Today I came on to look at my nation and found that I was for some reason in the Reject Region. Why?? I tried to get back into the Pacific, where I was originally but it says that my nation has been banned. I've done absoloutely nothing to deserve being banned and I can't understand why I have been.
Can anyone possibly tell me what I could have done to deserve being banned from the region my nation called home? I'm not at all happy about it and if the person out there who banned me reads this, I would like an explanation please.
Take care,
Vikki (Ananais)
Well the Pacific has recently had some trouble with delegates banning ppl for little reason
23-09-2003, 01:27
First of all, you should understand that you have only been banned from that particular region. I'm guessing that you haven't done anything wrong, but a Delegate may ban nations from a region (except for Delegates who got that position by invasion*).
There have been some problems with The Pacific, recently, as The former Delegate, Francos Spain, and the current Delegate, Prokbreyshev (sp?), have been banning their political enemies from the region. You should understand that this is only political... activity (perfectly legal in the game) and is not at all a reflection upon your character.
You haven't, to my knowledge, done anything wrong. However, you cannot reenter the region.
I don't have time to direct you to the relevant forum threads discussing this, but I'm sure that if you ask, someone will direct you to the appropriate topics.
* Invasion: The practice of entering a target region with a bunch of UN-member friends, endorsing each other, and taking over the Delegacy. Francos Spain and Porkbreyshev (sp?) did not come to power in this manner.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Forum Moderator
The most relevant thread is here
and I'm also sure you did nothing wrong,perhaps you just gained too many endorsements and became a threat to his delegateship
Thank you both for your messages. I appreciate the information. I only had about 16 endorsements so I was far from a threat to any delegate and I had no interest in becoming a delegate. Perhaps my only fault was not endorsing some people.
Whatever my fault was, thank you for the link and I will now discuss it in the relevent place.
Take care,
Vikki (Ananais)