NationStates Jolt Archive

United States of PA Factbook

United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:03
The Republic of the United States of Pennsylvania
Democracy, Bicameral House
Head of State:President Andrew Hundley
Head of Government:President Andrew Hundley
Head of Congress:Vice-President Levi Smith
Secretary of State:Secretary Brandon John
Secretary of Defense:Secretary Laura Kennedy
Secretary of the Treasury:Secretary Christopher Rumbough
Head of the Senate:Senator John McCain
Head of the House of Representatives:Representative Arlin Spector

Different State Governers
New England District:Governer Ed Rendell
Southern District:Governer Terry Murphy
Southwestern District:Governer Arnold Scwartzeneger
Northern District:Steven Gunther
Central District:.Derrick Dietrich

President Andrew Hundley's Biography

The Current President grew up on a small farm in NE Central Pennsylvania in the Old American Union, he grew up in a poor family, his father and mother worked 18 hour days all days of the week, and as a result he had to take care of the house. He started working unofficially at the age of 7, and officially at 14. At Age 18 he joined the Army to provide some income so that his parents could work less, being as they were into their mid 50s now. At age 22, when he was a 1st LT, America split into its second Civil War, the one that would dissolve the Union. He joined on the Pennsylvanian Side, and due to his massive knowlegde of Military Tactics was given a immediate promotion to General of the Army and commanded the Entire Pennsylvanian Force. Over the next 8 Years he led the Pennsylvanians to Victory reuniting the Country under a new union. Andrew Ran for President and was Elected, he immediately went to work getting a new Government Set up. His government was modeled off of the old American one with the exception that there was no Term limit, as a result, he has ran in and won 5 Elections so far, for a total of 23 Years as President. The reason for this is that he a very smart Individual, who tries to compensate for everything, as a result he is greatly respected among everyone in the country. He is a man who believes that having a strong military is a neccessity, so he runs both a rather large and a rather well trained Armed Forces.

Its not finished yet as you can see, but as i have time i will finish it
United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:04
Armed Forces

Marine Corps(USPAMC)
Air Force(USPAAF)

Number of Active Soldiers
Army-1.1 Million
Air Force-300,000
Marine Corps-260,000

Number of Reserves total-at Least 36 Million
Number of People fit for Service-201 Million

Joint Cheifs of Staff
General Michael Titus-Supreme Commander
United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:05
Post Reserve #1
United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:06
Post REserve #2
United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:08
Post Reserve #3
United States of PA
28-05-2009, 04:11
Post Reserve #4