Going in and out of a region and hence filling up the regional events board with departing and arriving messages is known as Events Log Spamming and is not allowed. Spamming to the point where you get deleted is known as Klamathing.
Grazie per questa definizione, questa non fà altro che avallare ancora di più la mia tesi di innocenza infatti il mio messaggio innanzitutto non era irrelevante dato che erano statistiche sul comportamento di alcune nazioni della mia regione ed inoltre non aveva la finalità di bloccare il server del gioco. inoltre io non ho praticato neanche il Normacking, avendo il messaggio un fine specifico che è quello dell'informazione e non serviva affatto per incrementare il postcount. Io non mi sono mai mosso con la mia ex-nazione al di fuori della regione non praticando neanche il Klamathing.
A questo Punto CHIEDO che Salusa prenda atto di quanto da me scritto come prova inconfutabile che ciò che postavo non era spamming, al fine di una valutazione più oggettiva sulla mia causa.
Distinti Saluti...
Sono più preciso:
il mio messaggio di spam non era off-topic essendo un messaggio politico.
non era neanche irrelevante, dato che nessuno aveva mai fatto statistiche sul governo.
E non ha bloccato il Server....
Non ho fatto nè il Smilie Spam, Normacking e Klamathing.
Se la definizione di Bismath come lei dice è quella di spam.... IO non ho fatto spam.
Questo per chiarire e prego il moderatore di applicare il principio in questo caso del "Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege" come già da me riportato.
Distinti Saluti
come prova della mia persecuzione politica ecco cosa mi è successo oggi...
28 minutes ago The Federation of THE MATT- DUCK I hate to say it......BUT THAAAAAAAAAAT FEEEEEELTTT GOOOOOOD.
I hate nations who think they are better than the rest of us...
Do you think he got a shock?????
Ill bet he did.
22 minutes ago The Incorporated States of Casalanario sud This is the justice of mans that have the power.... and to thing that Same governament's members say to me that The South Pacific is Democratic... Great!
12 minutes ago The Federation of THE MATT- DUCK Casa.. I thought you got Deleted for being a nuisance.
Don't give up do you.
8 minutes ago The Republic of Benilyn part 2 i am back
7 minutes ago The Republic of Benilyn part 2 matt the duck is still useless
3 minutes ago The Incorporated States of Casalanario sud nuisance.... or opposition to delete????
2 minutes ago The Incorporated States of Casalanario sud The Republic of Benilyn part 2 you are really do spamming... stop and use democratic mode for your opposition....
2 minutes ago The Republic of Kill real spam no hes not he works is butt off for this region.
1 minute ago The Federation of THE MATT- DUCK Benilyn, Ahem... you are gone again.
And Casa... I have wanted to do this for a very long time, and up to this point, i havn't.
But i am now.
Seconds ago The Republic of Kill real spam yah good ejection matt i total aggree with that one..keep up the good work.
-playa chk ;) -
questa è la prova tangibile della persecuzione politiche nei confronti dell'opposizione.... essi non accettano il dualismo maggioranza/opposizione, lo distruggono a favore loro, chiudono gli spazi per una corretta ed imparziale informazione, non danno la possibilità di difendersi in propio diritto. :cry:
22-12-2003, 22:59
casa, i am working to gain an understanding of your expulsion right now. as soon as i figure out why you got tossed i'll let you know. i'm afraid i missed you being expelled as i was out shopping for chirstmas. i'm on the forums now trying to work it out. details are sketchy.
italian care of babel fish:
casa, sto lavorando per guadagnare una comprensione della vostra espulsione ora. non appena calcolo fuori perchè avete ottenuto ho gettato li lascerò sapere. sono impaurito che li ho mancati che siete espulsi mentre ero verso l'esterno l'acquisto per i chirstmas. sono sulle tribune ora che provano a funzionarla fuori. i particolari sono imprecisi.
22-12-2003, 23:07
Casa - I give up - I have tried to help you and you insult me.
I won't speak another word to help you again.
22-12-2003, 23:36
Casa, Babelfish non sta funzionando abbastanza bene, in modo da sto aspettando un traduttore umano. Tuttavia, sembrerebbe che i vostri alberini costituissero lo Spam senza riguardo al loro soddisfare.
Tech Modling
23-12-2003, 00:42
casa, i have hashed out your case for expulsion with LadyRebels. You will be removed from the ban list after tonight's update. you owe her a great debt of gratitude. you had better bloody remember it.
However, i think you should take a good look at what the people of the south pacific really think of you. look at thier reaction to your expulsion. they are not crying out for you to come back. look at what you said to fudge, and look at her reaction. we are bringing you back because there is no clause in the constitution that says we can get rid of you because your actions are annoying. behave yourself.
italian through babel fish:
casa, hashed verso l'esterno il vostro argomento per l'espulsione con LadyRebels. Sarete rimossi dalla lista di divieto dopo l'aggiornamento della stasera. gli dovete un debito grande di ringraziamento.
avete fatti ricordarseli sanguinante migliore. Tuttavia, penso che dovrte dare una buona occhiata a che cosa la gente del Pacifico del sud realmente pensa voi. guardi la reazione più thier alla vostra espulsione. non crying fuori affinchè ritornino. osservi che cosa avete detto fudge e guardi la sua reazione. stiamo riportandoli perché non ci è clausola nella costituzione che dice che possiamo eliminare voi perché le vostre azioni sono annoying. comportisi.
Fudge io non ti ho insultato, ho solo fatto notare come la tua traduzione sia incompleta, ed essendo questa discussione complicata, ti ho inviatato a non postare le tue trduzioni che non danno un senso completo di ciò che io ho scritto.
Sicuro di essere capito
nessuno più si interessa del mio caso????
spero che il mio caso non venga insabbiato.
24-12-2003, 23:22
The moderator's ruling will not be changed.
Il regolamento del moderatore non sarà cambiato.
Tech Modling
accetterò la decisione del moderatore. Spero solo che ci sarà una maggiore spiegazione su cosa sia lo spamming.
chiedo scusa per ildosturbo che vi sto dando
24-12-2003, 23:33
I'm sorry guys, I have been really busy this week, with the holidays and all.
Mi dispiace, io sono occupato con Natale e Capodanno.
ma la questione è rinviata o chiusa??? io propongo un rinvio per le feste....
I don't speak a word of Italian.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
25-12-2003, 03:09
I don't speak a word of Italian.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
Not many do.
Then why do so many in this thread know it?
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
25-12-2003, 03:43
They are all using babelfish and other online translators.
I think I am on the only one besides Casa, and Casa doesnt speak English.
I don't speak a word of Italian.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
Not many do.
I believe an entire country+ would disagree with this assertion. :wink:
26-12-2003, 08:52
I believe an entire country+ would disagree with this assertion. :wink:
Hehe, You see that is kind of Ironic to me because...hey...I was born there. So um..yeah what I am trying to say is: I meant on NS, and I think you knew that.
So, just for future reference, and this is probably just 2:52 AM talking, but please, please, please read through the thread before you post. Thanks.
They are all using babelfish and other online translators.
I think I am on the only one besides Casa, and Casa doesnt speak English.
Hate to disagree with you old bean but he DOES speak and write english and I find it rather offensive he was pursuing a tact of not being able to communicate. I have communicated with him in NS and the SP offsite forum. If anyone cares to see check out the SP offsite forum. He's admitted the same as well.
Further I don't like the insinuation the people of the SP are beating up on the poor non english speaker. Its all been run very fairly and equitably. Oh, and btw the SP is not the region where I hang my hat at night. He is a very vocal disturber and moderator action was more than justifiable in the deletion not that they need my assent by any means. Given the way he does business I'll lay odds the newest incarnation won't last far into the New Year.
Crazy girl
27-12-2003, 08:22
casa was already spamming his message in the south pacific many weeks ago, when i was still there with crazy hamsters.
it was not his message which was annoying, but sometimes it was on the civil hq for 3 or 4 times, the same message.
it's a miracle he lasted as long as he did..
The Most Glorious Hack
27-12-2003, 09:41
Really, I kinda thought this was resolved. The nation's not coming back, as Salusa clearly stated.