Right... Okay i'm lost.
26-09-2003, 02:58
So the thread on the most hated person in the forums was locked for possible flame baiting.
nevermind that most people weren't taking it seriously at all....
but the thread on necrophilia is up?
the mind boggles...
is it just that it hasn't been gotten to yet?
1 Infinite Loop
26-09-2003, 03:28
so who was the most hated person?
could you TM it to me so no one can accuse you of trying to keep it alive.
Just curious
26-09-2003, 05:06
I thought it was you Loop. :wink:
1 Infinite Loop
26-09-2003, 05:40
IR TEH H8X0R3D !!1111
26-09-2003, 12:27
I have personally looked at both threads. I felt that discussions of who was the most hated person on the forums (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=74956) had a large potential for flame wars, so that's why I locked it. I hadn't conferred with any other mods before doing so.
The necrophilia thread I was tempted to lock, but after conferring with two other moderators, was advised against it. I am, however, still keeping an eye on it from time to time.
Now, it is possible that I made a mistake with the first thread; I am human and it does happen from time to time. (...and don't tell me you've never made a mistake, before. :P ) I will ask other mods to look over the "most hated person" thread. If they disagree with my decision, I will unlock it. If they agree with it, the lock stands.
Reasonable enough?
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Forum Moderator
26-09-2003, 17:27
Like i had said, i was just confused. i was one of the people enjoying the thread. I do agree it had a large potential for flame. I wasn't entirely surprised it got locked. but imagine my further surprise when the next thread i looked at contained graphic necrophilia.
didn't mean to come off as hard core as i did.
sorry cog.
oh and loop et all the hated thread was a lot of 'nazis are lame', this server's sooo flakey and vote for me!
anyways thanks and all.
Man, I am NEVER chosen as most hated... :evil:
The Most Glorious Hack
27-09-2003, 06:35
Man, I am NEVER chosen as most hated... :evil:
DIE ACKBAR! I HATE J00!!!!!!111
Feel better?
No one said they hate me either. :cry:
Man, I am NEVER chosen as most hated... :evil:
You have to be a mod to be the most hated Ackbar. I thought you knew that?
But if it makes you feell better, I hate you Ackbar. :lol:
Am I invisible? Do I need to hang out more? No one even rembers Nyborg.. :(
Someone hate me.. please?
Am I invisible? Do I need to hang out more? No one even rembers Nyborg.. :(
Someone hate me.. please?
When I think of you Nyborg, all I can feel is.... :( love. Sorry.
27-09-2003, 16:49
Nyborg... your mother was a mangy goat. your father was a pile of elephant offal...
you are the sad, misguided combination of them both.
i hate you with a loathing not seen before. :lol: :wink:
feel better?