02-06-2009, 23:17
Savara system, Terran space
The shuttle (http://starwarsrpg.pettycomp.net/Images/SpaceTransport01.jpg)glided smoothly through the expanse of space, twisting on its axis as another ship passed with in a few meters of its hull. Behind the large row of windows at the ships bow the human woman in long, flowing, light blue robes instinctivly adjusted her stance as the ship rotated, despite the fact she knew the inertial dampners and artificial gravity would compensate.
Her soft brow, clearly defined by her dark, black eyebrows, furrowed as the other ships grey hull sped past the windows, the 6th one to do so since they'd entered the secter. Sighing she turned around rapidly, her robes billowing around her, and swiftly walked back the several feet to her cushioned armchair.
Once there she picked up the the scroll that lay half open on the table next to the chair and grabed the ornate quill that lay in an ink pot beside it.
Another near miss just now she carefuly wrote in english, instead of the Drag-hur text she'd been used to all her life I know its a reasonably good sighn, at least it means we're getting closer to our destination. However, if all the pilots in the federation are as bad as this, I seriously doubt I'll be leaving my acomidation much, for fear of being crushed! She scratched the '!' out and finnished off with a flourish and sat back, examining the long letter she'd written, entirely in english, and using a lot of very long words.
She reached the end of the letter and smiled to her self before being snapped back to reality by beautiful white-gold rays of Savara's white hot sun and the approach of her adopted sister Katolia.
Katolia was dressed in flowing golden robes which were much less revealing than those the human woman wore, but then, as a human, she could get away with it.
"We're here, sister" she said in her beautiful voice. When she spoke it was as if an anchient music played, entrancing, mystical and soothing, yet comanding and strong, as with her mother.
"I'd just noticed." the human said, barely containing her exitement as she tried to place her writing equipment down calmly.
"The pilot says we'll be jumping to hyperspace for a few seconds when we clear that planet, aparently we're running a little low on supplys and the day it'd take to reach the planet would see us running dry..."
"Typical of Ajjaran to get it wrong, eh?"
"Indeed, well brace yourself." Katolina said in the same calm tone, grabing hold of a handle on ofe of the window frames, her sister doing the same as the ship entered hyperspace.
Emerging a few seconds later at Savara and gliding gracefuly down to the space port, the Imperial princesses had arived at Savara.
The shuttle (http://starwarsrpg.pettycomp.net/Images/SpaceTransport01.jpg)glided smoothly through the expanse of space, twisting on its axis as another ship passed with in a few meters of its hull. Behind the large row of windows at the ships bow the human woman in long, flowing, light blue robes instinctivly adjusted her stance as the ship rotated, despite the fact she knew the inertial dampners and artificial gravity would compensate.
Her soft brow, clearly defined by her dark, black eyebrows, furrowed as the other ships grey hull sped past the windows, the 6th one to do so since they'd entered the secter. Sighing she turned around rapidly, her robes billowing around her, and swiftly walked back the several feet to her cushioned armchair.
Once there she picked up the the scroll that lay half open on the table next to the chair and grabed the ornate quill that lay in an ink pot beside it.
Another near miss just now she carefuly wrote in english, instead of the Drag-hur text she'd been used to all her life I know its a reasonably good sighn, at least it means we're getting closer to our destination. However, if all the pilots in the federation are as bad as this, I seriously doubt I'll be leaving my acomidation much, for fear of being crushed! She scratched the '!' out and finnished off with a flourish and sat back, examining the long letter she'd written, entirely in english, and using a lot of very long words.
She reached the end of the letter and smiled to her self before being snapped back to reality by beautiful white-gold rays of Savara's white hot sun and the approach of her adopted sister Katolia.
Katolia was dressed in flowing golden robes which were much less revealing than those the human woman wore, but then, as a human, she could get away with it.
"We're here, sister" she said in her beautiful voice. When she spoke it was as if an anchient music played, entrancing, mystical and soothing, yet comanding and strong, as with her mother.
"I'd just noticed." the human said, barely containing her exitement as she tried to place her writing equipment down calmly.
"The pilot says we'll be jumping to hyperspace for a few seconds when we clear that planet, aparently we're running a little low on supplys and the day it'd take to reach the planet would see us running dry..."
"Typical of Ajjaran to get it wrong, eh?"
"Indeed, well brace yourself." Katolina said in the same calm tone, grabing hold of a handle on ofe of the window frames, her sister doing the same as the ship entered hyperspace.
Emerging a few seconds later at Savara and gliding gracefuly down to the space port, the Imperial princesses had arived at Savara.