NationStates Jolt Archive

Taledonia(MT Factbook)

30-04-2009, 03:45
Everything or Nothing
Map of Taledonia

Capital City: Calgary, Alberta
Number of Provinces: 12 Provinces
National Summary:

Government Type: Democracy
Head of State: President Harris
Vice-President: Gregory Glenn
Federal Assembly:
Legislative Body: Congress
Executive Body: Senate
Provincial Assembly: Provincial Legislature

Racial Make-Up
Caucasian: 41.7%
Asian: 26.5%
Negro: 19.5%
Native: 4.3%
Indian: 4%
Hispanic: 4%
30-04-2009, 03:46
History Timeline


Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau enacts the National Energy Program(NEP) to counter the energy crises of the 70's. The NEP promises to ship oil from Alberta to the eastern provinces for less than market value.


Imperial Oil, Husky Energy, Exxon(Esso) cut back dramatically in the number of rigs working in Alberta. Thousands of citizens lose their jobs and apply for welfare. To cope with the increased demand, royalty taxes are raised on the oil companies.


Major oil companies declare they are pulling out of Western Canada. Final rigs shut down, resulting in major unemployment in Alberta and parts of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Western provinces ask federal government for more funds but are denied. Protests begin in Calgary and spread to most major cities in Alberta. Riots begin in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer and Grand Prairie.


Riots intensify as the local RCMP and military forces join the cause of the protesters. Mobs swarm Edmonton and demand the provincial government act to bring back the oil companies. Alberta Premier sends to Ottawa, but Trudeau refuses to reduce royalties or repeal the NEP. Eastern military forces, primarily out of Quebec and Ontario, are sent to quell Albertan riot, but are forced to retreat back into Saskatchewan when riots begin in Regina and Saskatoon. Riots begin in northern British Columbia. The Premiers of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan begin conferences.


The intent to secede from the Federation of Canada is announced to the federal government. British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan declare themselves the Land of Taledonia. Trudeau sends further eastern incursions into the west and refuses to accept Taledonian sovereignty.


Battle of Reindeer Lake-Canadian forces engage and defeat Taledonian forces at Reindeer Lake in northern Saskatchewan on the Manitoba/Saskatchewan boarder.

Battle of Saskatoon-Canadian forces storm and capture the city of Saskatoon before Taledonian reinforcements, inbound from Edmonton, can arrive. When the Edmonton garrison arrives they succeed in retaking the city.


Canadian forces dynamite and collapse mines in northern Saskatchewan to eliminate the jobs of the locals who they suspect are helping the Taledonians.

Taledonian forces meet and defeat Canadian forces near Prince Albert National Park. Reinforcements arrive from Regina and the combined force sweeps upwards, driving Canadian forces back to Reindeer Lake.


Canadian forces retreat from Reindeer Lake and bolster defenses in Manitoba for fear of Taledonian incursions.

Taledonian armies from British Columbian and Alberta move into the Yukon Territories and head towards Whitehorse. Citizens of Whitehorse welcome the Taledonians as liberators.

Yukon military garrison arrives in force to retake Whitehorse, but are heavily outnumbered and forced to surrender. The Yukon garrison joins the Taledonian forces with the promise of being forgiven for taking up arms against the Taledonian state.


Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau negotiates a temporary cease-fire with Taledonia. Canadian forces in Manitoba are recalled to deal with revolts taking place in Quebec.

The Northwest Territories cedes from the Federation and joins the Land of Taledonia. The Inuit nations of the eastern part of the Northwest Territories declare themselves a separate Territory still belonging to the Canadian Federation.


Canada recognizes Taledonian sovereignty and a peace is declared.

Taledonia removes high royalties and many other economic restrictions and invites oil companies to return. Most of the Taledonian army is disbanded as the people return to work in the re-starting oil rigs.

Calgary is declared national capitol of Taledonia.


The federal government is set up, following a more American style of democracy in lieu of the parliamentary system still in use by the provincial governments.


Soviet Union collapses. Taledonian businesses waste little time in establishing connections and opening markets in the new Republics.

Major oil companies are mostly forced out of Taledonia by native companies.


Taledonian companies quickly expand south into US states, quickly taking over many of the markets.


Washington and Montana declare independence from the Union and join Taledonia in exchange for all State debt being paid and in favor of the pro-business Taledonian government and way of life. Idaho, Wyoming and Oregon soon follow suite.

United States declares war on Taledonia.



American forces invade Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon. Slowly, they begin to recapture much of the states.


Taledonian reinforcements arrive from the northern provinces and bolster the defences of Wyoming and Idaho, repulsing American forces. American forces in Oregon fall back to Utah.

Taledonian forces invade Utah and Colorado.

Battle of Denver- Taledonian forces win a decisive victory over American forces, forcing them to withdraw from Colorado


Battle of Salt Lake City- Taledonian forces invade Salt Lake City, but are heavily opposed by American military forces and civilian militia. Air superiority is won for the Taledonians, who begin to bomb American positions. The Mormon Church is destroyed in the fighting, as is much of the city.

American forces retreat from Utah.


President Bill Clinton negotiates peace with Taledonia on the condition that American personnel would supervise the dismantling of all nuclear warheads left in the former states and see that their uranium was used in Taledonian nuclear power plants and not in weapons manufacturing.


Taledonian corporations are given access to Falsonian markets.
30-04-2009, 03:47
30-04-2009, 03:50
Placeholder-International Relations
19-05-2009, 09:20