NationStates Jolt Archive

My Thread deleted?

01-12-2003, 07:02
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
The Basenji
01-12-2003, 07:04
When did you start it? I remeber this thread a while back, but I have a bad memorary.
01-12-2003, 07:09
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
01-12-2003, 07:09
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
The Basenji
01-12-2003, 07:12
Sorry, can't help you. :( You'll have to wait for a mod.
01-12-2003, 07:15
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Tactical Grace
01-12-2003, 11:53
Sometimes the server swallows threads and regurgitates them a short time later. Something to do with faulty databases. It might not have been a Mod action.

Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
01-12-2003, 23:37
*hums the twilight zone theme for Tumaania*

I hope you find it! Try a search if you haven't already. :wink: