Heres some flamebait
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:34
Is there a particular page or post or is it just the whole thread in general?
Posting something against a person is not flame-baiting. Posting something against a political ideology is.
'George Bush sucks' is a lot different from saying 'Conservatism sucks'
It's a joke... can no one on this forum take a joke?
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:39
Posting something against a person is not flame-baiting. Posting something against a political ideology is.
'George Bush sucks' is a lot different from saying 'Conservatism sucks'
I wouldn't say that posting something against a political ideology is flame-bait. Otherwise, i would've been flamebaited a lot (especially if you include religion in it as well).
23-11-2003, 21:40
I think that was a joke. I'm almost sure of it. However if there is a post that you think is flamebait.. please let us know exactly what post it is and we will most certainly look into it.
Forum Mod
Well, ok posting something like 'conservatism is gay,' not 'conservatism is flawed because...'
Is there a particular page or post or is it just the whole thread in general?
The tone of the post is not good nor does it contribute anything to the forum.
Trolling: Posts that are made with the aim of angering people
Flamebait: Posts that are made with the aim of angering someone.
(like having a topic title declaring that '[whoever] is a [insert vile comment here]' for example).
Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:42
Well, ok posting something like 'conservatism is gay,' not 'conservatism is flawed because...'
I suppose that is more of a flamebait.
Is there a particular page or post or is it just the whole thread in general?
The tone of the post is not good nor does it contribute anything to the forum.
Trolling: Posts that are made with the aim of angering people
Flamebait: Posts that are made with the aim of angering someone.
(like having a topic title declaring that '[whoever] is a [insert vile comment here]' for example).
Spam/SPAM: Off-topic, irrelevant and multi-posts that clog the server.
It's not made to anger anyone, and I had a good laugh at it.
Shenlock said it best - on page 8
(sigh) another anti-bush thread? do we really need to hear this all again? WE KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM and you know what frankly, we couldn't care less so why don't you all do us a favor and go in a closet, shut the door, and bitch about bush all you want to the wall, cause the wall dosen't get headaches.
at the very least it is spam. - though the intent to anger is fairly clear.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:44
Is there a particular page or post or is it just the whole thread in general?
nor does it contribute anything to the forum.
That happens a lot in general!
Debate is part of the forum description. Therefor, not spam.
If people wish to reaffirm their dislike of Bush, then let it be. It doesn't have to decend into a flame-fest if people just remain civil.
23-11-2003, 21:48
Shenlock said it best - on page 8
(sigh) another anti-bush thread? do we really need to hear this all again? WE KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM and you know what frankly, we couldn't care less so why don't you all do us a favor and go in a closet, shut the door, and bitch about bush all you want to the wall, cause the wall dosen't get headaches.
I think that some may misunderstand exactly what flaming and flamebait is.. It's my understanding that G.W.Bush is not a member of this site. I'm not sure we owe him any protection from people who want to bash him a little or for that matter a lot. Now, if some one were to post "All conservatives are [insert nasty comment here]" then that could most certainly be considered flamebait. Or, if you personally insult a player who is actually a member of this site. However, until Bush signs up for NS, he doesn't fall under the protection of flamebait or flaming that I'm aware of according to the rules.
Forum Mod
Shenlock said it best - on page 8
(sigh) another anti-bush thread? do we really need to hear this all again? WE KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM and you know what frankly, we couldn't care less so why don't you all do us a favor and go in a closet, shut the door, and bitch about bush all you want to the wall, cause the wall dosen't get headaches.
at the very least it is spam. - though the intent to anger is fairly clear.
Almost anything posted in general can be considered as spam... and for Christ's sake it's a joke. Something made to make people laugh.
23-11-2003, 22:05
Ok, I have reviewed the thread. There may be some mild flamebait going on, I'd go as far as to say "flamebait light" not worthy of locking. I might point out though that the "flamebait light" is actually being directed at the people having a little fun at G.W. Bush's expense. So, it would appear that the people who didn't like this thread are in fact the same people complaining about the thread and doing all the baiting. I am going to leave it for now and will check it again in a while to see if it goes downhill. At this time though, I don't think this thread has crossed any lines.
Forum Mod