Stephistan showing bias in moderating
Stephistan locks this thread without warning:
calling it flamebait then stateing in another forum that he/she just does not like the tone.
I'd call it flame bait since it starts off on a rather 'warm' note
Flamebait is defined here on NS as:
Flamebait: Posts that are made with the aim of angering someone.
(like having a topic title declaring that '[whoever] is a [insert vile comment here]' for example).
I don't think claiming someone lacks the capacity to express patriotism is a vile thing and most rational people would agree.
Meanwhile a post like this is allowed to continue with no moderation at all:
Hmm, lets see - which statement is more vile?
Thanks conservatives for screwing the poor and the working class continously!!
Liberals cannot express patriotism...
So - apparently liberals being called unable to express patriotism is vile but telling conservatives they are screwing the poor and working class is acceptable and not vile?
Hmm, two good examples on Stephistans unusual view on what is vile. why would that be? Well, lets look and see what opinions Stephistan has expressed in the past:
Hey, Michael Moore just wants to know "Where's My Country Dude?"
I think he goes over the top to make a point. A point that is lost on some, granted. I think he's trying to point out some of the more ominous doubled standards in America and how things have changed so much from the country he grew up in and loves.. While he does go over the top to show these things.. I am willing to bet that's no mistake on his part. :wink:
So, apparently, threads that are of an opinion contrary to his/her own personal views are considered flamebait and locked - but other, considerably more shrill threads aer ok.
Had Stephanston even given a cursory read to my thread in question rather than a knee-jerk (jerk being the operative term here) reaction it would have become apparent that the thread was full of intelligent discourse from all political spectrums. That is what this whole website is about, no?
I think that Stephistan's moderator status should be reviewed and at the very least a detailed review of policy be undertaken. I also want my thread unlocked with an apology from Stephistan.
Hmm, lets see - which statement is more vile?
Thanks conservatives for screwing the poor and the working class continously!!
Liberals cannot express patriotism...
So - apparently liberals being called unable to express patriotism is vile but telling conservatives they are screwing the poor and working class is acceptable and not vile?
Well for one thing, one of those statements is true, the other is not. I think Stephistan hit the nail on the head.
In this thread, you were constantly insulting people who disagreed with your flawed reasoning. Steph saw a flamefest developing and nipped it in the bud.
I think that Stephistan's moderator status should be reviewed and at the very least a detailed review of policy be undertaken. I also want my thread unlocked with an apology from Stephistan.
Steph was made a moderator because the other moderators and the admin believed she was fit for the job. If they didn't still stand by that view, Stephistan would no longer be a view.
Secondly, it is up to the moderators to determine what is flaming and what is not. If a more senior moderator disagreed with Steph's decision to lock, then the thread would have already been unlocked.
23-11-2003, 17:21
Considering the tone of it -- basically that all liberals are unable to express patriotism, and no matter what you say I'm right and you're wrong --
and considering that Urtasha was tossing the f--- word around and telling people to leave the country....
and considering that the tactics used were to insult anyone who disagreed with the original premise of the thread despite any proofs offered to the contrary....
to call them irrational, or suggest they are emotionally deficient...
or that the only reason one is concerned about the loosening of the fourth amendment is because one is a criminal and has something to hide like child porn....
yeah, I can see where she arrived at her conclusion.
The Most Glorious Hack
23-11-2003, 17:39
Okay, I skimmed both threads, the first less so as it's 17 pages long, but, still.
My impression (aside from both having inaccuracies about the Patriot Act) was that they were both pretty flamey. The first thread came out of the barrel as flame-bait. No two ways around it. When you start off by saying that Liberals are incapable of patriotism, it can only be viewed as flamebait. And, before your freak out on me, I'm one of the more conservative Mods (Treason is on my bookshelf), and even I consider your thread baiting. I might agree with you, but the thread doesn't belong, at least not with that tone. Sorry.
Now, the second thread. I paid more attention to that one, and half-way down the first page I was pretty sure where things were going. You might note that it has been locked. Much for the same reason. Baiting and trolling. In this case, trying to piss off conservatives and get them to flame. It worked, hence locked. However, I didn't notice any posts by Stephistan in it; perhaps she never saw it and was thus unable to lock it?
Moving on...
The quote from Stephistan. Could you provide a link for this? The reason I ask, as I was recently decried as being a racism supporting Mod for not locking a thread. Twenty days before I became a mod. Stephistan is welcome to her own political beliefs, just as I am. She is expected to unhold the rules regardless. From what I've seen, she has. The reason I ask for a link is because if you are holding her Mod actions to statements she made as a player before becoming a Mod, I will be very dissappointed at such underhanded tactics. Be careful that your own biases aren't coloring your vision.
So, in closing, don't expect either thread to become unlocked.
It was in the 'save us from Michael Moore' thread. I have no difficulty with ANY mod expressing their own opinion - it should not bleed over into the execution of their responsibilities. I don't want to post a thread because it matters not that she demonstrated her opinion. My point was that it was affecting her duties.
I agree that Urtasha was/is out of control. However it was no reason to lock a thread.
I still disagree with the idea that claiming a group cannot, and then challenging them to, state what they love about their country is flamebaiting.
If threads will be closed as flamebait when someone takes a tone moderators think is to shrill then the definition of flamebait should be expanded here. Vile is not synonymous with bad attitude. The execution of the policy should then become consistent.
Disagreement is not the same as insult - and if you read even with marginal care you would see that I did not insult anyone for disagreeing with me. The only thing close to an insult was when people failed to demonstrate reading comprehension - which is sadly a rare skill among many forum participants. Regardless of a persons political or other opinion I accept no shortcomings on that skill in a written forum.
I encourage people to disagree - those who did with rational, well thought, and insightful responses - even the shrill ones, were given positive feedback by me. Those who posted irrational rants were treated firmly, but not abused.
23-11-2003, 21:18
To clear this up.. I didn't lock the thread because of my own personal political beliefs. I don't do that. If that was the case.. A lot of threads would be locked by me when in reality very few ever are. I locked the thread based on this complaint.
My political beliefs had nothing to do with it. I probably would of personally let it go had some one not complained.
Hope this clears this matter up. If not feel free to report me to
I'd call it flame bait since it starts off on a rather 'warm' note
I'd also like to point out that I never made this statement. If you check the complaint url I supplied above you will see these were the words of the person who complained, not mine.
Forum Mod
Even the first page is filled with flamebaits/trolls/flames by you, you don't expect it to be locked? :roll:
23-11-2003, 21:22
All Moderators are biased, that's what makes NS what it is. So just get on with it, they arn't perfect.
Catholic Europe
23-11-2003, 21:33
All Moderators are biased, that's what makes NS what it is. So just get on with it, they arn't perfect.
That's a very good point. What one mod may consider flame, another may not.
I was the one who complained, mainly because I recieved a post that insulted my intelligence. I was tempted to flame the one who did insult me, and associated that with flamebait.
Steph, Steph, Steph...
iLock (double thread post)
Stealing Coggy's patented iDoStuff range eh? Tisk tisk... I expected better of you :P
I was the one who complained, mainly because I recieved a post that insulted my intelligence. I was tempted to flame the one who did insult me, and associated that with flamebait.
Actually Ap - I didn't insult your intelligence or you - I simply pointed out your lack of reading comprehension - as defined in the first point here:
Reading is not the same as reading comprehension. If you plan to participate in a written forum you should have a firm grasp on reading comprehension. Otherwise you risk making an ass of yourself by gleaming the wrong meaning from a written example - as you quite erroneously did. (I was comparing the govt to an imperfect ass - not to a perfect spouse!)
I and the other forum participants are not here to hold your hand as you develop those skills. That is what a public education is for. A public library is also a good place to go to develop this.
I may have been impatient, even curt - but not insulting. Heck - I even suggested a practical and free place you could go to work on the problem.
Of course, it is possible that you were bleary eyed and tired and careless. In that case a simple "Whoops!" would have sufficed and you likely would have won a friend rather than an antagonist. Sometimes the best person to fix your problems is yourself.
25-11-2003, 03:40
Steph, Steph, Steph...
iLock (double thread post)
Stealing Coggy's patented iDoStuff range eh? Tisk tisk... I expected better of you :P
Hehe, I'll have you know that I actually asked Cog's permission first before I stole his apple computer ;)
25-11-2003, 03:52
I was the one who complained, mainly because I recieved a post that insulted my intelligence. I was tempted to flame the one who did insult me, and associated that with flamebait.
Actually Ap - I didn't insult your intelligence or you - I simply pointed out your lack of reading comprehension - as defined in the first point here:
Reading is not the same as reading comprehension. If you plan to participate in a written forum you should have a firm grasp on reading comprehension. Otherwise you risk making an ass of yourself by gleaming the wrong meaning from a written example - as you quite erroneously did. (I was comparing the govt to an imperfect ass - not to a perfect spouse!)
I and the other forum participants are not here to hold your hand as you develop those skills. That is what a public education is for. A public library is also a good place to go to develop this.
I may have been impatient, even curt - but not insulting. Heck - I even suggested a practical and free place you could go to work on the problem.
Of course, it is possible that you were bleary eyed and tired and careless. In that case a simple "Whoops!" would have sufficed and you likely would have won a friend rather than an antagonist. Sometimes the best person to fix your problems is yourself.
This has to be the most condescending post I've read all day. It certainly in my opinion is flamebait. No where does it say in the rules you must have A+ spelling and reading comprehension to participate in the game or the forum. People come to this site from all walks of life. For some people English isn't their first language. We also have players who are very young and are still in high school. It's a real mixed bag. I wonder if I reviewed every single post you've ever made if I might not find a grammar mistake or spelling mistake?
Please get off your high horse. In this thread alone you have assumed reasons for my actions that were incorrect. You have misquoted me and basically made false allegations about my intent. I think that stands out a little more then a few reading comprehension problems, don't you?
I'm not sure whether I should warn you for this post or not. Let's just say it's pretty close to crossing the line of flamebait. I'll let it go. However, don't take advantage of my generous nature.
Forum Mod
25-11-2003, 04:06
Steph is a good mod and does a good job of not crossing the lines and letting power go to her head. Also kinda cute. Saw your pic in the NS photo albulm. :)
But if you have a problem at least you didn't go behind her back to talk about it.
How do you go behind a mod's back and still be on the site at the same time?
Anyway, complaining about the mods publicly like this never works. Find some other way to do it.
25-11-2003, 04:14
How do you go behind a mods back?
Telegrams and post on topics that are not very active your bizarre opinions about that person. or just wait until there not on at that certain time of day to do something like this so that they cannot defend themselves.
I'm sure their are other ways.
Neutered Sputniks
25-11-2003, 04:17
I'm going to step in and say knock it all off. This thread is full of insults and false accusations towards Stephistan. The next time you bring up false accusations, you just might find yourself unable to access the forums again.
I'd suggest everyone making an accusation is damn sure that his/her accusations are well founded, and not merely an attempt at twisting the facts to fit hist/her own personal agenda.