NationStates Jolt Archive

Factbook for the Theocratic Coalition (Earth V)

Persecution and Hatred
27-04-2009, 00:44

Capitals: Jerusalem (Spiritual)
Pretoria (Administrative)
Wellington (Judicial)

Constituent Theocratic Templar member states:
Land Area
Israel: 20,000 sq km
South Africa: 1,200,000 sq km
New Zealand: 268,600 sq km

Constituent Theocratic protectorates:

Total Land Area: 1,488,000 sq km

Population and demographics:

Isreal: 7,000,000
South Africa: 48,000,000
New Zealand: 4,500,000

Total Population: 59,500,000

Official Religions

1. Christianity
2. Judaism
Tolerated Religions
3. Islam
4. Hinduism, Sikhism, Budhism, Confucianism.

Banned Religions

1. Scientology
2. Paganism
3. Satanism

System of Government

Constitutional Theocracy

Legislature: 128 member "amalgamated" chamber of the
new Templar Order

Head of State

Current Incumbent: Lord Protector Kingston Smith

Armed Forces of the Coalition: (work in progress)

Number of Forces (Army)
(Formed by proportionate religous quota)

590,000 total Combat Ready Infantry

200,000 in Isreal

300,000 in South Africa

90,000 in New Zealand

1.6 million logistics

Standard Ordinance

Basic Arms: standard M16 assault rifle, Uzi sidearm (Israel, South Africa, New Zealand)

Tanks: 500 Merkava Mk IV (Isreal) (also doubles as APC) 600 Olifant mk2 main battle tank (SA)


Troop Transport: Sufa Jeep (Isreal) (5000)

Artillery: 1500 Soltam M71 Howitzer (Isreal, South Africa, New Zealand),

Air Support:

Diplomatic relations with the Coalition
Persecution and Hatred
27-04-2009, 01:06
how the coalition came into being

These very combustible religous elements came into being through a united front against both Religous extremism between their relevant internal religous sects and against the inherent international danger of the proliferating menances of religous apathy and the repugnant rise of "scientology".

these Religious tenets united the South African peoples (both black and white) through the common denominator of God and also sparked reconciliation through the troubled former kopperbergs kingdom of Israel.

The foundations of the modern Templar state derives from the ancient order of the knights Templar back in the 12th and 13th centuries and very loosely follows some of the less fundamental tenets of the ancient order (one being holding strategic land as bastions of Christiandom) however abitrary genocide of muslims is now not one of these as the nation now tries to reconcile with its minority religions and its mighty surrounding Islamic neighbours.