12-12-2003, 17:21
All the evidence presented here:
[code:1:7856fc2afa]30 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
2 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
8 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski arrived from Poland.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
2 days ago The Colony of HideOut A password would surely kill this region slowly. I don't think that's a good idea.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Agree. I have no intention of passwording it.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Lesser Goatia has been convicted of unendorsing me.
1 day ago The Emirate of Wes Tak Niut I was just starting to get to know goatia, seemed alright, that's a shame.
1 day ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka It's a shame you have been identified as suspicious by many nations.
15 hours ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka My rule has came to an end in this great region.
Since the spam protection is so annoying, I can send the password to natives upon demand.
11 hours ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz My rule shall begin.
55 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
3 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am![/code:1:7856fc2afa]
Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~ http://chriszs.f2o.org/atlantic/detect.html
UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.
Founder: Babes for hire
Monte Carlo contains 14 nations. [List all nations]
Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!
Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."
Page: < 1 2 >
Regional Happenings
101 minutes ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
6 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
7 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
14 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
16 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
6 hours ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am!
114 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz HideOut: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=102969
98 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Obywatele Polscy znajduj¹cy siê tutaj. Proszê daæ mi endorsement oraz delegatowi. ¯eby on nas nie wywali³, trzeba mu daæ znaæ ¿e my go popieramy. W ostatniej chwili endorsement mu po prostu usuniemy, i znów bêdêpanowa³ nad regionem, a wy sobie pomaszerujecie spowrotem do ojczyzny.
97 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land Fisz mozesz mie wprowadzic w temat ?? :)
95 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land qrde a co bedzie jezeli on zna polski ??;)
79 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz A gdzie tam, on ma znaæ polski? Po choinkê. A jest on na pó³-obecny, na pewno nie zda sobie sprawy ¿e jest on delegatem.
78 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Kurde, Dopiero zauwa¿y³em ¿e jestem socjaldemokrata. Muszê wiêcej na prawo byæ.
43 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Okay, I'm gonna report this to the moderators. This is definitely an invasion, and the natives used to speak English here!
Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~ http://chriszs.f2o.org/atlantic/detect.html
UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.
Founder: Babes for hire
Monte Carlo contains 15 nations. [List all nations]
Your message has been lodged!
Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!
Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."
Page: < 1 2 >
Regional Happenings
51 minutes ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
5 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
9 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
11 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
18 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
77 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I asked to know the password, but they are not giving it.
65 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz I would give it to you, but I copy-pasted it and deleted the telegram, so I don't remember it.
55 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut That is a violation of NationStates's rules, and you have no intend to simply change the password?
38 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz How can we change the password, since Drockistan is the delegate?
34 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land HideOut what is wrong with you ?? cranky brain implant ??
31 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land wiec o ile dobrze rozumie to koles chce haslo bo wydaje mu sie ze jest zmienione a one jest ciagle takie same ?? tyle ze boi sie ze jezeli wylezie to juz nie wejdzie ??
29 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Lol, you can take it off, don't you pretend to be a noob man! All people joining this region now, will be marked as griefers, because they have the password, and the natives don't! And you are pretending to be a noob, so you don't have to take the password off. I am delegate somewhere, I know how it works!
3 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land ql usually ppl prescribe me as a nOOb ql that you think different thx
3 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire HideOut the password was created when there was other delegate. Then Drockistan was elected and pass is his responsiblity not ours ... we could not do anything about it. So your accusations are pathetic. You are saying you are a delegate somewhere but you prove to us you are a noob. We cannot do anything since neither of us is a delegate dammit !
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut You came in, knowing the password. You could never have gotten in without knowing the password, and since you are not giving it to me (the native), that makes you an acomplice! And now I go report to the moderators again, because this is escalating.
Tried to move my nation in:
Change Region
This is the place to move your nation from one region to another. A fleet of military-grade choppers will fly in and physically transport Corinthe to a better location.
[Create a New Region]
Move to an existing region:
Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.
Find the region you want to move to, then click the link that says, "Move your nation to (the region) today!".
[List all regions]
Find a region:
Regional Happenings
26 minutes ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
56 minutes ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands
3 hours ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
7 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
12 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
13 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
20 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
22 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
114 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land w koncu jestesmy polakami a ten baran nam zla reklame robi :]
97 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz W sumie byliœmy narodem który nigdy nie by³ imperialistyczny. Czas najwy¿szy aby mieæ kolonie.
77 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Fisz jakto nie wiesz ??? Hans Kloss , Stawka Wieksza niz Zycie , j-23 !!!!!
75 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Long live Monte Carlo legion as a member in Atlantic Alliance. Your future is there :-). Yes we did know the pass but it was delegate's nessesity to either remove it or give it to you not ours. That's the fact you can't neglect and admins do understand that.
59 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut One of the ejected native tried to get in, and this what he got. Another complaint has been filed:
Change Region
This is the place to move your nation from one region to another. A fleet of military-grade choppers will fly in and physically transport Corinthe to a better location.
[Create a New Region]
Move to an existing region:
Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.
Find the region you want to move to, then click the link that says, "Move your nation to (the region) today!".
[List all regions]
Find a region:
57 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Notice, this is not posted by the native, but by Corinthe.
I am just gathering evidence to get you guys out of Monte Carlo.
Have fun :P
52 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz There has never been such native.
22 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Read it again.
20 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Corinthe was not a native at the moment of the invasion. This is no proof. Besides, everybody has been removed from the ban list, so you cannot even prove me who was ejected.
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut I made screenshots of who are ejected when you were delegate and what happened when Drockistan became delegate. I also make screenshots of our conversation. Your flamebaiting friend Gdynia and of your attempts to confuse the evidence. I make files of everything we say in the civil hq, and I will make sure that the thread will not die in the moderator's forum.
Corinthe just proved that the place was and still is passworded, and still nobody have given me the password. This is a clasic griefing, and I will not let it slide.
7 minutes ago: The Insane Nation of Crazy girl arrived from The Free Pacific Army.
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed The Colony of HideOut from the regional ban list.
14 minutes ago: The Colony of HideOut departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Colony of HideOut from the region.
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty departed this region for Gothic pleasure chamber
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty arrived from Gothic pleasure chamber.
5 hours ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz replaced The Dictatorship of Drockistan as UN Delegate.
9 hours ago: The Empire of Hyperglaven arrived from Covenant.
18 hours ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
18 hours ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands
So, you can't say that I skipped anything. All the regional happenings, sinds no mod is reacting to it, whatsoever!
<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=help) (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (http://s2.invisionfree.com/The_Pacific/)
[code:1:7856fc2afa]30 minutes ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
2 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
8 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
8 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
10 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski arrived from Poland.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
2 days ago The Colony of HideOut A password would surely kill this region slowly. I don't think that's a good idea.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Agree. I have no intention of passwording it.
2 days ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka Lesser Goatia has been convicted of unendorsing me.
1 day ago The Emirate of Wes Tak Niut I was just starting to get to know goatia, seemed alright, that's a shame.
1 day ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka It's a shame you have been identified as suspicious by many nations.
15 hours ago The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka My rule has came to an end in this great region.
Since the spam protection is so annoying, I can send the password to natives upon demand.
11 hours ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz My rule shall begin.
55 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
3 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am![/code:1:7856fc2afa]
Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~ http://chriszs.f2o.org/atlantic/detect.html
UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.
Founder: Babes for hire
Monte Carlo contains 14 nations. [List all nations]
Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!
Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."
Page: < 1 2 >
Regional Happenings
101 minutes ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
6 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
7 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
14 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
15 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
16 hours ago: The Empire of Towarzysz Jaruzelski departed this region for Polska
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
6 hours ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Greetings people of Monte Carlo :-). How are you all doing ? :-)
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Well, I am not sure I like it that way. I need to know the password. It's the game rule! You guys are still invaders in my book!
5 hours ago The Colony of HideOut Erm. let me say it this way. I am |------i-| this close of reporting you guys to the moderators. Just one more - and I am!
114 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz HideOut: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=102969
98 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Obywatele Polscy znajduj¹cy siê tutaj. Proszê daæ mi endorsement oraz delegatowi. ¯eby on nas nie wywali³, trzeba mu daæ znaæ ¿e my go popieramy. W ostatniej chwili endorsement mu po prostu usuniemy, i znów bêdêpanowa³ nad regionem, a wy sobie pomaszerujecie spowrotem do ojczyzny.
97 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land Fisz mozesz mie wprowadzic w temat ?? :)
95 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land qrde a co bedzie jezeli on zna polski ??;)
79 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz A gdzie tam, on ma znaæ polski? Po choinkê. A jest on na pó³-obecny, na pewno nie zda sobie sprawy ¿e jest on delegatem.
78 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Kurde, Dopiero zauwa¿y³em ¿e jestem socjaldemokrata. Muszê wiêcej na prawo byæ.
43 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Okay, I'm gonna report this to the moderators. This is definitely an invasion, and the natives used to speak English here!
Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~ http://chriszs.f2o.org/atlantic/detect.html
UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.
Founder: Babes for hire
Monte Carlo contains 15 nations. [List all nations]
Your message has been lodged!
Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!
Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."
Page: < 1 2 >
Regional Happenings
51 minutes ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
5 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
9 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
11 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
18 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
77 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I asked to know the password, but they are not giving it.
65 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz I would give it to you, but I copy-pasted it and deleted the telegram, so I don't remember it.
55 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut That is a violation of NationStates's rules, and you have no intend to simply change the password?
38 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz How can we change the password, since Drockistan is the delegate?
34 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land HideOut what is wrong with you ?? cranky brain implant ??
31 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land wiec o ile dobrze rozumie to koles chce haslo bo wydaje mu sie ze jest zmienione a one jest ciagle takie same ?? tyle ze boi sie ze jezeli wylezie to juz nie wejdzie ??
29 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Lol, you can take it off, don't you pretend to be a noob man! All people joining this region now, will be marked as griefers, because they have the password, and the natives don't! And you are pretending to be a noob, so you don't have to take the password off. I am delegate somewhere, I know how it works!
3 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land ql usually ppl prescribe me as a nOOb ql that you think different thx
3 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire HideOut the password was created when there was other delegate. Then Drockistan was elected and pass is his responsiblity not ours ... we could not do anything about it. So your accusations are pathetic. You are saying you are a delegate somewhere but you prove to us you are a noob. We cannot do anything since neither of us is a delegate dammit !
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut You came in, knowing the password. You could never have gotten in without knowing the password, and since you are not giving it to me (the native), that makes you an acomplice! And now I go report to the moderators again, because this is escalating.
Tried to move my nation in:
Change Region
This is the place to move your nation from one region to another. A fleet of military-grade choppers will fly in and physically transport Corinthe to a better location.
[Create a New Region]
Move to an existing region:
Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.
Find the region you want to move to, then click the link that says, "Move your nation to (the region) today!".
[List all regions]
Find a region:
Regional Happenings
26 minutes ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
56 minutes ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands
3 hours ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
7 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
12 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
13 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
20 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
20 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
22 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
114 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land w koncu jestesmy polakami a ten baran nam zla reklame robi :]
97 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz W sumie byliœmy narodem który nigdy nie by³ imperialistyczny. Czas najwy¿szy aby mieæ kolonie.
77 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Fisz jakto nie wiesz ??? Hans Kloss , Stawka Wieksza niz Zycie , j-23 !!!!!
75 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Long live Monte Carlo legion as a member in Atlantic Alliance. Your future is there :-). Yes we did know the pass but it was delegate's nessesity to either remove it or give it to you not ours. That's the fact you can't neglect and admins do understand that.
59 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut One of the ejected native tried to get in, and this what he got. Another complaint has been filed:
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Moving from pacific to Monte Carlo: Monte Carlo is password-protected. Please enter the password below.
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57 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Notice, this is not posted by the native, but by Corinthe.
I am just gathering evidence to get you guys out of Monte Carlo.
Have fun :P
52 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz There has never been such native.
22 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Read it again.
20 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Corinthe was not a native at the moment of the invasion. This is no proof. Besides, everybody has been removed from the ban list, so you cannot even prove me who was ejected.
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut I made screenshots of who are ejected when you were delegate and what happened when Drockistan became delegate. I also make screenshots of our conversation. Your flamebaiting friend Gdynia and of your attempts to confuse the evidence. I make files of everything we say in the civil hq, and I will make sure that the thread will not die in the moderator's forum.
Corinthe just proved that the place was and still is passworded, and still nobody have given me the password. This is a clasic griefing, and I will not let it slide.
7 minutes ago: The Insane Nation of Crazy girl arrived from The Free Pacific Army.
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz removed The Colony of HideOut from the regional ban list.
14 minutes ago: The Colony of HideOut departed this region for The Rejected Realms
14 minutes ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz ejected The Colony of HideOut from the region.
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty departed this region for Gothic pleasure chamber
33 minutes ago: The Evil Dark Vampire Realm of Lady Kitty arrived from Gothic pleasure chamber.
5 hours ago: The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz replaced The Dictatorship of Drockistan as UN Delegate.
9 hours ago: The Empire of Hyperglaven arrived from Covenant.
18 hours ago: The Disputed Territories of Psychologie arrived from The Rejected Realms.
18 hours ago: The Kingdom of The RPGamers departed this region for 10000 Islands
So, you can't say that I skipped anything. All the regional happenings, sinds no mod is reacting to it, whatsoever!
<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
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