Clone Nations
Is it illigal to have a clone nation. This nation of mine Pilmuor clones Pilmour. We have never done anything in poor taste or spammed any boards. This nation is just a joke, and is basically picking on Pilmour.
Is this against game rules? Like I said I am not greifing anyone, it is just a nation with similar values and name.
12-09-2003, 20:54
Is it illigal to have a clone nation. This nation of mine Pilmuor clones Pilmour. We have never done anything in poor taste or spammed any boards. This nation is just a joke, and is basically picking on Pilmour.
Is this against game rules? Like I said I am not greifing anyone, it is just a nation with similar values and name.
Multiple nations is fine as long as you're not operating more than 1 UN member nation from the same computer (or IP address) or breaking other rules.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
Im not sure you understood my question. This is a clone nation of someone else. My nation I made up as a clone is Pilmuor, Pilmour is not a nation of mine. Infact it is a well known enemy of my main nation.
HC Eredivisie
12-09-2003, 20:58
as long as you DON'T pretend to be Pilmour, it's ok.
We beg to differ.
Pilmuor, Pilmoor, and one other nation WERE in fact posing as our mother republic (Pilmour) on the Atlantic boards. We are unsure as to whether anyone noticed this.
If the stuff is still on the Atlantic boards, we'd encourage the Mods to check it out.
HC Eredivisie
14-09-2003, 13:59
he's not impersonating you on NS.
14-09-2003, 18:42
Anyone who discovers that someone is trying to impersonate them in the forums should post the word "MODALERT" in the offending topic.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
14-09-2003, 19:35
One of my friends Nuttylnd got deleted because a nation called Nutteland spammed. I think that if the name is to close to the other nations name your not very creative or just mean!
United States Of Rodriquezland (
United States Of Rodriqeuzland Space Fleet (
Spammer,Flamer? Turn There Ass To The Mods!! (
Galactic Alliance Member
European Red Cross Member
European Defence Federation Member
14-09-2003, 19:44
If cloning and therefore impersonating will be allowed it will not do NS any good. For those nations with long and difficult names it can be troublesome. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to think of ways that foul play could occur.
However it is from my point of view impossible to ban out cloning. But if there is enough evidence that a nation is trying to impersonate another nation by his name, flag, motto or other trademarks there should be appropriate action on behalf of the Moderators.
14-09-2003, 20:02
Clones, themselves, are okay. Using clones to pretend to be the other nation is not.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
14-09-2003, 20:08
While it's not illegal per se to have a name similar to another nation name, it is illegal to use a similarity in names as a method for griefing.
In that case griefing is generally done by pretending to be the 'other' nation while doing things in an attempt to make the other nation look bad, or using a nation name itself to flame another nation. (like naming a nation "<OTHERNATION> is an idiot")
Also, clones of Mods are considered illegal as they can very easily be used to confuse players into thinking whatever is said by that nation is said with authority.
14-09-2003, 20:30
Clones, themselves, are okay. Using clones to pretend to be the other nation is not.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
In my opinion the intention of the person using the clone should be decisive in the matter at hand. If someone uses a clone for matter of foul play there will be little discussion that measures have to be taken. But the abuse of a clone can remain undetected. Therefore there should be a ban on clones which, clearly and without doubt, COULD be used for foul play.