Oh mighty ones...
Can one of you glorious mods please help me?
I stuffed my poll up really, really badly. Can one of you all powerful, and damn good-looking people give me a hand?
The problem will be fairly obvious when you see it, especially to such wonderful people as you. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=101706)
(No, I'm not being sarcastic. I will sing the praises of anyone who fixes it.)
Reploid Productions
14-12-2003, 10:33
So, you just need the top option changed to "Liked it a lot" (or something to that extent), and get rid of the middle one?
So, you just need the top option changed to "Liked it a lot" (or something to that extent), and get rid of the middle one?
I would like both the top one, and the middle one, removed. And the question fixed. Thank you...
/me feels really stupid not knowing how to fix own thread.
/me feels even stupider when me realise that I've been working for Menelmacar for so long I'm even writing like her.
Reploid Productions
14-12-2003, 10:48
Ookay, the forums are really b0rking this thing up, even when I try to fix it o_O
Reploid Productions
14-12-2003, 10:51
If this attempt doesn't fix it, I'm gonna try axing the poll and re-creating it from scratch.
Reploid Productions
14-12-2003, 10:57
Frag it all! =F Even that didn't work!
I think you've stumbled on something akin to the doublepost bug, only mod powers don't seem to be able to fix it... I only mangled it up worse, going from weird double to triple posts of the options x_x
Sorry, I can either leave it as is, or remove it =/ I seem to be unable to fix it. :oops:
Okay... you did your best. :cry: Why do these things always happen to moi?