NationStates Jolt Archive

Locked Threads

20-10-2003, 05:27
I have noticed a lot more threads locked recently then what has been the norm. Curious what people think.
20-10-2003, 05:39
Sam I Am, baby! :D
20-10-2003, 05:40
Can't argue with that.

I like the silly third choice in posts, gives players a chance to vote both Yes and Silly.
20-10-2003, 05:41
One was locked recently in which Neutered Sputnicks used my line.

"Magic 8-Ball says... not likely."

Didn't even give me credit!

Hmph. :cry: :wink:
1 Infinite Loop
20-10-2003, 05:57
well not giving credit where it is due is a big problem in this game,

oh and I am Sam
The True Domination
20-10-2003, 06:07
Having voted yes in this poll, I'd like to add that I can see the reasoning behind every locked thread I've encountered, and altho I may not agree with the reasoning, it seems to be consistant. We all (except maybe noobs) how to get a thread locked around here, and any dum dum with an internet connection, and the ability string a few words together can accomplish that. It takes maturity, respect, and common sense to keep a thread going, or to let it die a natural death. No complaints here.
The True Domination
20-10-2003, 06:08
Oh, and I meant to add:

My magic 8-ball seems to be stuck on "go for it". Talk about getting me in shit!! Stupid black arts.
20-10-2003, 06:42
Yes, and I don't like it at all.
20-10-2003, 14:27
It's a trap. Don't pick the last choice. Being silly is illegal now.

Ack, why are you trying to get people in trouble?
20-10-2003, 14:36
why is being silly illegal?
yes, there are threads that were locked that i could like to have commented on. yes some of those were locked while i was responding to them. but of all those, there were some good reasons for them being locked.
usually i just start another thread in the same vein with my last comment. in future i think i will add a link to the old topic.
20-10-2003, 14:58
why is being silly illegal?

Don't know, but it's a new unwritten rule that gets you kicked out of the UN.

20-10-2003, 15:22
Yes, there have been and it's a tremendous overindulgence. Some of them seem very arbitrary.
20-10-2003, 19:09
why is being silly illegal?

Don't know, but it's a new unwritten rule that gets you kicked out of the UN.


where is that from? :shock: oh man. better not let the mods into the sp's offsite forum.... :P
20-10-2003, 19:21
why is being silly illegal?

Don't know, but it's a new unwritten rule that gets you kicked out of the UN.


where is that from? :shock: oh man. better not let the mods into the sp's offsite forum.... :P

Ah-ha! I think I know what you're talking about! :D I think you're talking about UN proposals.

I'm not exactly sure what Enodia is doing, :? but I believe he is ejecting everyone from the UN who consistently submits silly proposals.

--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."

Fixed spelling error in Enodia's name.
Neutered Sputniks
20-10-2003, 19:27
Endola or Enodia?
20-10-2003, 21:36
Don't lock threads unless you serve a substantial purpose in doing so.. If the thread was a legit question and it was answered, locking it only hurts the situation. Think of it this way. If a question is answered and locked, 20 minutes later someone asks the same question and the mods get POed saying it was already answered. The thread it was answered in was lock, on the second page, and the person still had a question. It only causes for more topics to be started.. and locked. Example: The question about the 'Broken Search', I can see locking it the first time, but after the 2nd and 3rd, you'd think they would catch on. No biggie.

This has been an International Community Service Announcement brought to you by TROUSRS :wink:
20-10-2003, 21:38
Enodia is the mod. Edolia is not.
21-10-2003, 05:14
why is being silly illegal?

Don't know, but it's a new unwritten rule that gets you kicked out of the UN.


where is that from? :shock: oh man. better not let the mods into the sp's offsite forum.... :P

Ah-ha! I think I know what you're talking about! :D I think you're talking about UN proposals.

I'm not exactly sure what Endoia is doing, :? but I believe he is ejecting everyone from the UN who consistently submits silly proposals.

--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."

Cog is wise. Please bow to his superior intelect. :wink:
22-10-2003, 05:43
Don't lock threads unless you serve a substantial purpose in doing so.

This is the only reason I have asked the question. I have seen no foul abuse of power in the locks, but I do feel that not all of the locks are nec. for the benefit of the peoples of NS. And in that, not sure so many locks are for the best.

When a thread is in no longer relevant, and is not being flamed, it seems bet to let it die in it's sleep.
22-10-2003, 09:19
:idea: I was locked........... once, but that....
that was long, long time ago...
visit my thread My Stolen Flag and see if you can find out why!!!
23-10-2003, 14:41
39 to 4. Not saying mods should stop locking threads, just pehaps the current straegy should be considered.

A lot of threads deserve to be locked. If the others don't deserve to be locked, should they be? Why? Just Axing.
23-10-2003, 15:07
An example: The "Beeker for Mod" thread went on for about 10 pages but the "Paratoga for Mod" thread got lock rather quickly. Personally I think they both should have been moved to General, but that's not the point. I think it's the inconsistancy that people are having trouble with.
23-10-2003, 15:35
An example: The "Beeker for Mod" thread went on for about 10 pages but the "Paratoga for Mod" thread got lock rather quickly. Personally I think they both should have been moved to General, but that's not the point. I think it's the inconsistancy that people are having trouble with.

What I think in that case makes a difference is that it was kinda obvious they were looking for new mods (despite the denials) when Beeker had his thread, while now there should be enough mods to handle the tasks so there's no point in having an elaborate debate on the issue. Different context: different judgement.

23-10-2003, 18:08
Personally, I'd be inclined to say that Beeker and the General Forum crowd post considerably more than, well, anybody else on the site. Thus it is possible that those 10 pages were racked up in less than a quarter of the time that the Paratoga one was around.

Of course, I missed both the threads and thus can't really comment on the validity of the above theory.
24-10-2003, 06:42
An example: The "Beeker for Mod" thread went on for about 10 pages but the "Paratoga for Mod" thread got lock rather quickly. Personally I think they both should have been moved to General, but that's not the point. I think it's the inconsistancy that people are having trouble with.

I think this is an excellent example of what I was referring to. Not a horrible example of locking when not nec, just a good thread to show that there was no reason to lock it. It was open, people were actually be amusing. At least as amusing as the Beeks for Mod thread—hell, I don’t think she’s even had a nation deleted like he has, so it is agood point. Not one I would have made, but you are correct.

An example: The "Beeker for Mod" thread went on for about 10 pages but the "Paratoga for Mod" thread got lock rather quickly. Personally I think they both should have been moved to General, but that's not the point. I think it's the inconsistancy that people are having trouble with.

What I think in that case makes a difference is that it was kinda obvious they were looking for new mods (despite the denials) when Beeker had his thread, while now there should be enough mods to handle the tasks so there's no point in having an elaborate debate on the issue. Different context: different judgement.


I don’t recall reading that they were in the market at the time, when Beeks began this thread. Do you have the link for the thread in which they advertised for mod openings at the time?

Personally, I'd be inclined to say that Beeker and the General Forum crowd post considerably more than, well, anybody else on the site. Thus it is possible that those 10 pages were racked up in less than a quarter of the time that the Paratoga one was around.

Of course, I missed both the threads and thus can't really comment on the validity of the above theory.

I saw both, you are wrong in your guess though worth asking all the same. The Beeks thread was long, and went on at least a week. The Par thread was like what, 3 days?
24-10-2003, 06:47
Another example, this thread has a mod commenting on someone who wants to be a thread, that was just posted tonight. Why should some allowed to be open and other must be locked.

As well, wanted to say I loved Salsa's last post (the next to last post overall) in that thread.

Thread which is still okay to be open I guess, because it isn't about Parratoga:
26-10-2003, 07:45
Wow, Yet another busy day for locking threads. Not saying anything, just saying...
26-10-2003, 20:04
Wow, Yet another busy day for locking threads. Not saying anything, just saying...
Actually, the Mods. seem to be in a lull for the time being. Not much has been locked at the time of this posting.