Deleted for Flaming
Please explain why my former country was eliminated for flaming?
Could I also have the courtesy of know exactly what I said.
I'm not saying that I'm not Guilty of flaming. But, if you're going to do it to one for it. You need to do it for all.
Or is it that I flamed a MOD. And that's the most agregious thing.
Yet you allow Red Arrow and many others to do it. As well as "Flame Baiting" which is really the only time I was flaming anyone.
Thanks much.
Deletion is generally for a second offense.
Had you already had a warning about something?
Emperor Matthuis
09-12-2003, 19:01
one of the threads in this forum will tell you i forgotten which one i think it said you had been flaming for a long time or something like that but the thread was locked so it doesn't look good for you
It's just that I worked so hard to get my original country going. And now it's gone. :(
But, I guess that's my punishment.
Do you know which thread?
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.
There are also far worse flamers and flame baiters on here that go way over the top, and are allowed to continue.
I know that doesn't excuse me. But, if we are talking about fairness here
I'd like to see equal treatment under the "flame Rule"///
Thanks for your patience.
09-12-2003, 19:18
It's just that I worked so hard to get my original country going. And now it's gone. :(
But, I guess that's my punishment.
Do you know which thread?
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.
There are also far worse flamers and flame baiters on here that go way over the top, and are allowed to continue.
I know that doesn't excuse me. But, if we are talking about fairness here
I'd like to see equal treatment under the "flame Rule"///
Thanks for your patience.
Actually you were deleted for flaming in a thread with Red Arrow. It's funny that you mentioned him. However in that thread I didn't note him flaming you back or he would of also been deleted. It was pretty harsh some of the stuff you said in that thread. I can't recall the exact name of the thread. I will try to find it. In the future if Red Arrow does flame you, please bring it to moderation and we will deal with it.
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.
This is a bad idea and will also get you deleted.
Game Moderator
09-12-2003, 19:25
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.Uh... in my experience that just seems to perpetuate the problem. It's best to ask them to stop, Mod-alert it then just leave them alone and let the system work. It may take a while, but it does work.
09-12-2003, 19:27
Some people make and defend controversial statements but that, I don't think, is flaming.
It seems to me that flaming is personal, insulting, rude, and vicious. Having someone heatedly dispute with you and downplay your ideas or your position, if they do not otherwise do these negative things, shouldn't be considered flaming imho.
It's just that I worked so hard to get my original country going. And now it's gone. :(
But, I guess that's my punishment.
Do you know which thread?
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.
There are also far worse flamers and flame baiters on here that go way over the top, and are allowed to continue.
I know that doesn't excuse me. But, if we are talking about fairness here
I'd like to see equal treatment under the "flame Rule"///
Thanks for your patience.
Actually you were deleted for flaming in a thread with Red Arrow. It's funny that you mentioned him. However in that thread I didn't note him flaming you back or he would of also been deleted. It was pretty harsh some of the stuff you said in that thread. I can't recall the exact name of the thread. I will try to find it. In the future if Red Arrow does flame you, please bring it to moderation and we will deal with it.
I also feel that flaming a flamer is justified.
This is a bad idea and will also get you deleted.
Game Moderator
Listen to the Mod-lady. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T FLAME HER! I mean, honestly... flaming a Mod... that's like wearing a t-shirt that says, "Go-on, delete me! I bet you haven't got the guts...".
Mind you, flaming a flamer is a bit like spamming a spammer... you just get more of the same.
09-12-2003, 19:38
Actually Dregruk, I wasn't involved in the thread at all. He never flamed me.. not that I'm aware of any way.. lol
Game Moderator
09-12-2003, 19:53
Arguing vehemently:
You're obviously wrong, because it's apparent to anyone that can see that the government is corrupt. The only reason that US refineries can't process Iraqi high-sulfur oil is because they haven't had the need to; with sufficient capital, the American hegemony on Iraqi oil could easily pay off the cost of modifications to current refineries...
Note that while this is rather assertive (using the second-person accusation) and implies that the opponent is blind, such ad hominem attacks are nowhere near the core of the argument. The speaker's arguement rests on other points; the opening statement is merely a shock-value vehemence that, even if a personal attack, is rather tame and easily ignored.
You're a stupid jerkoff with your head so far up your own ass that your shoulders grace your small intestine. Only fascist dumbshits can't see the obvious connections between power politics and the propaganda jackbooted goosesteppers like Bush put out and you--obviously about as discerning as the force-fed consumer whore you are--fell for it utterly, you tool.
Note that the 'argument' here is just a long string of vitriolic ad hominem attacks with no other points. Even if a few logical points were made, this 'argument' relies primarily on insulting the other person.
My own twentieth of a dollar:
I tend to use the "Kidergarten Rule" when it comes to flaming. If someone complains about something that a kindergartener would run to teacher for, such as "Teacher, Bobby called me stupid!" or "Teacher, Bobby said damn!" then the response in my mind is pretty simple:
Grow a thicker skin.
If it's something that any adult would have a right to complain about, like the vitriol spouted above, then it's certainly flaming in my book. If it's just "well, you're stupid" or even "fuck you" then it's just someone proving their own stupidity.
And... yes...
Hold yourself to a HIGHER standard!
Actually Dregruk, I wasn't involved in the thread at all. He never flamed me.. not that I'm aware of any way.. lol
Game Moderator
I have come close though :lol:
I sometimes don't get back into a thread, mainly because it gets pushed so far down the list (10-12 pages) that I never get back to it. And I don't remember seeing a ModAlert or anything like it. But, I'll be watching from this point forward using my handle to review all my previous posts.
As far as me coming to you guys to report flaming. I've got slightly thicker skin than that. If someone wants to flame me. I think they have a right to. But I know that's not game policy. I'm not a role player so those thread don't really interest me.
If flaming is such a Deleteable offense. Flame baiting should be also.
Of which I'm guilt of one instance of that. "I found a picture of Red Arrow" is a great one. Just a baby sticking it's tounge out.
I'm not one to foster Profanity, Grotesque, Racist, Violence etc.... you can't say I'm an abuser from that standpoint anyway.
So I do have my loveable good side. :lol:
Thanks for the explainations.
Let me know which flame was so bad.
09-12-2003, 20:08
Well, hmmm I'm thinking back to the flame.. and you were rather harsh on the dude. I don't really like your attitude towards flaming in general.. it is against the rules and no it shouldn't be allowed. I don't recall you ever flaming me personally. I know you have voiced disagreement with me at times in threads, I never seen them as flames though. However, to get to my point.. I'm thinking of maybe giving you a chance. Cause if memory serves me correct.. while you can be harsh in your arguments.. I guess what I deleted you for was really the first series of actual out right flames that I personally have noted from you. I don't recall seeing your nation tagged for a previous infraction.
If you can promise me that you will keep your temper in check, I will bring back your nation and we will call it a warning instead of a DEAT. However, if I do this.. I want you to really try and not flame people you don't agree with. That includes Red Arrow. Also, if I catch another flame from you, I don't want to hear "Why was I deleted" ok?
Let me know.....
Who said mods can't be fair?
Game Moderator
Well, hmmm I'm thinking back to the flame.. and you were rather harsh on the dude. I don't really like your attitude towards flaming in general.. it is against the rules and no it shouldn't be allowed. I don't recall you ever flaming me personally. I know you have voiced disagreement with me at times in threads, I never seen them as flames though. However, to get to my point.. I'm thinking of maybe giving you a chance. Cause if memory serves me correct.. while you can be harsh in your arguments.. I guess what I deleted you for was really the first series of actual out right flames that I personally have noted from you. I don't recall seeing your nation tagged for a previous infraction.
If you can promise me that you will keep your temper in check, I will bring back your nation and we will call it a warning instead of a DEAT. However, if I do this.. I want you to really try and not flame people you don't agree with. That includes Red Arrow. Also, if I catch another flame from you, I don't want to hear "Why was I deleted" ok?
Let me know.....
Who said mods can't be fair?
Game Moderator
You are generous and gracious. ***raises right hand*** I will promise not to Flame. Even RA. :shock:
09-12-2003, 20:44
Alright.. I'm holding you to your word.. You have your nation back..
Game Moderator
09-12-2003, 21:46
Alright.. I'm holding you to your word.. You have your nation back..
Game Moderator
60 minutes ago: The Republic of Anacanapuna arrived from Commonwealth of Solaris.
<---- has only ever seen three nations deleted for rule-breaking resurrected :shock: :shock:
09-12-2003, 22:17
Alright.. I'm holding you to your word.. You have your nation back..
Game Moderator
60 minutes ago: The Republic of Anacanapuna arrived from Commonwealth of Solaris.
<---- has only ever seen three nations deleted for rule-breaking resurrected :shock: :shock:
Well.. he had no other warnings tagged on his nation. I do believe in giving people second chances.. and I do know that Red Arrow had upset quite a few players. I didn't exactly let him off the hook.. he has a tagged warning on his nation now. If he does it again he will be deleted for good next time.
Game Moderator
Alright.. I'm holding you to your word.. You have your nation back..
Game Moderator
60 minutes ago: The Republic of Anacanapuna arrived from Commonwealth of Solaris.
<---- has only ever seen three nations deleted for rule-breaking resurrected :shock: :shock:
Well.. he had no other warnings tagged on his nation. I do believe in giving people second chances.. and I do know that Red Arrow had upset quite a few players. I didn't exactly let him off the hook.. he has a tagged warning on his nation now. If he does it again he will be deleted for good next time.
Game Moderator
I woke up in Lazerous arizen from the grave and am gathering my strength to resist the tempation to flame.
Thanks again.