NationStates Jolt Archive


11-12-2003, 19:28
Are UN delegates that are no longer delegates responsible for a password they set while they were delegate when there is another delegate already in place?
11-12-2003, 19:34
Are UN delegates that are no longer delegates responsible for a password they set while they were delegate when there is another delegate already in place?


The regional control doesn't require you to enter the previous password when changing the password, so I guess not.
I think that answers what you were asking...
11-12-2003, 19:35
Are UN delegates that are no longer delegates responsible for a password they set while they were delegate when there is another delegate already in place?

No, the new delegate can simply take it off, and put a new one. If you talk about Monte Carlo, you should report it. These guys are griefing you, and you don't even see it :evil:
I reported it in the getting help section, but I guess that will take at least a week :(

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
11-12-2003, 19:38
I am talking about Monte Carlo. I'm talking about a situation where person A becomes delegate, person A sets a password, person A then loses delegacy, and person B is elected. Is person A still responsible for griefing if they don't distribute the password to any native which asks after person B is already delegate?
11-12-2003, 19:41
Oh, and who's griefing us how Corinthe?
11-12-2003, 20:11
Oh, and who's griefing us how Corinthe?

The former delegate did in the first place, and the new delegate continues it. Both are griefers. The have slowly ejected some of the native UN members, and are now busy trying to confuse us and the moderators.

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
11-12-2003, 20:24
I am talking about Monte Carlo. I'm talking about a situation where person A becomes delegate, person A sets a password, person A then loses delegacy, and person B is elected. Is person A still responsible for griefing if they don't distribute the password to any native which asks after person B is already delegate?

When an invader sets a password, it must be distributed immediately to all natives. Failing to do so is a violation of the rules. So, there's no "still responsible" part, nation A was guilty of griefing quite some time ago.

11-12-2003, 20:44
And right now they are flamebaiting my puppet, and infiltrating acomplices to become natives. This thing is escalating fast, and at a time that moderators are least active :(

[code:1:9c0e8ee82f]Monte Carlo
World Factbook Entry: Peace and stability has been reestablished in Monte Carlo, thanks to the Atlantic Alliance. ~~~~

UN Delegate: The Dictatorship of Drockistan.

Founder: Babes for hire

Monte Carlo contains 15 nations. [List all nations]

Your message has been lodged!

Tired of life in Monte Carlo? Then move to a new region!


Today's United Nations Report
The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Monte Carlo

# Nation UN Category Motto
1. The Sultanate of Babes for hire admirer New York Times Democracy "I still miss Babes for Hire"
2. The Sultanate of -007- Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "007"
3. The Colony of HideOut Anarchy "-= Oh well =-"
4. The Dictatorship of Stryn city Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "It started out well,but then......."
5. The Kingdom of The RPGamers Democratic Socialists "U R XP"
6. The Republic of Long Tall Texan Iron Fist Consumerists "i wear a 10 gallon hat"
7. The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz Psychotic Dictatorship "[i]"
8. The Armed Republic of Rhomin Scandinavian Liberal Paradise "Wushu is the one true path"
9. The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire Corporate Police State "Nobody Expects the Atlantic Inquisition"
10. The Empire of Mordithia Iron Fist Consumerists "Evil without Law is pure Chaos..."

Page: < 1 2 >


Regional Happenings
51 minutes ago: The Commonwealth of Shadow Hunter arrived from Rinkies.
5 hours ago: The Armed Republic of Dust Land arrived from Poland.
9 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Drockistan replaced The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka as UN Delegate.
11 hours ago: The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire arrived from Poland.
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka removed The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the regional ban list.
18 hours ago: The Dominion of Klocki LEGO departed this region for The Rejected Realms
18 hours ago: The Atlantic Serene Dictatorship of Towarzysz Gomulka ejected The Dominion of Klocki LEGO from the region.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.
19 hours ago: The Republic of Filosemitic Antisemite tried to enter the region but did not know the password.


Monte Carlo Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

Lodged From Message
77 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut I asked to know the password, but they are not giving it.
65 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz I would give it to you, but I copy-pasted it and deleted the telegram, so I don't remember it.
55 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut That is a violation of NationStates's rules, and you have no intend to simply change the password?
38 minutes ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz How can we change the password, since Drockistan is the delegate?
34 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land HideOut what is wrong with you ?? cranky brain implant ??
31 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land wiec o ile dobrze rozumie to koles chce haslo bo wydaje mu sie ze jest zmienione a one jest ciagle takie same ?? tyle ze boi sie ze jezeli wylezie to juz nie wejdzie ??
29 minutes ago The Colony of HideOut Lol, you can take it off, don't you pretend to be a noob man! All people joining this region now, will be marked as griefers, because they have the password, and the natives don't! And you are pretending to be a noob, so you don't have to take the password off. I am delegate somewhere, I know how it works!
3 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Dust Land ql usually ppl prescribe me as a nOOb ql that you think different thx
3 minutes ago The Dictatorship of Gdynia Empire HideOut the password was created when there was other delegate. Then Drockistan was elected and pass is his responsiblity not ours ... we could not do anything about it. So your accusations are pathetic. You are saying you are a delegate somewhere but you prove to us you are a noob. We cannot do anything since neither of us is a delegate dammit !
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut You came in, knowing the password. You could never have gotten in without knowing the password, and since you are not giving it to me (the native), that makes you an acomplice! And now I go report to the moderators again, because this is escalating.
11-12-2003, 20:50
Hmmm. It looks to me like the ACC/AA is trying to make a run around the rules here. Willingly, knowingly.

11-12-2003, 21:01
Paste this to the answer of the former griefer/delegate, and you have your answer. I'll keep it all in file :)

[code:1:ca5a5661ce]ago The Holy Atlantic Inquisition of Fisz The rules are that an invader gives out the password when he becomes delegate. The delegate is not an invader, he is a native. He can do whatever please him. How can we have an influence on something we have no control on?

Besides, your arguments sound as pathethic as Kandarin himself. Any affiliation? [/code:1:ca5a5661ce]

I know exactly who the invaders are, and Fisz was the leader of them, when it happened.

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
11-12-2003, 21:57
No native has been ejected and no native will be ejected. The serie of nations that I have ejected were invaders and new nations that I suspected the comming - one of them were the Imperial Commonwealth, which failed miserably.

So Corinthe, before you accuse someone of griefing, think twice.
11-12-2003, 22:09
Wow, very nice. HideOut and Corinthe are now inventing new natives and untrue facts, and posting them via the getting help page... :roll:
Emperor Matthuis
11-12-2003, 22:17
Isn't this topic getting of the subject a bit?
11-12-2003, 22:27
Isn't this topic getting of the subject a bit?

The subject is the griefing of Monte Carlo, why? Do you want it locked? :?
Since no mod is reacting, this thing gets on escalating :(

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
11-12-2003, 22:41
Dear Corinthe, it would be appreciated that you use the proper terms concerning Monte Carlo. Not griefing, but crashing.

Thank you. I think I do not need to post more comments concerning this. The password is an error, it will be removed as soon as possible.

Merry Christmas.
12-12-2003, 03:56
Mod, Look at this situation please.

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 09:14
well, this is sure interesting ;)

(okay, so i'm bumping...)
12-12-2003, 09:17
The former delegate did in the first place, and the new delegate continues it. Both are griefers. The have slowly ejected some of the native UN members, and are now busy trying to confuse us and the moderators.
Those that were ejected were obviously invaders. Few natives, if any, have been ejected.
When an invader sets a password, it must be distributed immediately to all natives. Failing to do so is a violation of the rules. So, there's no "still responsible" part, nation A was guilty of griefing quite some time ago.
Ah, but Gomulka, the original delegate, wasn't an invader. Plus that rule as you put it is ludicrous. What if tomorrow sombody took over, say, Poland. Would 75+ nations need to be telegrammed with the password with spam control? Let's do some calculation. About 15 seconds for spam control multiplied by 75 nations divided by 60 seconds equals over 18 minutes to telegram all natives. A more reasonable approach is that if any of the natives requests the password of the current delegate he should have to give it to them immediately.
Seconds ago The Colony of HideOut You came in, knowing the password. You could never have gotten in without knowing the password, and since you are not giving it to me (the native), that makes you an acomplice! And now I go report to the moderators again, because this is escalating.
That's ridicolous logic. There's nothing, I repeat, nothing in the rules that state an random person who knows the password need distribute it to the natives of a region. "Accomplice" my foot.
Hmmm. It looks to me like the ACC/AA is trying to make a run around the rules here. Willingly, knowingly.
It should be noted that this is a serious moderation discussion thread. Your speculation is unfounded and unnecessary. The situation is that Drockistan is the delegate now and he should be responsible for the password, not us.
Isn't this topic getting of the subject a bit?
Yes, and no. Though I agree, Corinthe is doing his best to hijack this thread to his own purposes.
The subject is the griefing of Monte Carlo, why? Do you want it locked?
Since no mod is reacting, this thing gets on escalating
The accused griefing, we have in fact not griefed Monte Carlo.
Mod, Look at this situation please.
I agree, since the only outcome would be that our position is vindicated. The situation, laid bare, is thus:
1. Towarzysz Gomulka participates in an anti-crashing operation to save Monte Carlo and ends up becoming delegate.
2. Towarzysz Gomulka mistakenly resigns from the UN.
3. Towarzysz Gomulka passwords the region, offering to distribute it if any of the natives ask, and leaves.
4. During the night Towarzysz Gomulka is replaced as delegate by Drockistan.
5. HideOut then asks Towarzysz Gomulka for the password.
6. Towarzysz Gomulka replies that he is no longer the delegate and therefore cannot do anything about the password.
7. Corinthe, AKA HideOut, then makes a big fuss about being griefed throwing in unsubstantiated reports of native ejections and nonexistent flamebaiting.
12-12-2003, 11:11
When an invader sets a password, it must be distributed immediately to all natives. Failing to do so is a violation of the rules. So, there's no "still responsible" part, nation A was guilty of griefing quite some time ago.
Ah, but Gomulka, the original delegate, wasn't an invader. Plus that rule as you put it is ludicrous. What if tomorrow sombody took over, say, Poland. Would 75+ nations need to be telegrammed with the password with spam control? Let's do some calculation. About 15 seconds for spam control multiplied by 75 nations divided by 60 seconds equals over 18 minutes to telegram all natives. A more reasonable approach is that if any of the natives requests the password of the current delegate he should have to give it to them immediately.

I'd object to such a rule, as it simply means that the delegate can remain idle and postpone handing out passwords indefinitely. All the other invaders will then simply shrug and say 'hey, we're not responsible!'
Bad idea.

Your mathematical excercise is correct. If an invading delegate wishes to distribute the password all by him/herself (without help from fellow invaders), then it might take a while for large regions. So be it.

As it stands, that password should've been distributed to the natives. It wasn't. I think that's a rule violation.

12-12-2003, 12:12
Since the starter of this topic made a 180 degree on his stance, I wonder if I'd better start a new topic about this now. I just wished that a mod stepped into this, so I would feel more assured that justice would be done. I have much more evidence in this case, so maybe starting a new topic is not so bad.
MrNonchalant, will you please stop speculating to confuse the issue. At least I argue with the evidence at hand, and use it as such. All you do is presenting your own thoughts in this case.
Darn, I get so frustrated when mods don't tell if they have seen this griefing and are working on it! I have seen them jumping on cases so many time. They can argue about the size of hippos for hours, and the fact than none of them is responding here, makes me so mad.
A certain dictator is preparing to report me for spamming, and history has shown that at least 2 or 3 mods will jump at his aid again, and again. Man, I need to get a life and stop playing this game! :x

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
12-12-2003, 13:22
Since the starter of this topic made a 180 degree on his stance, I wonder if I'd better start a new topic about this now. I just wished that a mod stepped into this, so I would feel more assured that justice would be done. I have much more evidence in this case, so maybe starting a new topic is not so bad.
You appear to be saying that you're losing the argument so you're going to start a new thread. Wonderful. I agree, let the mods look at this. We obviously didn't do anything wrong.
MrNonchalant, will you please stop speculating to confuse the issue. At least I argue with the evidence at hand, and use it as such. All you do is presenting your own thoughts in this case.
No, I presented a very clear outline of the events as facts. That is evidence, as much as copying and pasting regional HQs is since neither can really be 100% verified. I am here because my alliances actions are in question.
A certain dictator is preparing to report me for spamming, and history has shown that at least 2 or 3 mods will jump at his aid again, and again. Man, I need to get a life and stop playing this game!
So a known spammer is the native in question? That also sounds a lot like...speculation and your own thoughts.
I'd object to such a rule, as it simply means that the delegate can remain idle and postpone handing out passwords indefinitely. All the other invaders will then simply shrug and say 'hey, we're not responsible!'
Bad idea.
Pfft. That's an intrigueing idea, but it wouldn't work primarily because in most invasions the delegate needs to keep an itchy trigger finger on the controls. The other invaders aren't responsible. As I said, the responce would need to be in a pretty short stretch of time if it's not griefing. Even if the delegate is idle that can be an argument for griefing. In this case Drockistan is idle, is not one of us, and we frankly don't care if you blast him.
Your mathematical excercise is correct. If an invading delegate wishes to distribute the password all by him/herself (without help from fellow invaders), then it might take a while for large regions. So be it.
Let's extend that same exercise to Europe. Over 3 hours to telegram every native. One of the pacifics... It's just not realistic to have invaders telegram every native with the password. Over 99% will never need it. What makes a lot more sense is a request-responce system.
As it stands, that password should've been distributed to the natives. It wasn't. I think that's a rule violation.
It was distributed in the sense that if any of the natives had ask while Gomulka was delegate it would've been given out.
12-12-2003, 13:23
12-12-2003, 13:26
12-12-2003, 13:30
Oh, and Fisz is the delegate now and I'm quite sure he'll be lifting the password now that he has control of it again. This has become academic.
12-12-2003, 15:07
Corinthe, I am dissapointed at your theories. That's all I have to say...

PS. How did the password protection lift... itself? :?
12-12-2003, 15:20
Corinthe, I am dissapointed at your theories. That's all I have to say...

PS. How did the password protection lift... itself? :?

Do you have to ask? It's obviously done by a gamemod, because you never bothered to lift it. Why don't you go complaint about it? It is obviously illigal mod interference, in what you call legal actions of your side :P

<----------------- Not a Moderator, just wanna help out.
The getting help section! ( (for all your gaming problems)
Pacific freedom force (
12-12-2003, 15:55
And how was I supposed to lift it if I was not delegate? Tell me.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 16:45
well, this is getting more interesting with the minute..

and so far, no mod response in this thread at all..
12-12-2003, 17:08
The mods have already told us that we have to send the p/w to natives immediatly. Waiting for them to ask isn't acceptable.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:10
yes, i know that, but there have been accusations of griefing..
i'm curious about those, and wonder what the mods think of those..
so far,they haven't responded to that..
12-12-2003, 17:14
12-12-2003, 17:17

*pushes the eject button*
12-12-2003, 17:18
yes, i know that, but there have been accusations of griefing..
i'm curious about those, and wonder what the mods think of those..
so far,they haven't responded to that..

I'm not gonna comment on the griefing because I don't know all the details. The only thing I see is that MrNon and friends broke the rules by not sending the p/w right away. Weather or not it was intentional isn't for me to decide.
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:22
yes, i understand, it's for the mods to look into, but so far, several mods have been online, but none has really commented on this situation, except perhaps to the password bit..
12-12-2003, 17:23

Thank you :roll:
Crazy girl
12-12-2003, 17:25
why? it seems this isn't resolved yet..
12-12-2003, 21:43
dear MOD

I've noticed that I haven't recieved my UN little blue tab next to my nations flag, is it because you're busy?
New People
13-12-2003, 05:07
Since the starter of this topic made a 180 degree on his stance, I wonder if I'd better start a new topic about this now.

You do that Corinthe. People need to know about this. Don't just stop at deliberately hijacking other peoples' threads and starting a half dozen other ones. Let everyone hear about this!!

MrNonchalant, will you please stop speculating to confuse the issue. At least I argue with the evidence at hand, and use it as such. All you do is presenting your own thoughts in this case.

A "dubious" smiley would be neat to have.

Darn, I get so frustrated when mods don't tell if they have seen this griefing and are working on it! I have seen them jumping on cases so many time. They can argue about the size of hippos for hours, and the fact than none of them is responding here, makes me so mad.

You know, sometimes you just have to wait. One time I reported a batch of a dozen nations that to me were pretty obvious they were multies, and I've learned how to sniff them out from the Master, but they're still all in the UN. That's alright. The mods have a life outside of Nationstates, you know. And they're overworked as it is. Harassing them won't help.
New People
13-12-2003, 05:13
Since the starter of this topic made a 180 degree on his stance, I wonder if I'd better start a new topic about this now.

You do that Corinthe. People need to know about this. Don't just stop at deliberately hijacking other peoples' threads and starting a half dozen other ones. Let everyone hear about this!!

MrNonchalant, will you please stop speculating to confuse the issue. At least I argue with the evidence at hand, and use it as such. All you do is presenting your own thoughts in this case.

A "dubious" smiley would be neat to have.

Darn, I get so frustrated when mods don't tell if they have seen this griefing and are working on it! I have seen them jumping on cases so many time. They can argue about the size of hippos for hours, and the fact than none of them is responding here, makes me so mad.

You know, sometimes you just have to wait. One time I reported a batch of a dozen nations that to me were pretty obvious they were multies, and I've learned how to sniff them out from the Master, but they're still all in the UN. That's alright. The mods have a life outside of Nationstates, you know. And they're overworked as it is. Harassing them won't help.
15-12-2003, 18:05
15-12-2003, 18:17

Thank you :roll:
15-12-2003, 18:28
Yes it does. Consilidating to the one thread on this would be best.