NationStates Jolt Archive

All about Moderators, Plus How to Become One

The Basenji
09-12-2003, 15:20
Since we seemed to have lost our first version, I'm going to write a second version. Hopefully this will help you guys out.

What is a Moderator?

A Moderator (often called a Mod) is a player just like you and me that volunteers his/her time to make this site clean from spam, flaming, and make sure the players stay within line. Think of them as the police.

How do I become a Moderator?

If you make helpful posts in Moderation, Technical, and anywhere else help is needed, the Mods will notice you. If you're kind, helpful, and level-headed, you may have what it takes to be a mod. When new mods are needed, you may be asked to become a Forum Mod.

Just a note: Don't ask to be a mod, that usually only hurts your chances. "Let your actions speak louder then your words."

Who are the mods?

Game Admin
SalusaSecondus (Email:

Technical Admin
Pythagosaurus (Email:

Senior Game Mods
Reploid Productions (Email: Blog: The Ninja Mod's Lair (
Katganistan (Email:, Blog:Kat's Korner (
Frisbeeteria (Email:

Senior Issues Editor
Sirocco (Email: Blog: Sirocco's Blog (

Game Mods
Melkor Unchained (Email:
The Most Glorious Hack (Email:
Scolopendra (Email:
Euroslavia (Email:, Blog: Euroslavia's Blog (
Tsaraine (Email:
Ardchoille (Email:

Senior Forum Mod
GMC Military Arms
Cogitation (Email:

Forum Mods
Erastide (Email:
Hotrodia (Email:
Kryozerkia (Email:

Retired Mods
Amerigo the mod
Neutered Sputniks
Tactical Grace
The SLAGLands
Unfree People

Retired Admin

Game Mod, Forum Mod... what does it all mean!?

Let's break down the ranks for a second:

Forum Mod: These moderators maintain the rules of the NationStates forums. have the power to move threads from one forum to another, lock threads, forumban rulebreakers, and edit out posts and images that break the site rules. All new moderators begin as forum moderators.

Senior Forum Mod: An experienced Forum Moderator.

Game Mod: From time to time a Forum Moderator will be promoted to the rank of a Game Moderator. Game Mods have all the powers of a Forum Mod, and a lot of new ones. Among these powers are the abilities to delete nations, change illegal currencies/national animals in nations, accept and code new issues, delete UN proposals and establish new region founders (this rarely happens, however).

Senior Game Mod: An experienced Game Moderator.

Senior Issues Editor: A moderator who devotes most of his moderating efforts to editing and posting new Issues

Technical Admin: An admin who is responsible for coding new features, bug fixes, and other goodies into the game.

Site Admin: This is as high as it gets, the most powerful position in the game. Our own beloved [violet] and SalusaSecondus belong here. The Site Admins do all the coding, and techie stuff to make this game run smoothly. In addition to coding, they are responsible for making the final call on disputed decisions and the ethical direction of NationStates.

Edited thoroughly by Sirocco. Edited by Stephistan for spelling error by Sirocco ha! Further editing done by Sirocco for further clarification on a few subjects. Steph, it's been a hard day! I meant no wrong! Even more editing by Sirocco done to fix the ellipses and make a few things more grammatically correct. Sirocco edits a little to make his promotion to GM more public on the 15th of January (though he was promoted on the 13th)And a touch more editing by Hack to (once again) mark Ineptia as retired. I think. Maybe... Myrth added to the list on 4-17-04! Edited a wee bit by Myrth just cuz I can. Myrth edits again to correct the spelling of Menelmacar. Violet moved Neut into Retired section. Enodia too. Then rejigged a bunch of names. Sl4gd0r added The SLAGLands back to the Game Mods list where he belongs because he began ruling the universe again on 5-23-04. Ineptia is still with us! Put back into the Game Mod list by Sirocco on 13/6/04. On 20/6/04 Myrth removed all evidence of the Mod Collective, seeing as we let it die again. 14/7/04 Reppy added her new moddy email. Sirocco jumped on the bandwagon and added his too on 23/7/04. Myrth added his seksay mod gmail account so as not to feel left out on 10/08/04 at 4:30am YEAH! Myrth proves he is the Ultimate Editmaster of d00m by adding Unfree People as FM on 03/09/04. A huge re-editing of the whole thing to get rid of the 'Tech Modling' and 'Forum Admin' since they don't exist anymore. Some grammar has been corrected too. - Sirocco 4/9/04. Added Katganistan--Karma 4/9/04. Slaggy retires 9/9/04. Moved into retirement section by Sirocco. Added my new shiny email addy, plus a cosmetic change -UP 9/12/04. Added contact email -Hack Sept. 21, 2004. Sirocco to Senior GM, TG to GM -- violet 14-Oct-04. Added my email -- Salusa, Stephistan retired. 11/27/04/. Tactical Grace retired -UP 12/14/04. Tsaraine sneakily modified--Rep: 1/3/05; thoroughly re-edited by Sirocco 12/1/05. Promoted Melk & Myrth -- [violet] 04-Feb-05; Added Frisbeeteria as a forum mod -- Salusa 08-Feb-05; added my email -- Frisbeeteria 10 Feb 05; Retired Ineptia -- [violet] 18-Mar-05. Myrth busted himself down to retired on 1/6/05. Ten points to the first person who notices! | W00t! Ten points! Soon I will have a whole railway! -GMC|Added my email account to the mods list- Kat | Added my blog to the list! - Rep | We can add blogs?! Cool, I'll do the same - Sirocco. | 7-Jul-05. Kat and Fris promoted to GM by [violet] | Euroslavia promoted to forum mod on the third of August, 2005 ~ Sirocco. Changes made to the link to Kat's blog - for some reason it led to Microsoft's website... 4/8/05 ~ Sirocco | Added my moddy e-mail and blog. 9-August-05 ~ Euroslavia | Lost and restored, 8 Dec 08 ~ Fris | ~Updated email addresses, 8 Dec 08 - Kat|
19-05-2005, 23:30
How do I become a Moderator?

If you make helpful posts in Moderation, Technical, and anywhere else help is needed, the Mods will notice you. If you're kind, helpful, and level-headed, you may have what it takes to be a mod. When new mods are needed, you may be asked to become a Forum Mod.

Just a note: Don't ask to be a mod, that usually only hurts your chances. "Let your actions speak louder then your words."
An addendum to this still-valuable post:

We are currently accepting nominations for new Mods, though there is no specific timeline. If it adds value to our process, we might well leave it open.

If you want to nominate another player, see the Suggest a New Mod! ( thread for details. Self-nominations are still disallowed, but we'd like to hear your thoughts on whom you consider valuable to the game.
