Am I going to be deleted (question to mods)?
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 19:05
I've been told by a certain nation that because I was 'flaming' him he has sent a report to the mods about it. I was just wondering if any such report has been sent.
This nation has a history of lying (as you will see on the Middle East regional board) and so, whilst i doubt his claims, I don't want to put myself into more trouble incase it is true.
I completely understand, also, if you are unable to tell me a single thing about this.
Thanks for your help!
Be deleted. You are not even Catholic.
23-11-2003, 19:41
that was vitriolic. are you the other one in question?
Bodies Without Organs
23-11-2003, 20:01
'Catholic' has more than one meaning (as if whether Catholic Europe is or isn't Catholic means anything)...
Further Maths
23-11-2003, 20:04
Quite true. The word actually means "universal".
In my opinion, however, not being a Catholic is a burning offence.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 20:07
I am Catholic but I fail to see what that has to do with my querie.
How could you be deleted if you haven't flamed him...
...if you really didn't, that is.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:18
How could you be deleted if you haven't flamed him...
...if you really didn't, that is.
Please go to the Middle East regional board and you will see what was and wasn't posted.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:21
Here is the Middle East regional board with all the posts:
Middle East Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
10 hours ago The Theocracy of Angry Judea Angry Judea is happy to be the least parasitic state in the region! No subisidies no special interest just good, moral government!
9 hours ago The Theocracy of Angry Judea Vote against the syndicalist resolution debated in the UN if you value your sovereignty.
9 hours ago The Holy Theocratic Empire of Catholic Europe Personally, I think Corsairio needs to be removed from the region. He has shown himsef to be, on countless occasions, selfish, sly and deceitful. For some reason he thinks that he has to take over regions (perhaps to gain a sense of power in his life) and has decided to try and become delegate of the Middle East, where delegacy holds no power at all as it all resides in Paradises hands (and thank God that is like that).
I support wholeheartedly Abadan when it comes betwen Abadan and Corsairio although I wish that neither were the delegate, but a rather an ancient native.
8 hours ago The Empire of Patrua
As we are not in the UN, it is pointless to participate in this petty squabble. Nevertheless some careful remarks:
As long as Abadan receives most of the endorsements, he is delegate. If his views do not reflect the views of most UN members, he won't be no more. Though this may not be representative for the Middle East as a region, it is for the UN electorate. They are the ones that should be eligible to vote, not the non-affiliated nations.
Non UN nations have no say in UN matters and election of a delegate. As a strictly secular nation with only a muslim minority, we don't like the views of Abadan at all (my advise: vote Nag Eghoeg in office). But most UN members clearly do, so who are we to complain?
Corsairio is not in the UN, his puppet Lebanon Catfish is. He can't have another UN nation or they'll both get bounced. Sure he can be obnoxious and regularly tries to f*ck up role playing events wether conscious or not. He also tries to manage region-scale things (as alliances) without the conscent of the region. All this may be aggravating, but none of them are valid grounds to expell him.
I admit he has done some underhand stuff. Especially during the regional take-over treath months ago (even had a nation in the RR Army and called for invasion of the Middle East) and should've been banned back then.
All power rests with Paradise, a sane and reliable nation. Being delegate might be prestigious and gives you some weight in the UN voting but it comes without regional power. And that's good, cause this way only motivated nations will run for delegacy.
2 hours ago The Corsairs of Corsairio aye, but that was under different rulers.
Remember, albeit Labanon Catfish and The Lebanese were my puppets, President Oscaare of LebCat and General Bekya of the lebanese were their own leaders and not subject to (at the time of LebCat) Sultan Khalil Sa'ab or (at the time of the RR) Sultan Pharoah. I keep my nations always separate from one another. if you remember correctly, it was Corsairio Intelligence who caught wind of The Lebanese's intentions of invading the middle east.
So, without further adeu, what ever that means, I will stay.
2 hours ago The Most Serene Republic of Goderators Well, i am just appaled at everyone here,
Bickering and infighting won't help the region, I'll tell you that.
2 hours ago The Holy Theocratic Empire of Catholic Europe Just to let ya'll know, as this should be out in the opinion, I could face deletion if Corsairio's report of me to the mods holds any weight.
Apparently, I've been flaming, so Catholic Europe may not be here in a weeks time, but then Corsairio could be lying, like when he told me he was [dredd].
2 hours ago The Holy Theocratic Empire of Catholic Europe I've just 'carmed' down and I would like to express my sincerest apologies for offending Corsairio.
I was merely expressing an opinion and did not mean to 'flame'. If I did 'flame' I honestly did not realise and completely thought that what I was writing was an opinion, not a flame. Again, apologies.
74 minutes ago The Corsairs of Corsairio accepted, but I warn you OOC, the Moderators are not nearly as forgiving as I am.
72 minutes ago The Holy Theocratic Empire of Catholic Europe I do know that the moderators are not forgiving. I know many of them much better than anyone in this region.
From what i can see above...
Catholic never flamed him in any way that would be against any rules. This makes Corsairio's threat empty.
Catholic Europe has a right to express discontent with a fellow nation and to do so on the regional board. Corsairio does not have a right to bother the mods about something stupid or use scare tactics like these against him.
When Catholic Europe was told he had been reported, he immediately tried to make it right in a rather pathetic manner. There is no reason to delete him unless of course, personal telegrams prove otherwise.
it would be an unfair moderator indeed who deleted CE for what is posted above.
Corsairio may have to be lectured about making statements like that though... or treating the mods like his personal gestapo.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:37
Corsairio may have to be lectured about making statements like that though... or treating the mods like his personal gestapo.
That's a bit harsh....
Region Unlockers
24-11-2003, 04:14
Aside from extreme cases, we do tend to warn before deleting.
I know of no plans to Delete you, CE.
24-11-2003, 04:16
I looked at his complaint. I think he's finding offense where there really is none. You're fine.