Blood for Oil [Open]
Honvorg Korporation HQ - Virticon City, Antarctika
The mammoth of a man in control of the age old Korporation, Honvorg Iron and Arms, Welloth Honvorg sat behind his massive obsidian desk, smoking a fine Undermonian cigar in his dimly lit office as he had been for some time this evening, skipping his second dinner to confront a problem that was posing a potentially devastating threat to the company. The problem was oil. It seemed to be the source of most problems in Kroando as of late, ever since the Junkers Korporation had announced the exhaustion of the South Arctic Oil Wells. Though oil was not used much in Antarctika itself outside of automobiles and heavy machinery, the Honvorg Industrial Empire lived on the liquid. From powering its vast mining operations throughout the globe to keeping the industry of Kroando itself alive, oil was key. With international terrorism the world over driving up shipping and insurance costs, and the market itself demanding vast sums of money for the amount Honvorg required, purchasing the substance was out of the question. That had left Honvorg, one of the most powerful men in the world, very, very disturbed.
History had shown that when the Honvorg Family was disturbed, bloodshed was sure to follow. In 1933 in the founding days of Kroando in Antarctika, Welloth's grandfather was threatened by an attempted Communist Coup in Scolar, in which his two daughters were kidnapped. After refusing to release all of the Honvorg Korporations assets to the Communists, the two young girls were murdered. Honvorg then spent the better half of his fortune hiring out mercenaries, thugs and criminals the world over to retake the city - which he did. The Communist leadership was kept alive, and made to watch as every friend and family member they had ever had were brutally tortured and eventually murdered before their eyes. Years later when the Helicon Corporation threatened to freeze Honvorg assets and refuse the release of new military software to them, Welloths father, Regolith had a band of machete wielding men decapitate every worker in one of Helicons software researching facilities.
However it seemed that the actions about to be undertaken would far surpass the villainy of any previous family action. Honvorg had found his oil in Mesopotia, the Arabic Muslim island continent on outer frontiers of the New World. Vast amounts of both tapped and untapped oil reserves, enough to fuel Honvorgs operations and resupply the national reserves. Toppling the governments of these semi-dictatorial regimes would not be a problem - occupation would not be necessary either. It would be perfectly acceptable to destroy the cities and infrastructure, occupy the oil fields, and drive the people of Rajikistan out of the inhospitable landscape. The only question was the how. Since the Economic Troubles several years before, where the various Grand Marshals became responsible for the funding of their own military forces, it was very easy to procure guns for higher. Grand Marshal Klague had become Honvorg's favorite colleague, and would not place another call, requesting the destruction and occupation of Rajikistan for the sum of several hundred billion dollars.
Klague, a veteran of every major conflict in the last thirty years, was a decorated and feared commander. Fighting in the Korvacht since he the age of fifteen, he had gained a reputation for excessive brutality, savagery even, and it was no coincidence his Legions were known as, 'The Black Death'. Klague's Black Death was a military force of interesting origin and experience. Every member, from the grunts to the Generals were former orphans, criminals recruited from the execution line in one of Kroando's many prisons, or freed slaves. In order to join the Legion, an initiate must prove that he has murdered before, and if not, must murder one of the thousands of slaves the Legion keeps on hand in cold blood. Rape, murder, extortion and havoc are the gods of the legion, cities occupied by the force never recover from their presence, as looting and random acts of violence follow them as does the trail of corruption that covers their hierarchy. Numbering over four million in personnel, Klague's Legion is the only one banned from setting foot in Antarctika, instead being granted an island territory in the South Pacific known as 'Movono' – the former native word for 'Apocalypse' – for their base. During times of peace, these men simply live on the slave labor of various people, drink excessively, revel in prostitution from the sex slaves that are shipped in daily – and of course, kill... Practicing on natives given AK-47's weekly. They had not seen real combat in over a year. And they were itching for a fight.
Honvorg would have his oil. Klague's armies would have their war. Kroando would survive.
Southern Coast of Rajikistan, 3:00am
“Commander Klague, task force three reports all targets are a lock. Operation Unending Persecution is ready at your order,” Lieutenant Vlak reported, approaching the Grand Marshal on the main deck of the massive Overlord Superdreadnought, Archangel.
Klague turned his head to the Lieutenant and nodded, turning back to the distant shores of Rajikistan, the port city of Asara barely visible in the distance. A sinister grin crossed his face as submarines below the surface released a number of anti-shipping missiles and long range torpedoes into the dark blue waters of the Gulf. Hell was coming to the Mesotopian Continent.
The small Rajikistani navy was knocked out in one fell swoop, the few outdated battleships and destroyers sunk in harbor by the barrage of Anti-Shipping missiles let loose by the Negotiator Cruisers and Overlord Dreadnoughts. A massive plume of flame shot up in the distance, representing the Rajikistani Navy's flagship, an old Iowa Class Battleship, used primarily as a source of national pride rather than a fighting vessel. The ships massive arms store created a ball of fire that knocked out many of the smaller vessels surrounding it, but this was only the beginning. The Overlord's massive naval guns turned to the city, unleashing 30inch high explosive rounds upon the city, mercilessly and randomly bombarding the country's second largest city for hours. Enormous explosions rocked the metropolis, leveling apartment complexes and military fortifications alike as Devcor Cruise Missiles hammered military installations identified by spy satellites and aerial spy planes high above the city. The bombardment was ruthless, but only somewhat random. The landing areas had been literally obliterated, which would pay off in the coming hours as Kraken MBTs rolled up the shores. Halcon Stealth Fighters ran sorties constantly, firing air-to-surface missiles into anything and everything that moved, spraying the streets with 20mm gatling fire and releasing excess fuel tanks upon residential buildings before heading back to their carriers to rearm. The tanker class missile pads fired long and short range missiles, the longer range projectiles heading as far away as the capital city in the north to obliterate army depots and air bases... Within the first few hours of the attack, before the first boots ever touched the ground, it was estimated over seventy five thousand were dead, near triple that number horribly wounded.
As the city was illuminated by the plumes of flame consuming the city, the sun still hours away from rising, the first landing craft hit the waters...
Kroandon Landing Music (
Shores of Asara, Rajikistan
The city burned. The large port city of Asara was as bright as the sun from Grand Marshal Klague's observation deck, illuminating the waters for miles on end. Massive skyscrapers and small homes alike were alight, as the Kroandon fleet had stopped firing high explosive munitions, meant to knock out fixed fortifications, ammunition depots, troop concentrations and other such targets, and had now begun firing shells filled with napalm concentrate. These shells were being launched from the Overlords into the residential district without mercy, igniting massive apartment complexes in a nearly inextinguishable flame. The Visari destroyers joined the Overlords, turning their hundred and ten guns, of 105mm calibre, towards the edge of the city, and began pounding the rim with their quick firing weapons, blowing the hastily erected defenses of the enemy to hell. Devcor cruise missiles still fired off every minute or so, knocking out some satellite targeted tank or armored vehicle.
But the naval engagement was now over... it was time to take the city with boots and tank treads. The first expeditionary fighting vehicles crashed off the massive transports and into the water, over 350 of them in all in the first wave. The three hundred and fifty amphibious assault vehicles moved forward against the choppy waters, filled with fifteen Legionnaires each, in addition to the three man crew. The black assault vehicles moved forward... closer and closer with uneasy calm as no fire was received. The speakers inside updated the soldiers on their distance till landing. 400 Meters. Still nothing. 300 Meters. Nothing. 200 Meters. There it was. Small caliber mortars from the shore, the explosions send vibrations through the landing craft though there were no direct hits. Pow... pow... pow... the 40mm Autocannon of the landing craft was responding... 100 Meters. The Legionnaires gripped their K1 Assault Rifles Tighter, itching to get out and start shooting. Ping, pang, ping. The unmistakable sound of small arms fire scratching the outer armor of the landing craft... 20 Meters. Then the motor cut off and the diesel engine kicked in as the vehicle climbed up the sandy shores of the coast. The light turned green.
The massive megawatt speakers carried forth with the landing craft began blasting their heavy metal, adding a psychological dimension to the war the Rajikistani could not have anticipated. The music shook the sands of Rajikistan.
"GO GO GO!", roared the Lieutenant as the back hatch dropped into the sand, the first two men out turned, knelt and squeezed the triggers, providing covering fire into whatever area seemed to hold opposition. Everyone followed, running out, diving behind the nearest cover and firing. For Corporal Roxert that nearest building was a half standing McDonalds, filled with enemy soldiers. Regulars too, not the militia that was expected. Their AK-47s clattered viciously spraying the landing craft and Legionnaires in a desperate attempt to drive them back. A heavy RPK could be seen on the roof, pinning down a unit of men not far down the beach. Then the heavy autocannon's hydraulic system was heard... the gun sounded off... the RPK went silent as the roof caved in.
The Legionnaires rushed forth, their Honvorg Infantry Apparatuses ( absorbing the random AK shots that managed to hit the Legionnaires. In the first wave over 5,000 Legionnaires had hit the beaches, and rather quickly half of the landing craft turned around back towards the fleet to pick up reinforcements. As they left however, they were quickly reinforced by larger landing craft, dropping off Kraken II battle tanks and ID-57 Decimators, which sealed the fate of the beach defenders. Around 12,000 Rajikistanis still held the coast at the time of the first armored landing, 9,000 Army Regulars and 3,000 paramilitary, all armed with AK-47's, RPK machine guns, RPGs and light mortars. There were also about three dozen armored vehicles left after the naval barrage, twenty BMP-2s and about fifteen T-72 battle tanks. The areas boasting these armored vehicles were holding the best, as they were able to knock out a number of landing craft. Unfortunately they attracted the attention of the naval guns, and shortly turned their sectors into burning rubble as cruise missiles, naval guns and attack aircraft alike pounded their positions.
However when the hundred and twenty Krakens and Decimators hit the beaches, it was all but over. The Krakens let loose their 130mm ETC guns releasing high explosive rounds into the first targets that presented themselves. As there were no enemy missiles to knock out, except for the various RPG fired rockets, the 12.7mm CIWS guns were used in pinning down enemy sandbag bunkers, simply tearing through them with ease. The ID-57's though, the Decimators however were what the Rajikistani would learn to fear. The uncomparabley loud ringing created by the twin 30mm Gatling Guns atop each of these tanks ripped through buildings, soldiers and civilians alike as if they were warm butter. The arrival of this armor, in addition to the increased naval bombardment destroyed the perimeter defenses, and drove the Rajikistani army deeper into the city.
The house to house fighting that ensued lasted only as long as it took a Kroandon tank to reach the scene, as buildings were being leveled without remorse. RPG's flew from random windows, however merely served to scar the tanks. The Black Death was consuming the city, as wave after wave of Legionnaires hit the beaches, within two hours over 25,000 crack warriors were moving forward in the city, knocking out the poorly trained Rajikistani with relative ease. To tell the truth, it wasn't a fair fight. Their communications were knocked out before the naval guns ever fired by Halcon JDAMs, leaving them struggling just to coordinate their defensive plan. To make matters worse, 85% of their armored force - which was technologically inferior to that of the Kroandons, was knocked out in the naval and aerial barrage - along with almost half of their infantry. The Rajikistani were also far worse equipped, their AK-47's taking dozens of rounds to penetrate the Kroandon HIAs. Add in the poor resupply, lack of aerial support, and shock and awe tactics of the Kroandons and there was nothing to be done.
The Kroandons rushed forward, gunning down anyone and everyone they saw, hauling with them the massive speakers blaring the heavy metal to scare the living hell out of the enemy. Halcon fighters continued to bombard the city with random missiles crashing into buildings and enemy armor alike. By the time the sun began to rise, over half the city was in Kroandon hands - 80,000 boots on the ground. Grand Marshal Klague made up two of them. As he walked down Royal Avenue he glanced at the execution lines on either side of the street, civilians being mowed down for not fitting the qualifications for slavery. The men were thrown in chains and into various detention centers set up throughout the city, where they would wait until forced labor camps had been established throughout the country side. The women were taken, usually raped immediately, and then thrown into camps of their own, where they would go to one of two places. If they were found attractive enough, they would likely be sold on the Antarctikan sex slave market - though highly illegal, very profitable. The less attractive ones would be handed over to the Honvorg Korporation, whom would likely whore them out to their own workers and their slaves in the region. The lucky ones were killed on sight.
Hour by hour more of the city fell into Kroandon hands, as the artillery began setting up it was all but over. 125mm and 155mm's were set up on the beaches, and pounded enemy held sections of the city, while 105mms were wheeled to the front to be used as direct fire guns against enemy fortified buildings. Looting was rampant by the Legionnaires who were given their fixed hour breaks from combat - Legion custom had it that no Legionnaire would fight more than 4 hours straight if reinforcements were available, so the men, in their free time, loaded up sacks with jewelry, cigarettes, booze and other valuables.
By one o'clock, the city was ready to fall, and the Rajikistani in full retreat along the main highway - the only way out of the city, enroute to Fakar, roughly 85 miles to the north. VL-7 Demolishers had doomed them as soon as they had been deployed. Roughly one hundred in all, their 406mm guns rocked the ground they sat on, and obliterated whatever their 450lb shells landed on. Massive craters were made roughly 65 miles outside the city, making the car filled highway impassable. Bombs of all shapes and sizes followed, the full scale retreat, filled with both soldiers and civilians, was torn to shreds. Hundreds of shells fell every minute, loaded with high explosive and napalm munitions, killing thousands... tens of thousands. Cars, bicycles and tanks alike were turned into black charcoal, just as their operators were. Halcons overhead made sure none escaped, and would strafe whatever did with their 20mm Gatling gun.
By two the city was completely controlled by the Kroandons, save for a few pockets of resistance. The process of exterminating the Rajikistani then began, and civilians were pulled out of whatever buildings still stood, and thrown in camps, or more likely, shot in the head. The banner of the Black Death was raised above the city... a large, plain black flag.
Off the Coast the Fleet began moving away... north, further into the gulf, towards the city of Bahat.
Somewhere Outside Asara
"Move it you savage fuckers... get off the truck! Get off the fuckin' truck!", roared Private Colrot at the load of Rajikistani civilians, grabbing the nearest man, probably in his late fifties by the collar and tearing him out of the truck, throwing him down unto the sands bellow. "OUT!"
The men, women and children rushed out as the private withdrew his sidearm and fired multiple 9mm rounds into the mans back, kicking him repeatedly in the ribs with his steel toed boot. "Now why the fuck'd you do that you trigger happy bastard?", questioned one of the men in his squad as he brushed the blood splatter off the face mask of his HIA. "Now we're going to have to carry his ass all the way over to the damn burn pile. Way - to - fucking - go."
Private Colrot, standing 6'2, weighing 220lbs, the average size of the man in the Korvacht, grabbed the corpse of the Rajikistani man and slung him over his shoulder, "I'll carry him you spineless bastards." Colrot looked down the line of vehicles, watching as scores of civilians were herded to point in the sand being marked off by another unit of Legionnaires. Already about 800 stood cramped together, being joined by the latest convoy of another 800. "Hahaha... you boys seen one of these yet?", grumbled the Kroandon as he began trudging through the sands towards a large pile of what seemed to be burning tires. Speaking through his CommLink inside his helmet, Colrot continued, "Oh you're in for a treat. I saw one yesterday when I was out with the 35th, the bodies practically explode. They're all down in five seconds flat...", Colrot continued, the men in his unit listening on with mild enthusiasm, watching the dozens of Legionnaires in their thick Honvorg armor usher the civilians into the cluster. Colrot continued towards the massive burning pile, over twelve feet high and fifty wide - it soon became clear they were not tires, but human bodies. "Off ya go now Mr. Muhammad.", chuckled Colrot as he hurled the a hundred and fifty pound man into the flames, causing a plume of sparks to shoot out at soldier.
As Colrot walked back to the line of Legionnaires that had formed in front of the mass of prisoners, a single ID-57 rolled forward, seemingly parting the sea of soldiers as they made room for the massive tank and its monstrous 30mm Gatling Cannons. The cranking of gears and hydraulics filled the silent air, directing the guns at the 1600 civilians. Bzzzzzzzzzz. The ID-57 Decimator rang out, spitting over 2000 rounds in less than ten seconds. The mass of Rajikistani civilians now were little more than a pile of bloody flesh. "Fuckin' amazing.", Colrot remarked, picking up a can of kerosene as he walked towards the pile, followed by the rest of his unit.
Klague walked into the royal palace, Legionnaires having long since stripped it of its inner beauty as the stragglers tore the wallpaper from the walls searching for hidden safes and other Arab treasures. Klague read over the packet of papers on the situation in Bahat, the coastal city approximately seventy miles north west. The bombardment had begun some time earlier, however the city had managed to evacuate the majority of the population beforehand. "Seems they don't plan on playing fair Colonel... tell General Gider we will be needing half his armor to move north and secure the Al'Fasa Oil Fields ahead of schedule. We need them intact so help me God...", Klague walked up the marble steps towards the Prince's chambers, which had been converted into the command center of the city.
The Colonel typed something into a small hand held device as the Grand Marshal spoke, being cut off by the Grand Marshal's Chief of Staff rushing out the double ebony doors of the royal chambers. "Sir! The Masad and Arani oil fields have been ignited and abandoned by all Rajikistani forces.", shouted the man, nursing a broken arm decorated by a pair of bullet wounds.
"What happened to your arm Ciroc?", questioned Klague, looking at his right hand man's wounds.
Looking puzzled the officer responded, seemingly unconcerned about his arm. "Ambush... couple dozen insurgents knocked out my car with an RPG... short fight was all... but the oil fields sir... we aren't scheduled to take them for another three days."
"You keep your armor on if you travel outside you hear?", Klague ordered, very concentrated on the issue. Once he had nodded in affirmation, Klague addressed the oil fields. "Move the 7th and 24th armored to take each one respectively... make sure they take enough engineers with them to stop the fires. And make them pay for this... Devcors, lots of them... at the capital. Have we received any offers of surrender yet Colonel?"
"No sir.", responded the assistant.
"Interesting... what is the status of Fakar?"
Fakar 3:00pm - Two days after landing
The thunderous roar of VL-7 Annihilators shook the very air of the dry Rajikistani desert, causing the Legionnaires around the vehicle to kneel to the ground, else they be knocked over by the massive vibrations that mimicked small earth quakes. Over two hundred VL-7's in all blasted the city, leveling buildings left and right, causing mass panic as the people inside prayed for their lives. The four hundred pound shells sought to entice the Rajikistani Army inside to come out and confront the Kroandon force, but they wouldn't budge. The 100,000 soldiers in the city, and the 300 armored pieces just sat, hoping in vein that the Kroandons would run out of ammo. They couldn't even fire back with their own artillery, as their 120mm guns simply didn't have the range to hit the Kroandon force over 50 miles to the south. All they could do was pray.
Italia Orientale
05-06-2009, 18:59
Location: Republican Palace, Tripoli, Italia Orientale
Time: 13:26
Prime Minister Francesco Cesare sat at his desk in a state of shock. He had just finished reading the reports on the invasion of Rajikistan by the Imperial Koalition of Kroando. He could not understand how anyone could be so brutal and merciless towards innocent civilians. To make matters worse, these were fellow Muslims being butchered for no reason. The attack was apparently unprovoked and sudden. In the office with him were Field Marshall Saladin Garibaldi, Supreme Commander of the Military, Muhammad Rossi, the Foreign Minister, and Muhammad Ali Giuliani, the Minister of War.
“Fucked up isn’t it?” said Giuliani. Cesare just nodded in response, still staring at the report.
“Unfortunately sir,” began Rossi, “I don’t think there is much we can do. Kroandon has a population about ten times the size of ours, a far larger military, and they already have a foothold on the invaded territory.”
“Shut up Rossi!” snapped the Minister of War, “that’s what you always say.” He started speaking in a squeaky voice to mock the Foreign Minister, “we can’t fight them they’re too big, they’re too strong, I’m too scared.” He slammed his fist down on the desk, “well I’m tired of your shit! I think we have a duty to take a stand!”
“Calm down,” responded Garibaldi, “if we’re going to do something about this we will certainly have to remain cool and collected.” He looked at Prime Minister Cesare, “if we do anything brash or try to stand up to them alone, it is my opinion that any military force we send will be obliterated.”
“Let’s call on some allies and some other Muslim countries,” replied Giuliani, “if we get enough nations to join with us, then we’ll be able to check Kroando’s power.”
“True,” said the Foreign Minister, “unless they bring allies of their own.”
“We know you want to do nothing!” screamed the Minister of War, “but I will not stand for it, I’ll go to Rajikistan my goddammed self if I have to!”
Prime Minister Cesare finally spoke up. “I’ll contact our allies and some of the other Muslim countries in our region and I’ll see how large of a force we can organize to counter this atrocity,” he said. “In the meantime,” he continued looking at Field Marshall Garibaldi, “I want you to start figuring out how large of a force we can deploy and how quickly and how many additional allied forces we’ll need.” Cesare paused as he glanced over the report again. “Giuliani, you start looking into sending some advanced FSC intelligence teams to Rajikistan to gather information on the landscape, enemy troop sizes, etc.” he said to the Minister of War. “Let’s get to it,” he said concluding the meeting, “and keep this as hush hush as you can, we don’t want to show our cards before we have to.”
United Anacreon
05-06-2009, 19:15
In a shocking move by Prime Minister Salim bin Daud, United Anacreon has called for immediate blockade of Kroando by the Union of Independent States.
Kroando, one of the largest nations in the world might face severe economic damage by the UIS nations, totalling more than 70 countries.
PM Salim has called on the Kroandoan government to cease the genocide of the Rajikstani people.
Prime Minister Salim is of Rajikstani-Anacreonian descent.
New Greston
05-06-2009, 22:18
Official Communiqué
Alliance of Maritime Nations
To: Prime Minister Francesco Cesare of The Democratic Islamic Republic of Italia Orientale
CC: --Closed Transmission--
From: Office of President
Subject: Kroandoan Affairs with Rajikistan
My dear friend, since my innauguration near three days ago, I have seen the end of the greatest Empire in all of the Mediterranica and inherited a war and war debt greater than the whole Alliance of Maritime Nation. There are always times in history when we witness great atrocoties; of those times there of situations where we can put a stop to it, then there are the unbecoming situations when we cannot. Sadly, the Kroandoan assualt on Rajikistan is one of the latter situations.
The war debt I am left with dealing with is greater then the whole Italia Orientalian economy two times over. To enter into another war which will simply bring the unwarranted deaths of thousands, if not millions, of Grestonians would be the end of me. I have set a non interventionalist policy in the Imperial Republic and I feel it must, and it shall, stay that way. However, before you throw this paper down in disgust I must request from you one thing. That you ignore these atrocoties, this genocide, this war and let Rajikistani people suffer what they unfortunately must. I cannot warrant a an AMNAT alliance member to take it upon themselves to enter into a war of such proportions.
The Alliance of Maritime Nations shall not enter this war, nor shall the Democratic Islamic Republic, else membership in AMNAT shall be revoked; ejection of the the Democratic Islamic Republic is the last thing I want to do on my June 3rd, please heed to my warnings. My advice is to condemn such actions and take in as many refugees as possible, perhaps strike up a deal with the Kroandoan Government to allow you to take civilians out of the frontlines and to bring them to Italia Orientale. That is a project the Imperial Republic will accept, as well as AMNAT.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Llywelyn Wilton Madoc
President of the Imperial Republic of Greston
Acting President of the Alliance of Maritime Nations
Communique to the Office of the Prime Minister of United Anacreon
From the Desk of Lord Protector Evix Malthus
To Whom it May Concern,
I have recently been informed that an embargo is to be raised against Koalition for acts of genocide in the Rajikistani Conflict. First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the details of the situation. The Imperial Koalition is not engaged in the fighting there, and therefor the people of Kroando, whom you aim to afflict by this universal embargo, will suffer unjustly. As the main import of Kroando is foodstuffs, you seem to desire to starve our population, an action unjust as any violence in the Arabaic world.
The forces fighting there, though Kroandon in origin, are controlled not by central authority of the Koalitionist Government, but by one of the Grand Marshals. Though you may not understand the inner workings of Kroando, these men, the Grand Marshals hold tremendous power and influence and are given a great degree of autonomy. The actions of Marshal Klague should not reflect those of the Kroandon nation.
Lord Protector to the Throne of Kroando,
Grand Marshal Evix Malthus
Fakar, Day 4 of the Siege
Grand Marshal Klague inspected the line of Kraken Battle Tanks, over 100 long, the rows five deep, representing half of the Kroandon armored force. It was however hard to appreciate the beauty of the formation with the massive thunderous roar of 407mm Artillery Cannons sounding off every ten seconds. The Kroandon force had now advanced to within 25 miles of the city, the artillery, 1,600 guns in all, were dug into various earthen fortifications across the line, only the VL-7 Demolishers firing though all of the guns were well within range.
Across the country the situation was just as chaotic as it was in Fakar. Kroandon precision cruise missile strikes had crippled the already limited Rajikistani air power, Devcors riddling hangers and command centers. Radar towers, ammunition stockpiles, power stations were all ripped asunder in that first hour of the invasion. Gas for automobiles was on severe rationing, preventing the majority of the population from using even public transit, as all available fuel was diverted to keeping the tanks and trucks operating. Even water was scarce, as the desert region already struggled to produce the necessity before the Kroandons bombed every major water station in the country. The situation was made worse when one considers 15% of the nations water was produced through Kroandon controlled desalinization plants in Asara and Bahat.
Fakar stood like a sand castle before a giant wave. A giant wave of tanks and guns that is.
06-06-2009, 04:17
OOC: (Do a proper post soon)
TO: Kroando
From: The Republic of Australiazia
President Campbell Brown sat at his desk when the foreign affairs minister Wayne Ross, ran into the room to show the President pictures and details of what atrocities were happening in Rajikistan.
"We are deeply horrified and shocked of the attacks in Rajikistan and the ongoing genocide in the region. I will be holding talks later today to discuss our options and actions that will be taken to stop Kroando's unjust actions."
OOC: Military or actions will be discussed later.
President Brown,
We urge you, for the sake of your own people, leave Klague to his massacre. We hear hes running short on bullets, and is itching to use machetes.
Kroandon Foreign Affairs Ministry
Road to the Al'Fasa Oil Fields
The 49th Armored Brigade moved up the rocky sand covered hill, the men sitting atop the tanks and carriers searching the rocky overpass for Rajikistani soldiers. The armored humvee scouting ahead of the convoy had been in constant contact with the twenty vehicle convoy, keeping the men somewhat calm in the eerie silence of the desert. Pssshhhhhhhttttt... all clear ahead, keep moving at pace... The radio crackled out, the radio put on loud enough for all the Legionnaires, even those sitting atop of tanks to hear. Captain Vurtz sighed, leaning back against the 30mm Gatling Cannon atop the ID-57 Decimator. "Grecop... how hot is it?"
The Legionnaire, seemingly entranced by the small digital thermometer, eventually mumbled out, "One hundred and three fucking degrees Fahrenheit. Fuck this, I'm taking my helmet off. This damn fan isn't keeping me from burning in here.", the private shouted, grabbing at the latches attaching his Honvorg Helmet System to his armor. He was cut off by the sound of a shrieking RPG firing off.
"AMBUSH!", was the call down the line as Legionnaires jumped, or in some cases, were blown from the tops of vehicles. Captain Vurtz jumped from the top of the ID-57, taking a pair of AK-47 rounds to the back of his Honvorg Carapace, shouting as the force of the bullets slammed into his lower back, forcing him to a knee. The bullets however, did not penetrate, the armor simply being to thick. Vurtz ducked behind the tank, turned and fired, pumping K1 rounds into the rocky hill from which the ambushers came. Before he could ask for the status update of his unit, another RPG-7 fired off, this one being prematurely detonated by the ID-57's small 10.7mm CIWS gun. Down the line fifty calibre guns rattled off, holding back the ever increasing number of Rajikistani guns. RPGs were soon joined by multitudes of grenades, frag rounds detonating all around the besieged Legionnaires.
"Give me updates! All units report! Concentrate fire... can you bastards hear me?!", Vurtz shouted into his CommLink as rounds ricocheted off the tanks hull. Psssshhhhhhtttttt... ALL UNITS ALERT! HEAVY ENEMY ACTIVITY AHEAD!... The radio reported from the scouting humvee. 'Bastard...', Vurtz thought, popping up to release a couple rounds into the hillside. The AK-47s were quickly supported by mortars from the other side of the hill, 88mm rounds pounding the Kroandon positions. "Horvachtamak... command this is Captain Vurtz of the 49th Armored... we are under attack... request immediate aerial assistance. Coordinates 0934 A6...", Vurtz reported while peering around the side of the ID-57... the bastards were charging... Turning to direct his rifle towards the young men, he was too late as the Legionnaire behind him fired a round into his chest, creating a massive explosions that knocked both the men back. The man was strapped with TNT. The ID-57 stopped firing, its vision blocked. Vurtz's vision blurred, he slowly stumbled to his feet, blindly firing into the smoke and dust he knew was filled with Rajikistanis charging forward. Rifle round hit him in the pectoral plate, knocking his shell-shocked body onto his ass - the bullet still not penetrating.
"Captain! Captain what are your orders?! Captain?!", his radio fuzzed through, the roaring of Krakens 130mm guns shaking the ground, making it all the more difficult for Vurtz to regain his bearings. Click, click, click. His K1 out of ammo, Vurtz withdrew his sidearm and shot down the two insurgents running at his position.
"All units revert to EastCHNs... I repeat, use your EastCHNs.", Vurtz shouted through his link as he pulled the cylinder like grenade from his chest and pulled the unusual pin from the can. One... two... three... throw. The grenade flew the air, the thing looking like a soup can of some sort... landed... started rolling down the hill and boom. The grenade started spewing of flames, massive plumes of liquid fire, and then it started spinning. The screams of the Rajikistani could almost be heard over the clattering of the fifty cals and the buzzing of the gatling guns. There original four Krakens and six ID-57s still remained, four humvees having been lost. Yet there was no way of know that when the first Rajikistani T-72 fired its 125mm shell into the front humvee, flipping the vehicle backards into a second humvee. Quickly the lead Kraken turned about, withstanding a pair of mortar and grenade hits before firing a sabot round into the T-72 down the road, ripping its innards apart. The Kraken then fired another high explosive round less than six seconds later, blowing a BMP-1 into pieces. A hail of RPGs ripped into the side of the Kraken yet again, the second and third ripping off the rear of the side skirt and damaging the tread of the tank.
The Kroandons were outnumbered 660 to 120 - in armored fighting vehicles 32 to 6. It seemed even worse to the Kroandons on the ground, struggling to dislodge the ambush party from their rock lodgings. Overhead salvation had arrived, a single F/A-18 dropping a string of precision guided napalm laden bombs onto the hillside, burning a swath of soldiers and guerillas out of the hillside. The aircraft then leveled out, pouring its 20mm Gatling gun into the trucks and armored vehicles a half mile down the road - which till then was being held off be a single Kraken. The second F/A-18 fired four anti-armor air-to-ground steelfire missiles at four separate targets, knocking out three BMPs. Vurtz grinned until he was taken aback by the sound of Rajikistani battlecries, and charging Arabs all around him. The ID-57s buzzed off, cutting down swaths, K1s popped off... Vurtz emptied his side arm, and before he knew it was thrown into close combat. Grabbing the black serrated machete strapped onto the back of the tank, he swung and decapitated the small teenager running at him, grabbing his bayonet with his armored glove. The Kroandon, standing 6'3, weighing 240, was no small man in Kroando, and was a giant in Rajikistan. Swoop, another arm cut off. The next managed to dig his bayonet into the Captain's thigh before the massive macheted hacked its way through his collar bone, half way into his chest. Pulling out quickly to block the next blow, he ripped the mans esophagus from his body. Kicking the insurgent in the chest, the man flew back - standing up he was cut in half by a hail of fifty cal fire. Down the road the Kraken and two of the ID-57s were pursuing the fleeing trucks and BMP-1s, passing by the burned out hulls of the enemy T-72s. Vurtz breathed in deeply, adrenaline pumping, the last of the Rajikistani were being cut down, or running across the desert being picked off by Legionnaires who had set up atop the hills.
Colonel Irin Slekker, former cellmate of Captain Gen Vurtz in the Khartoum Ice Prison. The two men were actually just kids then, Slekker fourteen and Vurtz twelve. Slekker had been given life in labor for stabbing a local businessman for pushing him. Vurtz for being the son of a communist. Both the boys plotted feverishly on their escape, dreaming of the riches they would one day inherit should they just escape this damned camp. Truth be told no one had ever escaped and lived to tell. Sitting seventy miles outside Khartoum, and there being no other settlements to speak of for hundreds of miles, the camp was the only habitable place around. The Antarctik Wastes were not kind to the young boys, whom shoveled snow fourteen hours a day into massive ovens.
One fateful August morning, a drunken inmate, much older than the two boys, decided he was going to rape young Vurtz. The man grabbed Gen on his way back to his cell, throwing him into a dark corner and began by pulling the kids pants off. Before he could violate Vurtz, Slekker had dug a six inch shank into his back, bit off his ear, dug his dirtied nails into the mans shoulders. Shrieking the large Kroandon threw Irin into a concrete wall. Vurtz had by now charged the man, and not knowing what else to do to the fully grown man, bit his balls off. Literally. The man howled, fell on his back and screamed in pain. Spitting out testicle and blood, Vurtz shook Slekker awake, and the two boys preceded to beat the man to death. The scene was being watched by then Colonel Ciroc Avinaugh - Klagues current Chief of Staff -, who was at the prison to pick up a batch of cold blooded murderers for recruitment into Klague's newly formed Legion for combat in the Ardesh Swamplands. Smiling the Colonel walked up to the boys, knelt and grinned.
For the last twenty three years they had been fighting alongside one another, only recently separated when Slekker was promoted to Colonel, receiving his own company. When the Colonel heard of the attempt of Vurtz's life, of his wounds, he lost it. Slekker picked up a black machete, walked into a detention facility, and hacked apart one Rajikistani man after another, spitting in a furious rage. Twelve men deep he breathed, looking around the room at the remaining twenty men. Wheezing he turned to leave, pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin and rolled it at them, closing the door behind him. Grabbing the Lieutenant to his left he growled through his teeth, "Go find me more." Bang
United Anacreon
06-06-2009, 07:06
Communique to the Lord Protector of Kroando
We, the people of United Anacreon have decided to halt any future embargo after learning the Kroandan government's attitude towards the Grand Marshals.
However, I strongly encourage that you put pressure on Marshal Klague.
Foreign Minister Stefan Marshall McGregor
06-06-2009, 09:06
OOC: Australiaza...? United Anacreon...? Italia Orientale...!? This reminds me of something...
Official Communique from the Government of Garmidia
President Sam Philips and the Government of Garmidia is heavily worried by the situation happening in Rajikistan. We will be closely working with our former ORNA, Operation Red Night Allies, Australiazia, Italia Orientale and United Anacreon on working to a solution to this horrifying conflict.
President of Garmidia
Sam Philips
"Klague, I would request you limit the YouTube videos of Rajikistani slaughters to a minimum... the international community is not exactly thrilled with your 'catch and shoot' tactics...", Lord Protector Malthus grumbled over the secure satellite link to Grand Marshal Klague, over 4,000 miles away siting in a bunker in the Rajikistani desert.
"God damn you Evix - I'm sitting here in a hundred and fifty degree heat, swatting flies the size of small dogs, and you're worried about the feelings of a few crackpot countries half the size of North Redon City...", Klague shouted through the phone, bloody spit coming from his mouth due to the activation of his Vernochts Syndrome - the unique Kroandon disease which causes the gums to bleed during times of stress.
"You know as well as I do that the international community is not going to tolerate-"
"I'll tell you what, you give me a list of names and I'll make sure to make a few pit stops on the way out of here."
"I'm not going to say it again. If you want that convoy of ammunition and supplies that left Scolar last week, you'll practice a little discretion. Is that clear?"
Fakar 4:00am - Day 10
"Ciroc, get on the line with General Krezor and Fedorn... we're going now.", Klague ordered, spitting blood onto the ground.
"But sir, Malthus just said-", the Chief of Staff interjected, only to be cut off by Klague's mounting anger.
"Malthus be damned! Fuck Avinaugh, we're days behind schedule. Fakar was supposed to be abandoned days ago. What are they drinking in there? Sand? There is no water going into that city, and no water sources for miles. They've already reformed their armor outside Rashat City, and intelligence reports thousands of paramilitary forces coming in from those northern countries every day. We have no choice. We knock out Fakar now."
Avinaugh nodded, leaving the bunker through a narrow corridor to the next room, where he could be heard shouting orders to various operators around the room. Minutes later the assault began. Bombs had been dropping on Fakar for the better part of two weeks, day and night, over 15,000 450lb shells had been dropped around the city, preventing sleep for the residents and soldiers alike. The civilian evacuation, preformed over a week ago had been heavily assaulted by Kroandon aerial forces, strafing runs and missile strikes killing over 75,000 during their journey to Al' Masad. The war was taking a very unusual shape. Due to the Kroandon dominance of the air, and impeccable surveillance capabilities, it was impossible for any large force to travel from one point to another, as Kroandon Cruise Missiles rained down upon any force over five hundred men - introducing armored vehicles all but doomed them. This meant all Rajikistani forces were simply digging in to the defenses of the cities they inhabited. Life was getting very difficult however. No electricity. No running water. No food imports or domestic production. The Arabs would not be able to keep this up for long, Klague knew this, but they were holding out longer than expected.
Fakar's defenses rang out as soon as the Kroandon armor triggered the first mines on the edge of the city, bringing the armor to a halt. Artillery soon concentrated in on a small stretch of land, high fragmentation rounds triggering the mines deployed by the Rajikistani. RPG's rang out, sending their screeching rockets into the front of the armored core with little effect. 105mm towed artillery pieces also had been dug into the sides of buildings, and took their change and trying to knock out the Krakens, but with little success, as their guns didn't have the punch, or accuracy to destroy the Krakens. The roar of the first tank battalion, 50 tanks in all, silenced the defenders rather quickly as the buildings on the outskirt of the city crumbled. The artillery fire soon picked up, with the entire 1,600 guns opening in force, 105mm, 125mm, 155mm, 240mm and 407mm guns sounding off on an array of satellite and aerial targets in the front sector of the city. Within minutes the tanks were through the mines and were pouring into the city, blasting hastily constructed road blocks out of the roads with single shots from their main guns. The fifty caliber guns atop the tanks rattled off, spraying any Rajikistani in sight, keeping soldiers pinned down as the infantry carriers moved in behind the Krakens, unloading Legionnaires by the dozen. AK-47 fire was quickly put down by tank rounds as Legionnaires cleared buildings one by one. Overwhelming firepower was putting an end to the defense before it could organize. Fakar was suffering the same fate as Bahat, and Asara before it.
In Asara gangs of enslaved Rajikistanis were forced around the streets harvesting scrap metal, throwing the pieces into large dump trucks that had been salvaged from the city. Kroandon Legionnaires patrolled kept them in check, occasionally beating those whom had not found any materials in some time into bloody pulps, making the other members of the chain gangs drag them for their own amusement. Occasionally Rajikistani guerrillas who still hid out in the city would attack the Kroandon patrols, but rarely with any success. They had no where to hide, as it was illegal under the martial law established by Klague to simply exist outside of a detention facility - punishable by death. Small settlements popped up in parts of the city, shanty towns - but this was only in the beginning, before the Rajikistani in Asara realized these shantytowns attracted soldiers whom promptly rushed in and butchered everyone. Now they hid in the knooks and crannies of dilapidated buildings, trying to keep out of the eye of the soldiers as they scavenged for food and water.
Any Rajikistani boy under the age of six was taken by the Legion and kept alive, raised as if they were the children of the men. It was an odd thing, to see a man gun down a mother and pick up her son, keeping the young boy with him for the next decade, until he was old enough to live on his own - usually joining the Legion to replace his 'father'. Private Yeltz had such a son. He called him Murk, was only two years old, speaking very little Rajikistani he always asked his captor, 'What is your name?', in bumbled Rajikistani baby talk. Yeltz always replied in KroSpeak, 'Shut up.' In years to come Murk would live Movono with his father in the tropical island paradise, drinking, smoking and training on the beaches, being carried on Yeltz's arm as a toy to attract the better looking prostitutes. At the age of fourteen he would kill his first - a European sailor drinking in a pub that had made a crack about his dark skin color. Murk preceded to stab the mad to death with a seven inch bowie knife. That very day he would be accepted in Klague's Legion and thrown into six months of 'boot camp' - the worst experience of any mans life.
For now however, he was just a two year old in a back pack.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 00:57
Official Communique --- The Democratic Islamic Republic of Italia Orientale
To: Grand Marshal Evix Malthus, Lord Protector to the Throne of Kroando
From: Francesco Cesare, Prime Minister of Italia Orientale
Subject: Kroandon Support for Grand Marshal Klague
Grand Marshal Malthus,
Since the actions of Grand Marshal Klague are not supported by the Kroandon government, we question whether your nation would intervene against any military actions taken against Klague and his men? If it is in fact true, that your government does not support Klague's action, then your government should not oppose the intervention of other countries in the cause of stopping Mr. Klague's rampage through Rajikistan.
We understand that your government would not move to stop Mr. Klague out of respect for the independence of its Grand Marshals and the effects that intervention may have on Kroando's domestic situation. However, we feel that Kroando should at least stand aside if other nations wish to attempt their own methods to try and stop the ongoing massacre. We also understand that you and the other leaders of Kroando may not want to openly criticize or oppose a fellow countryman in front of foreigners, for we certainly follow that same policy of discretion, but we hope that in private you acknowledge that the wanton brutality and heinous battle tactics being used by Mr. Klague are morally reprehensible and unacceptable in this day and age.
We are not naïve, and we acknowledge that in any war, especially those fought in today's modern urban combat environment, there will be a substantial amount of civilian casualties and collateral damage. However, the purposeful targeting and killing of civilians, which Mr. Klague has been engaged in, is not acceptable in any case and violates every principle of war and military honor. As we said, we do not expect the Kroandon government to step in and stop Mr. Klague's actions, but we do expect that that same government will not interfere in the efforts of others to stop this senseless slaughter. We hope that your great nation will continue to prosper and that this terrible and regrettable incident does not stain the honor and reputation of Kroando and its people.
Peace be Upon You,
Francesco Cesare
OOC: any possibilities for getting Grand Marshals that are rivals to Klague to support and help in an intervention against him
Communique to the Office of the Prime Minister
While I can understand your concerns regarding the loss of life in Rajikistan, I regret to inform you it is impossible for us to completely abandon the Grand Marshal in his expedition in Rajikistan. The forces under his command, and the forces driving his invasion are far too powerful to be pushed aside, and control much of the public policy of the Koalition. The sad fact is, the public is in dire need of oil, and is willing to turn a blind eye to the atrocities so long as their needs are met.
We have however come to an understanding regarding the deportation of refugees. We shall permit ships to dock in Tal Masav for the period of one three days to collect as many refugees as possible - women and children only.
Klague's forces are considerable, military action is not advised.
Lord Protector Evix Malthus
[Though there are rivals, none risking splitting up the country over it. As Klague controls roughly 1/7 the Kroandon military, they would not risk that size conflict to eliminate a rival.]
07-06-2009, 03:56
Communique of the Government of Garmidia
To: Kroando
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Garmidia, John Rebalt, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Garmidia and our ORNA allies (Italia Orientale, Australiaza and United Anacreon) are, like I have said, very worried at this point. I personally have not considered military action, so that should be left out of the equation. But, wouldn't it have been possible to make some sort of a treaty with Rajikistan? Diplomacy always makes you look better on the international stage, but going to war for Oil is something frowned upon, heavily, in the international community. If you do in fact decide to host some sort of a treaty making process, Garmidia would very happily be the host of such an event.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 04:02
Grand Marshal Malthus,
We find your reasoning to be quite weak in regards to this matter. Oil can be attained, even through military means, but there is no need for the slaughter that Klauge is unleashing on Rajikistan. We would certainly have not passed any judgment on a nation that requires a resource and does what it must to attain it. However, we are very saddened that neither you nor any of your Grand Marshal colleagues has the courage to stand up for human dignity and the lives of innocent people. Furthermore, the fact that you would come to the aid of Klauge if he were to be attacked, proves that the nation of Kroando is, in actuality, endorsing his actions.
In the interests of human decency, we will accept your offer to go and pick up the refugees from Rajikistan. We will be sending 8 cruise liners, to be escorted by the Dante Alighieri Carrier Group to Tal Masav to pick up the women and children. As this is a mission of peace, we expect no interference from Klauge's men and we expect you to make sure he keeps his forces away from ours. Understand, Mr. Malthus, our country may be much smaller than yours and you may have a much larger conventional military, but we are not afraid of you and we have our own ways of retaliating and we hope that we will not have to employ these methods in response to violence against us on the part of Mr. Klauge.
We hope that your country will come to its senses and stop Mr. Klauge soon. We ask that you think of your own children and imagine if a madman like Klauge were rampaging through your country, slaughtering your family. Also, we advise that you keep a close eye on our esteemed friend for your own good. A man with that much cruelty and that much disregard for human life could easily turn against his own people and his own nation. It would sadden us to see Klauge's evil strike against the 7 billion souls of Kroando, causing death and destruction of untold proportions.
Our ships should arrive in Tal Masav tomorrow and we should complete our evacuation of the refugees within the three day period so long as everything proceeds smoothly. As I have already said, we expect your cooperation in this effort so that it can be completed as quickly, smoothly, and efficiently as possible.
Francesco Cesare
Communique to the Office of the Prime Minister
The entirety of the Gulf Region has been declared a war zone - your carrier group will have to wait outside the declared battle zone while the cruise liners embark for Tal Masav. Marshal Klague will allow a pair of destroyers to accompany the seven cruise liners.
Lord Protector Malthus
[Assuming that was agreed upon, and a longer time period. Doubtful you have a carrier group and group of cruise liners just sitting in the region.]
Tal Masav - 9 Days Later
The city still burned from the bombardment a week before, the only life in the city being in the forms of patrols of Legionnaires clearing abandoned buildings. That was until the massive column of trucks rolled into the city, making a beeline for the harbor. Over three hundred trucks, packed with civilians - over 10,000 in all had been granted an escape from Rajikistan, but the process was not random at all. They bought their way out with jewels, cars and gold. Those escaping were the elite, those that could pay the Legionnaires enough to get on the trucks. The first humvees pulled up to the docks to see the massive cruise ships already docking, the Italia Orientale destroyer watching the situation unfold, further in over the horizon four Kroandon destroyers sat ominously, bobbing in the ocean.
The first of the trucks pulled up, unloading their cargo of crying civilians as they rushed towards the downed ramp leading to the cruise liner. Roughly fifty Legionnaires stood in the area, Colonel Rakx, the commander of the operation, the most irritated of them all. He had been pulled from the combat in Malak, the most intense thus far in the invasion, and couldn't stand it. He had instated a zero tolerance policy for any insubordination from the refugees, ordering any to be shot on site should they think wrongly. It didn't take long for something to happen either. As the fourth truck unloaded, a middle aged Rajikistani man was stopped, the Legionnaire grabbing at his gold necklace, visible through his unbuttoned shirt. The man resisted. Irritating the soldier, he pulled him from the line and threw him to the ground, forcing several gold coins to fall from his pockets. The man squirmed for a second, the soldier yelled something, pulled back, cocked his gun and fired a round into his chest, forcing his wife to scream and run at him. She also was shot. Their bodies were scoured, coins and valuable taken, and promptly dumped in the harbor. From that point out, every person was patted down before boarding the boat. Several more were shot. About every fiftieth person actually.
"Lets pick up the pace!", shouted Rakx, looking down at a Rajikistani being beaten for mumbling some curse at one of the Legionnaires.
Central Rajikistan
The majority of the refugees were of course, fleeing into neighboring countries, not aboard cruise liners. The Kroandons had organized a refugee 'army' themselves, giving them minimal food and water and promising them they were to being taken to neighboring Omasque in the east. As word spread, more and more Rajikistani swarmed to this camp, two weeks straight, over 150,000 arriving by the time they were to deport. They left in the night, a massive column was formed and they started walking east. The Kroandon escorts, Legionnaires walked alongside the civilians, they obviously being provided far more water than the civilians. The 500 soldiers were spaced around the column... which marched day and night, resting every few hours only briefly. Five days, sixty miles, the people were dying. Just then, the next 'convoy' arrived, much smaller than the normal ones bringing moldy bread and dirty water. There were only twenty trucks. The Legionnaires hopped on, the trucks turned back and left. 150,000 civilians now sat in the 110 degree sun, thirty miles from the closest water - not having had a drop of water in hours. No more need be said.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 06:18
Captain Salvatore Costanza got off of the cruise ship along with a group of 50 marines and ran over to where the Legionnaires were shooting the civilians boarding the ships. They pointed their guns and the Captain shouted, "THIS STOPS NOW! These people are under the protection of Italia Orientale! Allow them to continue to board in peace!"
Tal Masav Harbor
Colonel Rakx walked over to the Captain whom stood shouting at one of his Legionnaires, the soldiers rifle still smoking from the man he had just executed. The Legionnaire was laughing until the Colonel grabbed him by his armored collar and pulled him backwards.
The officer began speaking through his commlink in rough English, "I am Colonel Tarval Rakx. I am in charge here. You and your men. Back on the boat. These are our prisoners until they get off shore. Understand?", the Colonel spoke, the fifty Legionnaires already raising their rifles and facing the fifty marines. The two humvees overlooking the site cocked their .50 cals and directed them at the scene.
"If you want to leave this harbor with your life, let alone with these prisoners - get on your boat now."
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 06:44
"Fuck you and your men!" shouted the captain while he and his men kept their weapons pointed at the Legionnaires, "you don't scare us, now leave these prisoners alone and get out of here!"
Tal Masav Harbor
Speaking through his commlink to the entire unit so that only the Kroandons could hear, the Colonel issued his orders. "If they fire, make sure they never get up again...", Rakx then switched his commlink to regional and reported the situation, requesting support. He took the opportunity to order up another five humvees from the rest of the convoy. As he issued these orders, he verbally switched his helmet back onto inter-person dialogue. "Ok then.", the Colonel replied, cocking his K1, pointing it at the line of Rajikistani waiting to board the ship, and squeezing the trigger, mowing down ten of them in a split second.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 07:05
"Leave them the fuck alone you animal!" screamed Captain Costanza his rifle pointed right at Rakx's head, "you fucking cowards, you're really good at murdering innocents aren't you!? We have a goddammed agreement with your government!"
Tal Masav Harbor
Rakx turned to the Captain momentarily, and shot another, and another, and another. "You get on the boat, we choose who gets on. This is your last chance. I'll turn those trucks around and have them all killed."
New Greston
07-06-2009, 07:12
[OOC: Taking some liberties here, excuse me if you'd rather it be retconned.]
Tal Masav Harbour
"Cease fire!"
The fifthteen barrels of the fifthteen marines of the 2nd AMNAT Marine Division, split between destroyers in the fleet to help with the evacuation of refugees, trained their weapons up the Colonel as he opened up on the line of refugees. Marshal Garlond Hammond stepped foward, placing himself in between the Orientalians and Kroandoans. He had a stern look upon his face and he focused his out rage with disgust towards the Kroandon Colonel.
"Put your weapons down, this was a mission of peace and shall remain so. Captain," turning to the Orientalians, "you and your men get back on the destroyer. Colonel," turning to face the man that he wanted to kill that very moment, "I wish for your men to leave the refugees here. I feel they are smart enough to know how to get on a damned boat."
The Marshal kept his cool, his was the highest ranking officer in the whole mess, even if he had been simply awarded that position through a surprising act of leadership in a naval battle against the Ryouese four years ago.
His hand remained floating gently a few centimeters above his pistol, while his fifthteen man vanguard kept their weapons steady. Going down the row, the men were ready for the firefight that would surely ensue. Sweat gathered at their brow as the scorching sun chose them as their victim. Their hands began to become damp as they gripped the trigger to their weapon and waited. Simply waited.
07-06-2009, 07:18
Official Communique of the DoD of Garmidia
The situation as we have just heard has turned to some sort of a standoff between Italia Orientale, one of our former ORNA members, and Kroando.
We immediately urge all sides to remain at a CEASEFIRE.
Jack Flaw,
Secretary of Defense
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 07:18
"No way I'm leaving you and your men on this shore with these filthy animals!" said the Captain, "if this turns into a firefight I'm going to empty my whole clip in that bastard's face!"
[With all due respect Garmidia, I doubt your Minister of Defense would hear about this... its been ongoing for less than fifteen minutes.]
Tal Masav Harbour
"My orders say search them for contraband. They also say shoot any of you that set foot off your boats. Now if you want to take your chances here, be my guest... but your odds are getting worse by the second.", Colonel Rakx turned to face the Grestonian as the supporting five humvees arrived, taking positions behind the Legionnaires, focusing their fifty cals on the exposed Orientalians and Grestonians.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 07:32
"I'm standing right here bitch, take your best shot!" said the Captain, "now get on with your contraband search and let them start boarding, we're not going anywhere!"
New Greston
07-06-2009, 07:44
Tal Masav Harbour
The Marshal's face turned pale. He was afraid of death, so were the men of his vanguard. Despite the propoganda that a Grestonian soldier feared no fears, it was quite apparent through the way the their naturally coloured white skin turned a ghastly pale. Hammond's voice cracked as he opened his mouth so he paused, swallowed, and began again.
"Mr. Rakx, do you fear death?" The question seemed to puzzle the Kroandoan man that so wantingly took human life.
"If you are then I would recommend you stop with the threats. I am a personal friend with the Minister of Defense, one shot fired at me, or in my general direction, and the armies of the Imperial Republic and all of the nations of AMNAT and AIMN, will be upon you. A stance of no quarter will be given, so perhaps the blood of you and your men will make up for those of the Rajikistani innocents murdered," the hand that had been gently hovering above the pistol was now full on gripping it, the point of the gun just barely lifted above the holster.
"So, Colonel, do you dare take the risk?"
Using his empty hand, Marshal Hammond pushed the radio on his shoulder to his mouth and spoke to the command station on the destroyer.
"If shots are to be fired, initiate the Tomahawk systems on this position. I repeat, if shots are fired, initiate the Tomahawk systems on this position. Emergency orders are a go."
He put down the radio and lifted his gun, holding it aimed at the forehead of the ruthless Colonel. The fifthteen man vanguard lifted up their guns in alert positions. The marines on either end of the line started screaming orders, however holding off shooting upon the Legionnaires.
"So, Colonel, you may fire upon me. I may die. But I can promise you one thing, I will be the first person to shake your hand when I see you in hell about ten minutes later."
And with a grin Hammond stood there. Not wanting to initiate the fire fight, he waited for what the Colonel would do. It would be a beautiful scene in Tal Masav Harbour.
07-06-2009, 07:46
[With all due respect Garmidia, I doubt your Minister of Defense would hear about this... its been ongoing for less than fifteen minutes.]
He has contacts.
But honestly, this is an awesome standoff. :D
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 08:07
OOC: alright its been too long i gotta go to sleep, ive got to be up early in the morning...greston or garmidia can godmod my soldiers if it will help resolve this issue but remember they'd rather die than be made to look like some bitches so if these kroandon punks try to get too big time have my boys pull the trigger. good night
Tal Masav Harbor
Rakx grinned behind his helmet, only for a moment for any more than that would have been non Kroandon. He unsnapped a few parts of his helmet and removed it from his head, revealing his scarred, torn face and bald head. One eye was clearly missing and several teeth obviously replaced with silver fakes.
"Sir, I have been dead for quite some time now.", replied Rakx as he switched his gun onto full auto and pointed it at the line of Rajikistanis. Holding his helmet up to his face he issued his final orders to the humvees guarding the rest of the convoy, which stretched a mile deep into the city. "Kill them all." Along the line the fifty cals of the humvees turned towards the truckloads of prisoners and cut them down. The sounds of machine gun fire could be heard through the radio in his helmet. He paused for a moment, only to grin one last time at the Grestonian before cutting down every Rajikistani prisoner before him. His second in command, Lieutenant Gurk spoke English, better than Rakx actually, and knew that the tomahawks would soon be fired.
"FALL BACK!", shouted the Lieutenant into his commlink, and immediately the Legionnaires and humvees flew into full reverse. The fifty cals still focused on them, determined not to break their orders. The Legionnaires however ran for it, their Honvorg Infantry Apparatuses slowing them considerably.
The four Kroandon Visari destroyers had been alerted by high command of the tension, and were on full alert, all of their systems already locked on the two escort destroyers. The moment the tomahawks were fired, the VLS tubes would unleash twelve Harpoon Anti-Shipping Missiles upon the two destroyers, and a pair or 250mm torpedoes to boot.
The war was about to get a bit more interesting.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 08:20
Captain Costanza and his men emptied out their clips into the Kroandon troops until they too were cut down by the .50 Cal blasts. Costanza, as promised, unloaded his clip at Rakx's head, while screaming "Allāhu Akbar!!!" He was then shot repeatedly in the chest and stomach by machine gun bullets from one of the Humvees. The marines lay dead in the streets, but they maintained their honor.
Fargoing Radicals
07-06-2009, 17:32
Capital Building, Oceana, The Kingdom of Fargoing Radicals
"Dammit!" Yelled Senator Ruchi, a member of the Conservative Party, "This is an absolute outrage! We need to support the evacuation! Send Military ships, subs and Aircraft Carriers! We need to put the necessary funding into the effort! Lives are on the line!"
"Thank you Senator." Representative Destria said, "Does the Liberal Party have anything to comment on the situation?"
"Yes, your honor." Replied Senator Srewn, "Why not let them battle it out themselves? You all know that Fargoing Radicals can't take a financial hit like that! It would bankrupt us, which would leave us open for an invasion from a different country. I say, Save the money and manpower."
"Senator, the Treasury has a surplus of about 2 Billion Grys, you may want to restate your facts." Said Representative Destria.
"Your honor, what I was referring to was that an all-out war could break out against a country much larger than we. Being a powerful nation in our region only is not saying much. We can't afford spending so much! Taxes have already been raised high enough!" Replied Senator Srewn.
"Senator, you may be seated, your point has been taken." Said Representative Destria.
"We shall await word from the President. The Conservative Majority in the Senate remains." Said Senate Leader Rossilon.
Voting is awaiting an appearance of the President.
New Greston
07-06-2009, 17:43
Tal Masav Harbour
"Sir, I have been dead for quite some time now."
The Colonel grinned one last time at Marshal Hammond, without his mask. His face was groutesque and torn. The faint sign of a smile showed as the blood of Rajikistani innocents flew through the air.
Hammond quickly chuckled, and emptied three bullets of his Browning 9x19mm 35. Grande Puissance into the unmasked face of the dreadful Colonel. The first bullet impacted where his lip, however scarred it was, overlapped with his few intact teeth. The bullet crashed through it, flying past teeth as if they were the air itself, the bullet, along with a decent amount of blood flew out of the other side. Blood began to swell up in his mouth, he gurgled as he began to choke on it. The second bullet, two seconds behind the first, impacted in the eye that was still there, ripping the mans head in half as it tore past. When he unloosed the third, final bullet, the colonel was already dead, he didn't know why he fired it, maybe it was just instinct. It hit his forehead, splitting the head in two.
The Colonel dropped to the floor, bullets from the 50 cal. flew in to meet the Marshal's chest. He whinced and dropped to the floor after seven bullet to his chest propelled him backwards. He gripped his bleeding wounds as he came to a loss of breath. His eyes went momentarily blind with his eye sight flaring up. With still a little fight left him, he lifted his Grande Puissance and shot aimlessly in the direction of the retreating Legionnaires. With his last bullet came his last breath.
His vanguard did the same, they stood their valiantly as bullets rained down upon them and fought with the ruthless carelessness of human life as the Kroandon's did, shooting the retreating Legionnaires in the back. Within a minute the last men were retreating or dead, they had done their part.
And then it was time for the destroyers to take their part. As initially ordered, they were to fire their Tomahawk systems on the Legionnaires position. The orders had come in and were taken seriously, they watched as their people on the Harbour fought to the death, they had no chance.
"VLS Launcher systems are go! Tomahawks launch."
The Tomahawk missiles fitted to the 61-cell Mark 41 VLS launchers began to rise up and pound down on the Harbour, twenty-two in all were shot in the vincinity of the Legionnaires. As they lifted off the AN/SLQ-49 Inflatable Decoys popped up, the enemies Harpoon systems coming in. The NATO Sea Sparrow Mark 29 missile launcher came online and began to launch at the Kroandoan escorts. The Harpoons launched as well, directed towards the deck of the enemy escorts.
"I want the 20 mm Phalanx CIWS Mark 15 guns online now! Clear those 250mm torpedoes, fire now," the Commodore Geoffery Wilton Knox was in a frantic spree of orders, being carried out in too quickly of a fashion. Soon all of the systems were online to some extent and the weapons were heating up. With all of the large guns firing at the fleet, the CIWs weren't as accurate, they were aimed at the coast, directed at the retreating Legionnaires. They would still hit the area, just not as accurately.
Despite the amount of flak being shot and decoy systems online, one of the torpedoes still impacted. It hit the front starboard side, the layer of metal began to fill up with water but stopped as the other layer was in it's way. At least another major hit and the ship would be down. But the Commodore didn't think the Kroandon's would have another chance to shoot back.
Running to the command central, Commodore Knox got onto the first uplink with command in Greston that he could get.
"XO of Easen, Commodore Geoffery Wilton Knox of the ANS Orient, reporting from Tal Masav Harbour. Kroandon attacks on nuetral peacekeepers from AMNAT. I repeat, Kroandon attacks on neutral peacekeepers from AMNAT. Inform the Presidency and the rest of the alliance, we need back up in Rajikistan immediately."
The message got through and in enough time the news was spreading across the Empire and the alliance.
07-06-2009, 17:52
OOC: Ah, Kroando, its been too long. Seeing as I am part of AMNAT I might get dragged into this conflict...
Fargoing Radicals
07-06-2009, 19:11
Capital Building, Oceana, Fargoing Radicals
"All rise for the President of Fargoing Radicals." Said Senate Leader Rossilon.
"Please be seated," boomed a voice from the doorway.
"Good day, Mr. President." Replied Representative Destria, "I suppose that you have a closing speech?"
"Of course," A large grin came across the President's face, "In times of need, countries must stick together, to stand up for what they believe in. Taking over a country for Oil is most certainly Genocide, and a horrible, Black-hearted crime. We must stand up with the rest, and send aid.
"Understood Mr. President, voting will now begin." Said Senate Leader Rossilon.
Tal Masav Harbor
As the decoys launched, there was much action on the Visari's ( deck. Captain Freg, his gums bleeding mercilessly due to his Vernochts Syndrome, ordered another round of Anti-Shipping Missiles fired, these however not the outdated harpoons, but the Valour Anti-Shipping Missile ( LADAR guided, the decoys would not trick these, and two were fired at each enemy destroyer, one from each Kroandon vessel.
Now however sirens blared as enemy anti-shipping missiles came in and the SDCI Platform, already facing the enemy, sent off one screeching missile after another, in all twenty six SDCI Anti-Missile Missiles flying off to impact the incoming harpoons and sea sparrows. The Visari's two CIWS Guns also joined in the fight, spraying lead in the direction of the surviving harpoon missiles. Nevertheless one of the sea sparrows impacted the deck of one of the Visaris, killing several sailors and destroying one of the CIWS guns in addition to making a nasty fire onboard and damaging the decks armor.
All four Visari's turned their 105mm Autocannons towards the two 'peacekeepers', and began firing twenty pound high explosive shells at them in rapid succession.
On the ground the Kroandons scattered into nearby buildings and humvees. Over twenty were killed in the massive cruise missile strike, along with three humvees and a number of transport trucks... as well as any Rajikistani prisoners that were waiting to board the cruise liner.
Scolar, Antarctika - Some time later
The massive television screens in City Square rang out, 'Soldiers Murdered by Peacekeepers! War Broadens!'. Staged depictions of Grestonian and Orientalian soldiers gunning down unsuspecting Kroandons incited rage across the country, as Colonel Rakx was quickly honored as a national hero. The Tal Masav Incident, as it was now being called, was yet another grievous slight against Kroando by the international community, one that could not be tolerated. Swift declarations of war on both the aggressor nations were followed by the departure of four 'wolf packs' of Malthus RLK submarines - three subs in each pack, two destined for Greston, the others for Italia Orientale.
Across the nation Lord Protector Malthus' voice rang out through loudspeakers and radios, "My people, this was not a war we asked for. But it is a war we will fight!"
Across Rajikistan
Malthus' orders to Klague changed dramatically after the Tal Masav Incident, which the Grand Marshal blamed on the Lord Protector's weakness in allowing foreigners in in the first place. The new orders were not discretion, but speed. It would take a few weeks at the minimum for the foreign powers to arrive in force, by which time Rajikistan had not only to have been conquered, but purged. The attacks quickened. Entire cities were bypassed after their fuel supplies were knocked out through precision guided missiles, the Kroandons knowing full well they would soon die of thirst due to the demolition of the water supply. Small infantry regiments were left to guard cities such as Al Makar and Fubas, simply told to sit outside and wait for them to wander out, looking for water.
[Do you guys have a list of military tech/forces? I'll make sure to throw up an orbat next post, and all my information [national and tech] is in the first two links in my sig.]
Fargoing Radicals
07-06-2009, 19:43
Fort Bartamius, East Fargoing Radicals
"Sir, the Senate has voted that we will give aid to New Greston and Italia Orientale." Said Private Nichols.
"Then that is what we shall do. Have we a transport to rendezvous with their fleets?" Asked General Kilmor.
"Yes, Sir. The FRS Valiente is on it's way to transport 1,250 Special Operations Forces to the rest of the Fargoing Radical's Fleet Stationed neared our allies." Replied Private Nichols.
Fargoing Radical's Fleet
Moving to rendezvous with the other fleets.
War is not necessary, I will await orders from the rest of the Resistance.
Italia Orientale
07-06-2009, 21:34
ION News
Italia Orientale Prepares for War
Italia Orientale’s parliament convened in an emergency session today to pass Defense Bill 132, nicknamed Operation: Noble Shield. The bill gives widespread war powers to Prime Minister Francesco Cesare and his government in preparation for a coming war with the Imperial Koalition of Kroando. All of Italia Orientale’s armed forces, including anti-ballistic missile systems as well as naval, air, and land defenses were put on high alert in anticipation of possible attacks by Kroando. A nationwide security drill, aimed at instructing civilians on what to do in case of air raids or ballistic missile attacks, is also underway. All local militias have also begun staging preparations to coordinate with Italia Orientale’s army in case of a possible invasion attempt on Kroando’s part.
This heightened alert is in response to the Tal Masav massacre, when Kroandon troops murdered thousand of Rajikistani civilians as well as troops from Italia Orientale and its AMNAT ally, Greston. The AMNAT forces were in Rajikistan to assist in the evacuation of refugees from Rajikistan following Kroando’s murderous rampage in that country. AMNAT forces as well as some of Italia Orientale’s other allies are said to be preparing for military intervention in Rajikistan itself, to try and dislodge Kroandon Grand Marshal Klague’s control of the country.
Despite widespread enmity between the government and the opposition movements, the parliament nevertheless passed Defense Bill 132 nearly unanimously, a rare consensus between the opposition and the government. Sayyid Costello of the Muslim Brotherhood Party and head of the opposition movement said, “all partisan differences and disagreements pale in comparison to the threats our country now faces from these violent imperialists.” Mr. Costello added that, “he fully trusts Prime Minister Cesare to lead our nation to victory.”
Meanwhile, the military has begun drawing up plans to send troops to Rajikistan and is coordinating with its allies in preparation for the coming war. Field Marshal Saladin Garibaldi and the rest of the military leadership said they are confident that with the help of Italia Orientale’s allies, it will be possible to bring freedom to Rajikistan and dislodge the Kroandon forces from their control of the country.
Fargoing Radicals
07-06-2009, 22:40
As Fargoing Radicals and allies prepare for War, a controversy has sparked in the country. Should Missiles be used? The Senate has decided against the idea.
Troops are at the ready as the fleets of Fargoing Radicals rendezvous With allies. If it's a War they Want, It's a War they'll get.
Map of Rajikistan (
Large Red Squares - Cities of 200,000 + pre-invasion
Small Red Squares - Cities of 25,000 or Less pre-invasion
Black Lines - Roads
Major Oil Fields Located Between Al Makar and Tel Masav
Order of Battle
740,000 Korvacht Legionnaires
1,000,000 Support Personnel
25,000 Armored Humvees
4,000 AvK-2 SteelFire Missile Launchers [Roughly 345,000 missiles in country]
1,000 Kraken II MBTs
1,200 ID-57 Decimator MBTs
1,500 155mm Towed Artillery Guns and Trucks
1,700 120mm Towed Artillery Guns and Trucks
2,500 105mm Towed Artillery Guns and Trucks
300 C-37 Mountain Breakers
500 C-24 Big Guns
500 VL-7 Demolishers
4,600 88mm Mortars
4,000 122mm Mortars
5,000 Bofors 40 mm gun L/70s
8,000 ZSU-23-4s
400 Multipurpose LADAR/RADAR Detection Vehicles
10,000 G-24 Strikers
10,000 Puma IFVs
5,000 Monteluci M6 Military 4x4s
3,000 Expeditionary Fighting Vehicles
2,200 Towed SDCI Missile Pods
150 LACI Towed Missile Units
Fleet - Currently Blockading the Gulf
Naval Forces - Visari Class Destroyer 250
Naval Forces - Visby class corvette 50
Naval Forces - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier 14
Naval Forces - Negotiator Class Cruiser 100
Naval Forces - Montana Class Battle Ships 2
Naval Forces - RADAR/SONAR/LADAR Detection Ships 14
Naval Forces - Malthus SSBN 20
Naval Forces - Fire Support Ships 20
Naval Forces - Large Invasion-Class Transports 175
Naval Forces - Wasp class amphibious assault ship 50
Naval Forces - SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught 2
Naval Forces - Tanker Class Missile Carrier 6
Naval Forces - Supply/Logistical Ships 400
Aerial Forces
Aerial Forces - Halcon Stealth Fighter 75 [25 aboard various Nimitz Carriers
Aerial Forces - F/A-18 400 [200 Aboard Carriers Other 200 at Al Makar and Bahat Air Bases]
Aerial Forces - A-10 Warthog 500 [All at Al Makar Air and Bahat Air Bases]
Aerial Forces - UH-60 Blackhawk 300
Aerial Forces - B2 Stealth Bomber 10 [Nimitzs]
Aerial Forces - Apache Assault Helicopter 600 [Al Makar and Bahat]
[B]Al Makar - 3:00pm
Klague sat at the creaky wooden desk inside the Mayors office, glancing over status reports of various detachments around the country. "This is good... we have been taking far lighter casualties than expected... very good.", Klague set the folder down on the desk, glancing over at the Mayors body in the corner of the room. A look of confusion on his face he shouted, "Can someone get that corpse out of my command center?", pointing at the fly covered body. Klague opened the drawers curiously, the first containing a silver revolver which the Grand Marshal preceded to inspect with some fascination. The second a box of fine Cuban cigars.
"Ah, our friend had good taste Hektor.", the Avinaugh laughed, walking over to the desk and box of cigars being inspected by Klague. Ciroc Avinaugh was probably the only man in the world permitted to call the Grand Marshal by his first name since his wife died four years ago. Avinaugh picked up a cigar and sniffed deeply, "Ah, Bolivars... my favorite."
"Well Colonel Avinaugh, I believe we are long overdue for a pair of victory cigars.", Klague smiled, cutting and lighting his own, then Avinaugh's. Taking several deep puffs he stood and walked over to the window. Looking out the clay-mud window of the office, positioned in the center of the smoldering downtown district, Klague unbuttoned the top two buttons of his formal military jacket, letting the black undershirt beneath see the hot Arab sun. "Its a shame the way we have to do things, a shame people refuse to give up... it causes-", the Grand Marshal fell back, the loud crack of a rifle sounded out from outside. A 7.62mm sniper round impacting his shoulder. Avinaugh rushed over, two guards into the room and began firing out the window.
"Fuck Ciroc... bastards hit me. They fuckin' shot me...", Klague growled, reaching for his bloody shoulder.
"Hold still sir... stop moving I can't see if the bullet went through.", Avinaugh yelled, holding back the Marshal's arm. "God damn will some one get a doctor!"
"I haven't been shot in years Ciroc... I almost forgot what it felt like... It feels great actually.", Klague laughed, leaning his head back against the wooden floorboards. "We should do this more often actually... once a month at least... christ what a rush - really lets ya know you're alive."
As the surgeons arrived and prepared to sedate Klague right there he stopped the operation to issue his last orders. "Make them pay Avinaugh. This doesn't go unpunished." And with that the surgery began.
Across Rajikistan
General Order 361. All commanding officers should use surplus ammunition to disperse, suppress and remove any civilian populations within and exceeding Legion controlled Rajikistan.
Before the assassination attempt, Rajikistani settlements and nomadic groups that avoided the Kroandons, or were not in the major cities, we ignored - in other words, spared. Now however a new, reinvigorated attack was being pressed. Hesbaca was a small town outside of Bahat - like so many others throughout Rajikistan, had recently swelled in size from 3 to 7 thousand due to the destruction of all major cities. It also had been left alone. No Kroandons had been seen, resistance fighters had taken up residence, but did not have the means to attack the Kroandons in anything other than occasional ambushes. Today however, they would be met by Apache Helicopters. Seven in all came in the middle of the day, raining down fragmentation rockets and pouring bullets from their autocannons onto the markets and homes across the town. Men below attempted to fire back with old AA Guns, but were quickly knocked out by laser guided missiles. AK-47 rounds did nothing, and the town's defenses crumbled. A few hours later, a pair of F/A-18s dropped twelve hundred pounds of napalm laden bombs on the city. Across Rajikistan the attacks were escalating as the Kroandon army neared its final target - Tehmas, the Capital City of Rajikistan. The bombardment had begun early Tuesday morning, mere hours after the city's armored core had been smashed to pieces by airstrikes and artillery barrages on their way to intercept the Kroandon tank division moving to destroy the small town of Al Tar. The few T-72s that made it through were intercepted by the ready and waiting detachment of Krakens, having been notified by satellite intell. long before.
Tehmas was under siege - the last hope of Rajikistan standing alone.
[I'll give you all a chance to post whatever information you'd like before I begin any more action against you all. As far as time goes, brief time line.
Day 1 Asara Falls.
Day 3. Bahat Falls, International Community Objects.
Day 6-7 Oil Fields Taken, Kroando Agrees to allow foreign extraction of refugees.
Day 9. Al Makar, Tal Masav Fall
Day 12. Fahat Falls
Day 16. Tal Masav Incident
Day 17. Mutual Declarations of War
Day 18. Foreign Forces Begin Assembly, Supply Fleet Departs Scolar, Subs Depart Naval Bases in Undermon, New Grevestok for New Greston/Italia Orientale
Day 20. Assassination attempt on Klague, General Order 369, Siege of Tehmas Begins
Fargoing Radicals
08-06-2009, 04:50
The Senate has decided that the following weapons be sent:
Ground Forces
30,000 Infantry Grunt Soldiers
5,000 Special Forces Troops
750 Mortar Teams
Offensive SAMs
100 Occupation Units
1 Battalion of Elite Snipers
10 Tank Demolition Teams
5 Mine Removers
750 M1-A1 Abrams Tanks
Maritime Forces
3 Aircraft Carriers
300 Offensive Naval Planes
3,000 Offensive Air-to-Air Missiles
20 Dive Bombers
300 Air-to-Ground Bombs
10 Drone Radar Craft
15 Destroyers
7 Battleships
2 Heavy Battleships
3 Heavy Nuclear Submarines
200 Tomahawk Missiles
1 Helicopter Carrier
75 Offensive Navy Helicopters
500 Offensive Helicopter Missiles
50 Troop Carrier Ships
1,000 Armored Troop Landers
Air Forces
*Once Occupation Units have constructed an airfield, extra planes stored on ships will be stationed here*
100 F-22 Fighter Planes
750 F-22 Fighter Missiles
20 Long-Range Refugee Planes
(This is just a starting force, reinforcements will be brought in after a foothold has been gained)
09-06-2009, 14:37
OOC: Kroando: What's the story of the neighbors of your victim. Are they friendly to Rajistan? Will they mind me sending troops there, to go fight in Rajikstan?
IC: The Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea chooses to stand by its pledge to the AMNAT alliance, and though we have no duty to the people of Rajikstan, we do have our duty to the Italia Orientale, New Greston, and the rest of the alliance members which will be joining this conflict (OOC: whenever Maldorians gets off his lazy ass and posts).
Republican Guard
500,000 infantry (Weaponry: ShV-12 , ShV-17, Kamrov rifle, RP-58, M93 Black Arrow, SVD, M-63B2 anti-tank rocket, RPG-29, AGS-17, Chernov pistol)
10,000 GAZ-3937 Vodniks
5,600 Black Eagle MBT's
700 T-90 MBT's
400 BMD-4 airdropped IFV's
3,000 BVP M-80 IFV's
3,500 BOV APC's
6,000 ZSU-23-4 ADV's
1,500 Tunguska ADV's
1,000 SA-10 SAM's
2,300 SA-13 SAM's
2,000 SA-15 SAM's
4,000 D-20/M55 152m artillery pieces
1,500 2S3 Akatsiya 152mm self-propelled artillery
1,000 2S5 Giatsint-S 152mm self-propelled artillery
750 2S7 Pion 203mm self-propelled artillery
1,000 BM-30 Smerch MLRS
1,000 Mi-8 Hip
750 TB-9 Dolphin
Republican Navy
200 Yedinorog-class landing ships
700 ZUBR hovercraft
150 Udaloy II-class destroyers
100 Sovremenniy-class destroyers
100 Kara-class cruisers
75 Slava-class cruisers
350 Neustrashimy-class frigates
40 Kirov-class battlecruisers
40 Akula-class SSN
10 Ulyanovsk-class aircraft carriers
6 Kuznetsov-class aircraft carriers
4 Farbanti-class aircraft carriers
500 X-02K Wyverns
250 Su-33 Sea Flankers
200 Ka-31 Helix helicopters
200 TB-9 Dolphin helicopters
Republican Air Force
*will mostly fly longrange sorties, with limited involvement until airfields are secured
80 BC-1 Fenris UAV
2,000 X-02 Wyverns
1,200 X-79C Ochotniks
830 MiG-31 Foxhounds
500 J-22 Oraos
500 Su-24 Fencers
500 Su-25 Frogfoots
200 Tu-95 Bears
200 Tu-160 Tu-160 Blackjacks
200 BM-335 Guppies
100 A-50 Mainstays
60 EA-200 Kestrels
1,000 Mi-24 Hinds
1,200 Mi-Hips
600 An-72 Coalers
600 An-134 Ruslans
1,000 Il-76 Candids
1,500 Il-78 Midas
Republican Air Force and Republican Navy units are being deployed around the Erusean homeland to defend the nation from diversionary attacks.
OOC: More may come later if an extra push is needed but so far this seems okay. Also, all my tech is in my factbook, see the sig.
[My view on the neighbors is that they would be split - most of them supporting Rajikistan, perhaps one hating it. On letting a landing occur however, they would quite simply, be too scared to help, or to allow others to land in their country, out of fear of suffering the same fate as Rajikistan. If you'd like to RP something with one of them, we could try that, but just put yourself in their shoes...your neighbor just had their entire population massacred - the country literally 100 times your size has threatened to do the same to you should you help them...
Also I have been assuming that this continent is at least two to three thousand miles from any of our home bases (the size of the NS planet, it would likely be even farther than that), so it would be near impossible for anything other than extremely long range bombers to make sorties from anyone's home nation. Also your Fenris write up wasn't on the wiki page.]
Official Statement Regarding Actions of Neo-Erusea
We are saddened to see the nation of Neo-Erusea choosing to engage in such a bloody, costly conflict - with so little to gain. It cares nothing for Rajikistan, and only mobilizes to support its ally nations. Noble of course, yet when one attempts to discern just why its allies are at war, the issue becomes difficult. Thousands, tens of thousands - if not more of Neo Erusean soldiers and sailors are likely to die in the coming weeks - should the conflict escalate, perhaps millions - and for what? Not to support a friend under attack, but to avenge the deaths of a few trigger happy foreign soldiers in a foreign land in no way linked to Neo Erusea. Do reconsider your current course of action.
Three packs of Malthus class RLK stealth submarines have been dispatched to the waters surrounding Neo-Erusea - particularly heavily traveled shipping lanes. However satellite intelligence had reported heavy Erusean naval activity in the immediate area - so the subs simply decided to lurk out farther - 250 miles off the coast to start. [How many vessels are being deployed around Neo Erusea and what areas?]
Tehmas, Rajikistan 3:30am
Pssshhhhhhhtttt, the radio crackled through, the voice of Premier Haliki clearly that speaking, "People of Rajikistan hear my call. Today the devil knocks on our door - they assault the Holy City of Tehmas. They attack that city which our forefathers built with their hands, where our children were born, where the holy men long worshiped at the Great Mosque. They attack not to retaliate, or to intimidate - but to exterminate. They will kill every man woman and child with their brutal methods, and should they succeed in taking the city, I dare say we will get the worst of it. I believe Allah will forgive those who take their own lives in the face of these devils. Men though, we still have some fight in us yet! AK-47s and rifles are being distributed to all men at the town centers and police stations...", heavy machine gun fire was clearly heard in the background, "And we will fight to the end. As this will likely be the last time I speak to you all, God Bless - be strong and live well." Captain Hulnocht laughed, turned the radio back onto central command and looked back in the humvee to the men in the back of the vehicle. "Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Go shoot someone!", shouted the officer as he hopped out of the vehicle himself, firing his K1 Assault Rifle towards a barricade of Rajikistanis down the road, firing a grenade after his sixth shot. An ID-57 then turned the corner and let loose its 30mm Gatling Cannons, ripping the makeshift barrier to pieces - Legionnaires preceded to charge forward firing their own weapons towards the dissolving Rajikistani line. 88 and 122mm mortars sounded off constantly, uprooting entrenched Rajikistanis left and right. A-10 Warthogs swooped down over the city, unleashing heavy rockets and gatling gun fire onto fortified buildings. The last bastion of Rajikistan was holding off longer than any other city, already a day and a half into the combat, 240 Kroandons were KIA, over 500 wounded. However the city defenses were rapidly collapsing towards the Presidential Palace, with Krakens and ID-57s pushing them the entire way...
09-06-2009, 19:09
OOC: Oh I see. Well, I am going to land in foreign territory. My forces will be securing a beachhead in neighboring territory. =)
Oh also, I don't know if you remember but you were going to invade me back when I was just starting to get into RP. Trying to force me to change my government type to Coalitionism. I figure now we can play on more even grounds.
A good portion Erusean Navy that isn't being sent over to Rajikstan is being moved out of port and into defensive positions. Along with coast guard forces. I think your 250mi radius seems a safe distance to kill off shipping. However, the area in my region is very, very stable, and we will know its you who would be doing this.
For the Fenris, its here but that one I remember not finishing. I'll get to stats ASAP but basically its just a UAV, practically harmless. BC-1 Fenris (
War is an unfortunate thing all in itself. However, if to minimize the deaths of our allies in the AMNAT treaty, we must immerse ourselves into a conflict, then it must be so. We are sad to see that Kroando has not decided that enough bloodshed was enough, because though it may be true that our own nation will suffer many casualties, we wish to remind the Kroandon leadership that theirs will suffer many more at our combined hands.
Erusean coasts
The Steregushchy-class corvette made its way out of a southern harbor, near the Dinsmerskaya province of Neo-Erusea. It and so many other warships were being moved out of harbor, as the nation was preparing itself for war. The last thing Erusean high command wanted was any sort of surprise attack from their new formidable enemy to wipe out Erusean navy forces like sitting ducks. This was a measure to make first strikes near impossible.
The ship's SONAR went online, and it vessel would patrol the coast keeping submarines away from naval warships. Particularly the carriers which were going to be vital to the war effort. Nuclear submarines also left port, to hide themselves from the enemy.
OOC: Once Maldorians makes his post I'll begin the invasion. It will be several IC days from the siege of Tehmas.
09-06-2009, 21:56
Official Mandalorian Statement
The Mandalorian Empire condemns the ruthless and barbaric actions of Kroando and will use all means possible to end this clearly unprovoked invasion of a perfectly sovereign state. Article III Section I of the AMNAT Charter clearly states, "Should a state of conflict be declared, it is the duty of every AMNAT member state to comply with the order and treat the foreign threat as it was a threat against their own nation." As of now, the Mandalorian Empire is in a full state of war against the corrupt Imperial Koalition of Kroando.
Our empire will be pleased and gratified to purge more filth from this earth; we are doing the work of He himself.
Allahu Ackbar.
~The Mandalore
-Supreme Ruler of the Mandalorian Empire.
Mandalorian Expeditionary Force
40,000 x Mirza Class Main Battle Tanks
80,000 x Khan Class Infantry Fighting Vehicles
20,000 x Panzerjäger 1 Anti-Tank Vehicles
10,000 x Self-Propelled Howitzer, Mark VIII
16,000 x Gemini Air Defense System
16,000 x M165 Mobile Launch Unit
8,000 x M197 MLRS
10,000 x MH-20
4,000 x M1130 Command Vehicle
192,000 x Mandalorian Brutes
960,000 x Mandalorian Infantry
5th Mandalorian Strike Force
6 x Sunni Class Capital Battleship
24 x Type 270 Ark Royal Class Carrier
40 x Type 245 Battle Class Carrier
56 x Type 192 Sandakan Class Battlecruiser
80 x Type 33 Frigate
80 x Type 29 Destroyer
50 x Various submarines
89th Mandalorian Reserve Air Group
200 x MiG-35
300 x MiG-21
250 x Tu-95
Various other aircraft (less than 50)
Osea 767
09-06-2009, 23:02
OOC: Kroando, would you mind if I had my nation have a border with Rajikistan? If not, I'll put up my nation's reaction to these events as soon as possible.
[Nope, sounds find, just let me know which territory and allow me to post a few adjustments before you do anything.
On the timing thing, I'd imagine there being a little less than a week between the fall of Tehmas and the arrival of AMNAT's fleet.]
Tehmas - One Day Later - 3:00pm
Premier Asar Heliki sat in a damp dark room in the basement of some old abandoned house, handcuffed to an old wooden chair with a black burlap sack over his head. He was badly beaten and bruised, and the ray of light from a crack in the roof only barely illuminated his bloody chest. Grand Marshal Klague entered the room, his arm in a sling over top his black military uniform. "Ah, Premier, I'm glad I got to you before my associates tore you apart, as I'm sure they will digging information out of you. I'm disappointed you attempted to flee before we had the chance to meet.", Klague laughed, pulling the sack off the deposed leader's head, revealing a bloodied face. "Oooo... I see you're being resistant. Why Asar? Why resist? What are you fighting for?"
The middle age Arab man lifted his head to look Klague in the eye, "My people," he responded firmly.
"But Mr. Heliki... you're people are all dead," Klague grinned and turned and left the room. "Find out where the gold reserves are hidden... and kill him. Colonel Avinaugh, please call Mr. Honvorg and let him know we have taken Rajikistan."
The war was just about to begin. The forces of AMNAT were assembling to take Rajikistan, to conduct an offensive war against a battle hardened foe whom lived their entire lives to do nothing but fight. The Honvorg Korporation's latest convoy of supplies had arrived but a day ago in Bahat, hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives, ammunition, food and equipment. Supplies and materials were thrown off boats in great haste as reinforcements attempted to acclimate themselves to the extreme heat. The wounded were loaded up upon the transports, over 4,700 in all who would be taken back to Antarctika for medical treatment. They were replaced by another 200,000 Dolmot Military Reserves - these men were the bulk of the Kroandon Army, the standard soldier of any nation's military. They were originally supposed to replace the elite Legionnaires and serve as the occupation force - with news of a large invasion on the horizon things didn't seem as if they would be happening that way. They would stay and defend their prize.
That meant there was much work to be done. In Olaque and Fubas over 20,000 Rajikistani prisoners served in makeshift factories making concrete. The plants were rather simple, but as they were simply mixing crushed rock, mud and a number of other rocks and materials, it was a rather simple task. There were another 70,000 used to scavenge scrap metal and other materials from the cities themselves. 100,000 more worked in labor camps mining rock in the mountains in the far east of the country. Another 25,000 worked on building rail lines between Al Makar, Tal Masav, Tehmas, Fahat, Asara, Olaque and Fubas. 35,000 more were used in the South East around Fahat and Asara to begin constructing defenses against the impending invasion. Concrete artillery bunkers, pillboxes, fortified basements and barricades - barbed wire... the works.
The army was being moved en masse to the region susceptible to attack, primarily Asara, Fahat, Bahat and reserve forces in Tal Masav. New air bases were being constructed from the destroyed air ports in Fahat, Asara, Tehmas and Fubas. Concrete and tar - plentiful from the byproducts of oil processing, were used in creating these new air bases, where aircraft were being relocated. Over 250,000 Legionnaires were relocated to Fahat and Asara each, supported by 100,000 Dolmot, 2,000 guns, 2,500 armored vehicles, 3,000 Strikers and enough humvees and transport trucks to move them all.
Off the coast fifteen Malthus RLK stealth subs and fifty Visari Destroyers had moved off, now 100 miles off the coast. Their mission was simple. The Visaris would mine the area in between the incoming fleets and the coast line. The entire area was declared a warzone, and foreign nations ordered to keep out - which till this point in the war, they had. The Visaris would deploy over 300 DG-2 Naval Mines (, more than half their stock pile in various locations off in the Indian Ocean, as the Kroandons had come to call it. The last of the mines were over 200 miles off the cost, the first 20 miles off. It would be impossible to reach Rajikistan, or neighboring Pakistan without crossing through this mine field. Once completed, the submarines would remain in the minefield, the destroyers return to the port of Kroandon blockade.
Italia Orientale
10-06-2009, 05:34
Republican Palace, Tripoli, Italia Orientale
Prime Minister Francesco Cesare’s Address to the People of Italia Orientale and the AMNAT Allies:
Greetings to the citizens of Italia Orientale, our AMNAT allies, and all other nations joining forth in this effort to take down evil and corruption in the world. As you all know, the Imperial Koalition of Kroando recently invaded the small and defenseless nation of Rajikistan with overwhelming and brutal force. The Kroandon soldiers then began a massive cleansing campaign designed to murder or enslave the entire population of Rajikistan.
We had secured an agreement with Kroandon leadership to allow the evacuation of large number of civilians from Rajikistan on board vessels from Italia Orientale. However, the Kroandons once again proved that they are nothing but vicious cowards, as they reneged on their agreement and continued killing innocent civilians while they were boarding our ships. Then, in an act of supreme treachery, which shows how dishonorable and despicable the entire Kroandon leadership is, they attacked and murdered marines from Greston and Italia Orientale which were attempting to stop the senseless slaughter of civilians from going on. The AMNAT soldiers fought to the death and kept their honor in the face of overwhelming odds. Now, we will work to avenge the deaths of our soldiers and, most importantly, the mass murder of innocent Rajikistani civilians.
As we prepare for our Jihad against the foul Kroandon invaders, we will have two objects that we seek to meet. First, is the complete removal of Kroandon forces from Rajikistani territory. Our second objective is to kill or, preferably, capture Grand Marshal Klauge, the treacherous rat in charge of this slaughter.
We are fully dedicated to this cause and our men are prepared to die for the freedom of Rajikistan and the freedom of its people. Our naval forces will be under the command of Grand Admiral Luigi Savoia, and the ground forces will be led by High General Mustafa Barbalunga. We will not stop until we achieve our objectives and terminate the animal, for he cannot possibly be called a man, known as Klague. If we fail to achieve our objectives, let no man return to Italia Orientale alive. As our moment of glory approaches, let us recall how the Prophet, may peace be upon Him, was able to defeat the armies of the Meccans at the Battle of Badr even though he was outnumbered greater than three to one. We are also honored to share the battlefield with the noble soldiers from Greston, the Maldorian Empire, Neo-Erusea, the Fargoing Radicals, and the other great nations assisting in this great endeavor. Thank you, and may God lead us to victory as he led Muhammed to glory in his wars of liberation.
Ground Forces --- 2nd Unified Army Group, “Rajikistan Liberation Army”
3rd Army, 6th Army, 11th Army, 15th Army
Commander: High General Mustafa Barbalunga
- 400,000 Infantry
Battle Tanks
- 700 T-90 MBT's
- 400 MCA-7B “Urbara Tirak” MBT's
- 1,100 T-72 MBT’s
- 124 LY6A1 “Werewolf” Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer
Armored Personnel Carriers & Infantry Fighting Vehicles
- 2,200 LY219 “Ironheart” APC’s & Variants (Ambulances, Command Vehicles, Minesweepers, etc.)
- 400 PUMA 6x6 APC’s
- 300 M2 Bradley IFV’s
- 200 Self-Propelled Howitzer, Mark VIII, "Sabre"
- 250 Tunguska M-1 Self-Propelled SAM Battery
- 150 LY300 “Manticore” Self-Propelled Missile System
- 140 Ly7/222 “King Shepherd” AA System
- 500 LY219 “Ironheart” SAM Vehicle
- 110 9P140 Uragan 220mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
- 80 Towed AMI Quad AIM-120 SLAMRAAM Mount Launcher Unit
- 1,200 G-5 155mm Towed Howitzer
- 45 LY471 “Skyguard” Battery
Jeeps & Combat Vehicles
- 2,200 HUMVEE’s
- 1,800 LY83 “Fox” Light Utility Vehicle
- 1,650 M-11A Recon Speeder
- 1,450 M-14 “Hydra” Attack Truck
- 600 Mi-24 Gunships
- 340 SH-79 “Barracuda”
- 280 AH-79 “Anaconda”
- 220 AH-6 “Littlebird” Gunship
- 210 AH-4B “Zealot” Gunship
- 650 UH-60 Blackhawks
- 115 TRA-92 “Eiko” Light Attack Helicopters
- UKW Long Haul Helicopters
Naval Forces --- 1st Grand Fleet
Commander: Grand Admiral Luigi Savoia
Aircraft Carriers
RSS Uluj Ali
- 22 YA-42 Corsaires
- 16 F-22 Raptors
- 32 F-17 Arrowhawks
RSS Giuseppe Garibaldi
- 16 YA-42 Corsairs
- 26 F-35 Lightning II
- 18 Eurofighter Typhoon
RSS Gabriele D’Anunzio
- 38 Mig-29 Fulcrum
- 12 F-117 Nighthawk
- 20 F/A-18 Hornet
RSS Ahmed Shah Massoud Special Operations Carrier
- 28 A-10 Thunderbolt II
- 4 AC-130 Spectre Gunships (Specially Modified for Carrier Takeoff)
- 10 EA-6B Prowler
- 34 SH-3 Sea King Helicopters
Fleet Surface Ships
- 2 Lexington Class Super Dreadnoughts
- 4 Praetoria Class Battleships
- 12 Vrelck Class Battlecruisers
- 52 Sovremenny Class Destroyers
- 44 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
- 18 Apex Class Destroyers
- 36 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
- 32 Rooster Class Cruisers
- 16 Battleaxe Class Cruisers
Attack & Missile Boats
- 120 Christina Class Missile Boats
- 280 PB-107 Riverine Patrol Boats
- 240 PB-108 Attack Gunboats
- 220 “Dolphin” Unmanned Attack Boat
- 84 Soc-12 “Nightmare” Spec-Ops Attack Boat
- 12 Ohio Class Nuclear Missile Submarines
- 6 Le Triomphant Class Nuclear Missile Subs
- 4 Borei Class Nuclear Missile Submarines
- 16 Seasquid Class Attack Submarines
- 18 Yasen Class Attack Submarines
- 12 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
Support Ships
- 42 HSV-2 High Speed Cargo/Transport Ship
- 14 Volcano Class Arsenal Ship
10-06-2009, 09:03
Communique of the Government of Garmidia
It is an unfortunate occasion as we hear about war breaking out, as it is indeed unfortunate in itself. Although Garmidia will not send active troops, we will send aid to the affected countries after the duration of hostilities has ended.
Sam Philips
President of Garmidia
10-06-2009, 09:08
Communique of the Government of Garmidia
It is an unfortunate occasion as we hear about war breaking out, as it is indeed unfortunate in itself. Although Garmidia will not send active troops, we will send aid to the affected countries after the duration of hostilities has ended.
Sam Philips
President of Garmidia
10-06-2009, 09:36
OOC: sorry i have been unable to log into the forums the last few days, but now Italia Orientale showed me away around the log in :D
IC: Australiazian News Hour
First up tonight, President Campbell Brown has announced his support against Kroando who has invaded Rajikistan to boost their own supply of oil. The invasion has been very quick and Rajikistan citizens are being slaughtered like cattle as they try to escape the now war ravaged nation as their water and supplies are unable to get throughout the country. The Republic of Australiazia have joined the AMNAT allies as they try to stop the unrelenting force of Kroando. Here's what President Campbell Brown had to say earlier today.
"I believe along with the AMNAT allies that Kroando's actions towards Rajikistan are unacceptable and mustn't be allowed to continue any further, which is why we have join in the chorus to halt Kroando grip on Rajikistan. They are extremely out of shape, not only did they invade another country their massacring innocent civilians for the fun of it, Kroando and Grand Marshal Klauge must be stopped and face the consequences."
The Republic of Australiazia has announced they will fund the AMNAT allies $AU200,000,000,000 for operations. Australiazia will not take military action as of yet Minister of Foreign affairs and minister of defence have sorted out arrangements regarding the citizens of Rajikistan and the line of action to take.
Osea 767
10-06-2009, 13:22
OOC: Turkey is a part of my nation so my border with Rajikistan would be Turkey's eastern border.
[Sounds good... once you post your troop levels and responses I'll post how much I left in the region.
Oh also could everyone post a link to their tech if they haven't already done so.]
The conflict escalated with every increasing rapidity, intelliegence reporting the Kroandons were about to be extremely outgunned. The 7th Fleet was dispatched from Undermon under the command of Admiral Konitz, leaving three days after the AMNAT forces, meaning they would arrive on or two days after the enemy.
7th Fleet - Admiral Konitz
Naval Forces - Visari Class Destroyer 400
Naval Forces - Visby class corvette 40
Naval Forces - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier 10
Naval Forces - Negotiator Class Cruiser 75
Naval Forces - RADAR/SONAR/LADAR Detection Ships 10
Naval Forces - Malthus SSBN 35
Naval Forces - SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught 5
Naval Forces - Tanker Class Missile Carrier 10
Ustio North
10-06-2009, 19:55
OOC: Tag for interest. Forget what I told you Mal, i'm making a comeback ;-). First, a short intro.
It had been some time since anyone had heard of Ustio North. The borders had been closed and nothing had been heard from there for years. But today was a new day. A day of emergance. A day of reckoning.
The sun had risen, but only enough to cast a dim orange light across the snow-capped mountains that surrounded the small military base. Nestled deep into the mountains around Pelagious, a major city in Ustio, Valais Air Force Base slept soundly. For many years it had gone disused, but under the new regime it had been brought back into action.
As the sun continued to rise slowly, a large black aircraft could be picked out at the end of the runway. Like the rest of the base, it sat motionless, only its shadow moving across the cold ground. Beneath the aircraft, liquid dripped off the end of the short wings and down to the floor. As it did this, a small group crossed from the briefing room towards the aircraft. Flight crew performed quick checks on the aircraft, but everything important had been done in advance. The two pilots, dressed in protective full pressure suits and advanced flight helmets, climbed up into the cockpit. With a slow whine, the aircraft came to life, rolling down the runway. With the crew cleared, the pilot opened the throttle, and the large aircraft thundered down the runway, clearing well before the end and climbing almost vetically, great plumes of blue flame protruding from the engines as the aircraft headed skywards.
[I'll be away for the next few days, just a heads up.]
11-06-2009, 00:30
OOC: So should we postpone it until you return?
11-06-2009, 06:10
Joining their former ORNA allies Australiazia, Italia Orientale and to a lesser extent United Anacreon, Garmidia has today pledged 50,000,000,000 Garmidi to the AMNAT alliance who is fighting a war with Kroando, who invaded Rajikistan for oil. President Sam Philips is not expected to make an address on the situation and the country is not expected to get into another conflict.
Italia Orientale
11-06-2009, 18:32
The E-17 “Watchtower” Radar Aircraft was flying over the sea off the coast of Rajikistan’s eastern neighbor. Captain, Carlo Carrolo was piloting the aircraft when a one of the crew members came bursting into the cockpit. “Sir, we’re picking up signals indicating that we have either small crafts or large mines beneath us,” said the young crewman.
“Circle back around,” said the Captain, “if they’re crafts, then they’re bound to move around if we stay overhead long enough, not to mention open fire on us, but if they’re mines they’ll stay still.” The plane circled back around several times, the crew carefully watching the radar the entire time to see whether or not these were mines or hostile vessels. They radioed their position and status back to the 1st Fleet and began transmitting the positions of the unidentified objects back as well. After about an hour of flying over the sea, the E-17 was running low on fuel and needed to head back to the fleet.
“Sir,” said another one of the crewmen, “radar analysis shows that the objects are at a very great depth, between 100 and 300 meters, and they are not moving.”
“We can analyze the specifics when we get back to the carrier,” said the Captain, “have you transmitted everything back to them?”
“Yessir!” replied the crewman.
“Good,” said the Carrolo, “now let’s get the hell out of here before we are spotted.”
Osea 767
11-06-2009, 20:52
Imperial Osean High Command, New Constantinople, Osea
The High Command of the Osean military was a hive of activity, with updates on the Kroandon invasion of on of their neighbours, Rajikistan, coming in regulary. Recent intelligence indicated that Rajikistan had effectively been overrun by the Kroandon forces. But it also indicated that a large number of nations were launching campaigns to liberate Rajikistan.
It was because of this that the Osean Chief of Staff, Eric von Reyher, found himself visted by the Holy Roman Emperor, Joseph II and Prime Minister Li Si. He pointed to a map of the border between Osea and Rajikistan and said "Your Majesty, I believe that we should move an army group to the border and have the border and provisional troops placed on alert, to deter any attacks".
The Emperor replied "That sounds reasonable, Field Marshall". He then paused for a moment before continuing "I'm not sure whether we should join in or not, but I think we should be prepared for the worst". Li Su then bowed slightly before replying "Excuse me, Your Majesty, but I believe we should. It is unlikely we can trust Kroando to be a good neighbour. Joining this coalition against them would be the best way to ensure they don't stay here. Besides, we might be able to make some gains by aiding the coalition, which we certainly wont by sitting this out".
Joseph smiled slightly before cautiously replying "Perhaps. But I don't think we should get too ahead of ourselves". He then turned to Eric and said "Have the necessary orders sent at once Field Marshall. As I said, we had better prepare for the worst".
Ustio North
12-06-2009, 18:36
Outside Pelagious, Ustio North
The light was beginning to fade across the river. The glass towers of Pelagious reflected the dying light across into the waters, turning the old UNS Patriot King George V Battleship a strange orange.
In a field overlooking the river, a group of people sat around a slowly burning fire, drinking and talking about the current political and economic climate. From the adjacent field, a field filled with small white crosses, a rather grumpy looking farmer eyed the group with suspicion. Soon, however, his suspicions that they were simply a group of yobs were soon calmed, as the relative quiet of the evening was shattered by the thunderous roar of helicopter engines. A grey Air Force Merlin passed low over the group, landing a bit further away in the field. The rear ramp dropped down and two soldiers dressed in tigerstripe camoflague fatigues, armed with G36Ks, cleared the way for another man. He was dressed in a long beige overcoat, with a matching SD cap. He walked with a purpose, not least due to the gold oak leaf on his cap. As he approached the group, one of them stood up, someone who recognised him.
"Major Kamarov?" he asked loudly over the sound of the Merlins' rotors "What's this about?"
The major's long white hair blew wildly in the wind kicked up by the Merlin. Before he spoke, he pulled a brown envelope from inside his coat, handing it to the young man
"Captain Drake, your commission to the military has been reinstated" Kamarov told him "You and other members of the First Sons are to report to Hydria's naval base tomorrow morning"
"Why's that Major?" Drake asked
Kamarov merely indicated the envelope, before turning tail and returning to the Merlin. As it turned to return, the letters on the side were clearly visible; UNSOCOM
With the Merlin fading from earshot, Drake opened the envelope. It read;
To: [Former] Captain Edward Drake
From: Major Kamarov, Ustio North Special Operations Command (UNSOCOM)
Captain Drake,
As you no doubt know, Ustio has been in isolation for some time. However, recent undercover excursions to reveal the situation around us have yielded rather disturbing information.
Therefore, the President has authourised me to reinstate the commission of all former First Sons members. You are to report to Hydria Naval Base at 0630 tomorrow alongside other members of the First Sons for a secret briefing and then reassignment to other battalions
OOC:Ustio North ORBAT
Ustian 1st Fleet
6x Modernized Iowa Class Battleships
10x Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers
40x Type 45 Destroyers
50x Type 29 Frigates
Ustian Spectre Battlegroup
2x Bahuviris-II Submersible Nuclear Carrier
20x Typhoon Class SSN
20x Zumwalt Class Destroyers
60x Armed Sea Shadow
Ustian Expeditionary Force
10,000x Challenger II Tanks
15,000x Stryker APCs
15,000x Stryker MGSs
20,000x Rapier AAM Systems
20,000x Various Artillery Pieces
250,000x Ustian Infantry
Expeditionary Air Wing
100x Eurofighter Typhoons
100x Tornado IDS
4x E-3 AWACS
Spectre Air Wing
50x XB-70 Valkyries
100x YF-12s
Italia Orientale
13-06-2009, 01:47
Holy Emperor Joseph II,
I would like to extend a hand of friendship on behalf of the AMNAT alliance, the people of Italia Orientale, and our government and military. Since your noble empire shares a common border with the nation of Rajikistan, we know that you must have witnessed the atrocities and barbarism that have been carried out by the Kroandon forces under the command of Grand Marshal Klauge. This person, if he can be called that, is a threat to every man, woman, and child in Rajikistan as well as a danger to Rajikistan’s existence, the region, and the world. Animals like Klauge stand against everything that mankind has worked so long to achieve. He and his men slaughter the innocents of Rajikistan with glee and they seem to know nothing of human compassion.
Even without any moral impetus, the Kroandon invasion of Rajikistan cannot present anything but a threat to your noble domain and the security of its people. No country, and surely not ours, would welcome the transformation of its neighbor from a stable, peaceful, and passive state, to a wasteland controlled by a madman who will constantly present a threat to the homeland. If Klauge and the rest of those animals are able to develop, fortify, and establish Rajikistan as a militarized colony, then he would have a secure foothold on your eastern border and will be within short-to-medium missile range of a large portion of your lands including your capitol. He would also likely possess a large, powerful, and well trained military on your doorstep that would be nearly impossible to threaten or dislodge without a total and devastating war that will surely claim the lives of countless Osean citizens.
We know that you are a wise ruler that always does what is best for his nation. We believe that in standing with us now, united against this monstrous threat, we can remove Klauge and his scum from Rajikistan and guarantee the stability and security of this region for years to come. Our forces are prepared to do whatever it takes, to sacrifice as many lives as it takes, to achieve this goal. We hope that you will do what is right and join us in this great endeavor to bring peace and hope back to a devastated nation and, at the same time, do a service to the entire world. We look forward to seeing soldiers from Osea 767 and Italia Orientale standing side by side in victory at the end of this conflict, along with all of the other great nations that have joined with us.
May Peace be Upon You,
Prime Minister of Italia Orientale
[Hey everyone, sorry for my hiatus - been on a last minute vacation. I'm back and ready to go.
Hey Italia, One thing I noticed with one of your last posts regarding detecting the DG-2 Naval Mines. You said you were using RADAR based on an aircraft to see the mines. The problem is that RADAR [which uses radio waves as opposed to sound waves like SONAR] cannot be transmitted through water more than a few feet, meaning no reflection. Basically you cannot use RADAR to detect things under water. As far as SONAR goes, that is why the mines are plated with sound absorbing gouche - so they are very difficult to detect. Anyways, I'm going to put up another OOC thread for this kind of stuff.]
Somewhere off the Coast of Rajikistan
The K.K.S. Salvation sat two hundred meters under the waters somewhere off the coast of Rajikistan, near the waters of neighboring Pakistan. For the last several days they simply patrolled the area, navigating the mine fields laid around them. Until an emergency transmission came in from command. The encrypted orders instructed the sub to raise to ten meters, and deploy RADAR transmission. The sub reached the depth of 7 meters, still too deep for surface RADAR to detect - and continued following the orders. The RADAR antenna was raised above the surface, and RADAR systems kicked online. Within minutes, the large RADAR emitting craft 110 miles to the East was locked. Command knew it was not Kroandon, and that it was heading south into the ocean... and that was enough to call for its demise. The Malthus RLK fired four LACI Interceptor Missiles from its VLS tubes and prepared another four.
Ustio North
17-06-2009, 13:40
Ustian Expeditionary Force, 1st Fleet, 1000 Miles From Rajikistanian Waters
The great 1st fleet cut through the water with purpose, heading towards the territorial waters of Rajikistan. Leading the ten Queen Elizabeth Carriers and numerous picket ships were six Iowa class battleships, arranged in a spearhead formation. F-35s from the Carriers flew overhead with an E-2C watching the skies.
Meanwhile, 250 Miles Off The Rajikistanian Territorial Waters
The Ustain Spectre Battlegroup approached at speed. Leading the charge were 20 Zumwalt Class Destroyers, supported by 60 armed SeaShadows. Some 50 miles to their East, two Bahuviris-II Class Submersible Nuclear Carriers and 20 Typhoon SSNs approached Rajikistan
Port of Asara - Kroandon Command Center
"Christ Lieutenant!? How the hell did they get so close without us seeing?! Bring it up on the main screen.", Vizor Elemanti, the Undermonian Chief of Staff to General Armhurtz in command of forces around Asara. He walked over to the large telescreen that displayed a number of vessels moving towards the Rajikistani coast, that in a number of hours would stumble into the Kroandon minefield - a most unacceptable outcome, to have a relatively small scouting force knocking out a minefield capable of inflicting serious damage. "Why didn't we see this sooner Mr. Halsin?"
"Sir, what you're looking at right there is from one of our LADAR sweeping satellites... now look at our RADAR readings.", Lieutenant Halsin responded, clicking a few buttons. The screen switched, and the ships were gone.
"Where did they go?"
"They're stealth craft sir, our RADAR cannot see them. LADAR is far more precise, and can see exactly what it is they are trying to hide... we're not sure of the origin or model, but they must be older, as they have no LADAR cloaking.", the Lieutenant responded.
"Well we can assume they are hostile. Inform Admiral Cronner immediately. I'll contact the General."
Within minutes, General Armhurtz had ordered a full battery strike against the stealth force from his Anti-Naval Batteries of Valour Class Anti-Shipping Missiles ( Minutes later, the one hundred and twenty Anti-Shipping units were spinning around under their desert camouflage netting, the units pointing high into the air. Using LADAR tracking and guidance, forty different Valour units locked onto over eighty surface craft - LADAR tracking satellites locking onto the various stealth craft and transmitted the data to the batteries. Captain Vulson, in charge of the battery, awaited the order, looking over several units from his rooftop vantage point. Beep...beep...beep. The signal had been given. Vulson instinctively spoke into the commlink on his shoulder and gave the order. "All Sabre units designated for strike 3371... fire." And with that each Valour class barrage system unleashed four missiles, a total of 160 Anti-Shipping Missiles in all heading for the sixty Sea Shadows and twenty Zumwalt destroyers. The missiles unique nature would prove very difficult to knock down, as one of every ten was equipped with RADAR barrage jammers, all were stealthy by nature, and each would unleash seven additional high explosive rockets to hit the decks. Meaning that when the missiles came within 4 miles of their targets, there would not be 160 - but over 1000 missiles and their two foot long rocket detachments.
19-06-2009, 08:48
OOC: well im waiting for people to continue this war before i get involved any more, so i can see some progression and make some decisions. Where is everyone?
Osea 767
19-06-2009, 19:53
OOC: Still here. But I'm involved in a number of RPs so putting up a post for this has been awquard. However, I will try to get a post up soon.
[Well if the invasion ever starts back up again, we can continue it. But it doesn't look that way now, so I'm going to continue as if the invasion is under serious delay. Bad storms, mobilization problems, whatever.
@Osea - Did you allow refugees into your country? If so there are probably 3 million there.]
Over a week after the first Kroandon encounter with the AMNAT aerial and naval forces, it looked as if the much expected invasion was as far away as ever before. The original projection of two or three weeks had passed its deadline over a week ago, and no force large enough was within a thousand miles of the new Koalitionist Dependency of Arabica. Support troops, over 12,000 additional armored vehicles and nearly 350 additional aircraft had accompanied the 350,000 Dolmot provided by Malthus from the Korvacht reserves. This along with countless tonnes of supplies, foodstuffs, ammunition and fuel, it seemed as if things weren't going to be so bad.
After all, the Honvorg Korporation personnel certainly wouldn't have been unloading en masse if an invasion was expected, as dozens of Korporation ships unloaded thousands upon thousands of civilian and security employees in all. Although Klague's Legion was essentially serving as a mercenary force under the employment of the Honvorg Korporation, they were an army - a brutal army, not a police force, not a security force. Because of this over 25,000 Honvorg Auxiliary Force personnel, as well as over 5,000 vehicles were unloaded upon Rajikistan. The Honvorg Korporation was there for the oil - but oil was not the only resource Rajikistan boasted, not by a long shot. There were the salt deserts, the granite rich mountains of the north west - and there were the ruins of the cities themselves. In Antarctika everything had value - even what would be considered trash and junk in other nations. Crumbled buildings - shattered brick, warped metal, old tin cans, wire, you name it and there was a shortage in Antarctika it could be used for. It Antarctika everything was recycled as many times as it could be - and then once there was no more use for it, it was burned for heat. Crumbled rock - concrete. Old metal - melted down for some metal appliance or vehicle. Broken Plastic - plastic bottles, land mines, toys, house hold appliances or burned. Used paper - paper bags, napkins, toilet paper or burned. Even sand was melted down for glass, used in agriculture, or in construction. Rajikistan was now full of all this, and the Junkers Korporation was eager to harvest it. For the sum of 360,000,000,000 USD, the Honvorg Korporation granted unlimited harvesting rights to Junkers and their army of workers. And the destruction of the cities began.
While Honvorg engineers set up oil drills in the east, Junkers 'miners' toar the former capital of Tehmas apart. Old cars were ripped apart for their metal and hauled away in massive crates to makeshift train stations. Brick, rock and crushed concrete in other containers. The filthy men that performed the work were covered in grime, wearing only torn tank tops, old fatigues, torn jeans or pretty much whatever clothing they could get their hands on. They wore goggles and constantly sucked down cigarettes and booze while they used welding guns to remove doors and manhole covers. Others wandered around swinging sledge hammers or pushing wheelbarrows of crumbled rock. A few hundred bulldozers and nearly a thousand heavy construction trucks took materials and men to and fro. It was quite a sight, to see so many thousands of men disassembling a city, as it seemed only Al Fahat would be inhabited.
Malthus had taken the last step in ensuring the Kroandon people's solidarity with Klague and the Honvorg Korporation. The country formerly known as Rajikistan was now the Koalitionist Dependency of Arabica - essentially the newest colony of Kroando. As such an attack on it - which seemed far off now - was an attack of Kroando itself.
The final chapter in the Rajikistani question was the people. What happened to them? The pre-invasion population of Rajikistan was 32,000,000 people. Eight million died of Klague's direct action - including machine gunning, bombings, aerial strikes and bombardment. Fourteen million more died of thirst and starvation. Eight million fled into neighboring countries, causing serious refugee problems in neighboring Iraq and Pakistan, as well as the north western countries. Over one million worked as slaves throughout 'Arabica', in salt, sand and granite mines and in construction projects. Roughly 300,000 babies and toddlers (boys) were taken on as orphans by the Black Legion itself, in years to come they would be Legionnaires, and would spread the same terror as their fathers before them. Another 700,000 souls were being sold off to slave traders daily at 3,000 dollars a head.
Within the next three months Klague and his men would be out of Arabica, never to return. A $1,300,000,000,000 paycheck in his pocket, only 4,300 men lost, the Black Legion would soon be prohibited from ever returning to the wasteland, and the Colonial Office under the central government would take over - the cold blooded murderers that previously ruled the land being replaced by Malthus' soldiers and more Honvorg Security Personnel. The world had changed just a little bit, but Kroando would survive for decades off the black blood of Rajikistan.
Ustio North
21-06-2009, 17:54
OOC: Tag for a reply to Kroando's attack on my forces.
Ustian Spectre Battlegroup - Surface Element - Some 250 Miles From Rajikistanian Waters
The Kroandon attack caught the group's Surface Element by surprise. Their stealth was compromised almost immediately by the massive launch of Valour class missiles. The Zumwalts attempted to retaliate with the launch of several ESSM's against the incoming missiles. However, their RADAR jammers meant that the bulk of the force would get through anyway.
The only thing they could do now was use their cunning. As the missiles closed in, chaff and flare countermeasures were released from each of this ships, and emergency evasion maneuvers were quickly untertaken.
Even after all this, the missile's impact was still devastating. Almost all of the Zumwalt destroyers were severly damaged, and several sank upon impact. The SeaShadows, whose stealth was more advanced than the Zumwalt's, were less affected. Only several of them were sunk, and most survived with light and minor damage.
OOC: Casualties
x5 Zumwalt Destroyers Severely Damaged
x9 Zumwalt Destroyers Sunk
x5 SeaShadows Severely Damaged
x15 SeaShadows Sunk
Then came the retaliation. Following the launch of the Valour missiles, the Surface Element's firepower had been drastically reduced. Still, the remaining Zumwalt's had plenty of missiles. They launched twenty Tomahawk missiles each, targeting the supposed launch points of the Valour missiles. The SeaShadows also contributed two tomahawks each, resulting in 260 missiles being launched in retaliation.
Captain Vulson took a long drag from his cigarette as he peered out into the distance, nothing in view but well aware of the havoc being wreaked over the horizon. All eyes were on the AMNAT forces, and so it did not take very long to notice the Tomahawks being fired off at the coast. Having over 250 miles to travel, the already ready SDCI Systems defending Asara had plenty of time to thwart the strike. With intense RADAR, LADAR and IR tracking on the missiles, the SDCI pods set up around the launch site, twenty in all, were bolstered by another thirty G-24 Strikers. When the Tomahawks came within 25 miles of the launch site, the SDCI pods and G-24 strikers unleashed over 300 SDCI Interceptor Missiles - knocking out the majority of the 260 Tomahawks. A few did however hit their targets - the only problem being the vague nature of those targets. The firing sites were box like vehicles that were concealed and easily moved, only a handful were destroyed, roughly thirty men dead or wounded in the strike as well.
The second strike was not far off. Seconds after the first missiles were fired, new missiles were being loaded. As the first battery reloaded, a second battery three miles away fired away, unleashing another 160 missiles upon the crippled AMNAT battlegroup. These missiles, unlike the first were being guided exclusively by LADAR tracking, meaning chaff [for evading RADAR tracking] and flares [for IR tracking] would not throw off any of the Kroandon missiles. The Kroandons expected even greater casualties to be inflicted, as the damaged enemy fleet would have an increasingly difficult time avoiding these missiles due to their LADAR guidance in addition to the fact the ships were already damaged. In addition to this new battery, the original battery let loose roughly 30 more missiles during the enemy Tomahawk strike.
x22 Missile Operators Wounded
x9 Missile Operators Dead
x8 Valor Missile Launchers Destroyed
x3 Humvees Destroyed
x4 Transport Trucks Destroyed
x1 G-24 Striker Destroyed
Italia Orientale
23-06-2009, 07:23
OOC: sorry but i had to withdraw from the conflict because of various developments, but if figured i would at least cap off my part.
The Office of the Prime Minister
Republican Palace, Tripoli, Italia Orientale
Prime Minister Francesco Cesare sat in his office, as he often did, with Minister of War Muhammad Ali Giuliani and Foreign Minister Muhammad Rossi. They were each smoking a cigar and pondering over foreign policy issues. “Man,” said Cesare, “this Rajikistan-Kroando thing sure turned into a fiasco for us.”
“Tell me about it,” responded Rossi, “the fucking Muslim Brotherhood is all up in arms about it, saying how our government is weak.”
Cesare buried his head in his hands. Elections were coming up soon and the newly formed “Islamic Unity Party” was slowly gaining momentum in the polls and it looked like they might end up winning. This Rajikistan incident was going to make the INC look like shit, adding a foreign policy mess-up to a growing list of domestic problems. Now the damn Brotherhood and the IUP were going to crucify him for making the country look weak and rile everybody up with their nationalist rhetoric. “We’re going to have to find another war to make us popular again,” Cesare said only half joking. “What’s the status on the 1st Fleet?” he asked changing the subject.
“Should be back in port by tomorrow,” replied Giuliani bitterly, “what a shame we had to move all of those men and machines for nothing.”
“I know you’re pissed,” said Cesare, “but we had no choice. First of all, we can’t break rank with AMNAT and they pulled out of the conflict. Second, we could not have beaten Kroando alone, you know that.”
“There’s other countries still fighting those bastards, it doesn’t seem like they’re backing down” retorted Giuliani.
There was a long pause. “I understand that too,” said the Prime Minister finally, “but the increase in spending we would have needed would have broken the bank. The economy is weak as it is.”
“Political bullshit as usual,” snapped the Minister of War as he stood up, “now if you will excuse me gentlemen, it’s getting late.” With that he nodded to both of his comrades and walked out of the room.
“He’ll get over it,” said Rossi getting up to leave as well, “but you did make the right choice. It certainly won’t help you win the election but this war would have gotten real ugly and we really had nothing to gain from it.”
“I certainly hope you’re right,” responded Cesare, “and let’s hope the voters forget about this quickly.”
23-06-2009, 18:47
Official Mandalorian Statement
Due to the division that has emerged between AMNAT and the Mandalorian Empire, with the result being our country leaving the alliance, we find it of the utmost importance to ensure all necessary provisions for a peace treaty between the Mandalorian Empire and the Koalition of Kroando.
We hope that a peace can be achieved between our nations in order to minimize causalities on both sides and bring an end to this unnecessary war we were dragged into.
Allahu Ackbar.
~The Mandalore.
-Supreme Ruler of the Islamic Empire of Maldorians.
Transmission to Appropriate Maldorian Authorities
We are willing to look the other way at your minor transgressions against the Koalition, and take it that the billions of dollars you have lost in mobilization costs are punishment enough for your actions. We are willing to sign an official peace treaty, specifically with your nation and not representative of our policies towards the AMNAT filth detailing an immediate cessation of hostilities, normalization of trade and diplomatic ties, including a clause admitting wrongful intervention on the behalf of the Maldorian Empire. Should these modest stipulations be met, we see no reason to continue any conflict with the Maldorian people.
Lord Protector Evix Malthus
Guardian of the Throne of Kroando
Kroandon Arabica
Grand Marshal Klague leaned back in his bullet ridden leather chair, formerly the property of Supreme Ayatollah Sofari and laughed at the latest reports of the AMNAT invasion. "And I quote Mr. Avinaugh from General Algrun's official report of the situation... 'AMNAT fleets in Great Ocean appear in full retreat of complete stagnation. The largest of the forces from the Maldorian Empire broke rank before the rest, sending the rest of the meager fleet into splinters. With no action from the Grestonian or Erusean task forces in weeks, we anticipate they too will join the Orientalians in their full blown retreat from the theater. It is only a shame that we redeployed so many additional forces to the region - perhaps they will prove useful in the invasion of the Osean Empire.'... HA! Damn if I didn't tell you this twice and three times already. Malthus is a fool. Doesn't he remember LION? One or two defeats at sea, a few colonies over run and the ten member alliance crumbled and decapitated its own leaders to avoid our retribution. No backbone... no spine...", Klague sighed, seemingly worked up over his own memories. "Well who's up for some target practice?"
Osea 767
24-06-2009, 14:35
Anatolian Provincial Headquaters, Malatya, Osea
"Yes, I know that an Army Group has already been sent. But that isn't enough. We need another army group if we are to deter the Kroandans". The provincial governer, Heinrich von Götzen, had been on the phone to the High Command for hours but had made little progress so far. Finally, after only managing to get a vague promise that the border would be reinforced, he banged the phone down in frustration. While Osean provinces tended to have significant local forces and the arrival of an Osean army group, which had three Osean armies under it's command, the local commanders were certain that more forces were required.
Then there was a knock on the door and another Osean, called Joachim Franke, entered the room and said "I see you are also having problems Governer". He then handed Heinrich a document and continued "These refugees are being problematic. We've set up refugee camps but it is difficult to get supplie to them". Henrich sighed before bluntly replying "I can't understand why we have to deal with these refugees. There's three million of them now in our country alone, according to the latest reports. I'm sick to death of Rajikistan". Then the room was silent untill, after a minute, Joachim said "I'll go back to sorting out the refugees. Good day Governer". He then left the room, leaving Heinrich to fume over the mess that had been effectively dropped in his lap.