What happened to the anti-spam code??
There used to be a code in the forums that made it so that you can't post more than once a minute, or once every 30 seconds or something like that... how come all of a dsudden we're seeing 3 pages of spam on some forums? I haven't received a "You can't make one post right after anopther" message in about 2 months... what's up with that?
Reploid Productions
21-10-2003, 09:14
We're dealing with a spammer in General. Has he hit the other forums too?
We're dealing with a spammer in General. Has he hit the other forums too?only slightly... but why was this code removed? I know it was annoying sometimes, but spammers are worse ;)
1 Infinite Loop
21-10-2003, 10:00
well the flood control program is probably gone because it was causing the problems the forum used to suffer from, I knwo flood control has crashed other forums I visit.
The Imperial Navy
21-10-2003, 11:30
I'm needing to mention this...
Why must you always use "WTF" in your titles? this is a rude word in non-abreviation, and there is no need to use that language for a topic.
"What happened to the" could be better than your "WTF!"
Thank you.
21-10-2003, 16:57
well the flood control program is probably gone because it was causing the problems the forum used to suffer from, I knwo flood control has crashed other forums I visit.
how's that? *i know shoudl be in tech...*