NationStates Jolt Archive

Mod Problem

21-11-2003, 21:26 I have a problem, you mods don't help. You get bias, some are bias to me and some arn't, but still bias. Anyway you guys need to handle almost to all problems, and explain why you arn't helping if you won't. I just get threads closed or no telegram back when I need help. I would at least like to hear why you arn't helping me. Two ways to fix this:

#1 Get more mods
#2 Don't respond with comments saying "Well this is pointless, lock" and lock the thread. At least hint us.
21-11-2003, 21:28
Is there a recent, specific incident that you had in mind?

Also keep in mind that all Moderators (myself included) are volunteers who have to maintain real lives at the same time. So, we tend to be busy and we sometimes forget things.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
21-11-2003, 21:36
Is there a recent, specific incident that you had in mind?

Aye I have talked to Sals on msn but he said its not his job, sent an e-mail to Violet and shes...absent, I have sent 2 getting helps, posted two, or three threads and all got locked. Would someone help me!

Also keep in mind that all Moderators (myself included) are volunteers who have to maintain real lives at the same time. So, we tend to be busy and we sometimes forget things.

Oh don't give me that BS. I know several people who are qualified to be game mods, and have been paid to be admins before, myself being amoung those ranks. I spend all my time on NS when (1) not doing school work (2) not doing something else (3) playing Rainbow Six 3 on Xbox live, but I check NS when I am dead. I have logged in hundreds of hours, and blah blah blah I can go on. Anyway the point is I have been on NS everyday for a year for an hour at least, now it seems 6 hours a day. So if the mod is to busy to help the people, why are they mods? Get geeks whom have no lives as mods.
21-11-2003, 21:37
If this is in relation to China, please allow me to try to explain what's happening.

For the most part, the mods will only intervene in the context of enforcing the rules. There are a few exceptions, but this is not the place to elaborate on them.

In the case of the invasion of China, the mods have examined what was happening and have not found conclusive evidence of rules having been broken. They hence are not intervening in the situation.

If you do feel rules were broken, you'll need to tell them which rule you think was broken and provide evidence to support your claim. The more information you can provide the better they'll be able to follow up on your complaint and act in response to it.

21-11-2003, 21:39
gah you people need to get over China. I told your leader it is fine and I don't care yet you keep spamming my threads about China. STFU!

*Aye I am pissed, you got two of my threads closed talking about China, and won't take a hint, and my problems are still here and BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
21-11-2003, 21:44
I can see you are very angry and frustrated, RedCommunist, but as an outsider: we still do not know what the problem is. You are ranting, but how can Cog or anyone else help if you don't explain the problem?

If you could provide the links to the threads you mean, perhaps help could be obtained more efficiently.
21-11-2003, 21:47
Only a game mod can help me. Also the problems ahve been said, and this is just my rant thread saying how the mods should be like and what they should do to fix this problem.
22-11-2003, 03:27
Only a game mod can help me. Also the problems ahve been said, and this is just my rant thread saying how the mods should be like and what they should do to fix this problem.

Ok, again, I understand your frustration, but all you've said is that you have a problem and no one will help you. It seems that your choices for course of action would be:

1) rant here or
2) try the getting help page again, which you say has not worked well, or
3) give the mods at least a general idea of the problem in this thread (abusive telegrams, etc., leaving out the names of those involved) or
4) email admin if you really, truly, honestly feel that you are being mistreated by the mods (though in honesty, I can't see that from your post.)

Just my $.02
22-11-2003, 04:30
Send a donation.
22-11-2003, 05:04
Send a donation.

*clink! clink!*
The Basenji
22-11-2003, 05:39
I'm sure your pissed off, but do you want to know a secret? Ok, here it is-



All it will do is make them not help you as fast. So keep yelling at see what happens. Why don't you humor me and do the following things-

1. Stop. The mods have lives too. They are vounteers that are taking your problems, and fixing them for you.

2. Tell them what the problem is. If you already have, do it again. Provide links, and ask nicely.

3. Show a bit more graditude for the mods. I'm sure a 'Please', or 'Thank-you' would be refreshing.

Now, let's try this again. What's the problem?

~The Barkless Land of The Basenji~
Helping the good people of NS anyway he can.
The Getting Help Page (, Tech FAQ (, Role-playing FAQ (, and The Game FAQ (
22-11-2003, 06:29
talked to some mods and it should be taken care of.
22-11-2003, 07:45
In the case of the invasion of China, the mods have examined what was happening and have not found conclusive evidence of rules having been broken. They hence are not intervening in the situation.

Is this the region that the AA took over? Because as it was described, it looked completely legal.

I can see you are very angry and frustrated, RedCommunist, but as an outsider: we still do not know what the problem is. You are ranting, but how can Cog or anyone else help if you don't explain the problem?

If you could provide the links to the threads you mean, perhaps help could be obtained more efficiently.

Ahh, yeah. You seem smart enough in the past, just relax and described the situation that angers you.
Neutered Sputniks
22-11-2003, 08:08
False accusations are hardly the way to win favors with the Mods. Once again, the window for raising a complaint about the foundership of Germany has far passed. You had many months to voice a complaint about the Mod action, and did nothing. As such, no action will be taken at this time.

As for the other accusation(s), they are being looked into, and will not be discussed here. But I assure you that the accusations you make are quite false.
Kaiser Wilhelm II
22-11-2003, 08:45
I do not believe Mr. RedCommunist was referring to the Founder crisis in Germany. Personally, when the first mod replied to my thread and said "we are no longer honoring Founder requests" or something to that tune, that was all it took for me. I dropped the issue then and there, and courteously thanked the Mods for their time.

RC, shouting at them isn't going to do any good man... they're human after all (I think....hmmmm) and yes they will make occasional mistakes but I'm confident that everything the Mods do is done with the best intentions for NS as a whole in mind.

That's my $0.02 worth.

22-11-2003, 17:30
I said the problem was spoke out and most likely will be taken care of. THis thread is now good to lock. Keep in mind this was a rant+ 2 suggestions to the mods, I wasn't making false accusations, jsut saying I am being ignored and heres how in the future you might beable to make service faster.