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Decisions.. Decisions (FT)

The Fedral Union
30-05-2009, 22:18
A frail older man in a suit stood up, his form was thin his hair was grey, and his eyes focused on the New Speaker of the house, Tammy Anderson. His name was Senator Richards From Torm

His words where the Opening Remarks on the Senate subcommittee budget hearing for F.Y 2813

The meeting of our subcommittee on budget appropriations will please come to order. Today we are beginning our hearings to review the budget request submitted by the President for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2813--the fiscal year 2813 budget--for Various things including but not limited to, planetary development, Foreign aid , infrastructure, Space Force command and related agencies, TEC Appropriations, and law enforcement. We are very pleased to have as our leadoff witness at this hearing the Secretary of The Treasury , Alan Kennedy . We appreciate very much your being here, Mr. Secretary, and we understand that you have accompanying you today Margaret Janeway , Deputy Secretary of the Department of State; Jim Collins, the Department of economic Development ; and Stephen Coblert, the Budget Officer for the Department of defense.

This subcommittee has jurisdiction for all programs and activities of these Departments , with the exception of the Federation Intelligence Agency which is funded by the department of Intelligence and approved by the senate intelligence subcommittee appropriations bill. For this next fiscal year, the President has requested appropriations of 136 trillion Federal Dollars For the nations budget for Department of Planetary Development alone , programs and activities under the jurisdiction of the subcommittee, will see a net increase of F$30 billion from the current fiscal year enacted level. Three-fourths of that request is for mandatory appropriations required by law to be appropriated.

How ever the President's total discretionary appropriations request For the department of commercial substation. is F$ F$29.1 Trillion. This presents us with a proposed Decrease of approximately F $3.1 Trillion from the enacted level for this current fiscal year. That's assuming that the President's legislative proposals and offsetting savings are enacted into law. The Department's request relies very heavily on the adoption of new user fee legislation to help generate F$4.24 Trillion in collections and profits for this next fiscal year. This means the decrease will be covered by the own departments loan and interest returns. One of the proposals to use the additional F$3.1 From the cuts is to cover the costs of TEC Funding, Space Force Supply funding, and Planetary Infrastructure . Trade products and container inspections will also be covered . This and other user fee proposals of this administration have been rejected by previous Congresses, and I suspect they will be rejected by this Congress. Further, a F$205 million savings in appropriations for the Planetary insurance program results from the President's proposal to shift sales commissions for agents from discretionary to mandatory spending. That's not certain to be approved by Congress either. Many other increases proposed for safety, integrated
security management, and a host of other priorities are funded in the President's budget by redirecting funds from some existing programs and activities. I think it is fair to say that this subcommittee will not have the luxury of being able to count on the availability of
user fee resources from legislation which might not happen. and I also expect that Congress will disapprove many of the proposed shifts in funds from existing priorities of the Congress. So, we have our work cut out for us, Mr. Secretary, to get these numbers to come out at the end of the line so that we fund our programs for research, for Infrastructures, and additional military production, and for the TEC Protection programs that are required to be funded by this subcommittee each year. So, we will work with you to try to identify the priorities and the needs for the Department's
funding for this next fiscal year. We appreciate very much your providing us with your
statement in advance. It will be made a part of the record as soon as the senate as adjourned .At this point, however, I am going to yield to the distinguished Senator from Tyrian , the ranking Federalist on the committee, Senator Quantrell.”

Senator Quantrell then promptly stood up and started to speak.

. Senator . Richards , thank you very much. I will ask unanimous consent that my formal statement be inserted in the record and simply say that this is a sort of bittersweet occasion for me becauseI cannot agree with Senator Richards assessments . Having said that, Senator Richards , let me get to the point. We have agreed on most things, but even when we have not agreed, they have been most amicable disagreements. I could not have asked for a better collogue to work with on this committee, and I want to publicly thank you for that and just summarize. I would just like to emphasize again that when you consider the fact that the budget authority for 2813 is F$136 Trillion . User fees in the department of economic development and commercial subsidy have been brought up here--I think this is maybe the sixth consecutive year that the Department has asked for user fees, to offset the proposed cuts The president now wants. But I just want to point up the magnitude of our problem if user fees are not granted by this authorizing committee, first off the budget of the department of economic development and commercial subsidy would have to be increased yearly to offset the masses of new Mega-corporations and smaller companies asking for subsidies. The more Reliance on government energy production and reserves while not a problem for most core worlds will send a bad message. The Cuts in the department of economic development and commercial subsidy budget is justified because if we withdraw several subsides of already established corporation’s , and start issuing directives allowing user fees for various , services that had been normally covered by the government in this department, we can make these cuts work and alleviate pressures on the current national budget. Eventually the taxes on energy markets and personal energy income will be reduced dramatically. Mr. Secretary, I want to thank you for your services. . You have always been very responsive to the members of this committee and we want to publicly thank you for that. Thank you, Senator Richard.
Now I would like to yield to the secretary of state for his keen and often refreshing assessment on foreign aid.

The Secretary of state stood up as soon as the Senator from Torm sat down.
Prepared Statement

Senator Quntrell . Thank you very much, Senator. I especially appreciate your kind remarks. I do not know of any person I have worked with in Congress that I have enjoyed the relationship with than this distinguished Senator from Torm . We have swapped this job back and forth over the last decade a number of times. It has always been a pleasure to work with him closely on the subjects under the jurisdiction of this
committee. We will insert your statement in the record.

[The statement follows:]
Prepared Statement of Senator Qauntrell
I am proud to join Senator Mornaham and my other colleagues on the
subcommittee in welcoming Secretary Collins, and Secretary Janeway.

The fiscal year 2813 budget now before us appears to offer many new initiatives and a few themes we have seen before. Last year, as we considered the fiscal year 2812 bill on the Senate floor, I made clear my view that investment in foreign aid to the TEC and stuch nations as Coreida . Must be one of our highest priorities. I was disappointed to note the overall decline below the fiscal year level 2812 . In the new budget authority the president and I felt it necessary to request programs to allow funding to be transferred to the TEC committee , and several allied nations fighting the brunt of genocidal wars. I realize that some of this reduction is simply a result of moving specific programs and mission areas over others , as in the case of the foreign aid it, justifiedly took a back seat to the massive blustering of defense budgets following the attacks on Ixcumane However, I have serious concerns about reductions in funds to our nation's commitment to our allies and the TEC, By Extension they are some of our defense against such extremist acts that took the lives of so many on ixcumane. The federal partnerships in the TEC and with our allies been the backbone for developing our nation's influence throughout the galaxy and in turn keeping us safe by keeping our image as one of loyalty to ones friends. This has made us the envy of the galaxy . Similarly, the budget's elimination of various programs to help our allies and TEC fight pirates. presents a challenge to us and to the states who had looked forward to a reliable partnership with the Terran alliance . The Foreign aid Budget was F$460 billion in 2810. In 2811 it was F$550, in 2812 in the last year of the Logan administration it was over F$650 billion. Now The senate wishes to reduce the funding down to 2810 levels. I cannot let this happen with out a fight, the issues faced by nations our allies fighting wars with other powers is paramount, coreida in particular has suffered many losses. Planets, millions upon millions of lives, with out these buffer zones, what will stop them from coming at us? The current war with red talons was started because of inadequate funding to the TEC to buy cruiser and destroyer level ships. They could have prevented the loss of so many Terran lives. No other government is willing to set the example and stand by their allies and their organizations. No other nation is willing to appropriate the necessary funds to prevent recurring pirate raids on TEC lines. So I ask this committee to keep the funding as it is if you do not increase it. But Do not I beg you do not cut it.

I now Yield the floor to Senator Mornaham Of Dehlini...

Senator Mornaham Stood up and started to speak just as the secretary of state sat down.

The Secretary already understands that I have got--I do not
know why we ought to be cutting any money for the Department, to be honest with you. That is where I am at right now.
Yes; I do not know why we are cutting the foreign aid budget. I want to say that I am very disappointed in the roadless debates about how to fund our allies when they are fighting wars that will save a lot of our boy’s lives. These are areas of the budget so far as the Federationist party and mercantile parties are concerned that need to be completely cut out. the funds we are spending on reenforcing our influence through out the galaxy ,are not competing against any one . Those nations that are actively out there are not doing any thing worth a damn to help their supposed allies. I think would best not to delay increasing the foreign aid budget , and to stop any cuts from it. I would like to sit down with the Secretary one of these days and go over each one of these things .Because what is going on my world of Dehlini is that the people think we should be preparing to help our allies against genocidal nations out to destroy them ,and to prevent another Ixcumane from happening. By deterring other powers by a show of might and loyalty to our allies. Their opinions have far-reaching ramifications. It is serious. It is serious beyond belief. I know there is a way to work through this. I will have a hard time telling my people that congress will not ensure the safety of them and their children. if you think everything is good in the way these Federationist and Mercantile isolationist and protectionist are trying to push us to cut one of the only things that will keep extremist and other nations from breeding hate for us, you are dead wrong. I have a hard time saying that we cannot give so much of our massive budget and energy reserves to aiding our friends in need it will give us favors to collect in the long run. Now, something is awry and its to shrouded in mystery to figure out. I wish it wasn’t . I wish there was a single bullet to get rid of all these nations who dislike us and who want us gone because of what we stand for , but there is not. A combination of strong foreign aid, a large defense budget, and massive infrastructure, law enforcement, and TEC fleet improvements, along with continued reassurance and military backing of our allies.

I now Yield the floor to the secretary of defense.

Stephen Coblert started to talk.

I thank the Secretary for coming today and I thank the
Speaker for holding the hearing.

[The statement follows:]
Prepared Statement of Secretary of defense Stephen Coblert
Thank you, Mr. Speaker . I would like to start by stating how well run I find this subcommittee to be, I believe the Speaker and the Ranking member do a very good job of getting this process underway in this subcommittee. I would also like to commend the staff of this subcommittee for the professional manner in which they perform their jobs. Last year their work was a good example of how this process works and I do appreciate their fine work.

Now with that done, I am pleased to see that the funding for the department of defense will be increased. In my mind this is a very timely hearing considering much of the work that the house committee on defense spending and the president have been involved with in recent weeks. The difficult times following the destruction of Ixcumane have been a stern reminder to all that we are not safe. We are not safe at all, many nations wish to attack us and destroy us .

To start out with Mr. Speaker we must all admit that the current Defense budget is more than adequate we get much more for our buck so they say. I must say the secretary of state is right on his position. I also think something is far from right on the ground. In recent weeks I have had numerous inquiries into that this country is investing in to its defense from the president himself. Whilst I have been straightforward to him , I am at a loss at some projects have not went on because they did not meet congressional or house approval.

Its is imperative that we get these projects off the ground. The galaxy is fast becoming a hostile place, the attack on Ixcumane taught us this. I am a wondering about our military’s future . The current levels of funding approved by this fiscal subcommittee is sufficient enough for the coming years. As for the foreign aid bit senator Qauntrell was speaking about. It is my position that I will accept the directives set forth by government to give military advisors, armaments, and munitions countries allied to the alliance, but Mr. Speaker we had better see some realistic development in the research funding front. Other races are fast producing ships large and more powerful than their previous versions. Our allies in coreida to say the least have dug themselves in to a bigger hole than ever before. They have been dealt a wrong hand . But from this effort of our nation they may well be safe temporally at least. We need a good foreign military presence, additional troops and some ships Froward deployed in some of our allies would provide a massive boost to both national security and their security. Without that I see a rough and rocky future for any approval of additional efforts for bailing out these countries.

When our representatives are working with the TEC it is their responsibility to make sure that their people ,and trade lines are being taken care of. As far as I am concerned this is not the case today. Most if not all TEC lanes are delegated to only a hand full of TEC members . bitter end on matters of national defense and security. But, when doing so they would like to think that their government is giving them a fair break on dealing with pirates . This is not the case today. Right now we have situations with komothor unfolding, in a detestable way attempting to police our nation violating the sovereign rights of our people.

But a matter of national security is also present, the unscrupulous presence of one of their capital ships near our space is highly alarming, as that ship can shoot off rounds likely to destroy one of our worlds instantly worse than what happened to ixcumane. As we vote to place trade sanctions upon komothor we run the risk of them becoming aggressive. It is known that some of our trade partners are going into the countries we have trade sanctions with and selling to them. They then take the extra earnings this way, but trading with such nations or trading with nations we are at war with is a grave risk to national security Yet, for the past two years the Department which I have been in charge of has yet to spend one Federal Dollar on preventing this. I Implore congress to provide me authority for up to F$550 Billion for this program. I would personally like to see some of that money used, but in consideration of what you have done in the past couple of years, I honestly don't understand why you are trying to oppose such things.

As such I now yield the floor.

The Masses of senators quibbled and squawked and talked with one another this went back and forth for hours upon hours.
The Fedral Union
31-05-2009, 10:04
The speaker of the house spoke as soon as the last man was done speaking.

“The Floor will be yielded to the senator from camanis, Tom Macquarie . Senator Macquarie if you please.”

A young man stood up with a serious expression upon his face. Speaking out.

Thank you Mr. Speaker . It is simple, this Congress needs to provide these departments with all the tools to do their jobs, including funding . I would like to bring up various situations that secretary Colbert did not. First we clear signs of posturing and threats from the nations of wolf hold . There have also been veiled threats from members within the TRIAD Enterprises administration, who several months ago demanded we change TEC policy because it would be an act of war to use a multi nation coalition to secure our ports, and our responses of searching ships going through our territory will increase those threats and voices. I am concerned that another ixcumane will occur again in our lifetime if not soon. States like wolf-hold seem to be intent on siding with red talons if we do not take strong measures to deter any of their attacks we might find ourselves at war with them . People like General Dugal cannot be allowed to lead fleets let alone give orders, the fired upon a civilian target killing many, this not only caused an international incident but also un told political harm to the Terran Alliances reputation
. Now we have to flip the bill for his mistake and appropriate funds to nations hurt by that catastrophe. However nations like red talons before this war became the playgrounds for those those with the big dollars dedicated to making it a hotbed of piracy and to use it for their own means. Well that is my sermon on what I think the issues are driving this entire budget . Here ends the lesson.

Now I must go onto the issue which I am sure you knew I would bring up today, the funding issues for the TEC. I cannot believe the nature of this debate. The Terran Alliance has always paid its share it has done its part in the TEC. The other members allowed this budget situation to occur. A couple of weeks prior to the crisis in witch the former secretary general of that organization attempted to stop a war between us and the rouge nation of red talons The TEC Budget was non existent. A budget that was needed to pay for gate operations, training of TEC police forces and intelligence agencies. The members where lazing about while this congress passed a funding bill to donate money to the TEC. This congress and this nation has protected their interest with our funds and our resources. Senator anita brown from Sohjin, Senator Ronald Hague from Enikonmi have both joined me in sending a letter outlining our concerns to both the president and the secretary general of the TEC and suggesting that we must pressure TEC members and allies to fund the organization as well. We stated that we would be willing to work with them and the Administration in developing a policy to address these issues of the TEC ,and the issues of setting aside funds for its budget. This announcement by the media that the TEC was being funded almost entirely on TA funds had the greatest impact on the peoples opinion. Obviously those people who have elected us have no understanding of the finer issues, since their voices and their concerns went selectively unanswered by the TEC offices and the president and now we are here at the 2813 budget hearing and we are being asked yet again to have our tax payers flip the bill for an organization that benefits others , granted it benefits us to, but with the amount of funds we are needing to throw at it, it seems to be giving smaller and smaller returns . This concerns me greatly, since we like the President are elected officials, and although both Congress and the Administration like to act like we have all the answers. By working together we may be able to at least address them in a fashion that will answer the concerns of all the people, not just special interest groups that fancy having one ear or the other. In closing I say the TEC must be held responsible for its own spending our nation cannot flip the bill any more, its just not fair.!