NationStates Jolt Archive

Monte Carlo Griefed!

12-12-2003, 17:21
All the evidence presented here:

[code:1:7856fc2afa]30 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
2 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
8 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski arrived from Poland.


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
2 days ago The Colony of HideOut A password would surely kill this region slowly. I don't think that's a good idea.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Agree. I have no intention of passwording it.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Lesser Goatia has been convicted of unendorsing me.
1 day ago The Emirate of Wes Tak Niut I was just starting to get to know goatia, seemed alright, that's a shame.
1 day ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka It's a shame you have been identified as suspicious by many nations.
15 hours ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka My rule has came to an end in this great region.

Since the spam protection is so annoying, I can send the password to natives upon demand.


11 hours ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz My rule shall begin.
55 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
3 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am![/code:1:7856fc2afa]

Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~

UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.

Founder: Babes for hire

Monte Carlo contains 14 nations. [List all nations]

Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!


Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo

# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."

Page: < 1 2 >


Regional Happenings
101 minutes ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
6 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
7 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
14 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
16 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
6 hours ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am!
114 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz HideOut:
98 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Obywatele Polscy znajduj¹cy siê tutaj. Proszê daæ mi endorsement oraz delegatowi. ¯eby on nas nie wywali³, trzeba mu daæ znaæ ¿e my go popieramy. W ostatniej chwili endorsement mu po prostu usuniemy, i znów bêdêpanowa³ nad regionem, a wy sobie pomaszerujecie spowrotem do ojczyzny.
97 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land Fisz mozesz mie wprowadzic w temat ?? :)
95 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land qrde a co bedzie jezeli on zna polski ??;)
79 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz A gdzie tam, on ma znaæ polski? Po choinkê. A jest on na pó³-obecny, na pewno nie zda sobie sprawy ¿e jest on delegatem.
78 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Kurde, Dopiero zauwa¿y³em ¿e jestem socjaldemokrata. Muszê wiêcej na prawo byæ.
43 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Okay, I'm gonna report this to the moderators. This is definitely an invasion, and the natives used to speak English here!

Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~

UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.

Founder: Babes for hire

Monte Carlo contains 15 nations. [List all nations]

Your message has been lodged!

Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!


Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo

# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."

Page: < 1 2 >


Regional Happenings
51 minutes ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
5 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
9 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
11 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
18 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
77 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I asked to know the password, but they are not giving it.
65 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz I would give it to you, but I copy-pasted it and deleted the telegram, so I don't remember it.
55 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut That is a violation of NationStates's rules, and you have no intend to simply change the password?
38 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz How can we change the password, since Drockistan is the delegate?
34 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land HideOut what is wrong with you ?? cranky brain implant ??
31 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land wiec o ile dobrze rozumie to koles chce haslo bo wydaje mu sie ze jest zmienione a one jest ciagle takie same ?? tyle ze boi sie ze jezeli wylezie to juz nie wejdzie ??
29 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Lol, you can take it off, don't you pretend to be a noob man! All people joining this region now, will be marked as griefers, because they have the password, and the natives don't! And you are pretending to be a noob, so you don't have to take the password off. I am delegate somewhere, I know how it works!
3 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land ql usually ppl prescribe me as a nOOb ql that you think different thx
3 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire HideOut the password was created when there was other delegate. Then Drockistan was elected and pass is his responsiblity not ours ... we could not do anything about it. So your accusations are pathetic. You are saying you are a delegate somewhere but you prove to us you are a noob. We cannot do anything since neither of us is a delegate dammit !
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut You came in, knowing the password. You could never have gotten in without knowing the password, and since you are not giving it to me (the native), that makes you an acomplice! And now I go report to the moderators again, because this is escalating.


Tried to move my nation in:

Change Region
This is the place to move your nation from one region to another. A fleet of military-grade choppers will fly in and physically transport Corinthe to a better location.

[Create a New Region]


Move to an existing region:

Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.



Find the region you want to move to, then click the link that says, "Move your nation to (the region) today!".

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Regional Happenings
26 minutes ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
56 minutes ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands
3 hours ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
7 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
12 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
13 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
20 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
22 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
114 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land w koncu jestesmy polakami a ten baran nam zla reklame robi :]

97 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz W sumie byliœmy narodem który nigdy nie by³ imperialistyczny. Czas najwy¿szy aby mieæ kolonie.
77 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Fisz jakto nie wiesz ??? Hans Kloss , Stawka Wieksza niz Zycie , j-23 !!!!!
75 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Long live Monte Carlo legion as a member in Atlantic Alliance. Your future is there :-). Yes we did know the pass but it was delegate's nessesity to either remove it or give it to you not ours. That's the fact you can't neglect and admins do understand that.
59 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut One of the ejected native tried to get in, and this what he got. Another complaint has been filed:

Change Region
This is the place to move your nation from one region to another. A fleet of military-grade choppers will fly in and physically transport Corinthe to a better location.

[Create a New Region]


Move to an existing region:

Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.



Find the region you want to move to, then click the link that says, "Move your nation to (the region) today!".

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57 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Notice, this is not posted by the native, but by Corinthe.
I am just gathering evidence to get you guys out of Monte Carlo.

Have fun :P
52 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz There has never been such native.
22 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Read it again.
20 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Corinthe was not a native at the moment of the invasion. This is no proof. Besides, everybody has been removed from the ban list, so you cannot even prove me who was ejected.
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut I made screenshots of who are ejected when you were delegate and what happened when Drockistan became delegate. I also make screenshots of our conversation. Your flamebaiting friend Gdynia and of your attempts to confuse the evidence. I make files of everything we say in the civil hq, and I will make sure that the thread will not die in the moderator's forum.

Corinthe just proved that the place was and still is passworded, and still nobody have given me the password. This is a clasic griefing, and I will not let it slide.



7 minutes ago: The Insane Nation of Crazy girl arrived from The Free Pacific Army.
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed The Colony of HideOut from the regional ban list.
14 minutes ago: The Colony of HideOut departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Colony of HideOut from the region.
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty departed this region for Gothic pleasure chamber
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty arrived from Gothic pleasure chamber.
5 hours ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz replaced The Dictatorship of Drockistan as UN Delegate.
9 hours ago: The Empire of Hyperglaven arrived from Covenant.
18 hours ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
18 hours ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands

So, you can't say that I skipped anything. All the regional happenings, sinds no mod is reacting to it, whatsoever!

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:23
that's quite an impressive list ya got there cor ;)
12-12-2003, 17:24

That's the third topic. I hope a moderator warns Corinthe for being such an annoying little creature.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:24
maybe you should get some more sleep? ;)
12-12-2003, 17:26
that's quite an impressive list ya got there cor ;)

Fisz kept on provoking me, and the mods did let it escalate. No way, I sit down and watch when someone griefes my puppet!

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
12-12-2003, 17:27
I just want to add, that HideOut (Corinthe) and Crazy Girl are spamming the civil HQ with neerdental writings.

18 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Straks valt mijn verbinding met het forum weg, en kan ik niet meer reageren als er eindelijk iemand reageert.
17 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Ik maak een nieuwe topic!
17 minutes ago The Insane Nation of Crazy girl hoezo valt je verbinding weg?
17 minutes ago The Insane Nation of Crazy girl doe je best, zou ik zeggen, maar grote kans dat ze hem dicht maken..
7 minutes ago The Insane Island of Crazy girl2 tuurlijk jong, hou je nou maar rustig..
en die capslock mag er ook wel af

and are you really in for it to kick out all my 150 nations?
or will you just let me talk to my friend?
5 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Ik kan niet meer in het forum komen. Die server zuig verschrikkelijk :(
4 minutes ago The Insane Island of Crazy girl2 ik zit er wel in, maak je geen zorgen ;)
3 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Ik heb hem al op de post gedaan, eindelijk :)
1 minute ago The Insane Island of Crazy girl2 ja, ik heb het gezien, en ik heb er al op gereageerd ;)
12-12-2003, 17:28
Thanks :twisted:

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:29
i was just talking to a friend of mine, who happens to be a native, if you don't like it, go and invade another region ;)
12-12-2003, 17:32
I do not accept "clearing the board" of my region in a malicious way. Report via the getting help page has been filed.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:34
we were not clearing the board, i was only trying to calm corinthe down a bit after you kicked her, if you want to report my for that, fine..

and another thing, your region? don'tthink so, you're an invader, not the founder..
12-12-2003, 17:42
Go calm her by telegram.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:43
that doesn't work if she's posting on the civil hq and not checking her telegrams..
12-12-2003, 17:48

That's the third topic. I hope a moderator warns Corinthe for being such an annoying little creature.

classic! LOL!

not a moderator, a try hard
12-12-2003, 17:54
And again, he doesn't bother to give me the password!


Seconds ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz password-protected the region.
Seconds ago: The Federation of Anime girl departed this region for The Rejected Realms
Seconds ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Federation of Anime girl from the region.
5 minutes ago: The Federation of Anime girl arrived from The East Pacific.
5 minutes ago: The Republic of The Master Cooper arrived from The Pacific.
13 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Crazygirl4 departed this region for The Rejected Realms
13 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Dictatorship of Crazygirl4 from the region.
16 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Crazygirl4 arrived from CGs place.
20 minutes ago: The Colony of HideOut arrived from The Rejected Realms.
21 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed The Colony of HideOut from the regional ban list.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:55
he'll have to give the password to all the natives, otherwise, he's griefing ;)
12-12-2003, 17:57
The new password:

The name of a Slavic God. Written in a capital letter.

Once a non-native finds out and enters the region, it will change. Good luck.
12-12-2003, 17:57
I don't know any Slavic god! These guys came to Monte Carlo. I didn't come to their place!


From Message
The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz
Received: 2 minutes ago The new password:

The name of a Slavic God. Written in a capital letter.
The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz
Received: 95 minutes ago HideOut, I don't like you. And since the rules permit me to eject a native for strategical matters and unbanning it afterwards, I will do so, for the simple strategy of humiliation.

Do NEVER humiliate the Atlantic Alliance and it's members, as you have done in the past, CORINTHE.

And my puppet is no UN member, so what kind of strategical reason can there be?

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
12-12-2003, 17:59
I'm going. This is getting dumb and stupid. The only reason I set this password is that CrazyGirl is comming to spam my region with messages. I hope moderators will take this into consideration.

Hail Victory.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:59
The new password:

The name of a Slavic God. Written in a capital letter.

Once a non-native finds out and enters the region, it will change. Good luck.

good luck giving it out to all the natives..
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 18:05
12 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz The new password:

The name of a Slavic God. Written in a capital letter.
11 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz In capital letter, that is.
3 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I don't know any of your gods. You are again busy circumventing the rules!
2 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Ignorance is no excuse.

that's no way to give out a password..
12-12-2003, 18:13
Let's see; Neut was here, no action. Hack was here, no action. Kamarbajan was here, no action. Cogitation was here, no action. I wonder how far this have to go?!
I'm gonna fight this out until my last nation, because they obviously think that this all just my fault, or maybe puppets should not complain. Or maybe they are ignoring this because of Monte Carlo's past. It doesn't matter. I stay on this case. I was stupid to bow down when the "glitch invasion" happened on The Pacific. It was deleteion time than, and I should have stayed. Now I will not bow for mod indifference!!!!
Fisz keeps on provoking me, and I will not rest until either he or me is not able to continue this charade!

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
12-12-2003, 18:17
Let's see; Neut was here, no action. Hack was here, no action. Kamarbajan was here, no action. Cogitation was here, no action. I wonder how far this have to go?!
I'm gonna fight this out until my last nation, because they obviously think that this all just my fault, or maybe puppets should not complain. Or maybe they are ignoring this because of Monte Carlo's past. It doesn't matter. I stay on this case. I was stupid to bow down when the "glitch invasion" happened on The Pacific. It was deleteion time than, and I should have stayed. Now I will not bow for mod indifference!!!!
Fisz keeps on provoking me, and I will not rest until either he or me is not able to continue this charade!

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (


Regional Happenings
Seconds ago: The Colony of HideOut arrived from The Rejected Realms.
4 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed regional password protection.
9 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed The Colony of HideOut from the regional ban list.
9 minutes ago: The Colony of HideOut departed this region for The Rejected Realms
9 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Colony of HideOut from the region.
22 minutes ago: The Republic of The Master Cooper departed this region for The Pacific
22 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz changed the regional password.
23 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz password-protected the region.
23 minutes ago: The Federation of Anime girl departed this region for The Rejected Realms
23 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Federation of Anime girl from the region.


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
33 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Yep, they are just flamebaiting now.
32 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land flamebaiting - zastanawiamy sie z Cohenem co ten wyraz oznacza :]
28 minutes ago The Federation of Anime girl en praten een raar taaltje..
wat vind je trouwens van mijn vlag?
23 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz The new password:

The name of a Slavic God. Written in a capital letter.
22 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz In capital letter, that is.
14 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I don't know any of your gods. You are again busy circumventing the rules!
13 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Ignorance is no excuse.
13 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz If you would keep your friend out of here, I would not take such radical measure.
10 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Lol, you have no reason to not give me the password. You are just looking for excuses. I already told Crazy Girl not to intervere. The fact that the mods ignore me, doesn't mean that this is over now. I will keep this up until my last nation will be deleted!
3 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Stop at once. I will therefore IGNORE your stupid remarks.
12-12-2003, 19:11
Cogitation was here, no action.

I'd like to note that I'm a bit busy in real life and I'm only checking the forums real quick. I don't have time to give this the proper attention that it deserves.

--The Democratic States of Cogitation
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 19:46
hope everythings alright cog?

and could you please kick one of the other game mods this way, please?
12-12-2003, 21:03
He keeps on provoking me!

Calling himself The anti-Corinthe inquision of Fisz.
New People
13-12-2003, 04:32
1. It is not griefing. Griefing is something different.

2. You're very pushy.

3. Fisz isn't really provoking you anymore than you're already provoking him. Calling someone the Anti-Corinthe of something is perfectly within the rules. Now, if someone said they were the Mick-loving New People-Killer of that would be different.
13-12-2003, 08:08
This is an unfair ruling! They also ejected the former delegate, and they have turned Monte Carlo in a Polish region! I have no option left than leaving monte Carlo, because now they also have made the region a permanent member of their stupid own region! You moderators suck major, and you are definitely biased in who you help and with what you help!
Griefers are trying to destry the fun of other players, but the game moderators have surely also a huge part in this!

Received: 1 minute ago A griefer delegate has the right to eject a native of the region like you as long as it doesn't ban you and gives you back the password. As you have returned to the region and are not on the banned list, this complaint is closed.

Received: 10 minutes ago Hideout has been allowed to return to the region, so its ejection from the region falls within the rules established for invader ejections.

Very smart to give me an anonimous TG. Now I have nothing else to do than blame all moderators for this detoriating of the game!
I had proof that he refused to give me the password, but you refuse to see that!

30 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
2 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
8 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski arrived from Poland.

14-12-2003, 19:26

I think this is all dealing with the second takeover - I was there when the first began - and if they don't like it - tough... This is what happens when you takeover a region that has a delegate who doesn't give a stuff...... or am I missing a point here?

Either way I'm glad I'm out of it.
Pope Hope
14-12-2003, 19:41
There's a rumor floating around the Monte Carlo regional board that Corinthe has been forum banned. I was just wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth in this statement...?
Crazy girl
14-12-2003, 19:45
yes it is (
14-12-2003, 19:46

~Evil Empress [Rep Prod] the Forum God
Pope Hope
14-12-2003, 20:02 about going out in flames. Thanks to Goob and CG for that clarification.
14-12-2003, 20:11
<--- boggles :shock:

Received: 61 minutes ago Don't spam regional happening boards, please. The day that a native, that desperately tries to return to his own invaded region becomes a spammer, is the day that I stop playing this game. But I am not going away without this little message to the moderators that think that this is justice! STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corinthe is now in that region.
Crazy girl
14-12-2003, 20:13
yes, and so are most of her nations.. :(
14-12-2003, 20:28
The funny thing is that she created the Pacific "Army". I would expect an counter invasion of Monte Carlo (would be fun), but she just cried to the moderators some nonsense. But the "stfu" really gave her a bad reputation, and she lost the respect of the moderators.
Crazy girl
14-12-2003, 20:32
The funny thing is that she created the Pacific "Army".
14-12-2003, 20:59
wha corinthe? how the heck did you get back in ns?

gabuh? thought you were ip banned by reploid...
14-12-2003, 21:04
wha corinthe? how the heck did you get back in ns?

gabuh? thought you were ip banned by reploid...

Only from the forums.
14-12-2003, 21:10
wha corinthe? how the heck did you get back in ns?

gabuh? thought you were ip banned by reploid...

Crazy girl is not Corinthe. Two different females entirely. And no, Corinthe didn't create the Pacific Army. I did.
Emperor Matthuis
14-12-2003, 21:27
Well cor was asking for it just kept on posting Monte Carlo griefed again i must have seen that 5 times in two days :evil:

Emperor Matthuis
14-12-2003, 21:50
This is because she wanted to get me deleted so badly.
15-12-2003, 01:05

Apparently, some truth in what Corinthe said.
15-12-2003, 13:47
This is because she wanted to get me deleted so badly.

That was not why she got banned. She got banned because she felt you were breaking the rules, which in this instance you clearly were not. She disagreed with the mods decision, and made the choice to spam. This is why she got deleted, all of it, not simply because she wanted you to be punished for what she felt was a game infraction.
15-12-2003, 15:33
Corinthe was forumbanned for spamming:

This was sent to Corinthe yesterday:
NationStates Moderators
Spamming the forums, even if there was a mistake, is unacceptable.

My perception of what has happened:

- ACC invaded Monte Carlo, and refused to hand out the password. They switched delegacy to an idle native and then pretended it wasn't their responsibility anymore.
- Corinthe's nation, a native, is unable to do anything about this situation. She complains to the mods, and is ignored. For days.
- Finally Fisz became delegate again, and the password was lifted.
- Fisz ejected Corinthe, leaving her on the banlist.
- Corinthe complains to the mods again, and Fisz quickly removes her from the banlist.
- Mods tell Corinthe she's not banned anymore, so she shouldn't be complaining in the first place.
- Fisz now starts the policy of repeatedly ejecting Corinthe, using (his own words) "the simple strategy of humiliation".
- Neut rules that Corinthe returning to Monte Carlo qualifies as spam. Scolo bans her from her own region.
- Corinthe finally flips out after all that abuse and spams her own thread in the forum expressing her anger.
- Two minutes into the spamming, Reploid forumbans Corinthe.

So, Neut has now ruled that if a native returns after being ejected several times, it qualifies as spam BY THE NATIVE and the native may be banned from the region anyway. Or maybe that ruling just applies to Corinthe, which wouldn't surprise me considering Neut was the one who single-handedly destroyed Corinthe's invasion of The Pacific.

Obviously, I'm totally disgusted with how this was handled by the mods. Fisz purposely set out to 'get' Corinthe, even admitted that, and the mods bent over backwards to make it actually happen.

The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz
Received: 95 minutes ago
HideOut, I don't like you. And since the rules permit me to eject a native for strategical matters and unbanning it afterwards, I will do so, for the simple strategy of humiliation.

Do NEVER humiliate the Atlantic Alliance and it's members, as you have done in the past, CORINTHE.

Yes, I sent a letter to over this. Still waiting for a response. We'll see what happens next.

15-12-2003, 16:00
Blah blah blah. The story is over people.
15-12-2003, 16:10
Ballo, you ever think of going to work for the Bush administration? If you spun that one anymore the earth might get knocked off it's axis.
15-12-2003, 16:12
Who cares about Monte Carlo anyway? It's a region full of puppets and inactives.
The Atlantic might as well have just created a new region and claimed it as a great victory.
15-12-2003, 16:16
Ballo, you ever think of going to work for the Bush administration? If you spun that one anymore the earth might get knocked off it's axis.

Feel free to present how you have perceived the events, Mr. Objectivity.

15-12-2003, 16:19
Actually, this region has had 40 nations not so long ago. Mainly because Fortress Harkinnen and Imperial Commonwealth were attacking, while Elite Ghosts were defending. I (Towarzysz Gomulka) made them think that I am a native, so the anti-crashers and natives elected me as delegate. Basically it was not a boring region at all in the times.

It's just that I accidently resigned from UN membership (there SHOULD be a confirmation button on that...) so basically passworded the region to become delegate with this nation.
15-12-2003, 16:24
It's just that I accidently resigned from UN membership (there SHOULD be a confirmation button on that...) so basically passworded the region to become delegate with this nation.

And did you , or did you not, provide said password to the natives (which includes Corinthe's nation HideOut) ?

I'll agree with you that a confirmation pop-up or page following a click on the 'Resign' button would make a good addition to the User Interface. ;)

15-12-2003, 16:41
I forgot the password.
15-12-2003, 16:46
I forgot the password.

Since sending out the password must be done immediately after it is set, I'll interpret that as a simple 'no' to my question.

Did you notice how the mods, even until today, never bothered responding to Corinthe's complaint on this, yet took about two minutes to forum-ban her when there was a reason to? I think the difference in mod action there seems a tad large. Overly so.

15-12-2003, 17:33
It's all based on evidence. Forum spamming is, honestly, rather blatantly evident. Griefing complaints--especially this one--are almost always games of 'he said she said' because we rely on the claims of others to make up for our own lack of omniscience.

Still, if Fisz didn't give out the password (i.e. "forgot to") then he's a griefer and has been punished accordingly. *checks watch* Watch for a flame/spam/mods-suck fest from Fisz in... oh... I give it five minutes after he tries to log in next.

And the password and ban list to Monte Carlo have been cleared; the situation is just about as resolved as we can make it.

Crazy girl
15-12-2003, 17:35
3 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ceased to exist.
3 minutes ago: Fisz was ejected from the UN for rule violations.

:D :twisted:
15-12-2003, 17:43
*waits for inevitable complaints and counter-complaints*

Sorry, folks, it's been tough as of late.

15-12-2003, 17:44
:shock: for what? I was not a multi!
15-12-2003, 17:45
I forgot the password.
Translation: Didn't send it to the natives.

Result: Griefer.
15-12-2003, 17:47
I forgot the password.
Translation: Didn't send it to the natives.

Result: Griefer.

You SHOULD have read the thread made by MrNonchalant where this issue HAS been discussed. But since you were not ACTVE enough to know the situation you automatically delete me? What the hell is that?
15-12-2003, 17:49
the situation is just about as resolved as we can make it.

I'm actually most worried about the precedent created by Neuts ruling on Corinthe's act of returning to her home region being Regional Happenings spam. This seems to me to create a way for invaders to force a permanent ban of a native: merely eject the native several time and if the native keeps coming back it's spam. If not, they've effectively gotten rid of said native.

Am I misinterpreting that ruling? If so, could you (or someone else) please explain it to me? Considering the way in which I play this game, the rules on invasions have a very high importance to me. I want to be sure I'm well within bounds at all times, and that I know when an invader has crossed the line warranting me filing a request for help from a Mod.

15-12-2003, 17:51
So, Neut has now ruled that if a native returns after being ejected several times, it qualifies as spam BY THE NATIVE and the native may be banned from the region anyway. Or maybe that ruling just applies to Corinthe, which wouldn't surprise me considering Neut was the one who single-handedly destroyed Corinthe's invasion of The Pacific.

Obviously, I'm totally disgusted with how this was handled by the mods. Fisz purposely set out to 'get' Corinthe, even admitted that, and the mods bent over backwards to make it actually happen.

Ballo, the invader Del has the right to eject anyone they want to. Go back and read the thread, you are mostly objective on the issue. However instead of

- Fisz now starts the policy of repeatedly ejecting Corinthe, using (his own words) "the simple strategy of humiliation".

It should honestly read

- Corinthe continually enters the region, knowing she will be kicked out if she returns. She posts in the moderator forum that it is humiliating that she continually gets kicked out of the region and asks for the mods to intervene. Neut explains that a delegate has the right to kick out a few nations for strategic purposes.

I don’t know why you would blame Fisz, for taking the right given to the delegate. At that point, he was following the rules, not burdening a player as you make it sound.

Ballo, you ever think of going to work for the Bush administration? If you spun that one anymore the earth might get knocked off it's axis.

RL politics do not belong in this forum.

I forgot the password.

Since sending out the password must be done immediately after it is set, I'll interpret that as a simple 'no' to my question.

Did you notice how the mods, even until today, never bothered responding to Corinthe's complaint on this, yet took about two minutes to forum-ban her when there was a reason to? I think the difference in mod action there seems a tad large. Overly so.


The way to have gotten something done at the time was to keep kicking up her request to get the PW, not blame the mods now. She deserved to be Forum banned. Likewise she deserved to get the PW when she requested it, but in case you haven’t noticed the mods have been pulled in a lot of directions lately. There have been a lot of threads, complaints, about things not settled by mods lately, there seem to be a bit too few to look into everything. I say this, because I agree with your concern in handling the initial situation, just think it is important not to overly personalize it. I agree, we shouldn’t have to kick to get thing back up, but had we kicked Corinthes response apporpriattrly she likely would have gotten the answer she deserved. I don’t even recall the PW issue, so I am taking at face value that this did happen.

Still, if Fisz didn't give out the password (i.e. "forgot to") then he's a griefer and has been punished accordingly. *checks watch* Watch for a flame/spam/mods-suck fest from Fisz in... oh... I give it five minutes after he tries to log in next.


He admitted in this thread he griefed, got what he deserved.
15-12-2003, 17:57
the situation is just about as resolved as we can make it.

I'm actually most worried about the precedent created by Neuts ruling on Corinthe's act of returning to her home region being Regional Happenings spam. This seems to me to create a way for invaders to force a permanent ban of a native: merely eject the native several time and if the native keeps coming back it's spam. If not, they've effectively gotten rid of said native.

This really shouldn't be a problem because most natives don't contuinally reutrn to the region after being kicked over and over and over again. It simply isn't the best strategy. Did she think the Del was going to change his mind? Do you honestly thinking she was helping the game by coniuning to enter the region only to be kicked a moment later? This is diferent then just returning to the region.
15-12-2003, 17:57

A question has been asked at the moment, and no moderator has replied to it. Scolopendra can always delete my posts.
15-12-2003, 17:57
I forgot the password.
Translation: Didn't send it to the natives.

Result: Griefer.

You SHOULD have read the thread made by MrNonchalant where this issue HAS been discussed. But since you were not ACTVE enough to know the situation you automatically delete me? What the hell is that?

Yes, attack the mod. That is how you get your nation back.
15-12-2003, 17:58

A question has been asked at the moment, and no moderator has replied to it. Scolopendra can always delete my posts.

Who set the first pw. By saying you forgot it, it seems you set it the first time. If this is not he case, is it that the person who set it TMed it to you ands others in the group?
15-12-2003, 18:03
I was "Towarzysz Gomulka" and I set the password. I accidently resigned from the UN and did not want the region to be taken over by another group. And since I was no longer a delegate, so the question has been asked.

I am not attacking a moderator. It's just that every moderator ignored this important issue, and all of a sudden I am deleted, and my reputation is even WORSE because I have been "ejected from the UN for rule violations". So everybody now thinks that the AA is a bunch of multies :roll:
15-12-2003, 18:10
Ballo, the invader Del has the right to eject anyone they want to. Go back and read the thread, you are mostly objective on the issue. However instead of

- Fisz now starts the policy of repeatedly ejecting Corinthe, using (his own words) "the simple strategy of humiliation".

It should honestly read

- Corinthe continually enters the region, knowing she will be kicked out if she returns. She posts in the moderator forum that it is humiliating that she continually gets kicked out of the region and asks for the mods to intervene. Neut explains that a delegate has the right to kick out a few nations for strategic purposes.

Please don't make a quote like that. It makes it seem as if I saif that.

The problem with phrasing it like that is that there's also a different side to the loop problem: "Fisz continually ejects Corinthe from the region, knowing she will return." It is completely unclear to me why the 'Corinthe does bad' interpretation is chosen as accurate, yet the 'Fisz does bad' one is overlooked. IMHO, neither player is at fault for the loop, as it is inherent in the game rules.

Normally it should only matter whether a UN nation is inside or outside a region around update time as that's where the threat to the delegacy lies. I'm in no way blaming Fisz for wanting to maintain the delegacy. It's just that kicking Corinthe's non-UN puppet serves no tactical purpose. By Fisz's OWN admission, it was merely done to humiliate her. IMHO, that's griefing.

The quote about "Humiliating" is a TM sent by Fisz to HideOut (I have absolute confidence in Corinthe's honesty in that quote) which makes it clear that exactly that was the purpose of the ejecting. While I can understand a few ejects like that to relieve some anger/stress/frustration whatever, it should IMHO be Fisz's responsibility to stop ejecting. If this is not done, it should qualify as griefing a native. Well, that's my opinion, and I do realize Neut ruled otherwise. I just don't understand the basis for the ruling, nor the extent of the consequences for invasions, hence my questions about it.

The way to have gotten something done at the time was to keep kicking up her request to get the PW, not blame the mods now. She deserved to be Forum banned.

While I fully understand her frustration (my jaw dropped when I read Neuts ruling), I agree. She lost her cool and spammed that forum thread with puppets. As such, a punishment is appropriate. I am kinda hoping she'll return to the game though, and that after some time (when all sides have had a chance to calm down, plus some time for 'punishment value') the forum ban will be lifted. We'll see.

15-12-2003, 18:18
I was "Towarzysz Gomulka" and I set the password. I accidently resigned from the UN and did not want the region to be taken over by another group. And since I was no longer a delegate, so the question has been asked.

My take on it, and wait for official mod response-

Since you as a player set the PW, you as a player should be responsible for it. So, that could explain the deletion of one of your nations, if not the one that intially set the PW.

If you had forgotten the PW, I think it would have been your responsibility to use Getting Help, in addition to posting in the forums here, that you are an invading DEL and forgot the Pw.

It comes down to, even if not intentional, you had the chance to do something in order not to be dealt the blow of being a greifer. I understand your frsutration of the mods not answering the Q Non asked, but I don't think that should negate your respobsibility to do what you can to not be a griefer.

Hope that makes sense to you, and I understand your frustration. That said, you were flaming the mod, and I understand you are mad. Just keep in mind it will not help you to do so.

Hopefully a mod will help you out one way or the other, we'll see. I wouldn't expect your expulsion to be overturned, but it is possible (I know very little :D ).
15-12-2003, 18:27
The problem with phrasing it like that is that there's also a different side to the loop problem: "Fisz continually ejects Corinthe from the region, knowing she will return." It is completely unclear to me why the 'Corinthe does bad' interpretation is chosen as accurate, yet the 'Fisz does bad' one is overlooked. IMHO, neither player is at fault for the loop, as it is inherent in the game rules.

Normally it should only matter whether a UN nation is inside or outside a region around update time as that's where the threat to the delegacy lies. I'm in no way blaming Fisz for wanting to maintain the delegacy. It's just that kicking Corinthe's non-UN puppet serves no tactical purpose. By Fisz's OWN admission, it was merely done to humiliate her. IMHO, that's griefing.

The quote about "Humiliating" is a TM sent by Fisz to HideOut (I have absolute confidence in Corinthe's honesty in that quote) which makes it clear that exactly that was the purpose of the ejecting. While I can understand a few ejects like that to relieve some anger/stress/frustration whatever, it should IMHO be Fisz's responsibility to stop ejecting. If this is not done, it should qualify as griefing a native. Well, that's my opinion, and I do realize Neut ruled otherwise. I just don't understand the basis for the ruling, nor the extent of the consequences for invasions, hence my questions about it.

Firstly, not intended to mislead as I am sure you well know. Thought it was clear enough, apologize if you disagreed, will be even clearer next time.

As to Fisz ejecting her, he did nothing wrong. There should be no question at this stage of the game (we are all veterans of the game) if the Del can kick out a nation. But that was the Crux of her initial argument, that he shouldn’t be allowed to. The very reason it should read as I suggested, is because the only questionable person in that situation is Corinthe. Would you prefer natives be allowed in the region or not?

You would probably prefer they be allowed. But, then to suggest the invader is a griefer because he allows her back in but keeps kicking her out is ridiculous. You might as well say invasions are against the rules, because natives are always allowed to come back in and if the invading Del kicks they are griefers. Does this make any sense, of course not. It simply seems biased beyond belief to describe this as something he did wrong, he was well within his rights to defend his standing there.

As to the post he made about humiliating her, different issue. That could well be seen as flaming, and can be dealt with apporpiraly there. But to suggest that he be held up as breaking rules because he kicked out a nation he didn’t want there is, to me, irresponsible.

You and her (and another I believe) have suggested that it should only be UN nations because those are the only strategic nations. This is obviously no where clear the truth, or else Corinthe would not be banned, there wouldn’t be like 5 threads on the issue, etc. etc. In truth, a known puppet of hers can be a strategic nation for her to keep in there. She can use it to try to rally some against the Del, or even turn that puppet into a UN act. So to suggest that it was a useless puppet nation just isn’t holding much water, seeing as it certainly seemed to mean a lot to her and everyone else involved.

You are attempting to be objective, I see this. But I think you unjustly soften her part in this if A) you claim he did something wrong by kicking out a nation or B) make her being kicked from the region a passive action, as you did in your earlier description.
15-12-2003, 19:36
Who cares about Monte Carlo anyway? It's a region full of puppets and inactives.
The Atlantic might as well have just created a new region and claimed it as a great victory.

the AA are training by taking small regions... don't put them down... it also means they are up to thier old tricks.
16-12-2003, 03:14
16-12-2003, 03:17
This thread seems to have served its purpose and thensome -.-
Crazy girl
16-12-2003, 07:09

a phoenix gres imposter? funny..
16-12-2003, 07:32
Ballo, you ever think of going to work for the Bush administration? If you spun that one anymore the earth might get knocked off it's axis.

Feel free to present how you have perceived the events, Mr. Objectivity.


I think Ack did a good enough job of that. Cheers.