The War in Sorsk (Open, MT, Introduction).
((OOC: Everybody who has joined in here is advised to join in on this (
President Sergey Olegovich Ivanovic downed the last of his vodka quickly. He was looking at reports from the towns of Dusinky and Korsiky, small mining towns in Dzerisk. The former was now in National Socialist Liberation Army control, the later in control of the Sorskian People's Democractic Front, both depiscable thorns in Ivanovic's side. Sorsk was small, and her economy was struggling, and rebels was the last thing Ivanovic needed. He had led the nation's military from a small band of militants into a small but well trained force, armed with equipment manufactured in Sorsk itself, though not originally Sorskian itself. It had taken long to seize control of the nation, snuggling up close to a dying Yuriy Vladimirovich Lussdren, encouraging him to nearly pour the entire national budget into law and order and defence, only a small bit going to anything else. Sorsk needed a military, not that Lussdren could see it in his healthier days. As big a military it could get, as well trained and as well armed as possible.
Ivanovic was in his office now. The white walls of the office were adourned with art, ranging from a large potrait of Lussdren to a painting of a military parade in 2005. The desk was made out of a brown oak, several documents sitting on and a nameplate - entitled 'President Sergey Ivanovic' - on it, along with a small lamp. It was an hour or so past midnight now, and Ivanovic had been awakened from a deep sleep in his family home to come to the office for an emergency meeting of the Cabinet, but he had arrived early, and was reading over the reports, alone. He had his lamp on and his reading glasses, his greying hair forming a fringe over his forehead. His beard was black, with a few white hairs growing inside it, marking his ageing self. He was fifty now, and he wouldn't hide his grey hair like his wife did with dye and that.
Ivanovic nearly jumped whenever somebody knocked his office's door twice. "Come in."
In came Premier Mikhail Borissovich Telavov, a man of the same age of Ivanovic but shorter in stacture and not as big, in terms of weight. His hair was cleanly cut, a black colour with greys showing up in it. He was wearing a suit with a black tie, while Ivanovic was wearing a modern Chinese tunic suit, or, as it was know elsewhere, a 'Mao suit'.
"Ah, Mikhail, hello," smiled Ivanovic, shaking his hand. "Forgive me for asking, but when does the meeting begin?"
"Twenty-five minutes, sir," replied Telavov. "I feel I must inform you about the economic situation, sir."
"What about it, hmm?" pondered Ivanovic.
"The economy is on its way to a complete collapse," started Telavov bravely. "The lack of attention to other governmental departments except Defence and Law and Order have created conditions of poverty across the country. Children are dying in the street in many towns, diseases like cholera spreading fast across the Socialist Republic. Infrastructure is collapsing, and the Sorskian Ruble has dropped...singficantly."
"I see," nodded Ivanovic, calmed by the vodka. "Allow a small flow of rubles into other areas of spending in the July budget, but for now, we will continue as normal."
"But sir, by July, disease and homelessness could-" pleaded Telavov.
"Enough," stated Ivanovic calmly but sincerely. "We continue as normal."
* * *
The snow was falling in Dusinky. It covered the entire town in minutes, thick snow everywhere. The town was in ruins, the National Socialist Liberation Army having just one thousand militant soldiers now, while the military consisted of over twenty thousand soldiers, a hefty amount for a nation of seven million which was beginning to go on another recruitment drive, really just enforcing conscription. The country focused completely on the military, which was why the country could afford equipment, at the expense of everything else. The Nazi Lib Army was too small to establish national socialism in the country, especially whenever the communists started attacking.
Olega Denelov was flying a Sukhoi Su-25 over Dusinky, with her squadron, Delta Two One. The orders for an attack on the NSLA headquarters, Dusinky, well into the north of the country, had been swift, ordered directly by President Ivanovic. The fascists had taken control of the village thanks to a suprise attack on the poorly defended town, connected with Korsiky, controlled by the Sorskian People's Democratic Front via a bridge. Strategic bombers would destroy that quickly. But for now, Olega was to drop bombs on troop concencrations and just about as many buildings as she possibly could to elimnate as much fascist forces as possible.
In a few minutes, they were flying over the town. It was already in ruins, pieces of infrastructure scattered across the road, the reason why tanks weren't involved in the attack. They would just be blocked by the rubble and blown up by the fascisti with rocket propelled grenades. There were a few troops across the streets, several large buildings which had been marked as troop bases.
"Weapons free."
Olega dropped two bombs onto a troop encampment. Many more would follow. That begin the War in Sorsk.
* * *
Roman Yuriyovich Alessandro held the AK-47 firmly in his two, strong hands. His blond hair was swaying in the wind, snow getting caught in it. He forced himself through the snow towards the bridge, his alert blue eyes making out large clouds of smoke rising from Dusinky, and massive fires. That was when he realised what was happening.
"The communists are attacking!" he screamed at the top of his voice.
There were only two thousand troops in the Front, about double the amount in the Nazis. They were armed with AK-47s and the like, both factions supplies running very low. Still, democracy would have to be created in the country. Though at the current standings, the communists were on their way to a slick, clean victory.
In a blink of an eye, a bomb hit the bridge. It exploded on it, knocking rubble everywhere and splitting it in two parts. Alessandro was forced onto the ground by the magnitude of the blast. He was the only man on Earth to witness the destruction of a medieval bridge which connected two towns in Sorsk.
He couldn't get up. That was when he noticed his left leg was gone.
((OOC: I'm going to place a troop limit at 10 thousand, a ship limit at 10 and number of aircraft at 500 per nation. For all interested, Sorsk is located on Territory 20 of this ( map.))
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 03:30
OOC: Mind if i ask a question?, who alls fighting who here?
OOC: Mind if i ask a question?, who alls fighting who here?
((OOC: Read through the thread. The ruling hardline communist dictatorship, the Nationalist Socialist Liberation Army and the Sorskian People's Democratic Front. The communists have started attacking a NSLA-controlled town and have blown up the bridge via bombing which connected the NSLA-town with a Front controlled town. OK? Foreign intervention needed!))
"How goes the assault?" asked Ivanovic, a half empty glass of vodka on his desk. Before him stood Defence Minister Alejandro Mikhailovich Darakov, an old ex-general in the Socialist Republic Army. He was young, just forty years old, his hair a dark brown colour and his green eyes staring at the President. He was quite tall, about six foot eleven, from some village in Sorsk Governonate.
"The facists are pinned back in a large mansion at the centre of the town," reported Darakov, sitting down. "Rubble blocks our tanks getting through, as was expected, and are troops will be beginning the final phase of the assault in a few minutes."
"The bridge was successfully blown up, and the Front has not reacted to the attacks in any shape or form, and have started reinforcing their own positions. Whenever the time comes to attack Kosinky, carpet bombing will most likely be our way of attack, sir."
Ivanovic grinned. "Brilliant. You may go home now, enjoy the rest of the day, comrade. Also, here's a bottle of the finest vodka from our country!"
Darakov accepted the vodka with a smile, and exited the room quietly.
((OOC: So the NSLA are nearly destroyed. Is anybody going to help them?))
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 17:22
((OOC: Read through the thread. The ruling hardline communist dictatorship, the Nationalist Socialist Liberation Army and the Sorskian People's Democratic Front. The communists have started attacking a NSLA-controlled town and have blown up the bridge via bombing which connected the NSLA-town with a Front controlled town. OK? Foreign intervention needed!))
OOC:Yea i knew the Commies and NSLA, but i didnt notice anywhere in there where you mentioned the exact faction of the Democrats, i assumed but wasnt certain, let me crunch some numbers here and i will get back to
United North States
25-04-2009, 19:29
Near a NSLA-Controlled town:
I'm a nice guy, really I am, but everyone has those bad, angry days. No, it wasn't because my Girlfriend dumped me the day before I was ordered to travel to this hell hole. No it wasn’t because we were sent to this hell hole to support a dictator so we could keep our cheap gas and five dollar peanut butter. It was because right now our Sea Knights were dropping like flies
"F-2 niner we are going down, going down! Screamed a pilot on the radio. I griped my rife even tighter now "Oh Lord" I thought "I have kids pl-" I was interrupted by the loud thud that meant our Heli' had landed. In an instant my training kicked. "All right ladies here's the plan, our advance team is pinned down at "Hill housing" I stopped for a breath, I felt on fire.”Our job is to relive them, then re join second platoon to take this God-damn mud hole!" Everyone let out a war cry. A mix of bad movie one liners: Lock 'n load, Shoot to Kill baby, say hello to me little friend! I cover my face with my palm, this won't be easy...
((So this is my first time writing one of these, feel free to critic me in any way you want.))
((OOC: Good job, mate.))
Awaiting the troops from the United North States was the 3rd Platoon of the Socialist Republic Army. They were taking cover behind a line of sandbacks, forces from the NSLA starting to kill them, one by one. The lieutenant, Mikhail Nastavic, was firing his AK-74 blindly, before reloading and turning to shout at the foreign troops.
"You're here?" he shouted. "Take cover, the fascists are firing heavily!"
At that moment, a sniper's bullet passed through Nastavic's head, killing him inistantly. Blood was splattered across the sandbags. However, in a few moments, calls for air support were answered and the block of houses the NSLA were hiding in it were reduced to ruins, probably killing most of them.
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 20:28
The 8th Battlehawk Navy Expedition Fleet approached Sorsk. They had been ordered to go to Sorsk and intervene in the bloodshed that was taking place. As they approached 10 F-32's launched from one of two Excelsior Class Carriers. The Aircraft sped ahead of the fleet and began to recce the nation of Sorsk, keeping a careful eye out for bogeys.
OOC: Would you prefere peacekeeprs or me to support a faction: probably the Democracic one
((OOC: Your call.))
As the Battlehawkian planes flew by, an army platoon patrolling the snow-covered forest in Lussdyia, a governorate in the country's south, spotted the foreign planes fly by. It was snowing heavily, but the troops who were trudging through the snow, most of them conscripts, could still make out the planes.
They pointed at them for sa few minutes, before one of the radiomen sent a message out in all frequencies available; "Unidentified aircraft, unidentified aircraft, this is the Fourth Platoon of the Socialist Republic Army, please identify yourself now, please identify yourself now. Over."
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 20:43
"This is the Battlehawk Navy, we intend to restore peace to this nation" The Squadron lead said as the squadron wheeled around and came back towards the origin of the message
United North States
25-04-2009, 20:44
"You 3rd? Thank God alot of us didn't think you'd make it, let's get back to 2nd platoon before they can regroup." I signal my men to follow me into the open market.
"SNIPER!" yelled one of the private's seconds before he got his head top of. "Damn it there counter attacking get down, get down!"
Holy sh%^, Holy sh%^ my mind was racing a mile a minute. "Covering fire! Miles, Harbringer your our scout snipers, SNIPE ! Just that moment another bullet passsed me by me. Quicky I yell into my mic." Two-zero need thunder artillary at grid 2-0-8-2-1danger close over!" After a short burst of static the respone came.
"Can't risk FF over." spoke the calm voice on the other end.
"Yes, sir grid 2-0-8-2-1danger close fire for effect standby, Thunder out."
The same radiomen spoke again, as the snow started to be replaced by hailstones. "Battlehawk Navy, Battlehawk Navy, so you are supporting the Socialist Republic and will assist us in attacking the breakaway forces of the National Socialist Liberation Army and the so-called 'People's' Sorskian Democratic Front? Over."
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 20:49
"We wish to know the details of the war before we make decisions on our support, for now our orders are to fire on anyone who poses a threat" The Leader replied as the Jets flew lower over the soldiers
United North States
25-04-2009, 20:50
"All Clear, Mikey, Herman, and Vort scout out the area I want no other surpirses."
"Yes sir!" they respond in unision
I pull out a map of the reigon then turn to the group SLA troops. "I'd like to speak to the man in charge before we move on please?"
The radiomen began speaking into the radio again. "Battlehawk Navy, Battlehawk Navy, I represent the Socialist Republic of Sorsk. We were founded by Yuriy Lussdren in the nineteen fifties, overthrowing the corrupt, capitalist monarchy. Sorsk is a communist state dedicated to freedom and socialism. The ruins near us were caused during the prelude to the War by the rebel factions, and our government is trying to silence them."
"Battlehawk Navy, Battlehawk Navy, I request you support the Socialist Republic so we can end this war and start the rebuilding and industralization process in the country. Over."
* * *
One of the soldiers, a blonde haired, blue eyed 20-year-old by the name of Yuriy, who spoke in broken English and was wearing standard military uniform, though he was wearing a large, white winter coat over it and a bear skin hat.
"Leader killed minute ago," spoke Private Yuriy. "Sniper shoot him. No leader, no leader."
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:05
200 Miles from Sorsk, a Pennsylvanian Battle group was sailing towards the country, in its composition was
HCVN-1 USS Bartelemeo Mancuso
HCVN-2 USS Andrew Hundley
CGM-1 USS Hunter
DDG-10-21 USS Zumwalt, USS Long Island, USS Mahan, USS Donald Cook, USS Spruance, USS Michael Murphy, USS Truxton,
LHD-1-5 USS Wasp, USS Essex, USS Kearsarge, USS Boxer, USS Bataan
LHA-6-7 USS America, USS Phillipines
Total Aircraft-314 F-35IIIs
24 MV-22s
16 AH-1s
8 CH-53Ks
8 MH-60s
30 SH-90Fs
1st Marine Brigade
9,965 Marines
342 M117 Spartan 155m Guns
2,563 HMMWVs
576 Strykers
231 Bradleys
123 M6A2 MBTs
These Troops were under orders to Assist the Democratic front in every way possible
((OOC: PA, could you me a massive favour by editing your Order of Battle in order to be in line with the new limits I've set up? Cheers. The limits are at the bottom of the first post.))
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:19
OOC:ok, but im leaving the Amphibs because they cant attack, only defend themselves, not even effectively at that
United North States
25-04-2009, 22:20
" Well by the powers given to me, by the holy suck your the new leader, here." I led him to the ruins of what used to be a house and pull out the town's map. 'Okay were here, and waay over here on the other side of town is the rally point, the red zones are where are Fire surpports are shooting at." I look up at him then sighed. "So are best route there is through the backalleys... but the M16's are not suited for CQC, any ideas?"
I looked at this kid, he can't have been over twenty he was still a child. A child I would need a reminded myself. Peering back at the men tighting my jaw already we had one dead and two wounded. He didn't even know if anyone but him made it out of their Heli's, well will find out...
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:24
As The fleet reached 75 miles out, the MV-22 Ospreys started Taking off towards the Country, each with a Platoon of Marines onboard, with orders to move into (Insert town or vilage name here) to fight the Remnants of the NSLA and anybody supporting them
((OOC: Agreed. Cheers.))
In the town of Alejandia, one man was carrying the Flag of National Socialism, his leg wounded with a Makarov PM bullet. He limped towards the top of the former Mayor's Building. His name was Vladimir, and he had joined the Army not out of ideology, but to survive. Like most of the soldiers in the different factions, he was only in the faction to survive and feed his dying mother and his younger siblings. His brown hair was sweaty, flopping over his eyes. Blood was dripping from his leg, but he still limped on.
He got to the top of the building, many drops of blood behind him. He cut off the old Sorskian flag with his flag and planted the flag he had bore for two days.
He then collapsed off the top of the building from exhaustion. But his actions had secured the NSLA a new town in its control.
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:29
25 Minutes after taking off, the MV-22s arrived with 1,000 men from the Marines offshore, they fastroped outside of the town, setting up a front on the Coast so that when the Amphibs arrived they could have a clear Landing zone for the Vehicles
OOC:lets just say that Alejandia is a coastal village ok
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 22:30
The Squadron leader did not respond to the Radio man as they had been redircted to above where the Pensslevanians were landing.
" Well by the powers given to me, by the holy suck your the new leader, here." I led him to the ruins of what used to be a house and pull out the town's map. 'Okay were here, and waay over here on the other side of town is the rally point, the red zones are where are Fire surpports are shooting at." I look up at him then sighed. "So are best route there is through the backalleys... but the M16's are not suited for CQC, any ideas?"
I looked at this kid, he can't have been over twenty he was still a child. A child I would need a reminded myself. Peering back at the men tighting my jaw already we had one dead and two wounded. He didn't even know if anyone but him made it out of their Heli's, well will find out...
Yuriy turned towards the foreigner - he still wasn't sure where he was from - and sighed, reloading his AK-74 and Makarov PM. The snow was falling thickly once again, the town they were in ruins. The 20-year-old was running low on ammunition on all of his weapons.
"I think building there factory?" Yuriy pointed at a large building very close to them. "PM-84 Glauber..Glauber..Glauberyt made there. Many other weapon made there. Rebels have not raided, I think."
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:37
Captain Patrick Shaffer was the commander of the first Battalion to land in Sorsk, he had exactly 1,000 Men with M-9 Assault Rifles, LMGs, and Sniper rifles. as well as some 81mm Mortars and Javelins, he set up a Perimeter around the beach, and waited for the remaining men to come in
"Not responding!" shouted the radiomen in Sorskian. "The damn foreigners are not responding!"
His leader instructed him to connect with the radios back at Alejandro, which was a coastal base of the army. Little did they know that the little town had been taken over by the National Socialists and that it was most likely foreign forces would take it before the soldiers woke up the next morning to a breakfast of porridge and water.
"Alejandro, foreigners landing in country...Alejandro...Battlehawk Navy landing, connect to them, we don't know their intentions!"
A few of the radioes near the 'landing zone' were still functioning by some miracle.
United North States
25-04-2009, 22:37
"Captain *radio static* Captain *radio static*, Please me advised we have reports of enemy armor setting up base at grid: 2-5-9-0 we are now shelling the area please avoid the area around gird:2-5-9-0 . Over
'Okay stratch that route... But if it's are only way." I look at my map again then groaned.
"Were taking the detour, Jonny open that man hole!"
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:40
The Marine Battalion under the Command of CPT Shaffer had some of the best toys in the Armed forces with them, one of Which was a Radio Signal Locator, within 30 seconds of the radio being used, 32 81mm Mortars began a Bombbardment of the Area, with 35 F-35IIIs 5,000 Feet above the clouds armed with 4 2,000 pound Unguided bombs each
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 22:48
The Squadron leader radioed down to the PA troops as they wheeled about.
"Attention PA forces, what is your mission, we stand by to assist, Battlehawk Navy"
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:51
CPT Shaffer had met some Battlehawk troops before and he liked them, first he radioed back to the America for permission to tell them, 1 1/2 minutes after the message was recieved, this was sent to the Squadron Leader
"Our orders are to assist the Democratic forces in Sorsk in attaining control of the Government"
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 22:53
"Understood, we'll provide additional air support, and we'll land our forces to assist you in assisting them" The Squadron leader radioed as more F-32's arrived, from the distance the Battlehawk Taskgroup approached.
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 22:57
In the town, the 81mm Mortars began landing around where the Radio Intercepts had been detected, while above the clouds the F-35IIIs dropped altitude, turned on the IR Detectors, and IDed at the very least 3 Groupings of Enemies, soon thereafter, 12 F-35IIIs went in and bombed each location, while another went and bombed a nearby bridge
CPT Shaffer sent this to the Battlehawk Squadron Commander
"Copy you loud and clear, we have the Beach secured, and are hitting the town with mortars and Fighters, may i ask what you are armed with?"
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 22:59
"AIM-120's and AGM "Trunchons"" The Sqn Leader replied "And a few General Purpose Bombs@
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 23:00
"Ok, would you mind hitting the Local Airfield so that they cannot use it for their own aircraft?
"Captain *radio static* Captain *radio static*, Please me advised we have reports of enemy armor setting up base at grid: 2-5-9-0 we are now shelling the area please avoid the area around gird:2-5-9-0 . Over
'Okay stratch that route... But if it's are only way." I look at my map again then groan.
"Were taking the detour, Jonny open that man hole!"
Yuriy turned behind himself and saw the dead corpses of his platoon. All of them had died thanks to the rebels. He shed a quick tear for them. He then turned to the arms factory. There was something about tanks nearby, so they couldn't raid the building. He shook his head at the thought of the rebels acquiring those weapons and bombs.
"Sir," Yuriy said to his 'frien'd whom his name he didn't know. "Since we not raiding factory, should factory blown up? Rebels should not get weapon and bomb."
With that, Yuriy jumped down the manhole, AK-74 in hand.
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 23:04
"En route" The Sgn Lead replied as they headed that way
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 23:06
"Roger that, after your done there we would like you to Provide CAP Over the beachhead while our aircraft bomb the town"
As the foreign troops landed, about one hundred troops of the NSLA started charging towards them with AK-47s in hand, firing at them blindly in a last stand. Their snipers started firing soon at the enemy, their accuracy brilliant as Sorskian sniperi were.
The troops were charging through the streets, while the snipers were scattered across well hidden locations across Alejandia. They just wanted to kill as many enemy troops as possible, not to live. Well, most of them would like to live, but their leaders were true national socialists and would let all of them die for the Cause.
The Battlehawk
25-04-2009, 23:11
"Aproaching the airfield Star One" Star 12 reported.
"Target bombs for the hangers, have Metor squadron perform SEAD duties" Star One ordered
United North States
25-04-2009, 23:12
"That's not our mission kid, let's just try to get to the rally point, okay." Behind my back I can hear my men whisper:
"Did'cha see dat, crap this country has big rats." Corporal Miles said
"That's not a rat, it's your shawdow." corrected Sergeant Harbringer
'Okay shut it! were going up and there's about a thousand diffrent ways the bad guys can kill you." I struggle to open the man hole, what did they make these out of lead wraped in a hundred pound steel? Once I wriggled it off and. My heart took a leap just beyond a few burnt out buildens was the green rally smoke...
Yuriy turned on his torch, but he went pale at the sights he saw there. There was rotting corpses, blood over the wall and blood and guts everywhere, along with giant rats and spilt vodka.
He was speechless, but he knew he had to keep the torch on. He jumped down, and vomited. Yuriy stood there, waiting for the rest of the 'unit'.
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 23:18
As the Enemy charged the troops, they let lose with disciplined 3 round burst, dropping almost all of them before they even got close to the lines, while the Marksmans in the Battalion went into counter-sniper mode, Pennsylvanian Marksman were on average twice as accurate as any Sorksian
Vladimir Petrovich had his SVD in his hand as he stared at the disgusting foreign counter-snipers as he aimed down his scope. He turned towards one of them, who was obviously aiming directly towards him. He wiped the snow of his scope, and reloaded, of course taking cover behind the window.
He turned back to the sniper, getting his scope on his forehead. He put pressure on the trigger, before pulling it directly at him. Many of his comrades had also fired accurate shots around that moment.
However, a bullet raged through the scope in a blink of the eye. The bullet passed through Vladimir's eye easily, and the small shards of glass stabbed his eye as well. In his confusion, he fell out of the window and fell onto the snow-covered ground below.
United North States
25-04-2009, 23:27
I climbed back down the man hole to tell the the Kid the good new.
"Hey kiddy I- hey something wrong?" suddenly I came to a horrible realizion. My thermal goggles had fail to see the blood, the bodies...
"My Lord... no one, no matter what they did should end up like this." I try surppress a vomit, and fail I feel like the I'm sick, the world's sick an utter amount of feeling I can't explain boil up inside me... "Look kid... I'll understand if you don't want to go on..."
United States of PA
25-04-2009, 23:30
Out of the 1,000 men on the beach, 250 were Sharpshooters, due to the recent War Games the Battalion had participated in, the men were at the top of their game, by this point, only 5 men were dead and 23 Wounded
The kid turned sharply to the man, whose name he still didn't know.
"I go on," replied Yuriy. "Continue to zone."
Yuriy started walking through the blood and guts, before recognising a particular dead body as his mother, though her arms were in place of her legs and vice versa.
"Mother..." cried Yuriy, in Sorskian, as he saw her mutilated corpse, recognised only by her face shape and hair. "I..I..I..."
He was lost for words. The bodies of his younger siblings were near his mother, destroyed as much as his mother. He shed a tear for each of them.
United North States
26-04-2009, 01:26
For two hours we searched each house on our way to the rally point. The kid seemed quiet, even more than he was normally.
"Halt and identify your-self!" Yelled a voice coming from the only building left standing an old church.
"Easy were Friends... my name is Captain-"
'It's okay we were expecting you an hour okay come on in!"
'Okay!" I signed my men to follow me into the house. Inside things could only be described as organized chaos nobody inside was still.
"Welcome Captain," I turned to face a short stubby man from the looks of him one might think he was a mail man or a mom'n pop store owner yet on his chest lay the symbol of a Field commander. "We were expecting you a couple hours earlier but no time like the present." He lead me to a more private "office". "I'll be brief, In about... two hours all hell will break loose. We have reason to belive a whole mess a' baddies are coming this way, if they manged to overrun our base UNS forces will not be able to rally, this whole mission will be FUBAR understood? take your men to the west side post haste, and God bless this mess!"
For two hours we searched each house on our way to the rally point. The kid seemed quiet, even more than he was normally.
"Halt and identify your-self!" Yelled a voice coming from the only building left standing an old church.
"Easy were Friends... my name is Captain-"
'It's okay we were expecting you an hour okay come on in!"
'Okay!" I signed my men to follow me into the house. Inside things could only be described as organized chaos nobody inside was still.
"Welcome Captain," I turned to face a short stubby man from the looks of him one might think he was a mail man or a mom'n pop store owner yet on his chest lay the symbol of a Field commander. "We were expecting you a couple hours earlier but no time like the present." He lead me to a more private "office". "I'll be brief, In about... two hours all hell will break loose. We have reason to belive a whole mess a' baddies are coming this way, if they manged to overrun our base UNS forces will not be able to rally, this whole mission will be FUBAR understood? take your men to the west side post haste, and God bless this mess!"
Yuriy followed his leader, walking slightly behind him, as the protocol in the SRA was as a sign of respect. He had lost his helmet, and his messy blonde hair was starting to fall over his alert blue eyes. He had his AK-74 fully loaded, and had picked up more ammuntion than he needed from a small ammuntion box in the tunnels. It was night now in the country, and as far he he knew, there were going west to guard from some assault.
He looked up at the leader, him being taller than the five foot eight inches Yuriy. Yuriy had calmed down now, though the fact his entire family was dead still pricked the back of his head every once in a while. He wasn't a communist - who would be considering what the regime had done - in any form, he viewed himself as a centrist. Still, revealing those opinions in public would get him killed, like what had happened to his friend Vladimir whenever he was eight-years-old.
Yuriy muttered a famous quotation in Old Sorskian; "Here I come God, here I come you, you fucking rat."
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 01:56
30,000 Feet above the Town, a TR-1 Recon Bird had been surveying the town thermally for hours now, the pilot had located 2 Groupings of enemies, which had both converged at a Single building near the center of town, the Pilot called in 3 F-35IIIs armed with Paveways, with orders to hold 17,000 feet up for orders to hit it, they had 6 2000 Pound Paveways total.
OOC:Lets say its the middle of the night now
United North States
26-04-2009, 01:56
I beckoned the men to a small room where (in normal times) someone would ask their God to forgive them for the sins they have committed. Here we were doing the almost exact opposite. "Alright I going to make this quick because we don't have a lot of time, our job is to defend the western side of the church." I surveyed the men making sure there were all paying attention. " Fire in single shot till you can see the whites of their God-given eyes." I slam my fist into the desk to make my point. " We can't call in artillery or air support so were on are own make no mistake Ladies the enemy is out of options they will not stop till everyone of them is dead. You all no where your suppose to go, so GO!
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 01:58
The TR-1 had ided this building as the probable enemy HQ, and ordered the Flight leader to drop both 2,000 Pound Paveways on the building
OOC:Time for ya to do some BDA UNS
United North States
26-04-2009, 02:05
OOC: Err... BDA?
I beckoned the men to a small room where (in normal times) someone would ask their God to forgive them for the sins they have committed. Here we were doing the almost exact opposite. "Alright I going to make this quick because we don't have a lot of time, are job is to defend the western side of the church." I surveyed the men making sure there were all paying attention. " Fire in single shot till you can see the whites of their God-given eyes." I slam my fist into the desk to make my point. " We can't call in artillery or air support so were on are own make no mistake Ladies the enemy is out of options they will not stop till everyone of them is dead. You all no where your suppose to go, so GO!
Yuriy ran out of the room with the rest of the troops, taking cover behind a few sandbags with a sniper, armed with some foreign sniper rifle. He started scanning the area, while Yuriy started saying a prayer. Despite the communists effectively banning religion, he and his family had continued as secret Roman Catholics, and if was to die now, he hoped he wouldn't increase the populace of the already overpopulated Hell.
Yuriy then grabbed his Ak-74 and started looking through the area. Trees were just in front of them, a large forest covered in snow. At that moment, the unmistakble sound of a bullet passing through the air was heard, and some liquid was splattered across Yuriy's face. He turned to his comrade and saw his head had been taken off. Yuriy ducked without thinking, narrowly missing a sniper's bullet.
He had no head, blood splattered everywhere. His sniper rifle was still intact, and probably had a full magizine in it. Carefully, Yuriy picked it up and somehow didn't vomit, and after cleaning off the blood from the scope, he started searching through the forest.
After a few minutes of searching, he managed to locate the sniper. He was in fantastic camoflauge, barrowly viewable. He was hiding at the bottom of an oak tree, reloading his sniper rifle.
Yuriy smiled as he pulled the trigger and saw a flash of red, before ducking again and picking up his AK-74 and he waited.
((OOC: Bomb Damage Assessment. PA, just so you know, I have many plans for Yuriy, so whatever happens, UNS/Yuriy 'win' this battle.))
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:07
OOC:Bomb Damage Assesment, how much damage was done is what it means, just like i use FDA for Fire Damage Assesment
And if Yuriy is now outside the building, he is safe, the Paveway doesnt have a large Blast Radius, all its going to do at minimum is destroy the Building and kill some people inside of it, if he is at least 50 Ft away he should be safe
United North States
26-04-2009, 02:22
Blam! Blam! Blam! the sound of his rifle, like nothing in the world! The enemy just seemed to throw themselves at us, even the rebels back home used covering fire, used smoke to cover themselves but these men, they just came screaming and shooting... shooting and screaming... but no more screams. I looked at my rifle I was shooting but there was no Blam! Blam! I felt no pain, I saw no blood I heard no screams, was I dead?
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:28
The Bombs impacted building, as the enemy looked at the building, ir provided enough time for a USPMC Sniper team to sprint across the street Un-Noticed to set up shop in a nearby building
United North States
26-04-2009, 02:32
I couldn't move, I tried to yell for help I couldn't talk, what is happening?
((OOC: Let's just assume the church was blown up and there is a nearby mansion nearby which will be converted into a base?))
As Yuriy was reloading quickly, one of the rebels jumped onto him with his knife. The rebel tried to slit his throat, but Yuriy deflected it and brought out his Makarov. The rebel grabbed his pistol and tried to shoot Yuriy with it, but Yuriy forced the gun away and grabbed the knife which was lodged in the ground and stabbed in the back of the man's neck, and he dragged it through the man's neck three hundred and sixty degrees. Then, he forced the body off him.
Suddenly, the church blew up. The force of it threw Yuriy onto the ground, and the noise made him deaf for a few minutes. Yuriy was sick of these Nazis. Suddenly, he picked up his AK-74, stood up and started firing blindly into the lines of the NSLA, bullets flying pass him. He ducked and reloaded, and kept firing, until he had killed about a hundred of the facisti.
They kept coming. They must have been recruiting. Yuriy reloaded and grabbed the knife, Makarov and the sniper rifle. He ran towards a safe position and started sniping the Nazis, one by one.
After killing five Nazis, Yuriy noticed the body of his leader near him. He abandoned his post for a minute and crawled towards him.
"Sir, sir, hello? Sir? Sir?" whispered Yuriy, shaking the leader's body.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:36
The Sniper Team ided a what appeared to be a officer in the Yard of the ex-church, they fired a shot at his head, the guy had been standing still, the sniper could not miss
United North States
26-04-2009, 02:38
I turned my head to the left it was that Kid, here's to you kid
OOC: Thanks for the rp oh yeah and the captain died
((OOC: I assume the guy's Yuriy, so I'm going to give realism the middle finger. :p))
As Yuriy looked up, he could just make out a figure with a gun. Instinctly, a moment before the bullet was fired, Yuriy jumped out of the way and behind a piece of rubble. He grabbed his sniper rifle, reloaded it and started breathing. He had dodged death once again.
"Sir!" screamed Yuriy. "Get behind here, quickly! For the love of God, sir! Quick, please!"
Yuriy then started aiming through the scope and fired blindly at the window the sniper had been in, hardly knowing of he was still there or not.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:41
OOC:No the guy had been standing still for a while, Yuriy's been moving all over
It's a Guy on the other side of the courtyard
((OOC: Ah. Can we still assume they fired at Yuriy?))
The soldier had been weeping for a while. His family were all dead, slaughtered before his eyes. He had escaped just, and had joined the Army quickly. He was crying, his AK-74 beside him.
Suddenly, he turned around. He caught a glimpse of a man in the window. He had a glance at him, then suddenly a bullet went right through his forehead and suddenly, he was dead.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:47
Immediately after they fired the shot, they packed up and left, less than 10 seconds after they had fired, they were on the floor below, heading out the back to find another hiding spot
((OOC: You can stay, UNS.))
After the snipers had apparently left, he turned towards the leader instantly.
"Sir, get up..." pleaded Yuriy. "Please, everybody dead!"
Yuriy placed a hand over the officer's heart. No beat. He screamed, before realising the Nazi attack had stopped. Yuriy had absolutely no idea what to do except get the hell out of the town.
He spotted a nearby Siber. It was a small sedan, possibly armoured. He lifted the Captain's body and put him in a fireman's lift and carried him into the back of it, placing a blanket over him. Then, he grabbed his equipment and placed that on the passenger seat, before grabbing the keys - still in the keyhole - and turned the car on, and he started driving towards the hills, towards...
...towards what?
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 02:55
The TR-1 Saw the car moving, but did nothing about it, none of the F-35IIIs on patrol had a Maverick on them, so thhe just let the cat get away
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:03
OOC:What faction is Yuriy fighting for?
OOC:What faction is Yuriy fighting for?
((OOC: He was originally a soldier in the SRA, but his platoon was destroyed and after the UNS platoon was...destroyed he's now trying to get out of the country.))
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:05
OOC:Ok, if he wants, he can come to the PA Lines under a white flag
((OOC: Sure.))
The Siber suddenly stopped. Yuriy stared in horror at the gas levels. It said, plainly, E. Empty. The snow was falling thickly once again, covering the entire ground with more thick snow. Yuriy kicked open the door and took the blanket the captain had been in, which was white.
He could make out another armed service down below. He had no idea what to do, so he grabbed a stick, attached to the blanket and started waving it, hoping to be noticed.
And hoping not to be shot, of course.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:12
The Troops down the Road were Platoon E, Company A, 34th Marine Battalion, they had taken their 4 Strykers and gone on a patrol around the back of the town, they noticed the person up the road, immediately they dismounted, and moved slowly up the road towards him
1 of the Platoon members knew Sorskian, and yelled for the person to kneel on the gorund and put his hands behind his head
Yuriy did as instructed, and put down his weapon and the 'flag' and kneeled on the ground and put his hands behind his head. His breath seemed to be turning to ice instantly, but he still took off his hat and stared at the soldiers.
"I am Yuriy Alejandrovich Delakov. I am twenty-years-old and my family were slaughtered by the democratic forces. I was conscripted into the Army but I have abandoned them. Please do not harm me," spoke Yuriy in Sorskian.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:20
The First Soldier to Reach Yuriy kicked him so he had his face in the snow, after which he handcuffed Yuriy, he than signaled for the Strykers to move up
The soldier kicked Yuriy right in the nose, breaking it. Blood flowed onto the snow, Yuriy muttering some curse in the obscure language of Dzerinkan, known only to a few people like him. He felt himself being handcuffed, which he gave no resistance to.
He had absolutely no idea if he was about to be shot or used as a punching bag. Either way, resistance would just get him killed.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:26
The Soldier had slipped on some ice when he went to kick Yuriy over, so he called for medic as soon as he got into the Stryker, the Medic went to work fixing Yuriys nose, while he had the Soldier in his squad who know Sorskian to tell Yuriy that he was sorry and that he had slipped when he went to push him over
Yuriy stared at the men for a moment. He had no idea who they were, and one of them had apparentely 'slipped' in order to break his nose. He sighed, but remained silent, staring up at the stars. He had an incredible pain in his left leg, but he wasn't giving anything away.
"Who are you?" asked Yuriy bluntly, staring at the Sorskian speaker.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 03:50
The one replied
"We are Pennsylvanian Marines"
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 11:14
The Same Airfield that the Battlehawk Jets had attacked earlier was now bustleing with Activity. The Jets had been careful not to destroy certain buildings, such as the Air Traffic control tower and RADAR.
As such they had been able to get 5 Thousand Marines ashore from the Fleet, as well as UH-60's and RAH-66 Commanche's. Additionally more forces were en-route in Cargo Aircraft. In the Meantime F-32's from the Carriers provided air cover.
Yuriy stared at him again. "I'll tell you everything I know."
He coughed up a bit of blood and muttered something he had muttered earlier that day. "Here I come God, here I come, you fucking rat."
26-04-2009, 15:00
You have all been fools to underestimate the military power of our destroyer turtles of infinate destruction.
We declare WAR. Unless you pay us this much knives: &@ your country will be destroyed
Prepare to be... STABBED
26-04-2009, 15:02
Now that you lost the war now think about it
Van Luxemburg
26-04-2009, 15:03
(OOC: We should make sure those Duca Panteras do not end up in the hands of the wrong guys. I’m thinking I should probably support the Democratic guys by ‘making peace’, but can someone give me a quick situation report?
Also, expect me to take a bit of a background role on this. I haven’t got the machinegun pace of some of you here, and it’ll take me some time to come up with posts that are decent in my opinion. However, I am having some trouble with the maximum ship limit: I’m going to need more than 10 ships to escort 2 Large Amphibious Assault Ships and 1 super carrier. Also, can you perhaps explain me something about the country itself? Landscape, etcetera? I’m not sure yet if I’ll deploy these two regiments. Also, where can I land, and any info on the defences there?
Now, I like to use my equipment to the fullest extent, and I will be using all options within my (limited) powers to come out victorious. I RP with reinforcements taking some time to arrive, etc. I hope you guys can understand me doing this. By the way, in case you need specifics about my equipment or my organisation, refer to my factbook in my signature.)
Chateau Bertrange, Bertrange, Luxembourg, Van Luxemburg
A group of men sat around the large table, several flatscreen monitors projecting images of various maps, images and graphs of various international situations. This private conference, in the Grand-Ducal Residence, usually took place around once a week, in order to update the Grand Duke on the latest developments in the international scene. Representatives from all related ministries, the intelligence agencies, the military and other relevant organisations were present at the table.
‚Moving on, there are some problems in Sorsk. Now, the IVD and Monteluci are investigating the possibility of sales in that nation, quite an important order, but we fear that the Panteras they are selling might end up in the wrong hands. Not very good for the national image of our nation, I say.’ Philippe Dermont, minister of Defence, presented the next slide. A map of Sorsk and several pictures from Monteluci appeared.
‘Panteras, as in, the police cars, right?’ The Grand Duke replied, looking at the screen.
‘Yes. We are about to sell them to the Communist government, not exactly a bright idea considering they will be used against Democratic rebels. Therefore, we are proposing some of our military units initiate a peacekeeping campaign in favour of the Democratic forces.’ Philippe Dermont answered, changing the slide over to a visualization of the forces that were to be deployed.
‘For now, we are proposing to send in the Schweizerwuecht and the Garde di Giustra, being the 87th and 54th regiments respectively. They will be supported by a fleet spearheaded by the ZMS Weiningen of the Weiningen-class (, and it’s two cousins, the ZMS Arvaglio and the ZMS San Giustra of the Arvaglio-class ( They will be escorted by The ZMS Pieter Corneliszn, the ZMS Pieter Klaeszn, two ships of the Pieter Corneliszn-class of destroyers, two Gutenburg-class frigates (, the ZMS Gutenburg and the ZMS Altdorf, and two Venezia I class corvette (, with one being modified for brown water patrols. Those are the ZMS Moiano and the ZMS Omignano. And last, but not least, two Type 212 submarines, the ZMS Seedorf and the ZMS Mühlaubach. This makes us send 11 ships, 7000 soldiers and around 240 aircraft stationed aboard the three largest ships.’ A man that had previously been seated somewhat separated from the rest had told the whole story to the group, while in full military uniform. He was not anonymous for most of the onlookers, in fact, he was the best-known military commander in the Grand Duchy, thanks to him having spearheaded peacekeeping operations in several other warzones, as the commander of the Garde di Giustra. His name? Brigadier Cristiano Ferri.
‘I see no problems in redeploying these units to assist in enforcing peace in a nation which can become a major trading partner of ours. Especially for our export, that is.’ The Grand Duke answered, while he was presented the documents that would give the go-ahead for this mission. He signed them just minutes later.
Three weeks later, Black Sea, nearing Sorsk.
It was an impressive sight to see the ships move over the clear sea. The three largest ships, equal in size and displacement, carried the, for Van Luxemburger operations, massive number of troops to Sorsk, the Amphibious battalion already exercising their coming operation. They would be spearheading this operation, storming a beach first, and would make an attempt to capture a nearby seaport in order to land the rest of the troops. In case this failed, or if the defence of the ports were considered too harsh beforehand, the other troops would land with the landing vessels provided in each of the ships’ loading bays, with ample support of the air assets onboard the ships. Furthermore, the other ships would not only secure the three larger carrier-like vessels, but also provide missile support in case this was deemed necessary. The helicopters on board these ships would also provide some logistical support and help during military operations. A small contingent of Maritieme Jagers had settled on board the Gutenburg, in case they were required for boarding other ships. Otherwise, they could also be used as special forces, in case necessary.
The march on Sorsk was supposed to be relatively easy and with the advanced equipment of the troops that were supposed to land there, it would be even easier, Brigadier Ferri expected. Operation Pegasus was underway.
((OOC: Van, Sorsk is a small Eastern European country which has snowfall all year round. It is surrounded by forests and most cities are very inland. Currently, it appears that the ruling communists are starting to slowly destroy the NSLA/SPDF. USPA/ROTB are starting to set up bases in the south of the country (which is on the Med or Black Sea, I better check), and are assisting the Democrats. The Nazis have destroyed forces from the UNS, though, giving them two towns under their country, methinks.))
Van Luxemburg
26-04-2009, 15:24
(OOC: So, I'm thinking my regiments will be just fine and I'll perhaps need that mountain regiment. Any places I can land my troops? I'll need to land at a rather large seaport, looking at the larger ships in my fleet. Could you also tell me something about the military strengths of the factions, their chances to win? Oh, and would the Communists allow free elections after they ahve secured the country?
I'm considering to either be neutral and keep the peace, or join the Democratic side. If there isn't anything to win for the democrats and the Commies are willing to do free elections, I might assist them.)
((OOC: A good place would be Alejandia, where Battlehawk/USPA have set a democractic-supporter base. Any place would be the abandoned village of Svlad, a coastal town built near Alejandia which was abandoned by the communists at the beginning of the War and never been reoccupied. Approximate forces would be five thousand on both the rebel factions, with about twenty-seven thousand on the Communists. And no, if reelected, the hardline communists wouldn't allow any form of democracy and would continue ruling with an absolute iron fist.))
President Ivanovic lit up a ciggarete and took a long puff on it. He was alone in his office, with a half empty bottle of the finest vodka and a packet of ciggaretes from the east, along with a pile of documents Telavov had given him. He took a sip of the vodka to calm himself down.
The USPA, Battlehawk and Van Luxemburg had sent forces to support those corrupt capitalist pigdogs in Korsiky. The country stood no chance against the foreigners and their better trained, much larger armies. Ivanovic knew that soon he would be executed by the next government, and that his time was short. It was a feeling he wasn't accustomed to, but he faced it with little emotion, little feeling. He puffed the ciggarete again.
He stood up, and started walking around the office. Potraits of Lussdren, the capital, the glories of socialism. He shook his head. It would all be replaced by capitalism or, if the Grand World Order intervened, fascism.
That was when Ivanovic made a decision which would kill thousands of people. He wouldn't go down without a fight.
* * *
In the Sorsk, Lysdria and Vasvila Governorates, the three large governorates in which all the ten cities of Sorsk were located, security was heavily increased. Half of the army - about fifteen thousand - had been put in and stationed across the governorates, mostly in the cities. In the various cities, heavy artillery weapons were stationed on the outskirts and weapon factories were producing at a bizarre rate, along with farms being forced to produce as much food as possible for the troops and citizens.
Vasvila and Lysdria surrounded the Sorsk Governorate, Lysdria on the south and Vasvila on the north. Vasvila had five cities, built in a position so as to 'guard' Sorsk in a way. Lysdria had four, spread out well.
Sorsk was mostly a farming land, but the city - Sorsk - was heavily reinforced, more so than the cities in Lysdria and Vasvila. In all of the governorates, the armed forces were on standby, and the national DEFCON was at 1.
The War had begun.
26-04-2009, 15:37
[OOC] @stabbedbarney...Federal guard eats ur troll is an epic PHAIL.
I wonder would it be ok if i rp that Cukarica is 700-1000 km from Sorsk,if not just ignore that part.
Sorry for the crappy post-shitty on-screen keyboard.
Federation of Cukarica
Open statement to the world
It has come to Federal attention that the Republic of Battlehawk is yet again practicing its awkward ways of peacekeeping.
Newest adittion to their world domination plans is the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
However the Federation newer forgot about your invasion and the massacre of Port Palla in The Armed Republic of Wolf Hold,those wounds are still fresh and will be avenged.
The Republic of Battlehawk goverment obviously thinks that it's effort to encircle the Federation is developing unnoticed.
We say that they are wrong.
We can't watch for this things to continiue happening in the world,and we use this oportunity to ask our Wolf Holdian allies to autorize the use of CISFOR 2nd Storm Division currently stationed in Cukarica and to follow our example.
Unless Republic of Batttlehawk declines to immediately halt construction of bases and military build up in the Socialist Republic of Sorsk the armored fist of CISFOR will halt it.
Things that concern us is the possible missinformation of siding with anyone,we are neither a Nazi/Communist faction suppliers and the only faction Cukarica is willing to aid are the Democrats.
(OOC: Ignore StabbedBarney. Anyway, sure and I wish somebody would support somebody which isn't Democracy 101..:p Just RP your troops moving in, and hopefully I could get the commies to kill quite a few of your troops?))
The Wolf Hold
26-04-2009, 15:48
((OOC:Sorsk as you already have quite a few major troop deployments, would you prefer my support for my ally Cukarica to be special forces))
26-04-2009, 16:00
Captain Tenek kicked the tank. "Raagh! Orhrzhov be damned! We're 40 miles off!" He looked at the GPS, they landed 42 miles east of that sh&* stain Sorskian town. He wiped the sweat from his brow and stood on the Tank track, "Alright men, we landed 40 miles east of our destination, so we gotta march all the way there and bring the might of Orhrzhov down on these Democratic Insurgents!" The men cheered and yelled "For Orhrzhov!" Bringing down Democratic views was a favoured past time of Tenek, he perssonaly fought along side Salvad to bring down the Orhrzhovan Senate. Now he was to help the Sorskians.
(400 Orhrzhovan Basic Infantry, Mp-90 Sumbmachiene guns)
(40 Tanks, Orhrzhovan Apocalypse-09 calss.)
(200 Heavy Infantry)
(5 Offshore Submarines)
26-04-2009, 16:27
Osean CISFOR commander wasn't pleased that the 2nd will go into Sorsk to contain the Battlehawk,as he had different nationalities under his command.
But an order came directly from the Commonwealth Defense Bureau.The tanks of the 2nd Armored started moving down the A-76 main road toward Republic of Sors,column moved like a great black snake through the plains of southern Sagiswaldia in Cukarica.
CISFOR 2nd Storm Division
Commander:Brigadier General Alexius Herolus
8000 CISFOR Troopers
1500 CISFOR Rangers
500 CISFOR Cukarican Naval Infantry
280 Viking-MBT
620 Lazar-APC
50 modified Neva Pechora AA systems
50 S-400 Triumf
20 9K37 Buk
50 Apache gunships
30 Eurocopter Tiger
20 Mi-24
20 Mi-28
Air/Naval suport will be provided by the 3rd Patrol group
1x Ulyanovsk class AC
1x Kiev class AC
3x Kirov battlecruisers
2x Ticonderoga cruisers
2x Hydra class frigates
*on its way one Longsword class warship
United North States
26-04-2009, 16:30
In the recently bombed church building:
"All UNS forces in the area please be aware 4Th Grenadier division is heading this way, prepare for welcome. OVER" cracked the radio.
"I repeat, help is coming standby. OVER"
"Any UNS forces in area please respond, help is here roll out welcome mat. OVER"
"Is anyone still alive down there?"
"Be quiet, men." ordered Colonel Vladimir Svladovic over the radio, as they hid in the bushes between the border between Cukarica and Sorsk, where Cukarican troops would be arriving very soon.
They were hidden and camoflaughed well, all of the soldiers suprislingly well trained and armed. Most of them had AK-74s, though a few sniper fireteams were hidden in the trees, trying to spot the Cukaricans. After an hour of waiting, the first Cukaricans were spotted.
This operation would be relying on the element of suprise, so no air support could be provided. A few tanks were in the forest whenever it got messy and the troops were forced to retreat, obviously.
The Reigment sat patiently in the bushes, waiting, knowing their death awaited them. However, they knew that they had to kill as many Cukaricans as possible in order to hinder their operations and defend the Socialist Republic from the disgusting foreign imperialists.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 16:51
Forward Operations Base Beleive
Command Building
"Sattelinte Recon indicates a build-up of CISFOR troops along the Cukarica/Sorsk Border sir" A Young Captain reported.
"CISFOR, Wolf Hold?" The Colonel asked "Could this be on our behalf?"
"Perhaps, what orders do you have for our troops should they encounter CISFOR troops?" THe Captain asked.
"To not fire unless fire upon, but tell them to not allow themselves to be sidetracked and tell them to tell any CISFOR troops that we're here to attempt to find some sort of peace" The Colonel replied.
Landed Troops
5000 Battlehawk Marines
40 UH-60 Blackhawk Utility Helicopters
20 RAH-66 Commanche Light Attack/Recon
400 IFV's
Seaforces (Battlehawk Intervention TaskForce 1
Two Excelsior Class Carriers
-120 F-32's
4 Argo Class Cruisers
4 Avenger Class Destroyers
26-04-2009, 17:03
The choke point was obvious for the cunning Osean commander,as he predicted that the CISFOR will face guerilla resistance,calling the Strategic Air Command,he quietly said...
"CISAF Command,This is the 2nd Sturm Division,Scorch the forests on the border as there is a possibility of guerilla camps"
immediately ten FGFA fighters flew toward the Sorsk border carying Napalm bombs.
Swiftly flying through the air they started to drop their deadly cargo..
"Come on lads,keep your engines working,the fireworks are gonna start soon."
yelled one of the junior officers from his Viking ( hatch.
The column stopped around 800 meters from the Cukarican-Skorsk border to avoid the possible casualtes from friendly fire.
Above the column,Federal Airspace
Moving into formation,the FGFa fighters took aim...
"Scryers aproach vector calculated,we have a green light,start pounding the border...yeeeehaaaaaw"
said the Squadron commander as he launched it's Napalm filled missiles.
OOC: BH i personaly don't have a problem with your naval orbat but sorsk might have as he wrote on the first post.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 17:12
OOC: If he has a problem I'll change it, but that is what I deploy to hotspots these days, forgot to put in the Amphib assualt as well
A UAV was flying close to the Churzak/Sorsk border, observing the CISFOR Offensive
The bombing was devastating to the forces. The entire regiment was wiped out, except about a hundred soldiers. Half of them were wounded, and they decided to surrender to the enemy and escape this hellhole.
Fifty soldiers came out, waving the white flag. They were unarmed, all of them young men and women. They had given up communism whenever they were conscripted, and they hoped they could either fight for the Cukaricans or get out of the country before the War engulfed it completely.
"We surrender!" they shouted, some in English, some in Sorskian.
((OOC: Yeah, Battlehawk, edit the thing to be in accordance with the rules established in the first post please.))
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 17:33
In The Stryker
"You may say whatever you like, you are a Prisoner of War, and will be treated accordingly"
Over the Sorskian Capitol
4 F-35IIIs were flying towards the Communist Government Buildings, with orders to destroy them during one of the meetings, each plane carried 2 5,000 pound GBU-27s, they were undetected by any radar the Communists had had set up
The Wolf Hold
26-04-2009, 17:34
Wolf Flight 1, Approaching CISFOR Coloumn
The eight F-15Es flew at full after burner towards the CISFOR column. There black and white paint scheme showing them up against the clear blue sky. They were being lead by squadron leader Larka, the premier pilot of the Wolf Hold.
"This is Wolf Flight 1 to CISFOR coloumn, be advised we are in the airspace and asigned to provide CAS."
As the naplam attacks lit the forest up Wolf 4 commented "Looks like they have their own support"
"Yeah but we are the best in the world hun! Lets show them how its done!"
The F-15Es kicked in their afterburner and headed full speed towards the convoy.
ORBAT: 1st Special Forces Group
502nd Special Operations Air Command
30 F-15Es Wolf Squadron
30 INF-2000s Fox Squadron
Marine Force Recon:
6,000 Marine Force Recon
50 NPS MBT140A1
100 HIFV-2040
200 LIFV-2070
50 Mobile Land Wolf AA Systems
500 RG32Ms
100 5 and a 1/2 trucks
10 M119 105mm Howitsers
100 MH-60 Blackhawks
20 AH-1Z Super Cobras
40 MH-47G
2nd Marine Support Squadron
20 Harrier GR9s
Wolf Recon:
400 Wolf Recon Operators
50 RG32Ms
30 MH-60 Blackhawks
6 AH-60 Attackhawks
Wolf Legion
3,000 Wolf Legion Commandos
200 LIFV-2070
50 RHIBs
50 RG32Ms
51st Marine Assault Group
3 Wasp Class Assualt Ships
2 Otter Class LPDs (Albion-Class)
1 Invincible class aircraft carrier
1 Moderinsed Iowa Class
3 Type 23 Frigates
26-04-2009, 17:38
[OOC] Blitzkrieg (
they were undetected by any radar the Communists had had set up godmode
"What is that?They are surrendering?!"
obviously shocked Alexius didnt expect in his wildest dreams that he would capture so many of the enemies so soon...
Recovering from the initial shock he calmly said...
"7th battalion take them in and search them!"
he yelled,his orders followed almost instantly by the veterans of the 7h Battalion as they ran toward thec shaken Sorskians.
After they saw what are they facing they felt sympathy for their obviously lost cause,but none showed this as they thought it as only a weakness...
"Tanks,roll out!" officers shouted and the huge colum started to roar moving deeper into the Socialist Republic of Sorsk protected by infantry moving alongside the mighty Vikings.
Black sea,300 Nm from the coast of Sorsk
The Federal battlegroup sighted Battlehawk movement into the area and started with basic formation changes and conducting of combat flights.
Admiral Velichovski was sitting at the bridge and was thorn in two by the question should he call support of a Longsword class ship.Still undecided he stared ar the Battlehawk fleet movements.
This is Wolf Flight 1 to CISFOR coloumn, be advised we are in the airspace and asigned to provide CAS."
"Wolf Flight 1 feel free to assault whereever you judge the best,we're glad to have you with us"
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 17:42
Level One Intervention Group Number 12
"Sir, we've got a CISFOR Battlegroup in our area" The Tactical officer aboard RBS Freedom.
"Keep an eye on them" The Commadore ordered
FOB Beleive
"Sir, we just got contacted by our Reinforcements, they'll be here in six hours, our tanks will be aboard" THe Captain reported.
((OOC: PA, don't target the 3 Inner Governorates unless you get involved in 'Open for Business'. For starters, its almost certain that the communists would have shot the planes down after about ten minutes of them being in the Inner Governorates, due to AA guns and troops being stationed throughout the place. Open for Business is basiclly the Democrats trying to cut off the Inner Governorates from oil and food, and if they are successful, it all ends quicker. I am trying to make this long and enjoyable, not 'bomb capital, democrats put in power, war ends'.))
Yuriy looked up at him in shock. "You're not going to torture me?"
He then broke in a grin. "I would fight for your country in this godforsakened place if I must.."
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 17:49
The Battlehawk UAV watched as CISFOR troops moved forwards
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 17:51
OOC:F-35IIIs are Stealth, they can get by most Radar systems without being detected, and again, you decide just what happens, enough of the government could be out of the buildings to continue its work
"Why in the good name of god would we do that?" A Equally surprised USPMC SSGT Asked
26-04-2009, 18:02
OOC:F-35IIIs are Stealth, they can get by most Radar systems without being detected, and again, you decide just what happens, enough of the government could be out of the buildings to continue its work
First of all an OOC thread would be in order.
Second F-35 stealth systems can easily be avoided,with long radar lenghts.
As it's stealth capabilities re almost identical to F-117 Nighthawk.
also a fact
read the lower 1999 war section.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 18:04
First of all an OOC thread would be in order.
Second F-35 stealth systems can easily be avoided,with long radar lenghts.
As it's stealth capabilities re almost identical to F-117 Nighthawk.
also a fact
read the lower 1999 war section.
OOC:Also take into consideration the people i am fighting, they probably dont have the best Radar to start with
And yes i know 1 or 2 F-117s were downed by the Rebels but that was by using Russian State of the Art SA-13 Gophers if i remember correctly
((OOC: No more OOC in this thread, an OOC thread has been created starting from now.))
Yuriy shrugged. "That's what they usually do in the SRA. Torture people..."
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 18:10
"We dont here, we are civilised people, we dont torture, if thats what they do, thats what they do, not us"
26-04-2009, 18:13
Tenek's platoon could see the smoke for miles. And when they got close enough he sent out 10 men to scout. When the scouts returned they reported there was what seemed to be several thousand men in the area. But couldn't figure out who was on which side, so Tenek gave the Order to head toward the Sorskian capital.
Yuriy was shocked at the news he wouldn't be tortured. He was speechless and happily suprised.
* * *
The 3rd Regiment of the Sorskian Army were patrolling the snowy lands of the Inner Governorates whenever they're radiomen were told by Command that a foreign force was entering the Inner Governorates with the goal of attacking the capital.
A brief period of discussion resulted in about five Su-27s from a nearby air force base flying towards the lines of the foreign forces in order to bomb them singficantly, followed by half of the regiment attacking the platoon in order to crush the likely remains of the platoon.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 18:21
Two Squadrons were soon trailing the SU-27's. The Battlehawk Mission Statement was to prevent hosile actions, and this qualified.
"Attention Sorskian Su-27's, abort your attack immediatly, this is the Battlehawk Navy"
One of the pilots laughed.
"And foreign troops advancing towards our capital isn't hostile?"
The pilots were right over the foreign platoon now. They started dropping their bombs quickly. If they were shot down, they would just crash into the platoon. As all pilots were sworn to do during the Oath of Loyalty.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 18:23
"May we ask who you are?"
Over The Capitol
As the Su-27s speed off towards the Foriegn troops, the F-35IIIs opened their bombbay doors and dropped 8 5,000 pound GBU-27s
I am Yuriy Alejandrovich Delakov. I am twenty-years-old and my family were slaughtered by the democratic forces. I was conscripted into the Army but I have abandoned them."
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 18:33
"Well Yuriy, when we get back to the Base, we will have a docotor take a look at your nose, than you will be free to get a Hot Shower, and a hot meal once you get out to the America
"President Ivanovic, evacute!"
Ivanovic instantly ran to the nearest emergency exit, guided by his guards to a nearby helicopter. He jumped inside it, the other members of government getting inside other aircraft. They took off. Ivanovic could see the foreigners dropping their bombs.
Luckily, the aircraft was just far away enough to avoid the blast. The government had been saved.
"Pennsylivana? Brilliant!"
Yuri grinned once again, so much he didn't feel any pain in his nose. But that was most likely his body going into shock rather than happiness. Oh well.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 19:44
FOB Beleive
"Battlehawk commander to PA CO, request SITREP and where you would like my troops" THe Colonel requested over radio
United North States
26-04-2009, 20:08
At the outline of the Sorsk northern border:
Two massive air transports swooped down, dropping flares behind them to confuse any AA battery's looking to take blood. Then came the descent of hundreds of soldiers from the sky landing on the ground then regrouping with their squad leaders.
"This is Major Roman, we have landed reporting zero deaths, zero injuries. Moving towards town, in column line format." Spoke a young officer. " Mission objectives as follow: rally any remaining UNS forces, regroup with NSLA, take the northern oil fields.Over." The officer then signaled his men to follow into the bombed out town.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 20:10
Six F-32's were flying near the Northern Border when they picked up the air drop. They swooped low over the soldiers, using the digital camera on their hulls to take pictures.
From a location far into the countryside, President Ivanovic downed yet another glass of fine vodka as he looked at scattered reports about the United North States actually ending support for his communist government and that the UNS was now supporting the National Socialist Liberation Army, which came as rather strange to him.
The report was written in Sorskian. He had narrowly escaped death recently, but he wasn't worried by it. Now, he had little else to do except kill as many USPA troops as he could before his reigme fell, replaced by a regime which would be even worse.
He sipped another glass of vodka, before heading off to an early bed. He needed sleep, and there weren't to many oil fields or farm in the north. Just snow.
United North States
26-04-2009, 20:18
"Get down enemy fighters!" Roman Screamed to his squad leaders as the fighters screeched past him. Driving himself into the ground. In the prone position the major spoke again in a calmer voice "We aren't alone anymore Intel screwed us again, All units are to split up the rally point is the river bank." He peered into the sky, trying to see if anymore planes were following them. "If they want to bomb us let's not make it easy for them, MOVE OUT!"
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 20:23
"Fox One to FOB Beleive, recommen we get some units out here" Fox One recomented
"Understood, we'll get a few Commanche's and Blackhawks units" COmmand replied as the first of the Cargo planes were escorted in.
Fox Squadron followed the troops on the ground as they attempted to hide
United North States
26-04-2009, 20:33
Hume, UNS capital city:
Prime Minister Hume was having a rather stress full day. His efforts to quell the Democratic rebels was not going as planned. First off the first phase was poorly executed and now he was getting reports of foreign involvement going beyond standerd WA protocols. He sighed as he walked down the empty halls of Parliament. Though the UNS was a proverbial food basket the one natural resource the country was lacking the most was the most important... oil.
Gas prices had hit ten dollars a barrel now that So.. Sor... whatever it was called couldn't provide the oil his nation needed. The Prime Minister turned to the left in order to skip the mob of protesters screaming to get out of So.. Ser... that country. He smiled to himself at the fair bit of irony, a week ago they had been screaming to get into that country...
The Socialist Republic of Sorsk
The Office of the President
Dear Prime Minister Hume,
Despite having recieved reports that the UNS is conducting military operations in order to seize a small amount of our many oil fields, I wish to make you an offer, Mr. Prime Minister.
I have heard about your nation's gas crisis, and I am offering a large supply of oil from the Socialist Republic to be sent directly to UNS, with regular shipments of hundreds of thousands of barrels for little cost.
Our nation is rich in oil, as most countries in our area are. Our only request is that UNS immediately ceases military operations in the Northern Oil Fields before we decide to withdraw our offer.
Sergey Olegovich Ivanovic.
President of the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
United North States
26-04-2009, 20:41
Sorsk northern border, riverbank:
What the hell happened! Thought Major Roman in a few short minutes the entire region was flooded with foreign troops. A march that should have taken them an hour and a half turned into three hours avoiding enemy patrols! The worst part was that he was going the fastest, hell Vic's platoon was not even half way there. He knew he needed a better plan the major scanned the area till he found a small barn. "Corporal." whispered Roman "Hand me your flare gun."
United North States
26-04-2009, 20:53
Hume, UNS capital city:
The Prime Minister weighted the options, the Socialist made a tempting offer on the other hand, the man was clearly offering this to me because he knew his army couldn't handle yet another enemy...
To the President of The Socialist Republic of Sorsk:
After reviewing your offer the Commonwealth of United North States has agreed on one term, the UNS holds the right as the only nation allowed to hold military forts in your two largest oil fields to protect Private interests from any other military force, internal or external until the United North States feels it's peoples interests are safe in your hands.
Prime Minister Hume, UNS
Van Luxemburg
26-04-2009, 20:55
(OOC: I take there is a seaport large enough near Svlad? Also, I’m looking for a rather large airfield, I’m in need of some EW and AWACS capability. Oh, and guys, it seems you’re moving way too fast for me.. )
Black Sea, ZMS Weiningen
If one would observe the Weiningen from a distance, he or she would have seen lots of activity on the flight deck. The Tifone-N fighters, license-produced and navalised Eurofighters from the factories of Monteluci Aeronautica in the region of Arvaglio, were waiting for their first-ever combat mission, even if it would just be merely aerial reconnaissance of the landing zone, and, if necessary, close air support for the landing troops.
In total, six Tifones took to the skies, launched in pairs of two by the catapults onboard the Weiningen, currently the only ship of it’s class and also the only through-deck aircraft carrier in the Van Luxemburger Marine. Yes, if one considered the Grand Duchy’s population of 528 million, one CTOL carrier and 3 STOVL Amphibious Assault ships seemed a little bit underpowered, and perhaps it was. After all, the Grand Duchy’s small defence forces could only deploy some four regiments abroad at any given time, otherwise the defence of their own land would be in danger. This mission, requiring a large amount of Van Luxemburg’s military available for foreign interventions, was indeed demanding.
Flying in close formation, the six jets maintained an altitude of 15,000 metres while over the Black Sea, but dropped lower and lower as they neared the coast. Eventually, when the jets passed over Svlad, they flew at an altitude of 5,000 metres, before banking sharply, performing a high-G turn and returning over the town once again.
Black Sea, ZMS Arvaglio
Slowly but surely, the large bay doors opened, and allowed the larger LCU’s to exit onto the sea. On board, the soldiers of the Amphibious Battalion attached to the Garde di Giustra regiment waited, prepared for what was to come. The wheeled fighting vehicles of the amphibious troops would be part of a first-wave attack on Svlad, in an attempt to gain a bridgehead for the rest of Operation Pegasus.
The large, 36-metre long LCUs followed the smaller LCVP’s, who were each carrying 34 fully-equipped soldiers. It would not take long to capture Svlad, according to intelligence, seeing that the entire town had been abandoned at the beginning of the war. However, Brigadier Ferri had decided to deploy his Amphibious troops first, to do some reconnaissance in the area and establish a defensive perimeter around the town. Then, the surface vessels could move in to safely unload the rest of the troops.
As the landing ships closed on the beach, the soldiers braced themselves for impact, while the drivers of the vehicles shifted into first gear and waited for the ramp to come down, in order to allow them to land on Sorskian soil for the first time.
It was a word that all troops understood. The ramps of the landing ships came down, offering the soldiers and vehicle crews a view of the beach rapidly closing in on them. As the ships halted, the troops disembarked at a rapid pace, supported by the fast wheeled vehicles, such as the LPz-08 Landsknecht, which carried a 100mm main gun, enough to be able to take out lighter armoured vehicles they could encounter.
As the troops secured the town systematically, with the help of their vehicles and their air support, they encountered no opposition. The town indeed was abandoned. Having concluded this, the commander of the amphibious battalion ordered his troops to establish a defensive perimeter around the town, hiding in vegetation or buildings, their vehicles often placed in such a way they could fire from a hidden position. He also contacted the Operational Headquarters onboard the Arvaglio, and confirmed the area had been secured.
As this message reached the Arvaglio, they immediately set course for the town of Svlad, arriving roughly half an hour later. As the vessels were moored in the port, the vehicle ramps were opened, and the rest of the troops began flooding out, establishing their own headquarters in and around the town. While the troops would disembark from the ships and reorganise, it would not be possible to launch CAP’s with the Tifones, neither would it be possible to launch CAS missions with the Harrier Gr.9’s on the Arvaglio and San Giustra. Air support would be done by helicopters, now controlling the flight decks of the moored ships. As soon as they had been relocated to a ground location, and the ships had taken back to the sea, it would be possible to launch their jets again, in order to provide the mission in Sorsk with air support once again.
Just only hours later, the first patrols would be launched into the countryside around Svlad. After several days, the two regiments would branch out into the countryside, establishing further temporary bases around the town, thus increasing the size of the ‘safe zone’.
TO: All involved, open communication
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As of 1500 hrs local time this afternoon, Operation Pegasus has been initiated under my command. Operation Pegasus is the attempt of the Van Luxemburger Armed Forces to turn the area around the town of Svlad into a peaceful ‘safe zone’ in which peace will be enforced by two regiments of the Grand-Ducal Arméi. This safe zone will slowly be expanded over the course of several weeks, and my troops will keep the peace in these particular areas.
Please note that the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg is in no way affiliated to any of the parties currently involved in the fighting in Sorsk. Therefore, it is able to keep the peace in the Svlad area in an independent manner, and can provide security to the Sorskian citizens located there. Any and all Sorskian citizens are welcomed into the safezone, in which fighting will not be tolerated and cracked down upon by Van Luxemburger soldiers.
Once again, we wish to state that our intentions are peaceful and solely focus on the civilian protection and humanitarian aid in the Socialist Republic of Sorsk. Our troops will only return fire in case they are attacked, and are not afraid to do so. Firearms and any other types of military equipment found inside the safezone will be confiscated and/or destroyed. This will be done under peaceful circumstances, and only under safe working conditions.
We hope to bring a calm, peaceful time to the inhabitants of the Socialist Republic of Sorsk. Operation Pegasus will continue until a ceasefire has been reached. Questions regarding Operation Pegasus or the VLMS can be asked through the VLMS Headquarters in Svlad, Sorsk, via the Van Luxemburger Embassy in Sorsk, or via the Ministry of Defence of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg.
Brigadier Cristiano Ferri
Commander of the Van Luxemburger Mission in Sorsk (VLMS)
Commander of the 54th Regiment ‘Garde di Giustra’
Brigadier in the Arméi of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg
VLMS Headquarters, Svlad, Sorsk.
(OOC2: Oh, by the way, seeing they are peacekeeping troops, I remain neutral and will try to enforce peace around Svlad for now. I will be expanding my control in other areas later on. In case you didn’t realise it, my troops will only return fire if attacked. However, they will return fire in force.)
The Socialist Republic of Sorsk
The Office of the President
Dear Prime Minister Hume,
The Socialist Republic will allow the UNS to station troops in the northern oil fields, along with troops from the Socialist Republic Army. We will allow a battalion of UNS troops to be stationed in the oil fields, with a base for the troops to be built as well.
I like forward to future co-operation between our two states.
Sergey Olegovich Ivanovic.
President of the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
* * *
The Socialist Republic of Sorsk
The Office of the President
Dear Brigadier Cristiano Ferri,
The Socialist Republic wishes to state it will not intervene in your country's actions to create a 'safe zone' in the country until the conflict is resolved, and will permit Van Luxemburg to use the nearby airfields and the docks in the town for Operation Pegasus.
Our troops will withdraw from the area surrounding Svlad, though we will keep our bases in the governorate Svlad is located - Svaland - and we will permit refugees to cross into the safe zone.
Sergey Olegovich Ivanovic.
President of the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
United North States
26-04-2009, 21:41
Sorsk northern border, riverbank:
Roman took aim and fired the flare hitting the farm and igniting it. Quickly Roman ordered his men to sprint across the open field as the helicopters were distracted by the smoke. In the span of just thirty minutes the UNS Grenadier foces were at the riverbank.
"Command to Major Roman, Command to Major Roman." sounded the radio in his headset. Probably just command finding out that there are enemies in the area thought Roman.
"You and your division are to pull out I repeat the mission is canceled." The Major was shocked:
'Is this a joke?!" He responded
" 'fraid not the higher ups have stuck a deal with the commies, your coming home."
The Major grumbled a few curses then opened up his radio channel:
"Were going home men, mission aborted standby while I receive an ETA for the extraction."
This mission had to be the worlds greatest waste of resources in the history of man...
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 21:44
After dropping the bombs, the F-35IIIs made it out as silently as getting in, without being noticed.
Off the Coast, the first of the Heavy bombers, B-2s and B-1Bs were moving to the recently built USPMC Built Airfield
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 22:04
"Repaeat, Battlehawk COmmander to PA Troops, come in please" The Colonol asked again.
Over UNS Troops
Having visited a Refueling Tanker the F-32's returned to keep an eye on the UNS troops below
United North States
26-04-2009, 22:15
Hume, UNS capital city :
"So it is true." spoke The Prime Minister "The United States of PA are to be blame for the death of our recon teams in Sorsk."
'Yes sir, reports say they have a large base of operations on the coast, their bombers have already manged to attack the Sorsk government building."
"We then I see only one option, how far out are our planes General?"
" Two hours before they reach the our troops sir."
'Good, tell the pilot that there heading back to Sorsk. Also tell commander Morgan to take his ships and standby near Sorsk waters but not to cross till I give the word."
'Yes sir"
President Ivanovic smiled. He was drinking yet another bottle of vodka, having woken up in the middle of a disturbed sleep. He was in his dressing gown, a dark red and black with the hammer and sickle on its brest. He was sitting on a small chair, smoking a ciggarete, drinking vodka and pondering the universe.
He had already arranged for his family to be evacuted to some other county whenever the foreigners came. Now, he was just waiting. Something told him that another war was about to break out, somewhere, around his country's waters...
He shook his head, finished the ciggarete and the vodka and went back to bed. He slept like a tired puppy that night. Probably the vodka.
United North States
26-04-2009, 22:58
Sorsk coast (Night-time):
Two planes dropped their cargo, one near a small hill where the majority of the troops landed. The second plan flew nearer to the coast and landed it's modest cargo fifty troopers.
"Major Roman this is Victor-5 we have landed just outside the USPA HQ."
"Good work, remember primary objectives are as follows:
1)Destroy USPA AA GUNS
2)Gather Intel on the estimated amount of soldiers they have stationed in the base." there comes a small pause...
"Victor-5 we now have reports the USPA has a make shift POW camp inside their base, if you can try to release the POWs. Over
'Roger sir." Victor then makes a motion for his group to spilt up. One team to the north side, Two team to the south, and teams four and three to the east and west. Silently Victor-5's teams enter the camp...
OOC: Is Yuriy still in Sorsk or has he been moved by the PA to somewhere else now?
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 23:04
OOC:Hes 5 miles out to sea onboard the USS America, as are the rest of the POWs
"Yes Colonel how may we help you today?"
Base X-Ray 1
"Sir we have a radar contact, IFF Does not report as friendly"
"Get a F-35III up there to check it out"
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 23:06
Three UH-60 Blackhawks approached the USPA headquarters. The Colonel has sent them to act as a liason with their friends in the PA forces. The Soldiers aboard were all members of the new Battlehawk Rangers. The Blackhawks hovered over the base as they awaited permission to land.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 23:11
"Gentlemen you have more than enough permission to land, we have a few spare tents for them to use near the HQ, thats where we used to hold the POWs before we transferred them to the America" Colonel Morris Said over the Radio
The Northern Baltic
26-04-2009, 23:13
100 km from Sorsk Airspace
The collection of planes rocked steadily as they hit yet another wave of turbulence. Such things happened frequently when they flew low, especially with a plane as big as the An-124. With seven planes flying in a triangle formation escorted by 100 J-10N (naval variant, just with folding wings), 30 Su-25T, and 60 Il-28D, the airfleet proved a formidable force. Since carrying all the pilots back would be both costly and ineffective, 60 J-10Ns, 30 Su-25Ts, and 50 Il-28Ds were set on autopilot and would only be guided manually, from the An-124s, when it came to landing them.
The An-124s carried 10,000 Ak-108 with GP-30, 20,000 IMI Desert Eagles, 8,000 Ultimax 100 Light Machine Guns, 2,000 RPG-16, 1,500 At-7 anti-tank guided missiles, 700 FIM-92 MANPADs, and enough ammo to last the Democratic forces awhile, or at least until the next shipment arrived.
A message was sent out to Democratic forces and, once an airfield was found, the planes would land and the weapons and planes would be turned over to them. In the next shipment, heavier weapons would have to be brought.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 23:14
To- NB Transport aircraft
We have a makeshift Runway on the coast, you are free to use it, thought it might not be long enough for the AN-124
26-04-2009, 23:15
Tenek was pissed. In some piss poor country, away from his family, and marvching for hours only to find the Sorsk Capital in flames. "Alright, radio in command see what we are to do now."
After a few minutes Tenek had put together the plan, Kill any and all USPA and Blackhawk soilders. Simple, yet to the point. He rallied his men and headed south.
A few hours later: "Alright men the base is just a few more miles." Tenek told his men. He looked at the closest radio man, "Order the Subs to bomb those fools."
"Yes Captain." The Radioman replied and did as ordered. Tenek Smiled, he loved Fireworks, escpecially fire works that had blood in them.
The Battlehawk
26-04-2009, 23:15
FOB Beleive
"I've dispatched a Liason and support team in Blackhawks to your headquarters, they'll liase from there" The Colonol said.
The Three Helicoptors landed and the Rangers jumped down onto the ground.
United States of PA
26-04-2009, 23:36
"Colonel, we got a radio transmission 5 miles north of the line"
"Theres no friendles there, get a pair of F-35IIIs to cluster bomb the locations"
20 seconds later, 2 F-35IIIs sped off towards the Orhrzhov Troops, 18 Cluster Bombs in total with them, their thermal sights trained on the ground looking for them
After 3 Minutes of searching, they found them, they immediately let loose a Rain of Explosives, enough to kill a Full Battalion of men in the right conditions, but the trees would stop some of the Munitions, but not nearly enough to prevent at the very least mass damage to any enemies there
United North States
27-04-2009, 00:02
Sorsk, Inside USPA Base ( five minutes before midnight):
Victor-5's teams had made outstanding progress in the two hours that they were in the camp. They had manged to plant eleven of the reported twenty AA GUNS in the enemy base. He had also collected more than enough Intel on the USPA, the most interesting being the fact that they were not the only foreign enemy here. Another nation was stationed here.
"Victor-5 this is team three we have planted four more charges, our side is clear."
''Good work make your way to the rally point and standby." One by one each team finished planting it's charges, the charges were made to explode at exactly mid-night. Now Victor had only one objective left the POW. He made quick hand signs for his team to follow. When he reach the camp he was shocked, inside the first tent was not the sleeping POW they were told to be there, but a very awake, very anger solider...
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 00:05
Behind Victor stood Six Battlehawk Ranger, their weapons raised. The clicked the safetly off, getting his attention.
THe Rangers had figured out that the base had been infiltrated and had searched the camp and were in the process of locating explosives and defuseing. The otehrs had gone to the POW tent to caputre those trying to rescue.
United North States
27-04-2009, 00:32
Off the coast of Sorsk, on the Doubt of Fire aircraft carrier (Two minutes before mid-night.)
Captain Morgan checked his watch for the hundredth time. In two minutes a full air wing of AV-8BS (V/STOL ground-attack aircraft) would swarm the defenseless camp.
"Air marshal Greenstone you have Green light, GO GO GGO!
"Yes sir." said the Air marshal as his planes took off, it was weird but he couldn't shake the feeling the something bad was about to happen. *Beep*, *Beep*. Shit! Command said the AA defenses would be offline but it appeared that more than half were still online! "Air wing evasive action, you have clearance to employ mad bomber tactics. Greenstone let out his 25 mm AP rounds against the base, It lit up like a christmas tree. He didn't have the time to enjoy the scene as more missile were fired into the air.
"All fighters are to fall back, drop flares and retreat!" He ordered. In the end he had lost fifteen fighters when command assured us we wouldn't have lost any.
OOC: To be watched after reading this post.
27-04-2009, 01:03
Tenek Rolled the body off him. Fool jumped infront of himself to sheild his captain from the blast. Odd how they found out where they were, that and that they knew what they were doing. Tricky Blackhawks, but not tricky enough. Tenek Smiled as he saw the coast light up.
The Blackhawk/USPA base got a full barrage from the Sub's Tomahawk Cruise Missles. Tenek's men hadn't died in vane.
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 01:17
OOC:Guys, im supposed to decide the losses, what you guys just did was godmodding, #1, i didnt have any AA Guns, just fighters and Man-Held Stingers
#2 i didnt have a Single Large Ammo depot
#3 i didnt have a single large Fuel Dump
#4 i had a radar Lock on your Transport before you even got close to my base, and we would have noticed 50 parachutes in the sky
i will let this one go but i am gonna make some changes to your damage report
As soon as the Tomahawks were detected, 3 Jammers around the USPMC base lit up, turning most of the Tomahawks into unguided flying Telephone Poles, of the 5 or so that werent, all but one was shot down, and it landed in a recently abandoned OP
As the AV-8Bs came in, 17 Missile armed ships began launching SAM and RIM missiles at them, and the few that came into the base managed to take out a Tent with Ammo in it and a grouping of 2 Fuel Trucks
As the remaining AV-8Bs retreated, Harpoons and F-35IIIs with Mavericks screamed towards the UNS Fleet
OOC-is it too late for me to join? if not, quick summary please it's been hard to follow this
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 01:24
OOC:i dont think its too late just you'll be coming in in the middle of a rather large battle
United North States
27-04-2009, 01:32
OOC: Heh... my bad... but on the note of the transport. The second plane should have been well outside your line of sight and it was the middle of the night. though you would have saw the plane I doubt you would have known where the paratroopers landed. I agree about the bombing attack and have changed my post according to that. Behold the power of the edit button!
Off the coast of Sorsk, on the Doubt of Fire aircraft carrier:
"Sir we have enemy fighters approaching!"
" Tell all ships to ready their AA guns and brace for impact." But the order came to late, already four frigates had been sunk. The rest of the fleet opened up their guns firing into the sky desperately hoping that one of their shots would hit.
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 01:35
OOC:Is the Doubt of Fire that Kratik i gave to you as a Gift?
Fully 250 Harpoons and 120 F-35IIIs with 8 Mavericks each came in after the UNS Fleet
27-04-2009, 01:52
OOC: Godmodding? You somehow managed to find the signal, and that person just so happened to know Orhrzhovan? And Tomahawks are rather large missles so it'd be more then just a Tent and two trucks >.>
The Captain of the OF Lythander was a little confused at how little his missles did. He had the other four subs submerge and move, then radioed headquarters. "Do I have the permission to initiate protocol seven?"
The voice came suddenly, "Initiative given, go ahead for stage two needs verifaction."
The captain smilied the foolish Blackhawk had no idea what was to come.
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 01:58
OOC:if you read back a few pages my men have a Radio signal Locator, which is how i found you, by godmodding i meant not giving me a chance to RP my ships and planes shooting down some of the Tomahawks, and i have had my Run-ins before with Tomahawks, none were good, so i keep all my stuff spaced out, thus, such little damage from both the Bombing runs and the Tomahawks, as for one thing, its been my Base under attack, not Battlehawks
As for one thing ,i dont believe that a civvie would be able to get their hands on a Military radio in the middle of a Warzone
OOC:i dont think its too late just you'll be coming in in the middle of a rather large battle
OOC-Ah. Well thanks
27-04-2009, 02:03
OOC: Fine enough, but still the chance of your guy speaking Orhrzhovan? A little slim >.> And only like 3 of the missles hititng? From the dozens realiesed?
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 02:08
OOC:Tomahawks are in most cases GPS guided, which can be easily Jammed, thus why so few hit anything, as for the Radio, i detected the SIGNAL, from a Military grade Radio, thus requiring a Strike since neither Battlehawk nor i had any troops in that Sector, i didnt hear what your guys said, just found the signal, which was not a civvie radio signal, but a military one ,thus why your men got bombed
United North States
27-04-2009, 02:08
OOC: Yep, the UNS only aircraft carrier.
Fleet commander Morgan was knocked from his seat as a missle hit the port side of the ship.
"Sir, the UNSS Kilroy has sunk!"
"Damn it!" yelled the Fleet commander Morgan they were being murdered and he couldn't do a damn thing to fight back.
"Wire the USPA for terms of surrernder, all ships are to standown and await futher orders."
"Y-y yes sir."
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 02:12
OOC:And let me gues, the Frigates and AV-8Bs are also from that batch?
The Missile had a circle mode on them, as well as enough spare fuel for a additional hour of flight, the missiles were put on this mode, and a Ultimatum was sent to the UNS Fleet Commander
You will put your rudder towards shore, put your ships between ours and the coast, and will hand over your Aircraft, Missiles, Ammunition, and Weapons in General to our men, while we consider what to do with your men
United North States
27-04-2009, 02:31
Off the coast of Sorsk, on the Doubt of Fire aircraft carrier:
The fleet commander had every eye in the fleet on him. The men knew no matter what happened it meant their doom. They all knew the price for handing UNS military property over to the enemy, Death by hanging. His mind was caught between to warring sides. If he fought back there was a good chance some off the frigates could escape though heavily damage their chance off surviving till they got to UNS held waters was not so good. If he surrendered now the second the fleet returned to the UNS they would be hanged and be remembered as a cowards. Morgan sighed deeply then open his private channel to his Captains.
"Men we all know what happens if we accept their terms, as such I, and my crew have agreed to stay and fight, any ships who do not wish to follow are to send up a white flag and move towards the port."the fleet commander pauses "I have no doubt in my mind the enemy will treat you with the respect you deserve."
Two ships leave the formation traveling towards the USPA base. Morgan then turns to his crew. "You may now commence firing."
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 02:35
The Missiles were immediately Re-Targeted, at the very least 50 headed towards the Doubt of Fire, another 120 for the remaining 3 or so Frigates
OOC:I was gonna give em all the chance to stay with the USPA Forces but ok
United North States
27-04-2009, 02:45
Off the coast of Sorsk:
The Doubt by Firewas reduced to a charred hust of the once proud former self. The four remaining frigates suffered the same fate. Six sailors that didn't want to join their brethren jumped ship at the last moment.
Inland Sorsk Two days after the battle of (insert epic battle name here):
Six men hungry and tired set up a firing position near a small dirt road surrounded by forest. Each was man camouflaged, lay silent waiting patiently for the first supply truck to come their way be it friend or foe.
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 02:50
Coming up the road was Mechanized Marine Platoon 6, 2 Bradleys and 10 HMMWVs strong, with 63 Well armed and Trained Marines
United North States
27-04-2009, 02:58
It took the men all their willpower to wait. With the navy failing to secure a steady supply of food and ammunition the five hundred Grenadiers were living on the brink of death, sixteen men died for them to learn they couldn't depend on the radio, thirty to realize they couldn't stop to build a base camp. Using hit and run guerilla tactics they manged to avoid any major battles.
It was simply they placed anti armor mines at the bend in the road, after the first vehicle was destroyed they would take out the last one then fill in the middle with lots and lots of dead people...
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 03:01
The Driver of the Lead HMMWV was a Veteran of the War in Eirland, he noticed something on the road up ahead, he stopped, and said over the radio for everyone to dismount and take up positions
He walked up the road, and saw the AT Mines, he immediately ducked behind a Nearby tree and said over the radio
"Enemy alert enemy alert we go AT Mines on the road"
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 03:06
At The same time this was sent to the UNS Government
We have recently learned that you have attacked our people in Sorsk for no reason after we sold you over 11 BILLION Dollars worth of Ships and Aircraft, and this is how you pay us back? You are lucky that we havent blown your country to pieces yet and if you want your country to continue to exist we suggest you un-conditionally surrender, or Help me God i destroy everything you have worked for the build.
President Andrew Hundley
Van Luxemburg
27-04-2009, 08:53
VLMS Safe Zone, two days later
With the recognition of the safe zone by the Socialist Republic itself, the troops were partly guaranteed of their safety. Of course, there still were the foreign units fighting a battle in neighbouring Alejandia.
However, the Van Luxemburger troops had now organised themselves, and had completed the defensive perimeter, that was now moving away from Svlad by about a kilometre per day, in order to allow new refugees to come in and to secure a larger area of the country for the safe zone. The small fleet had taken back to the seas again, making it possible to launch their fighters for air support and patrols. The helicopters had been left on a small airfield near Svlad, where they would be ready to redeploy to any sector of the safezone as quickly as possible.
Next to this, a larger airfield now housed several large aircraft, Monteluci Condors, for AEW&C, AGS and tanker duties. Furthermore, several smaller Monteluci Sparviero turboprop aircraft, normally used as trainers, would be equipped with cannons and both guided and unguided missiles to provide counter-insurgency air support. However, the total amount of actual aircraft did not exceed 30, with 6 Condors and 24 Sparvieros arriving. Next to this, Pilatus PC-6 and PC-12M aircraft would be used for light transport duties, numbering no more than 12.
The idea was that at least one of each of the Condors would be up in the air at any given time, with the other Condor of the same type standing by on the ground. The three aircraft would be flying alone, sometimes being escorted by Tifones or Harriers, and thanks to their massive range, could stay airborne for extended periods of time, with the tankers sometimes even making use of the reserve air crew aboard to continue it’s mission, before landing almost a day later.
On the ground, all the information transmitted by the two sensor aircraft were received and converted into workable data, providing valuable intelligence to the troops on the ground. The headquarters, in the town hall of Svlad, would occasionally send its troops out on patrol outside the safezone, to investigate vehicle movements and other reports.
Now, as the Monteluci Condor with Air-to-Ground Surveillance reported large amounts of vehicle movements around Alejandia, the democratic base set up by the United States of PA and The Republic of the Battlehawk. Furthermore, the AEW&C also reported movements out to sea, but this was of little importance to the Van Luxemburgers, as their fleet remained extremely close to the coast near Svlad. However, it seemed the situation cooled down about as quickly as it began, and the Van Luxemburgers were left to do with little else than to send out the patrol they had prepared for Alejandia, but this time in a northern direction, away from the coast, moving slightly inland, before bending off towards the main road that lead to Alejandia itself.
The patrol, consisting of a heavily armoured core with one Panzerwon Draach from a mechanised battalion of the Grade di Giustra, two SPW-08 IFV’s and two Monteluci Corazzieres equipped with RWS’es and uparmoured to UW standards. This patrol carried no less than two ten-man Grupps, while also carrying the commanding officers of a mechanised platoon, a sniper team and an MG team. Both the mortar team and the ATGM team were left inside the safe zone, while the officers had secured air support and artillery support. Furthermore, the troops would not move too far from the safe zone, meaning they were well within reach of the AA defence and medical evacuation capabilities of their Compagnie. In case of serious problems with armoured vehicles, the Compagnie’s Panzerjäger platoon had also been placed on standby, their Khrizantema missiles capable enough to bring heavy losses to modern MBT’s.
The vehicles moved slow, relying on their markings as Van Luxemburger vehicles. The infantry remained inside the IFV’s and APC’s, the Draach moving forward several metres as a reconnaissance unit. It’s 125mm gun was powerful enough to go against modern armoured vehicles, but the vehicle did not have enough armouring to be classified as a wheeled MBT. Therefore, it had been named ‘Panzerwon’; Armoured car in Vun Lëtzebuerger.
Within about half an hour, the patrol had reached the main road to Alejandia. It set up a temporary checkpoint, supported by their armoured vehicles, machinegun and sniper teams. The troops made ample use of sandbags and barbed wire, their vehicles somewhat camouflaged behind sandbag walls and natural vegetation. The checkpoint had it’s guns pointed in both directions, while the two AA specialists had set up proper positions for their Starstreak missiles. For now, the checkpoint would check on vehicles and infantry, but also on civilians, in order to check on their movements.
(OOC: Short summary: More aircraft, the VLMS can now see vehicle, aircraft and vessel movements. Furthermore, the VLMS has set-up a checkpoint on the main road to Alejandia (the democratic base). This checkpoint remains well in range of their AA defence, artillery and air support. Anyone may feel free to travel down the main road and pass/encounter/whatever the checkpoint.)
United North States
27-04-2009, 12:57
Inland Sorsk Two days after the battle of Alejandia:
Crap thought Major Roman These weren't the untrained 'demo foces like the ones they raided in the morning. These were trained USPA.
"Open fire, prioritize targets!" ordered the Major Roman. Three men opened fire into to "soft" lead HMMWV, while the other three directed their fire onto the last vehicle. There job now was the most important, to pin down the enemy and search the dead for goods: M.R.E's, Morphine, Ammo anything that the Grenadiers could use...
Hume, UNS capital city:
A curfew had been placed, after the massacre at Alejandia the Prime Minister had no doubt in his mind Hume would be bombed. Tomorrow he would have to award the People's Medal of Valor posthumously to the men on board the Doubt by fire, Langtree...
The UNS had every right to use it's God given navy. The UNS has learned one of your tactical bombers had destroyed our 1st recon team in Alejandia. The recon team themselves were under strict orders not to fight foreign foirces. The USPA started this, not the UNS and as such the courageous soldiers of the People's will not surrender and will not falter in the defense of our glorious nation.
Prime Minister Hume
27-04-2009, 16:04
Belgrade,Federation of Cukarica
Senate Press room 0900
A large group of people gathered to hear the first officialgoverment statement on the rumors that Federal and CISFOR troops have been deployed in the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
A young man started to talk to a vast number of reporters and journalists.
"Dear media representatives,obviously there were some speculations that a joint Federal-CISFOR operation is taking place in the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
And,there is.Federation can't alow comunists,nazis or foreign warmongering influence of the Republic of the Battlehawk in our backyard.
However none of the currently fighting parties don't show enough eagerness to end the bloody civil war,so oiur ultimate goal is to reach out and separate the fighting factions,also there are some foreign powers currently meddling in the internal affairs of Sorsk,and they will be dealt with accordingly.
CISFOR had initial sucess immediately after crossing the border as our airstrikes have proven devastating for a communist group operating close to Federal border.For the time being none Federal or CISFOR casualties have been reported as the armored column continiues to move forward,deeper into the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
Please no questions asked,thank you."
He said as he simply walked away,obviously ignoring the intrigued and shocked crowd of press officials and journalists.
40 km in Sorskian teritory
2nd Armored column 0930
With only minor skirmishes the armored colum proceeded protected by infantry capturing the high ground and strategic hills above the main road,overlooking the column the infantry coul easily spot any potential threats and to warn the battlegroup of possible hostile assault.
The commanders put security of their troops with recon detachment being sent ahead of the main force to encounter any possible ambushes.
Also to scare the local population,several high flying C-30 Hercules dropped propaganda letters and statements in the most populated areas.
The guardsmen only knew that their mission was to reach the capital of Sorsk and to hold on it until other orders come through to them.
Black sea,20 Nm from Cukarican fleet
A huge silouete sailed silently across the calm watters of the Black sea,probably the largest warship ever sailed through it,FES Indefatigable was one of the Longsword class missile warships Federal Navy had at it's disposal,purshased from Lyras the massive ship was a true mark of power and domination of the Federal Navy,and with it's vast amount of firepower it was surely set to change the balance of power into Federal hands.
The stage was set,for a bloodbath to commence.
Secret Comunique
Encryption lvl xxx67-MaxENC
To:President Ivanovic
From:Federal Black Operations Bureau
Respected President Ivanovic,the honorable and prosperous Federation is willing to make a deal with you,as you probably know CISFOR is moving towards your respected and old capital city.If you accept the following offer Federal goverment will look gently on you and your little goverment.But we want something in exchange.
95% of your entire oil and natural gas industry output and ownership of it for the next 70 years.We think that our demand is simple and acceptable,because Sorsk(you) will have many benefits of our "friendship".
In terms of 100 billion $ and of course mutiny defeat.
You have 24 hours to respond,time is ticking.
Doctor Alejandro Vladimorovich Dmitrivic puffed on the ciggarete once again. He was in his office now, in the Communist Party Headquarters, alone with a potrait of Lussdren. He was trying to calm down after another bout with his mind over his 'idea'. He sipped some vodka, staring outside at the former Government Buildings, shattered by those bastards from the USPA. How they were stupid, supporting the so-called democrats, like the rest of them. The democrats would just kick up another horrid reigme in which more innocents would be slaughtered for no other reason than not being a white atheist who supported the Party, just like the communists were already doing.
The hardliners had destroyed the country. Alejandro, like most, had accepted that. It was clear that anymore hardline communist rule would create unspeakable things in the country, things which would all crawl towards the ultimate end - death. And while we all died eventually, it just wasn't right for 4-year-old children to be firing assault rifles so as to look after mum and dad. He shook his head.
Alejandro had a plan to resolve that. While he was still a communist - nobody forgot what the monarchy had done in their day - he was not a hardliner. He knew that in order for Sorsk to survive as a sovereign and independent state, rather than a colony of the damned USPA motherfuckers or some other democracy, mass reform would have to take place. The foreigners were closing in on the capital, only the two other Inner Governorates seperating Sorsk from the awaiting hell.
He would have to get two foreign pilots to bomb the soon-to-be Communist Party Conference with Su-27s - any foreign aircraft would destroy the operation - and, in result, kill the entire communist party. Alejandro would claim to be sick with influenza, and after the Party was destroyed, he would broadcast a message to the nation - as the new President - claiming that the NSLA - whom nobody appeared to be supporting except those Greater Americanian rats diplomatically - conducted the attack, thus turning public opinion against NSLA and resulting in the collapse of NSLA.
Then, Alejandro would declare a ceasefire with the democrats and hopefully tempt them into becoming a political party, in which fair elections would be run and the rebuilding progress beginning. Reform communism. The state needed it.
He decided that it was time to gamble it all and send out some form of a message on the frequencies. He had tinkered with it for a bit to block it from most communist forces - civillian and military - but not all. You just never knew.
He downed the vodka.
* * *
"Hello?" asked a voice over the radio. "This is Doctor Alejandro Vladimirovich Dmitrivic. I am a reform communist currently in the Communist Party Headquarters. Whomever you are, I have a plan to overthrow the ruling hardliner communists and replace it with reform communism, with elections taking place if the plan is successful. Whomever you are, please respond. Please."
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 20:27
The Battlehawk Fleet approached the enemy fleet that had fired on the USPA fleet. The 80 Aircraft aboard immediatly launched against the enemy fleet and the cruisers opened fire against the enemy ships firing on the USPA base.
Encrypted transmision
TO: USPA Base COMMANDER/Battlehawk Ranger COMMANDER at USPA base
FROM: CO, Battlehawk Fleet
We are engagin the enemy fleet that has fired upon you, we're going to take some fire off you, wish us luck
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 20:34
Encrypted Transmission
TO-ROB Commander
FROM-USPAMC Commander and USPAN Naval Commander
We thank you, the UNS has officially pissed us off, and we are making a request for permission for a Kinetic Strike on their Home bases and Ports, too show them their mistake
Inland Sorsk
Seeing as the Men had all seen combat, and their 2 M3A3 Bradleys survived, and that the Marines all had the M-9 Family of Weapons on them, this was gonna be a no brainer, but just in case, 3 MV-22B Ospreys took off from the Base with 135 more men, 8 AH-1 SuperCobras to provide Combat Air Support, a TR-1 To locate the enemy with Thermal imaging, and a number of F-35IIIs to burn the woods out with Napalm
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 20:38
The Rangers were walking around the Base looking for the USPA CO
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 20:39
"Hey rangers come here"
The Colonel in command yelled out to them from a Stryker Command Vehciles by the water
The Socialist Republic of Sorsk
The Office of the President
Federal Black Operations Bureau,
I wish to make it clear that the Socialist Republic of Sorsk, or indeed any Sorsk, will never surrender 95% of our precious oil fields for over half a century to a foreign nation just to avoid a war. This clear attempt at resource grabbing by your disgusting, weak state makes me want to skin you all alive slowly, and our country will never turn back on our oil fields, even if it costs us dearly.
I wish to state that, as of now, a state of war exists between the Federation of Cukarica and the Socialist Republic of Sorsk, rather than a de facto war. Our young men and women will happily fight for the Socialist Republic till death, and we will never surrender our oil to your evil state.
Sergey Olegovich Ivanovic.
President of the Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
Official Communique
The Federation of Oseato
Office of the President
Ministry of Defense
The Federation of Oseato hereby declares that a state of war exists between The Federation of Oseato and The Socialist Republic of Sorsk. As a member of the CIS, The Federation hereby orders the units seconded to CISFOR, as well as The 1st Rapid Response Force and the 3rd Oseaton Fleet to help the Federation of Cukarica in their mission to restore peace and order in The Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
Sorsk has 24 hours to comply with Cukarican demands or face destruction of their forces in the field.
Most Sincerely,
General Zackary Hamilton, President
General Erwin Morrell, Minister of Defense
OOC: ORBAT to follow.
United North States
27-04-2009, 21:00
Damn it this was taking to long. the major scanned the road and found a dead USPA marine in the middle of the road, obviously the solider was trying to save the trapped men bleeding out in the lead vehicle.
"Joker, your our runner everyone else Covering FIRE!" the men let out everything they had left, smoke grenades, flash bangs and what ever else the men could use to distract the enemy troops from Joker who was flanking left to avoid the Bradley's line of sight.
Joker was the fastest man had Major Roman seen, the major heard once that he use to be a track star from the looks of him now he certainty fit the part. Spiriting half the way then crawling the last leg Joker then dug through every nook and cranny of the dead man.
Jack pot! thought private Joker. The men was a medic and bursting with supplies. Thanks what's good with the USPA, they send their men in supplied to take on a world war...
27-04-2009, 21:04
The Socialist Republic of Sorsk
The Office of the President
Federal Black Operations Bureau,
Federal Black Operations Bureau
Short Response
May this petty misscalculation be your doom,Mister Ivanovic.
We shall not give quarter to your pathetic excuse for armed forces,as we aproach your gates will fall,and the Federal guard will unsheath it's sabers and slaughter your people.
We hope that this mistake shows an example.
May the Almighty God give you mercy,as we certainly will not!
"Hello?" asked a voice over the radio. "This is Doctor Alejandro Vladimirovich Dmitrivic. I am a reform communist currently in the Communist Party Headquarters. Whomever you are, I have a plan to overthrow the ruling hardliner communists and replace it with reform communism, with elections taking place if the plan is successful. Whomever you are, please respond. Please."
A response came through,but with a lot of static,due to radar jammers stationed through Skorsk.
**This is.... Federal .....Naval Infantry detachent... Vympel,we..... have been instructed.... to keep an radio contact with you...... Dr. Dmitrivic.Federal Black Ops...... have some..... use of***
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 21:06
The Medic was skilled, he had torn off a 3 inch thick steel Deckplate from the back of the HMMWV and hid behind the door, propped the Steel Plate up, and went to work, he was well protected
3 Miles Away
"This is Whiplash i see the firefight, i have the platoon in sight, we will fastrope behind where we believe the enemy is"
"Roger that whiplash, get those men outta there"
"Roger that Sir"
Right away, 3 MV-22Bs moved to a hill behind the enemy and dropped 135 Men, with the 8 AH-1s there as well, all the Helos had been upgraded so over the gunfire below no one could hear the helos a half a mile away, 17,000 FT Up, a TR-1 was iding the enemy locations, and 24 F-35IIIs loaded up with Napalm were waiting to roast the woods
Ivanovic looked at the communication from Oseato. He laughed slightly, bringing his lighter. He burned it. Whatever happened, he wasn't giving the demmies anything whenever the War ended. He brought out two bottles of vodka, mixed them and drank it all. He started stumbling and fell onto his desk once or twice. He was spending his last days with the bottle.
He collapsed onto the floor, drunk.
Alejandro was sweating as his radio reported a communication. His half empty vodka was beside his ash tray, which was rather full at the moment. In order to calm his nerves, Alejandro lit up another ciggarete, before finally playing the message.
He grinned at the message's contents, then replied straight away.
"Hello? Thank you sirs. All's I need your army to do is bomb the Communist Party Conference, which I won't be attending due to being 'sick'. I can do the rest, comrades. Though I do not believe in God, I suspect you do, and I hope your God will reward you greatly for helping me."
27-04-2009, 21:28
Alejandro was sweating as his radio reported a communication. His half empty vodka was beside his ash tray, which was rather full at the moment. In order to calm his nerves, Alejandro lit up another ciggarete, before finally playing the message.
He grinned at the message's contents, then replied straight away.
"Hello? Thank you sirs. All's I need your army to do is bomb the Communist Party Conference, which I won't be attending due to being 'sick'. I can do the rest, comrades. Though I do not believe in God, I suspect you do, and I hope your God will reward you greatly for helping me."
As Alejandro finished talking over the radio..Infantrymen simply responded...
"Affirmative,sir.It will be done.Over!"
Almost immediately Bastion systems started to relay the message to the Black sea fleet.
Fire solution requested for date 27.10.2009(Totaly random xD),for coordinates 72" 30' 30" 57".
Black sea,FES Indefatigable (
With the bombing message recieved,Longsword had different orders to contain the other factions until Sorsk goverment is reestablished.
700 LY4045 and 500 LY589 Hellion missiles flew toward the Battlehawkian and USPA ships.Swiftly cutting through air at low altitude the missiles are hard to notice by radars due to the waters reflective surface.
Along that combat flights were from issiued Kiev an Ulyanovsk to provide a no-fly zone and to protect the battlegroup.
In adition 20 Harpoons from modified Ticonderogas were launced against the Battlehawkian Destroyers to disable them and prevent from retaliating.
United North States
27-04-2009, 21:32
...and the teen superstar has been placed under house arrest.
In other news we have been getting rumors of a possible missile attacks towards the UNS in the near future from the USP-
Prime Minister Hume clicked the TV off. The idiots in the media had no idea they had close the city of Hope had been to missile attack. Quick thinking by UNS missile command had intercepted the speeding missile before it could reach the coast. But the command couldn't stop every missile that were to come through, it was only a matter of time before innocent people started dieing.
God's speed Grenadiers your are only hope
The Prime Minister clicked the TV back on.
...To which the defense responded to saying quote: well yeah I slept with your mom...
United States of PA
27-04-2009, 21:34
President Hundley was sitting at his desk watching the UNS Nes Channel, he started to laugh, no missile had been launched
OOC:UNS, i say make a new thread for my attack on your nation, so lets not do that here
The government knew that the end was there. The country was falling, forces of many nations advancing towards the Inner Governorates. The foreigners would destroy the Outer Governorates in a matter of days, all of it. It would leave the future government a basket case for an economy, especially if the oil fields and farms were attacked successfully.
President Ivanovic called it 'defence'. It was really retreating. All of the Sorskian forces in the Outer Governorates began their immediate retreat to the Inner Governorates in order to defend them as long as they could. The conflict between the UNS/USPA/etc. had bought them some time to prepare for the attacks, and Van Luxemburg making its advance to Alejandia would kick up a storm soon. That gave time for the new seven thousand conscripts to be trained for the Grand Defence.
The military was on standby. The Socialist Republic was on high alert. The end was near.
United North States
27-04-2009, 21:47
OOC: Agreed, but for the time beings I'll just stick to one war.
Meanwhile on another side of inland Sorsk:
The deafening sound of a bridge exploding could be heard through out the entire forest. After the Major had instructed them to split up "Happy Harry's" platoon had lay waste to 'demo bridges, and supply routes everywhere they could find. The one thing the platoon hadn't manged to do is fight the USPA, every man wanted revenge after the battle of Alejandia, yet the only enemies they seemed to come by were untrained 'demo rebels
Alejandro breathed and smiled. He poured more vodka and lit another ciggarete, in celebration of his achievment.
Soon he left work, and went back home for a bottle of wine with his wife. He hoped he would be bck in time to tuck his children into bed.
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 22:06
Battlehawk Fleet
"Missiles, tracking, recommend alert one repeat recomment alert one!" Tactical reported
"All ships man battlestaions, coutner missile, all Anti missile systems fire at will"
Finnally picking up the missiles on radar the fleet responded, CIWS and anti-missiles began to fire. Nether the less the Fleet took major damage, after the missile stirike ended All Escorts were wiped out and the two carriers were damage and were attempting to limp away as they sent out a message.
Prioirty Message To Battlehawk Command
This is Level 1 Intervention Group tweleve, we have been engaged, beleved to be CISFOR as they are the only ones in the area with capability and motive, attempting to withdraw. This situation has now become a Z-File. END
As the Rangers walked over they got the fateful news of tha attacked fleet.
27-04-2009, 22:23
Battlehawk Fleet
"Missiles, tracking, recommend alert one repeat recomment alert one!" Tactical reported
"All ships man battlestaions, coutner missile, all Anti missile systems fire at will"
3rd Patroll group,FES Indefatigable
"Sir,we have confirmed hits!Battlehawkians are withdrawing it seems!Next course of action?Sir?"
"Yes,finaly repayed those bastards for the 7th Naval and Port Palla,order another voley of LY589 Hellion's and make it 300 missiles,aim for the capitals."
with a wide smile junior officer responded..
"Yes,Sir! Firing solution Beta-5678 fire batteries 43 to 87 portside!"
Almost immediately the batteries moved,no one stood on the deck of the huge ship as it was a burning hell on it,due to the launches of the missiles.
Now 30 FGFA were ready to harass the retreating Battlehawk fleet.
The scene was set for the Black sea to turn bloody red.
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 22:31
The Battlehawk
27-04-2009, 22:35
Battlehawk Fleet
The Remaining Escorts took the majority off the enemy missiles, with only a few missiles hitting the Carriers. The Entire escorts were out and the Carriers were just making there way to meet up with the Level One Combat Exped Fleet 2, that had been scrambled to the area.
*News Anchor sitting at her news desk reads off the teleprompter*
Mere days after joining the CIS, Oseato is moving to support The Federation of Cukarica in the war in Sorsk. Although IV Corps was announced to be sent directly into the conflict instead of meeting up with CIS forces at designated areas, it has been determined that only the 1st Rapid Response Force and 3rd Oseaton Fleet will be sent into combat. The other forces are being placed on floating standby near the conflict zone in case the situation spirals out of control.
An Oseaton Federal Army spokesman said that the 2nd and 3rd Airborne Regiments and their components were already on their way to the theatre and are prepared to for a combat jump into the country. The 1st Expeditionary Brigade will conduct an amphibious landing as soon as a suitable beach has been secured.
The 3rd Oseaton Fleet is currently moving into the area, but is still outside Mediterranean Sea and wont be able to influence the battle for a few days.
200 RAH-66's
300 UH-60's
100 CH-54E's
7,000 Combat Troops
600 Fuel/Water Tankers
200 Humvees
100 Paladin SPH's
100 EFV's
200 Styker MGS's
200 Strykers
300 AAVP7A1's
25 Bradley Linebackers
10,200 Combat Troops
300 Water/Fuel Tankers
OOC: Seems like a lot, but the Expeditionary Unit wont come into play until the CIS Navies have cleared the area. so it's effectively 7,000 Airborne soliders, a few hundred tankers and humvees, and all the helicopters.
3rd Fleet
2 CVN-21 Class Carriers - ONS Chester Martin, ONS Johnathan Moss
- 48 F-21 SparrowHawks ( each
- 24 A-6 Intruders each
- 12 EA-6B Prowlers each
- 4 S-3B Vikings each
2 Wasp Class Assault Ships
- 2 Loaded with:
- 20 F-35's each
- 6 S-70 Seahawks each
2 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers - ONS Ironto, ONS New Claris City
1 Modernized Iowa Class Battleship - ONS Wade Hampton V
3 DDX Class Destoryers
United States of PA
28-04-2009, 02:23
OOC:Oseato, he limited it to 10 Warships, not including Amphibs and 10,000 troops
OOC: Troops are numbering 7,000, I'm just saying that if I have troops ready to be in theatre (1st RRF) in case I change my mind, pull my airborne units out and want a stronger force on the ground. That way I don't have to spend a lot of time waiting to change out units and placing another ORBAT.
EDIT: Trimmed naval deployment to fit to 10 ships. Specified which units were active and which were not technically deployed.
Van Luxemburg
28-04-2009, 09:28
Over Alejandia
The Pilatus PC-6 was certainly an old aircraft, being built at the Schmolz+Bickenbach Flugzeugwerke in Van Luxemburg in the early 1970’s. It was the last of the pack to be built for the ALD, the Van Luxemburger Army Air Arm, and it continued to serve well into the 21st century. Seeing the aircraft could be landed on an air strip no longer than some 60 metres by an experienced pilot, it was the ideal aircraft for areas which were out of reach for the normal transport and utility aircraft of the ALD.
However, it would not land on such a short strip today. It had taken off from a regular airfield from within the safe zone, and would now conduct a reconnaissance flight over Alejandia, and then continue out to sea, in order to check upon the naval movements of all the parties involved. Even though the Van Luxemburgers had little to do with it, they were getting slightly nervous of the fact their AEW&C aircraft had detected ample amounts of missile launches. If any of those missiles would have been targeted in the wrong way, they could have ended up between the Van Luxemburger fleet lying just outside Svlad, or simply on the ground, in the safe zone, resulting in a mass loss of life.
Therefore, this Pilatus Turbo Porter had been sent up in order to check on these movements. First, the VLMS headquarters had been thinking about sending one of their Tifones, or a Harrier, but these could be easily confused with the airplanes involved in the battle itself. Therefore, it was decided a light utility aircraft, with an experienced crew, would have to do this surveillance task. The aircraft was slow enough not to be identified as a jet fighter, it’s looks and camouflage would easily make it identifiable as a Van Luxemburger aircraft, especially with the large flag painted on the belly of the aircraft and the roundels positioned on the wings and tail. It was unarmed, except for the personal defence weapons carried by the crew, and an array of cameras to record their observations for the HQ.
First, it passed over Alejandia, the democratic base lying just outside the safe zone, and subject of intensive surveillance by the VLMS just because of this location: the VLMS would have the right to disarm any troops in the safe zone, so if any of the democratic troops would enter the safe zone, they could count on a visit by a regular VLMS patrol in order to disarm them. The PC-6 passed at a very low speed and a very low altitude, and produced quite some sound thanks to the Pratt & Whitney turboprop engines. Making several pictures of the base, the aircraft continued on, climbing again to gain a good view of what was coming.
As the PC-6 moved on, both fleets slowly began appearing one by one from the maximum view distance, with the crewmembers of the aircraft using binoculars to identify each of the ships. Their heading would guide them straight over both fleets..
VLMS Safe Zone
The Safe zone expanded slowly over the coming days, with units frequently patrolling in- and outside of the zone, their weapons loaded, often supported by armoured vehicles and even helicopters. More roadblocks and checkpoints were set-up around the safe zone, controlling everyone who passed them, recording military movements and comparing them to the AGS map overlays. The peacekeeping soldiers constructed temporary camps for the refugees coming from other areas of Sorsk, while others repaired part of the infrastructure in the safe zone. Svlad had changed into a partly militarised town, the town hall being used as a military headquarters and houses and apartments being used to house the soldiers of the VLMS.
Inside the safe zone, the situation was rather quaint, and with the expansion of the safe zone, moving up at almost ten kilometres per day at some moments, the troops were looking to increase safety in an area growing ever larger. Already, several main roads fell under the control of the VLMS and were inside the safe zone, effectively blocking them off for other military convoys. Perhaps it was just waiting for trouble, perhaps it would all go just fine. Time would tell, surely.
28-04-2009, 14:03
Nether the less the Fleet took major damage, after the missile stirike ended All Escorts were wiped out and the two carriers were damage and were attempting to limp away
BH,this post made by you is contrary to the following post part...
The Remaining Escorts took the majority off the enemy missiles, with only a few missiles hitting the Carriers.
I don't think that all of your escorts can be destroyed two times,like you stated in the previous post.
Also,how did you bypass entire CIS and Federal defenses,and how did the reinforcements came so fast?
@ Sorsk
Also i await your post,so i could bomb the shit out of commies,and please give me some ressistance xD.
Onboard FES Indefatigable,Black sea
"Let them run....said Admiral Lucas as he watched the Battlehawkian carriers escape..."We did a lot of damage to them,it's not fun to utterly destroy their petty force"
"But..but...Sir?We now have a clear oportunity to to end their influence here..."
asked Maj. Zelkim obviously worried about Admiral's reaction on his little jabbering.
"Don't worry,admiral responded calmly,we have plans for our little Battlehawkians.A very,very nice plan."
Federal battlegroup now moved closer to Sorskian coast,as they felt vulnerable against possible attacks on the open sea.
This gave them two major advantages,both protection from the Federal Airbases and a wider range for missile strikes on current fightin factions in Sorsk.Coordinated by the CISFOR ground forces the fire from Longswords could even hit any neighbouring nation as the missile range was 3000 km,but that wasn't their goal.Now protected by the Federal fighter command,a missile strike was launched from the FES Indefatigable against USPA base in Sorsk.The Longsword unleashed it's fiery wrath.With around 330 Hellion missiles launched,the USPA would soon regret it's alliance with the murderous and treacherous Republic of Battlehawk.
Morale was higher then anytime before,as news of CISFOR accomplishments reached the victorious fleet in the Black sea.
120 miles in Sorsk,CISFOR armored column
Their advance was steady and safe,as the infantry went ahead to capture the small town of Sesniov(random),they were expecting to encouter at least some ressistance there as it was a vital communications and infrastructure hub in Sorsk.Tanks encirled the city from three sides,with 3rd and 4th Tank companies acted as a reserve force.Cukarican mountain rangers moved out hiding and taking behind trees and buildings to capture the town,snipers were positioned on high points around the town.A battery of PzH-2008 overlooked the town from a nearby hill,to provide artillery cover to the aproaching force.Moving as air suport Apache gunships searched the nearby fields for enemy tanks.A two line circle was made around the town,one to protect the attacking forces from any attempts to relieve the town,and the other were the starting positions for the assault to commence.Viking tanks took flanking positions toward the town so they could storm in fast into the town supported by infantry and helicopters.
Deeply entrenched Cukaricans were ready for anything.
Operation Barbarossa has begun.
Van Luxemburg
28-04-2009, 14:26
(OOC: Considering no-one bothered to actually detect them..)
Nearing the Cukarican fleet
As they progressed on their reconnaissance mission, the Pilatus crew saw a worrying sight: The Cukarican fleet was moving closer to the coast, the main ship, identified by the intelligence officer aboard the aircraft as a Longsword-class supercapital, the FES Indefatigable of the Federal Navy, fired what was known as a ‘cruise missile storm’ to the officers studying at the Military Academy. In fact, the troops in the field knew little about this method, seeing it wasn’t used by the Van Luxemburger Armed Forces or it’s allies, as it was considered a huge waste of resources. But then again, the Grand-Ducal Military tended to keep their eyes on the money.
This was not only worrying to the crew of the Pilatus, who were in danger of being hit by the cruise missiles taking off from the vertical launch systems of the ship and turning towards Sorsk, the direction they were coming from, but also to the entire VLMS mission. The crew aboard the Monteluci Condor AEW&C aircraft could calculate that these missiles were headed for the base in Alejandia, using a complicated method of mathematical predictions and course calculations, done by the onboard computers. Seeing this was of interest to the VLMS Headquarters in Svlad, but also to the Van Luxemburger Marine fleet laying just off the coast near Svlad, and indeed near the USPA base, this was all directly transmitted to them.
Only seconds later, the commanding officer aboard the Monteluci Condor had received orders to enter in communincations with the combined Cukarican/CISFOR fleet, in order to warn them of their presence. This was done via an open communications channel, repeated on multiple others to make sure the fleet would receive this message.
‘Attention CISFOR fleet, Repeat, Attention CISFOR Fleet. This is the Van Luxemburger Mission in Sorsk. You have fired cruise missiles at a location near the VLMS Safe Zone. You are asked to keep a security margin as to not kill innocent civilians or Van Luxemburger servicemen. Furthermore, we request you do not approach the fleet of the Van Luxemburger Marine near the coast at Svlad. We are an independent peacekeeping force.
Also, be advised of one of our reconnaissance missions flying close to your fleet. It will be flying over on a southbound heading, before turning back to the safe zone. This aircraft, type Pilatus PC-6, is an unarmed turboprop light utility aircraft. You have been advised.’
28-04-2009, 16:12
sniped ‘Attention CISFOR fleet, Repeat, Attention CISFOR Fleet. This is the Van Luxemburger Mission in Sorsk. You have fired cruise missiles at a location near the VLMS Safe Zone. You are asked to keep a security margin as to not kill innocent civilians or Van Luxemburger servicemen. Furthermore, we request you do not approach the fleet of the Van Luxemburger Marine near the coast at Svlad. We are an independent peacekeeping force.
Also, be advised of one of our reconnaissance missions flying close to your fleet. It will be flying over on a southbound heading, before turning back to the safe zone. This aircraft, type Pilatus PC-6, is an unarmed turboprop light utility aircraft. You have been advised.’
Comunications officer onboard Indefatigable responded in calm voice.His orders were clear.
"This is FES Indefatigable of the Federal Navy,we assure you that we pose no threat to Van Luxemburger servicemen,however there might be some colateral casualties among the Sorskian population,but still our strikes are well coordinated and aimed at military instalations.Van Luxemburger safe zone will not be compromised at any cost.
Federal Navy out!"
The Battlehawk
28-04-2009, 16:13
OOC: It was that most of the escorts were destroyed and the rest during your second assault
-Two Longsword Class Supercapitals
-Two Excleior Class Carriers
-Six Argo Class Cruisers
28-04-2009, 17:04
[OOC] Seems a little awkward,but ok.
Federation of Cukarica
Official Statement
Declaration of War
Earlier today,a fleet of warships of Naval forces of the Republic of Battlehawk intentionaly took hostile action against CISFOR troops stationed in the currently war thorn Socialist Republic of Sorsk.
Federal fleet responded and destroyed the Naval capability of the Battlehawkian fleet.However these warmongering murderers aren't backing out of this,at least,for them allready lost conflict.
The Federation of Cukarica will not be bullied by terorists and demented maniacs in charge of the Battlehawk goverment.
We gave them their last chance to correct their awkward and cowardly ways,but they didn't learn their lesson last time they tried to invade the Federation,they broke their teeth on the bloody paws of our trusted allies The Armed Republic of Wolf Hold,and now rhey will brake their necks on the armored fists of the Federation.
The time of piece has ended,the dogs of war are howling,and the Federal guard stands ready,and we shall not retreat,and we shall not fall.
As the dawn rises,there shall only be war.
Federation of Cukarica
The Battlehawk
28-04-2009, 17:25
Official Responce To Declaration Of War
Republic of the Battlehawk
Despite our intentions in Sorsk to attempt to end the war and support our allies in that mission, CISFOR naval ships engaged Battlehawk Intervention Group 12, in an unprovoked attack. The CISFOR refers to our assault on Wolf Hold, itself a mere retalation for their strike on us. But that time has past. All Battlehawk Forces have been ordered to Set: Defense Redieness Status 1.
As Cukarican troops approached Sorsk, five Su-27s were flying overhead, armed with bombs and preparing to attack the Cukaricans. They dropped down slightly, meaning they could just make out the Cukaricans below.
The five all started dropping their bombs over the Cukaricans immediately, dropping as many as they could before they were shot down. In which case they would crash in the centre of the Cukaricans. Orders and Oaths. Orders and Oaths...
28-04-2009, 22:21
International Merchant Lanes
GPS Coordinates ****90
1 Nm From Black Sea Entrance
As Shakespeare once described the slow, undeniable approach of a dark Death, so did the trio of Praetonian-made, Lupus-class SSKNs glide like harbingers of an abrupt death through the undercurrents of the ocean. Each was under tight communication black out. Their hulls had been scraped clean of any and all identifying sigils and their crew had removed all personal items and even their usual uniforms. They wore simple P.T. fatigues, which was a poor comparison to the usual blue-black, fresh uniforms they usually wore. But then when sent on a classified mission the line-and-order sailors knew not to question their captain.
“Master Chief, bring us about right twelve degrees,” said the captain of the lead attack submarine. “Make sure the trim is correct.”
“Aye Captain,” replied the petty officer standing next to him. He turned to the row of men sitting upright and alert at their stations. Beads of sweat fell down their faces in rivulets, the only sign of the stress on their shoulders.
“Helm, about starboard twelve degrees; watch the trim.”
“Aye Chief.”
The captain looked over his maps again, checking over the calculations in his head and then checking the GPS. It was risky using it, as some modern navies had ways of detecting a GPS signal. But their prey was less inclined to have the necessary detection capabilities to even know the signal, let alone his ship, was there. After checking he turned it off. He checked the crystal wristwatch on his arm. Time was important to their mission.
“Increase speed by five knots,” ordered the captain.
“Increase speed aye sir,” nodded the master chief. He turned around. “Helm, speed increase by five knots.”
“Speed increased to 20 knots by 5, aye chief.”
The operator sitting nearly as silently and still as a stone with a pair of thick headphones over his ears looked up with a slight shock of recognition. With measured movements that spoke of long familiarity of the controls at his fingers, the sailor turned on his passive radar, to help add to his passive sonar scans. He listened and looked. Two blots appeared on his screen. Two engines played their predictable ballad in his sonar-amplified ears.
“Captain, we’ve got two marks. Eighteen hundred meters and moving perpendicular to our present course…north-by-north-east, speed of both at a smooth eighteen knots,” the man reported.
“Chief, bring us to periscope depth,” the captain grinned wolfishly.
“Periscope depth aye, sir.”
“Send confirmation signal to the others,” the captain added.”
The attack submarine smoothly rose like a serpent from the near-bottom of the ocean and came up towards the surface. The two other submarines mirrored its movements. The periscope stuck up out from the blue swirling waves of the ocean like a thin reed in a river bed. A hawk-eyed man stared through its eye piece.
“Flag designation…USPA. Names…‘St. Marie’ and ‘Lunar Lady’. Intel, check the list that NHC gave us,” said the captain.
The master chief checked the print readout that Naval Intelligence had given to all respective Thrashian attack submarine groups, a list of known major oil tankers under USPA colors. If the names matched then they were crewed by USPA men and not simply an allied power bearing the USPA flag.
“Intel list confirmation sir. Both ships.”
“Sir, ships closing at a distance of 1000 meters; speed still 18 knots,” pitched in the sonar specialist.
“Load and arm four Broadsword torpedoes,” ordered the captain. Further up the ship in the torpedo room, burly men wrestled the large submersible killers into their tubes. Red lights flashed on next to them, signifying that the torpedoes were locked and loaded. A light appered on the captain’s control board.
“Distance to first target, 800 meters. Second target 900,” relayed the Master Chief.
“Flood all tubes. Have the Martanius take the second. Poseidon is to move starboard and intercept if we miss,” ordered the captain, a feverish light in his eyes.
“Target solution and lock confirmed,” the weapons petty officer announced. “Target at 670 meters and closing.”
For that moment the captain stood still. It was a feeling that only a few men ever felt, one shared between submarine captains and army snipers; that undeniably awe-inspiring feeling of knowing that in that one moment when your enemy is in your sights you have achieved a small moment of ascendancy with God, to decide whether or not to kill that which unknowingly hangs in the balance between it and Life.
“Fire tubes One through Four.”
With a ‘whoosh’ of compressed air and the hum of torpedo sharks come to life, the four finned devices sped forward like bats out of Hell. Almost simultaneously the second submarine, the Martanius also loosed its dogs of war too. The crews of both submarines sat with gritted teeth and clenched hands. What if we missed? What if we’re discovered?
The torpedoes from the first submarine took the foremost tanker amidst ship, two contacting against its hull directly at its epicenter. The other two hit the ship closer to its large turbines and the rear of it. Only two of the four torpedoes from the Martanius connected, but they hit amidst ship as well on the second tanker. Explosions ripped through their hulls, metal ripping apart seemingly as easily as a hand through paper. Like a rock dropped into water, both tankers sank within a matter of minutes; their crews given hardly enough time to do little than cry out a garbled distress signal.
The sonar operator listened carefully. “All targets hit. They’re sinking sir.”
A muted cheer rose from the crew, the captain enjoying the feeling of energy that coursed through him whenever he made a kill. Sighing he turned to his deputy. “Bring us full about Master Chief. Set a course for our patrol point. Tight transmission on decryption code B to NHC of mission success. Alert the others as well. We've more hunting to do."
* * * * *
Seeing that the landing of operations on Sorska mainland was at this time not advisable, Imperial High Command had ordered the Navy to send its best submarine crews and attack subs to hunt and kill on sight all vessels known to be supporting either the Social Democrats or the Communist slime that was the current regime of Sorsk. Better to cut the life blood from the foreign troops on Sorsk soil than confront them directly. Large naval planes made two night trips over the coming days, laying hundreds of mines throughout the mouth of the Black Sea.
The blockade of the Black Sea had begun.
United North States
29-04-2009, 00:00
Sorskien northern oil fields:
General Elizabeth Rifkin helicopter touched down the make shift air field. Jumping off the helicopter she was bombard with stares from the men. It wasn't surprising, she was the first and only female general in the entire UNS armed forces.
'Ma'am.. C-c... Captain Boyd reporting for duty how did you like the flight."
She turned around. A tall officer gave her a crisp salute.
"Yes Captain forgive me but I'd like just to know the situation right now."
'Yes of course Ma'am." The officer lead her to a tent. Inside was bare expect for a small table with a map of Sorsk. " The majority of our forces are here at our position at the oil field. The officer then pointed to the south coast "USPA/Black hawk forces are centered at the coast, but we have reports of steady movement outward." He paused for a second, as if trying to remember what to say next." We... uh have... also reports of a another faction setting up a road block into the city of Ad-add... the city where the USPA landed Ma'am, we think there peace keepers."
The general covered her face with her palm deep in thought.
"What about the Grenadiers are not they still in the south."
'Yes Ma'am... but we lost radio communications with them two days ago."
"Hmm... what could Roman being doing..." the General abruptly walked out of the tent.
"Ma'am where are you going!'' yelled a flustered captain Boyd.
'To inspect the bombers of course." She responded matter-oh-factly
"About... that... we don't have... any..." Boyd stammered
Elizabeth stopped in her tracks
"Well then tell command if they want to actually win this war I'll need bombers." she ordered.
"Ye-s... Ma'am." The captain hurried off to the nearest radio post to relay the message.
"A women's work is never done." The general muttered walking off towards the barracks...
United North States
29-04-2009, 01:41
The Medic was skilled, he had torn off a 3 inch thick steel Deckplate from the back of the HMMWV and hid behind the door, propped the Steel Plate up, and went to work, he was well protected
3 Miles Away
"This is Whiplash i see the firefight, i have the platoon in sight, we will fastrope behind where we believe the enemy is"
"Roger that whiplash, get those men outta there"
"Roger that Sir"
Right away, 3 MV-22Bs moved to a hill behind the enemy and dropped 135 Men, with the 8 AH-1s there as well, all the Helos had been upgraded so over the gunfire below no one could hear the helos a half a mile away, 17,000 FT Up, a TR-1 was iding the enemy locations, and 24 F-35IIIs loaded up with Napalm were waiting to roast the woods
Joker stuffed his pack with the supplies he had just commandeered from the dead man. Before he left he snatched a small blood stained letter from the dead man's pocket. Shifting his weight Joker sprinted back into the forest.
'Okay he's clear get back." ordered the major. The six men ran into the forest each in a different direction. Over the next few hours they would regroup at the preplanned rally point, rinse and repeat as the Major liked to call it.
The Major himself stayed in place until he was sure everyone one of his soldiers had retreated. Finishing off the rest of his clip at a semi-exposed USPA solider Roman started running as fast as his legs could take him away from the remaining USPA.
United States of PA
29-04-2009, 01:44
The TR-1 Tacked them all, immediately the AH-1s Starting hounding them, with the F-35s moving to cut them off with Napalm if Neccesary
United North States
29-04-2009, 02:13
town of Norwichja, inland Sorsk:
Norwichja was a perfect place for a rally point Joker thought. It was out of the way marking the USPA/'demos actually have to look out of their way for it. The second reason was that it was inhabited by innocent commie' citizens, the USPA would avoid bombing innocents least it stain their WA record. Joker walked into the town center, shocked to see he wasn't the first team member here.
"Hey guys check out this letter a "borrowed" from the dead guy!" Joker said grinning like a child on christmas day.
"To my dear sweet Agatha, by the time this reaches you, I would have realized a e-mail would have been much quicker. In just two more days I will be back home, in time for Kevin's third birthday, I hope he still remembers his old daddy. I miss you and..."
Joker stops reading, the grin on his face had turned to a look of horror. He turns to his team mates:
"How can we do it huh, F-up people's lives like this..."
"If it makes you feel better, his wife was probably doing it with his best friend by now." Remarked the teams scout sniper Karl, cleaning his rifle without looking up. 'All our wives are, it's called urban decay the world doesn't stop because were fighting in this mud hole.
'Alright ladies." Said Major Roman "One of the villagers said the USPA/demo's are looking for us, that mean were staying here for the night, you are to treat the citizens of this village with the respect they deserve."
As the soldiers departed the Major made his way through the village. He once asked on of the women why their were no children, she said they were all moved away to the capital because of bombing raids. Another time he asked why a village of farmers had no animals, they too were moved away to the capital city because of bombing raids. The village was unsafe for children and cows...
United States of PA
29-04-2009, 03:56
That night, a Marine Force Recon squad moved into the town, no one was on the street, and the TR-1 had a good enough camera that it had tracked all 6 men to where each ahd gone, and now 45 Men were moving in, both to secure the Village and to capture or kill the Grenadiers
Van Luxemburg
29-04-2009, 10:34
(OOC: Taking some freedoms here by considering Norwichja close to my safe zone in some way. Note that the UNS force sizes have been exaggerated by the VLMS intelligence.)
Monteluci Condor AEW&C, over the VLMS Safe Zone
The commanding officer was quick to reply, with his hands already on the radio’s talk button.
‘We thank you for your understanding, FES Indefatigable. We will try not to intervene or obstruct you in your actions, as long as you stay out of our safe zone.’
The man casually leaned against the wall of the town hall, his FAM-87 with Kfg-09 optics hanging from the carrying sling, his hands leaning on top of the handguard. He was clothed in the standard Alpine camouflage kit of the Arméi, with insignias of the 87th Schweizerwuecht regiment and a rank insignia showing he held the rank of Kaptéin in this particular regiment. He was the commander of the Béta Compagnie of the one and only Kavaleier battalion of this unit, usually commanding one infantry peloton, and two armoured pelotons. He was supposed to intervene in any situations just outside the safe zone whenever deemed necessary by the VLMS HQ: This was the reason he was waiting outside the town hall. On the other side of the street, his Monteluci M6b command vehicle waited for a possible new assignment: he also knew his troops would be waiting just outside Svlad.
‘Kaptéin Freesen, could you please come in? We have an assignment for you.’ The man stood in the opened door of the town hall, carrying the rank insignias of a Kaprol.
As Freesen entered, he was immediately greeted by Brigadier Ferri, who had taken up office in one of the many rooms the town hall had.
‘Welcome, Kaptéin. I believe I have an assignment for you. Your compagnie will be slightly altered for this mission, but I believe you will be fine with it. Only some hours ago, we have heard some worrying messages coming from the town of Norwichja. We believe that Democratist forces have clashed with National Socialist troops, just outside our safe zone. I wish to assign you to go there and try to keep the peace there. You are authorised to use force if necessary, and you are authorised to disarm anyone you come up against. We already allowed a strike against the Democratic base some hours ago, but we cannot tolerate our safe zone to be compromised even further. We will need to give everyone a taste of what we are supposed to be doing here. For this mission, you will receive a Mechanised Platoon under your command, at the cost of one armoured platoon. This means you will have one Kavaleier infantry platoon, one Kavaleier armoured platoon, and one Karabineier mechanised platoon. Your troops have already been authorised to move to Norwichja. Good luck, Kaptéin.’ Ferri briefed him, while also handing him the required documents that contained the briefings and his authorisations. Saluting the brigadier, Freesen was quick to run back to his vehicle, which had already started the powerful diesel-fueled engine in order to take him to the border zone as quickly as possible.
It took only some hours to arrive at the safe zone border, only some kilometres from Norwichja. The entire company was an impressive collection of military vehicles, containing everything from MBT’s to 4x4’s. The Kaptéin had already made up his plans: he would encircle the town during the night, blocking off the main access roads in order to not allow any further reinforcements in. Then, several of the Compagnie’s Aladin UAV’s would be launched, in order to check on the town itself and map out the locations of the two factions.
Then, the Kaptéin would broadcast a warning into Norwichja, asking the factions to put down their arms and leave the area immediately. If there was no response, the 305-men strong Compagnie would move into the town as dawn broke, with some support from the regimental helicopters.
And so it all happened. As night fell, the troops began their manoeuvres, beginning their attempt to encircle the town completely. While this took place, Aladin UAVs of the VLMS surveyed Norwichja, in search of the combatants using the mounted night cameras. They were now partly assisted by a pair of Tigre helicopters that operated from greater distance, away from the town, using their thermal imagers to try and locate possible opposition.
As all of this happened, the Kaptéin had set up his command post on an overlooking hillside, from where he could oversee his own troops, as well as the town. As soon as the troops had begun their encirclement, he made used of a megaphone to warn the factions of their presence.
‘Attention, inhabitants of Norwichja, National Socialist Forces, Democratic Forces. This is the Van Luxemburger Mission in Sorsk. You are in the process of being surrounded, you are fighting close to the Van Luxemburger-enforced safe zone. Please put down your weapons, deliver them to the nearest Van Luxemburger military patrol, and return to your bases. I repeat, put down your weapons, turn them in, and return to your bases.’
United North States
29-04-2009, 12:52
Town of Norwichja, Inland Sorsk:
Major Roman scouted the area with his binoculars in his position in the church. A large force of foreign troops had surround the village. To make maters worse some of the farmers spotted USPA at the market place and the locals were going to try and stop them. He looked at his troops he would need to defended the village with, his one platoon, thirty commie' home guard and fifty-four untrained men and women with AK's and RPG. The Major had radioed in reinforcements but didn't know how long till they'd get there. he tried convincing the elders of the village to run but with was re bunked, they said they were prepared for martyrdom in the defence of the village.
"Major, orders?" Spoke the Sorskien Lieutenant behind him, he was the only one is the village who spoke both Sorskien and English making him the most valuable soilder today, even more then the Major.
"Have your men set up at the housing, and place some anti-personnel mines on the far side of the market. All leave the situation of the elders in your hands, Lieutenant."
He nodded turning to give out his orders to his men. Most of the civvies were in the church, hopefully the foreign troops had the same policy as the USPA on the killing of innocent...
Suddenly the elders walked out of their hiding place. Well done lieutenant Major Roman thought... but something was wrong with them. They walked slowly like something was weighting them down. Before the Major could call them back they'd had already went hands up towards the foreign troops. Major Roman could only watch in horror as the unspecting troops lead the "unarmed" elders out of the village. Just stopping one of the women opened her closed palm revealing a spring-loaded detonator. He could just make out her mouthing a few words, "Someday, will win." with that each elder burst into a binding light. He was stunned, but the Home guard wasn't opening fire onto the foreign troops.
The battle of Norwichja had just began...
The Battlehawk
29-04-2009, 20:36
The Sea parted as the RBS Invincible led the Battlehawk reinforcement fleet into the Warzone. On high alert with large CAP and CIWS activated. The Fleet contacted The Battlehawk Ground forces
Encrypted Transmission
TO Battlehawk Ground
Combat Exped Group 12 on station as of now, keeping an eye on CISFOR forces, support will be en-route
Battlehawk Navy ORBAT
-Two Longsword Class Supercapitals
-Two Excleior Class Carriers
-Six Argo Class Cruisers
29-04-2009, 21:27
hey is ryan on this
29-04-2009, 21:30
my men come out of no where and lay down suppresive fire with there g36 s and then make a stealth entry
Imperial isa
29-04-2009, 21:41
ooc who left the cage door open ?
Van Luxemburg
30-04-2009, 15:53
(OOC: I suppose you mean my troops by the ‘foreign troops’, UNS? I’ll turn this into a mistake from my troops now, but normally my soldiers would have instructed the civilians to show they are unarmed, from a distance. That means taking off coats and clothes in which you could hide firearms or explosives, before being allowed to carry on.)
Norwichja, Sorsk
‘Either there is something not quite right, or this is going to be like a walk in the park.’ One of the soldiers commented on the civilians coming from the town with their hands raised. Resting his rifle on one of his platoon’s SPW-08 IFV’s, he covered the area the civilians came from, making sure he would not fall for an ambush of some kind. As he saw the civilians coming, he raised his hand and signalled they should approach him, before pointing to a location behind the vehicle. The soldier knew that there would be trucks standing by to transport these civilians to a temporary camp, until this situation would be over and the town had been secured and established within the safe zone.
As the commander of the SPW contacted HQ about the amount of civilians having arrived at their location, a new message was sent from across the hilltop.
‘Attention. This is the Van Luxemburger Mission in Sorsk. We are tasked with peacekeeping in this area of the country, you have nothing to fear from us! Please put down your firearms and equipment, turn them in at VLMS forces and nothing will happen. Civilians are free to move into the safe zone, or go back to their homes as soon as this town has been secured! Repeat, we are restoring the peace in this town, no-one will be hurt if our orders are followed!’
The soldier, standing alone on one side of the vehicle, saw the civilians passing by, as instructed. As the troops had been instructed to remain in their vehicles as much as possible, or at least take cover behind their vehicles, an order which most of the soldiers followed, the rest of his 10-man Grupp was safely seated inside the vehicle or, for two other soldiers, standing on the other side of the IFV.
The soldier quickly overlooked the group of civilians that came towards the IFV, before realising he had made an enormous mistake. The chance that these civilians were in fact some kind of guerrilla fighters, carrying firearms under their coats, was present. As he thought of this, he raised his rifle again and pointed it towards the civilians, signalling they should move back at least several metres by pointing the rifle in the direction of the town several times, swinging it back to the civilians every time. He cursed as he saw the detonator, but before he could react, he was thrown back by the force of the explosion, smacked against the side of the IFV, the 60-ton vehicle itself also rocking sideways from the force of the explosion. However, it was only slightly damaged by the IED’s, save for damaged sensors and equipment hanging off the side of the vehicle. On the other side of the vehicle, the two remaining soldiers outside the vehicle were thrown back by the shockwave, one wounded by a piece of shrapnel flying away from the IFV.
Inside the IFV, the crew reacted immediately by checking the systems, and setting off a volley of smoke grenades in order to create a protective smoke screen in front of the vehicle. The crew and passengers realised the vehicle’s heavy armour had saved them from more serious injuries, other than some bruises caused by the shock of the explosion. The vehicle commander continued by calling the Kaptéin and the helicopter support, warning that several soldiers might have been wounded or even killed by the explosion. The gunner then tested the turret’s systems, prepared to fire several 50mm in quick succession at any target that could appear in his sights.
The first of the Tigre helicopters was quick to appear, as it had held its position only several hundred metres away from the location. Hovering around the location of the explosion, it used its cameras to see through the dense smoke created by the military vehicle, which did not move as they were afraid to hurt possible wounded soldiers outside the vehicle.
‘Fox Dedra, this is Eagle Eye Alpha. No suspects remain around your vehicle. We suspect one KIA and one WIA on our side.’
The ‘soldier down’ radio communication was quick to pass all around the VLMS troops, meaning they also increased their level of attention. Everyone was now a possible suspect and would be treated as hostile, meaning they would not be welcomed into the safe zone immediately. Then, the Kaptéin, from his hilltop command post, began repeating new orders to the other factions.
‘Attention. VLMS peacekeeping troops have been attacked during the evacuation of the village. Remember: you are surrounded, you have nowhere to go! Put down your weapons and return to your bases IMMEDIATELY! If further offensive actions are undertaken by any of the factions, we will be forced to take drastic measures! You have been warned.’
By now, medical assistance for the troops at the checkpoint was underway. A Monteluci M6a field ambulance, the bright red crosses painted on every side of the vehicle, blue lights flashing and a simple two-tone siren blaring to warn others of their arrival, skidded to a halt near to the IFV, followed by a second vehicle of the same type. A medical evacuation had already been arranged with the VLMS headquarters, and they had sent a NH-90 CSAR helicopter, in order to make sure a more heavily wounded soldier could be evacuated.
The medical crew of the two field ambulances were now assisted by the rest of the squad, which had previously remained hidden inside the SPW-08. The group of civilians was quickly checked, as far as it was possible to check if the individual limbs belonged to certain persons. Two medics made a short attempt to perform CPR on their colleague, but quickly realised it was futile. As the man was lifted on a stretcher, he would be put inside one of the ambulance, which quickly left for the compagnie’s intensive care unit. The second victim was treated as well as the medics could, but only required relatively minor treatment on his leg and arm, the rest having been hidden behind the IFV as the explosion rocked the area. He would eventually be transported to an improvised hospital in the safe zone, before being sent home.
Meanwhile, the hilltop command post was actively searching for a solution to the rebelling town. With one Van Luxemburger having been killed, the rest of the troops would be more inclined to take more violent actions, which could also be seen in the reaction of the commander.
‘I want my artillery sections ready for a fire mission on that town. I also want air support, besides the two helicopters we have now. I want fighter jets, close air support, Air to ground surveillance, everything. We will need to show them we will not tolerate the death of one of our soldiers. Let everything stand by. Visibly.’
Considering it was still dark, it would take quite some time before the requested air support was ready to be deployed, considering they would take off from their airfields, or even their aircraft carriers in the Black Sea. However, the artillery sections had taken up positions some kilometre behind the command post, and could be ready to fire within a minute or two. Therefore, the Kaptéin requested illumination above the town, from illumination rounds that would be fired from the massive 180mm artillery guns that the TD-7’s carried. The idea was that the town would not only be made visible to all of the friendlies, but also show the defenders of the town the Van Luxemburgers indeed had artillery support and could use it within a moment’s notice.
Osea 767
30-04-2009, 17:33
To: All involved parties
From: The Holy Empire of Osea
We have been monitering the situation in Sorsk as it has developed and we have seen the actions of our allies in the area. After careful deliberation, His Imperial Majesty, the Holy Osean Emperor Alexius has decided to send forces to aide our allies and those on their side in their operations. A naval forces has been dispatched to the area and will arrive shortly. We, of course, know of the state of war between Cukarica and the Battlehawk and inform them that our ships have authorization to fire on any Battlehawk vessels if deemed to be a threat.
Osean naval ORBAT (not including landing craft and logistics vessels)
2 Longsword-class superheavy guided missile warships (
2 Sevastopol Class Battleships (
1 Admiral Unkovsky Class Fleet Carrier (
4 Kazakov Class Battlecruisers (
1 Osyotr Class Attack Submarine (
OOC: I intend to put an ORBAT for my available ground forces later and I assure Sorsk that it will be within the limit stated in your first post.
30-04-2009, 20:42
look guys im sorry for my earlyer mis hap (i didnt know i had to ask to join a forum) im new to this. so can i join (tele gram me)
United North States
30-04-2009, 21:57
(( Arrg, sorry for the bit of god mod thought I stamped out that bad habit five posts ago.))
Inland Sorsk, Norwichja main entrance:
Inside a abandoned house the Sorskien home guard opened fire into what they suspected to be Van Luxembourg position. The sound of their AK-47's conviently deafening them to the sound of orders barking at them from the radio.
"Hold, your fire, Hold your fire!" Screamed Major Roman into his radio microphone from his location at the church. It was going to be so simply, the would try to intimidate us and we would intimidate them. They would leave we would go, but the Soskien officer had a different ideas. Major Roman set down the micophone now he was facing an enemy with superior air and ground forces. His only console was that these Van Luxemburg weren't here to start a fight. If they were he would be dead by now.
The Major determinded to shut the home guard up violenty grabed the micophone fomr its stand. "Lieutenant , control your men or I swear to God I will open fire on your position." The sound of the Ak's rapidly decreased until the whoel village was wuiet once more.
"Karl" The Major ordered to his sniper. "I want you to cover me from here. I'm going to try to enter negations with them, maybe we can salvage something from this."
"But sir-"
"But nothing Sergeant, if I don't come back in two hours surrender you got it."
"Yes sir..." grumbled Karl. Taking off his rifle, grenades and anything else the Van Luxemburg troops could mistake for a weapon. The Major walked cautiously towards the front entrance of the village covering his eyes as they fired flares into the sky.
"I'm unarmed, I'm here to negotiate!" The major yelled staring his ears to hear any response...
01-05-2009, 11:47
I'm sorry for keeping you waiting,i'm very busy due to RL obligations.
Some things i wanted to point out.
1.USPA post you losses according to post 182 (
2.USPA post your losses according to post 196 (
3. Also BH how did your fleet pass through Thrashia's minefields?
Sea of Azow
200 miles of the coast of Sorsk
During the times of peace,the 3rd Patrol group would sail across the Mediteranian sea,hunting for pirates and smugglers,but now the drastic change of situation happened.Due to the 4th Shock fleet's departure to the Baltic sea and Skaggerak strait because of hostilities between Wolf Hold and Paralisa,Federal Navy only had 3rd Patrol group close enough to the escalating conflict in Sorsk,so they had to be deployed as a fast reactionary group to provide support for the armored fist of CISFOR,2nd Storm Division.
These facts Admiral Velichovski had in mind as he thought about his next move,should he defend the strait of Kerch,or should he take the entire peninsula with the handful of marines,and his CIS allies.
Thorn between the two possibilities he decided to call the Oseaton force commander and to inform him about his plan.
The following message was sent to CISM high command,and then relayed to Oseaton and Wolf Holdian field commanders.
Encryption level 10
Maximum encryption
Commonwealth Forces High Command Orders
Fellow commanders,after carefully thinking and planning about Operation Nighthawk,it's come to our intention that a joint assault on Sevastopol by maritime and air forces would greatly increase and enhance our strategic position in the northern Black sea.
Our plan has the following goals,cutting USPA and Battlehawk ground forces from the sea and therefore from supplies comming to them from the water.
Capturing Sevastopol and Simferopol,would increase our offensive capabilities.
Main forces assaulting the peninsula would be Oseaton paratroopers,followed by Cukarican and Wolf Holdian marines.However Osean troops can support our operation via the blockade of the main Simferopol road.
Holding onto the peninsula would be our main objective until main force of the 2nd Storm division arrives to relieve our light forces.
Uploading images....
100% uploaded.
Map of Operation Nighthawk (
120 miles in Sorsk,CISFOR armored column
Siege of Sesniov
Sorskian Su-27 were no match for the Federal Sa-400 Growler AA systems,but due to the heroic action of Sorskian pilots,the falling hulls of their airplanes and their bombs inflicted casualties upon CISFOR troops.
37 men dead,including a Viking crew who suffered a direct hit from Su-27's bomb,other men died at their posts while trying to flee from the falling fighters.
But now there was no time for grief and sorrow,Sesniov must be taken before 6th,so the CISFOR can start stage one of Operation Nighthawk.
Panzerhaubitze started to pound strategic point of the town with volleys of shells,reducing them to rubble.
Rangers came closer to the town supported by Viking tanks and Lazar APC's,as Apache gunships flew over their heads atacking tall buildings in the town with constant strafing runs.
A tall church tower was hit with two Longbow missiles and constant machine gun fire,and soon it disappeared in a cload of smoke and dust,as rubble flew in every direction as it exploded.
01-05-2009, 19:13
OOC: Not to mention several attack submarines and one surface ship of mine that has plenty of radar...Anyway, I'll be posting more on that later. Cukarica, I'll be in contact with yours forces soon.
The Battlehawk
01-05-2009, 19:45
OOC: Didn't notice that, ok, Retcon that post I'll have my fleet be approaching the mine field then.
Out to Sea
The Battlehawk Combat Exped Group approached the enemy minefield, plans were being made to break through the blockade to support, and if need be evacuate Battlehawk troops.
"Admiral, Surface ship, designated enemy" The Tactical officer aboard the RBS Tommorrow "Targeted for Missile strikee"
02-05-2009, 07:07
Entrance to the Black Sea
Admiral Johannes van Veiks stood on the bridge of the Royal Sovereign-Class Super Dreadnought, the TNS Octavian, observing the increasingly hostile situation at the mouth of the Black Sea. Giant readout screens glared down information and visuals from around the Octavian. Thus far the mining of the mouth had been a success, with limited access "tunnels" created for passage of the attack sub wolf pack that was under Admiral Veiks' command. Enemy transport and supply ships were like sitting ducks. One could hardly call it a challenge. That however was soon to change.
"Lupus Attack Sub Malcador reports several ships moving east at flank speed," the communications ensign reported.
"Radar has detected ten enemy ships. Two are classified as carriers...six more cruiser classes...remaining two seem to be dreadnought class," another ensign announced from his radar station.
"Captain Dill, have the Malcador and its mates begin a rear assault on this incoming group of ships. Concentrate on the carriers," ordered Veiks. "Bring us about and into range. Let us show these fools what our 27" guns can do."
The Octavian powered through the choppy sea until it was close to twenty kilometers away from the approaching fleet. Captain Urinus on the Malcador and three other Lupus attack submarines had formed up and were even now going towards the heart of the enemy. Thanks to their stealth mechanisms the Lupus subs would have little problem entering close with the enemy fleet. The real problem would get getting out, but that was a problem for later.
"Launch all Harpoon VLS missiles at one of those capital ships. Do we have targeting lock with the 27" guns?"
"Aye sir, two cruisers targeted. The eight forward cannon aimed at the first, the rest aimed at the second."
Sixty-four 8-cell Harpoon missile launchers were fired and a wave of deadly missiles sped towards one of the enemy capitol ships. Two of the closer cruisers were targeted with the heavy 27" guns, far out of range of anything they could reply with in kind other than missiles.
OOC: For information on my ships you can look in my factbook. Also @ Van Luxemborg, can you put up an accurate map of the territory you've so far occupied? Much appreciated.
Van Luxemburg
02-05-2009, 08:42
(OOC: @UNS: Well, it’s not exactly a godmod, but I’d prefer if you had left it open-ended. @Thrashia: I’ll try to come up with something. Problem is, the Sorskian map is rather vague, so I’ll need to make up some things. I hope Sorsk is okay with that. By the way, where did he go?)
As the crackle of gunfire sounded from inside the village, the soldiers instinctively ducked behind cover, waiting for orders to return fire. However, they were ordered to remain in cover, while their vehicles would be used to fire several warning shots.
At the position where some of the bullets landed, only one soldier was hit by the relatively inaccurate spray fire from the Kalashnikov rifles. Unfortunately, he was hit in the stomach by one of the 7.62x39mm bullets, but was largely protected by his ballistic vest, meaning he suffered only light injuries. A quick treatment by the Grupp medic by removing the bullet was enough, seeing he could walk back to the medical station near the command center, where he could receive further treatment.
In order to silence the gunfire coming from the town, or at least warn the gunmen that they were massively outgunned, a single Monteluci Corazziere, belonging to the same platoon as the injured soldier, fired a salvo of twenty 30mm rounds, straight over the town, landing on a hillside on the other side of Norwichja, away from friendly troops. This gunfire was however immediately ceased as a man came towards them, shouting he was interested in negotiations.
The troops were now more cautious when it came to allowing people from the town to cross their lines, meaning they ordered the man to stop at a safe distance of fifteen metres, to show he was unarmed.
‘HALT! Stop right there! Show us you are unarmed, before we let you past!’ One of the soldiers shouted, looking through the weapon optics, aiming his rifle for the man.
As the reports about the officer from the town wishing to negotiate reached the hilltop headquarters, the decision was made to send one of their Monteluci M6a 4x4’s down, in order to pick the man up if he showed to be unarmed. He would be taken to a guarding position near the headquarters, in order to not reveal the exact location of the command centre. There, he could meet up with the Brigadier, in order to negotiate.
(OOC EDIT: Map (a 5-minute illustrator job, that is..) ( )
The Battlehawk
02-05-2009, 14:57
OOC: I should note out that I never actaully fired, just targeted and if I had have fired it would have been close to a thousand missiles per Longsword Class
Osea 767
02-05-2009, 21:48
The Osean fleet soon arrived in the area. They moved to join up with the other CIS fleets. This was so they could support the landings, which would be joined by their own troops. It would also make sure the Battlehawk naval forces would find it much harder to destroy the CIS ships and would assure the CIS dominance of the seas.
32nd Armored Brigade (not including logistics)
- 30 T-100 Tiger 2 Heavy Tank (
- 280 T-91 Fox Main Battle Tank (
- 260 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle
- 200 APC-2 MT-LB
- 50 2S19 Msta self-propelled gun
- 50 BM-27 Uragan multiple rocket launcher system
- 45 2K22M Tunguska air defence system
- 15 S-400 air defence system
- Miscelaneous light vehicles, trucks, etcetera
Personnel Strength=10,000
United North States
02-05-2009, 23:50
"Okay, okay just don't shoot!" The major took off his body armor This is made incredibly hard by the fact that he had to keep both his palms open to show he didn't have a weapon in hand. He also made sure to pat down his entire body to show he didn't have any concealed weapons. After he was sure he showed the soldiers he was harmless the major called out to them. "Alright I've shown you everything, I'm going to approach you slowly do not shoot !" With his arms in the air Major Roman walked slowly towards the foreign soliders.
Meanwhile, at Sorsk northern oil fields:
A large air cargo plane swooped low landing onto the make shift UNS base run way. As the plane unloaded it's cargo a cheer went out from the personnel of the base. Until now the UNS forces in the area had been understaffed and under supplied, now that the General had ordered the higher ups to give them what they needed cargo planes like these were coming in everyday.
General Riza was impressed, when she demanded extra support for the base the UNS gave her more than she could ask for: bombers, helicopters, APC's, tanks, artillery, and some gadgets even she hadn't known about. The most interesting of these gadgets were the "cold suits" the UNS answer to the USPA's thermal imaging trackers. If one was to look at a cold suit at first glance it would seem like a normal gillie weed suit handed out to soldiers on stealth missions. However the cold suits had the ability to mask the wearers surface temperature, making the USPA tracking drones useless. There were down sides though, the cold suits weighted twice as much as regular gillie weed suits. They will be of use, will be needing every single one of them next week thought the general.
"Ma'am we have gotten through to the Sorskien general."
"Good, I think he'll be happily surprised by the news we have to tell him..."
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 00:54
OOC:I know i havent posted in a while but i am only gonna focus on my fight with UNS for now everything else means nothing to me
Also, my TR-1s arent Drones, they are actual Manned Aircraft, but their Video feed is watched by people on the ground, and you have yet to have posted any aircraft getting close to my TR-1s, which means you should have no clue yet why i am being so effective
3 Miles from the Airfield, 4 Marine snipers and a CIA Spy were observing this, they already knew about this Re-Supply through a highly placed Spy in the UNS Military Command Chain, but had to make sure, they had a Thermal scope with them and noticed that against the Cold Snowy background not only did they seem about 10 degrees warmer, just enough to notice, but their Camoflauge was right now wrong
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 00:58
Coastal Waters
the 8 Escort Vessels in the fleet all had about 20 BGM-111 Rattlesnake Cruise Missiles on them, they immedately launched half, 80 Missiles, towards the Airfield, 50 were the normal 3,000 Pound warhead, and 30 were Cluster Muntion, 40 Mortar sized bomblets each, came screaming in at the airfield at 1,050 Mph, it was only 300 miles to the target anyt how, so they had 15 Minutes before the Missiles hit, they were also flying at a mere 15 Ft, to low for any Radar systems availiable to the UNS or Sorskian Troops
03-05-2009, 01:27
OOC: I should note out that I never actaully fired, just targeted and if I had have fired it would have been close to a thousand missiles per Longsword Class
United North States
03-05-2009, 02:21
Coastline of Sorsk (16 minutes, 2 seconds before impact):
"Happy Harry's" platoon moved slowly through the forest. Their new job was to recon a road along the coast line of Sorsk. If their Intel was correct, which it usually wasn't, there would be a perfect forward recon point on a ridge just beyond the tree line. Scary thing was the Intel was right. Setting up on the ridge the platoon sergeant was shocked. USPA ships had fired missiles at... them!.
"Get down!"
The cruise missiles screeched past them heading north... north towards the oil fields!
"Bradly get the base." shouted the platoon sergeant.
"Just do it!" ordered the angry Sergeant.
"Okay sir were through".
Grabbing the speaker the platoon sergeant yelled. "Base command this is Happy Harry, you have incoming G to G missiles!'' A few second past without response.
"Roger, thanks for the heads up were deploying countermeasures now..."
Sorsk northern oil fields (0 hours, 8 minutes, 12 seconds before impact):
Thanks to "Happy Harry" the UNS were ready to receive the missiles. Forty MIM-104 Patriots had been deployed.
As the USPA missiles crossed over the tree line the Patriots fired, unleashing a deadly salvo of counter missiles. Almost all the missles were elimtned, expect for five which countied to speed towards the base.
"Brace for impact!"
The cruise missiles hit the run way creating large craters. The whole base let out a collected sigh of relief. Meanwhile Genral Riza and Captain Boyd emerged from the officers quarters.
"Well Ma'am that was a relief." remarked Captain Boyd
"How so, we lost the air strip it'll be weeks before we can airlift support now." she sighed "and it's a bother that I'll never meet the Prime Minister ethier."
Boyd looked at the General "What do you mean?... Ma'am" he added quickly.
"Hume was going to inspect the base himself, now will have to transfer his flight to another airport"
"I'll do it!" Boyd said excited
"Fine, make your way to the radio room and hurry." Yelled Riza As the captain ran towards the radio room. Once the Captain was out of sight the General motion for one of her most loyal officers who come close to her.
"Ramon, I want to bag Boyd and take him to the you know where, his at the radio room." The officer nodded and ordering two of his men to follow him to the radio room...
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 02:23
OOC:it was 15 minutes from time of Launch to Time of impact, not over a hour and a half, you would barely have enough time to get into a shelter after you found them coming at ya, and at the altitude their flying at those guy sthere are lucky they arent deaf and their radio isnt destroyed
United North States
03-05-2009, 03:11
Northern oil fieds, Sorsk:
The room was built for only one purpose, torture.
"Why 'cha do it huh?!"
"Why 'cah betray our people!" Yelled Ramond thrusting a hot metal prattle onto Boyd's cheek. His screams of pain could not have been heard outside the room.
"Please stop... I-I didn't do it... please!" pleaded the Captain. Riza who had been sitting in the connor ordered Ramond to stop.
"Little boys shouldn't disobey their mothers." said Riza looking down at the helpless Spy. "I'll make a deal with you Spy, you tell us everything you know about the USPA and maybe will let you go." She made a gesture for Ramond to hand her a small spray can. "If you choose not the agree with our reasonable terms, you will be left in a air tight room with this" She pointed to the label of the can: новичок. "This is Sorskien Nerve Gas spy. Do you know what this stuff can do to your lungs, *tsk* horrible way to die. but you course the choice is yours...
((I'll leave you to decide what he does.))
United North States
03-05-2009, 03:13
OOC: I see, I must have read it wrong, I will edit my post accordingly. Also, why would it destroy the radio,these radios are designed to be used in combat zones, do your missiles have an EMP effect? I agree about the them being lucky they aren't deaf and trust me they will need to see an ear doctor after they get back to base. One more thing is how did your marines manged to get near my base? The UNS base is located a the north most part of Sorsk, it kinda hard for me to believe you manged to avoid all those NSLA, Communist cites without being noticed. If you were then the UNS base would already have been at high alert meaning that the defenses would already be up.
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 04:13
OOC:When something screams overhead at over 1,000 mph it is more than enough ot Destroy Radar and Radio gear, as for the missiles, if they were at a treeline, the radar would be messed up as well as soon as the missiles flew over, resulting in very few kills, basically about 70 of the missiles will be hitting the base, at 15 ft few missiles would be able to hit them aside from Air Launched missiles from almost directly behind them
As for the Marines, there were 4 Marine Oberservers and a Spy i had there, from 3 miles in Snow warfare suits their invisible, as for getting in, ever hear of a Night Hawk?, or a Pave Low? Spec Ops helos?, or maybe they were a Group of people there before the War, i can name 100s of ways they got there, or would you prefer that i used a PhotoRecon Sat? Basically the same thing happened as When Rainbow and the Russian Spetznaz Snuck up on the Chinese ICBM Base in The Bear and the Dragon, just without the Attack Helos
One more thing on the Radio Issue, When a Low Flying Supersonic craft flies overhead, ie, the Missiles, it creates enough of a shockwave to rival that of a EMP Blast in a small area at low altitude
The Battlehawk
03-05-2009, 08:51
As soon as the enemy missiles were fired, both Longsword class ships returned with their own fire. Over two thousand missiles were fired from both ships. 1000 from each. 700 LY589 Hellion and 300 LY4045 missiles from each. The missiles kept low, skimming the water.
The Fleets combined CIWS cover did much to thin out the incoming enemy missiles. Nether the less several missiles hit each longsword, the ships armour allowed them to shrug off hits with minimal damage to primary systems.
The Two Cruisers unlucky enough to be targeted, only advoided DIRECT hits because they were steaming at full speed. Both took a hit on the aft section, one manged to continued forward, but the second one slowed and began to list to starboard.
The Carriers who had already been launching fighters, ramped up their launching speed. Once 50 from each had been launched they dropped to sea level and began to approach the enemy ships at full afterburners, close to mach 2.4.
03-05-2009, 11:51
International Airspace
High Altitude 5700 meters
Federal Bomber Command,also know as the Sky Scourge by the enemies of the Federation.Airman of the Bomber command were proud and experienced veterans of many conflicts,which involved both the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Federation itself.
They were well know for their massive air raids of enemy columns and cities,and now the Battlehawkian sailors were going to see a burning sea around them.
Moving towards Battlehawkian fleet,two squadrons of modified Tu-160 Bombers were flying toward them,protected by several airwings of FGFA fighters.
Their mission was to halt Battlehawkian advance and to cripple their Naval assets close to the Black Sea.
"Beta Charlie Delta,this is Herliz 439,requesting permission to start carpet bombing of the enemy fleet.
Estimated time to the enemy 20 minutes"
"Herliz 349,this is Beta Charlie Delta,you have permission to bomb the enemy,give them hell,Over"
"Afirmative,Beta Charlie Delta,initiating airstrike"
30 Tu-160 one by one opened their cargo hatches and unloaded their deadly cargo upon the unsuspecting Battlehawkians,undoubtedly they were spotted by the fleet bellow them,but there was no response to their actions.
It seemed like the Battlehawkians were fighting a dreadnought of unknown origin and they obviously unleashed a missile storm from the Longswords that seemed to be theirs.
But now,the size of the Longswords was going to be a major problem for the battlehawkians,as carpet bombing with modified Raduga Kh-55 cruise missiles(conventional warheads),modified for the use against Naval taskforces,other that conventional warheads,they carried commonly called "fuel bombs" that proved highly effective against vehicles and ships.
One of their effects was called "Hellion Effect" ,fire burning on water and capable of boiling watter in its close vicinity(0.5 meter depth).
In total around 150 missiles were launched from the Tupolev's and mainly aimed at the Supercapitals of the Battlehawkian fleet.
Just ignore the "fuel bomb" if you don't think it plausible.
@USPA around 400 Hellion missiles are flying towards your base.
Will you respond?
The Battlehawk
03-05-2009, 12:36
"New Contacts, airborune!" Tactical reported.
"Re-route the F-32's engage enemy air assests!" The Commadore ordered.
Fifty F-32's changed course and headed for the enemy planes just as they lanched their missiles, Rather then engage the enemy aircraft the pilots fired their Air to Air Missiles at the enemy missiles, down below the fleets CIWS activated.
United North States
03-05-2009, 14:11
ooc: Now I never said the missiles past over their heads, or even relativity near them. All I said was that they saw the missiles and that they could hear them. About them being fifteen feet off the ground, isn't it kind of risk to put them so low. I find it hard to believe there were no fifteen foot buildings or hill in the flight path. For the soliders dropping into the zone. Pave lows, spec ops helos can all be spotted and shot down from the ground, it would only be necessary for one Communist soilder to spot them. If not please tell me. Also if the group was there before the war, how did they get there?If the USPA had soldiers in Sorsk before the war started please tell me. I'm not saying the soldiers shouldn't be there I'm just wondering how. I would of preferred you used the satellites though I would wonder how effective the satellites would be in a country that has a major snow storm every other day. Either way your missiles had the same effect, you aimed for my air field and nothing else and you struck it.
Van Luxemburg
03-05-2009, 14:37
(OOC: USPA, remember you still have troops around Norwichja as well.)
‘Very well. You may come closer.’ The commander of the Grupp, a Serjant, shouted at the Major. She now pointed his rifle away from the man, relaxing his grip on the firearm. Her men still had their rifles trained for the man now approaching their position, but had relaxed their grip and moved their finger away from the trigger.
‘If you follow me, I will take you to your vehicle that is standing by for you to be taken to my superior.’ She turned around, gesturing to the Major to follow her. Two soldiers accompanied her, keeping a close eye on the foreigner, while she showed the man the way to a waiting Monteluci 4x4. In a surprising move, she opened the door for him and allowed him to get in, giving him a friendly smile. As she closed the door, the 4x4 drove off, immediately turning around to turn back into the direction it came from.
Several minutes later, the vehicle halted again, and another soldier, this time a Leitnant, opened the door in order to allow the foreigner to get out. He was guided to an improvised firing position, protected by sandbags and a line of barbed wire, covered with some camouflage netting. From this improvised position, a man with the rank insignias of a Kaptéin appeared, looking somewhat angered. His tone was not too friendly, but he saluted and offered a handshake nevertheless.
‘Kaptéin Freesen. I am in charge of these troops. You do realize we have just lost one of our soldiers down there, isn’t it? What kind of proposal have you got that would improve this situation?’ He pointed down into the valley as he spoke about his troops, crossing his arms and looking down on the foreigner, as if he was the Major’s superior. His tone was still unfriendly, especially when he began speaking about losing one of his soldiers. It was obvious that the death of the Van Luxemburger soldier hadn’t exactly improved the man’s mood, but neither had it done any good to the Kaptéin’s opinion about the troops in the village.
03-05-2009, 15:16
"New Contacts, airborne!" Tactical reported.
"Re-route the F-32's engage enemy air assets!" The Commodore ordered.
Fifty F-32's changed course and headed for the enemy planes just as they launched their missiles, Rather then engage the enemy aircraft the pilots fired their Air to Air Missiles at the enemy missiles, down below the fleets CIWS activated.
International Airspace
High Altitude 5700 meters
This was a promising situation for Fighter escorts who just waited for Battlehawkian aircraft,as FGFA and INF-2000 fighters were vastly superior to enemy Lightning's.Escorts rerouted and engaged enemy fighters.
"Bravo One to Bravo two We have boogies at 50 Degrees south of us,moving at interception course"
"Affirmative,Bravo One,you are cleared to engage"
Moving into attack formation at high speed,veteran pilots of the Fighter command made it look easy as they flied their aircraft with ease.
Moving toward enemy fighters they unleashed their modified AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles upon the enemy.
Other squadron protected the strafing run of Tu-160 bombers while they released their cruise missiles and started carped bombing with their JDAM 250 lbs bombs.
Sea of Azow
200 miles of the coast of Sorsk
Another volley of missiles was launched at the USPA base.
After seeing that previous missile strike wasn't noticed.
Another 200 Hellion missiles were flying toward the USPA base,VLS tubes opened and a hellstorm from FES Indefatigable was released.
Preparations for the naval assault were taking place close to the coast,Ticonderoga cruisers started small scale naval bombardment and recon for the main force.
It seemed like the beach is clear and ready for landing,but Admiral Velichovski wasn't sure about that,but at least Osean fleet arived to reinforce Commonwealth's position,and the morale was skyhigh at that poin of the ongoing conflict.
[OOC:] I guess F-32 are in fact F-35 Lightning?
Also USPA you need to respond to this post too,and the two before this one.
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 15:22
ooc: Now I never said the missiles past over their heads, or even relativity near them. All I said was that they saw the missiles and that they could hear them. About them being fifteen feet off the ground, isn't it kind of risk to put them so low. I find it hard to believe there were no fifteen foot buildings or hill in the flight path. For the soliders dropping into the zone. Pave lows, spec ops helos can all be spotted and shot down from the ground, it would only be necessary for one Communist soilder to spot them. If not please tell me. Also if the group was there before the war, how did they get there?If the USPA had soldiers in Sorsk before the war started please tell me. I'm not saying the soldiers shouldn't be there I'm just wondering how. I would of preferred you used the satellites though I would wonder how effective the satellites would be in a country that has a major snow storm every other day. Either way your missiles had the same effect, you aimed for my air field and nothing else and you struck it.
OOC:you said a treeline, which made it seem like you were wating for the missiles to fly directly overhead to fire, as for one other thing, at 15 feet it isnt so much of a risk as the missiles can be programmed to to fly along a road, railroad track, river etc. etc.
United North States
03-05-2009, 20:09
((Ahh thanks for clearing that up, anyway now you have to decide the spy's fate. Assuming Boyd is the spy of course.))
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 21:15
Boyd was scared ****less, he wasnt the spy, he knew it, he might have said some things he shouldnt have when he was drunk back home, but that was it, now he was gonna be tortured, for a comment he said based on the fact that only 5 out of 80 Missiles had hit the base, he would probably faint partway through, and would probably die because of it.
It was at that moment the General had the men start to cut his fingers off, it hurt like a son of a *****, and he soon fainted, never to wake up again.
The Battlehawk
03-05-2009, 22:18
OOC: No, the F-32 is infact my own design, I can provide specs...
United North States
03-05-2009, 23:49
"Ramon, deposit of the body."
"Yes Ma'am." The General walked out of the room slightly annoyed. Captain Boyd was not the Spy, of the she was certain. She knew that it was someone in this base was a spy for the USPA. Only the people that had access to the radio room could know when the supply planes would drop their cargo. The five radio men were sent to Sorsk with the politica Corps medal of loyalty. Only Boyd had been allowed into the radio room. No matter Commissar Kalve was coming today he would find out while she planed the UNS counterattack...
Meanwhile in Norwichja:
"We have gotten off to a horrible start Mr.Freesen" The Major explained relaxing the tone of his voice a bit. "The UNS has no willing intention to start any sort of armed conflict with Van Luxemburg Peace keeping ." Roman paused choosing his words carefully. "We wish... to make a proposition . The Major cleared his throat. 'All UNS and Sorskien communist forces will leave Norwichja on the term that you let us leave with our weapons and any other UNS property."
United States of PA
03-05-2009, 23:52
OOC:UNS, whats the name of your Capitol City?
3 miles away, the marines looked through thier binoculars and rifle scopes and noticed some of the enemy soldiers carrying a body out of a building, a few of them laughed softly, the enemy honestly thought the spy in their military command chain was on the base, if they did these people were more pathetic than they already made themselves seem.
United North States
04-05-2009, 03:45
OOC: It's Hume, and just a heads up before we go on. UNS high command are widely known for their ultranationalism and make sure everyone of their members of staff have the Political Corps sign of Loyalty.
United States of PA
04-05-2009, 04:03
OOC:I forget his name bu their was a Double Agent that had the ears of both Rommel and Hitler and he fed them false info that the Normandy Landings were fake and the real ones were gonna be at Calais in 1944, he was well trusted
Van Luxemburg
04-05-2009, 15:08
‘I understand that you are unwilling to leave your weapons behind. However, it is virtually impossible for us to make any compromises now, as you will understand no doubt. Norwichja is supposed to serve as an example for other actions around the safe zone. Seeing this has gone wrong already, I cannot make any further deals that will undermine our control over this area. You need to disarm. The Sorskians need to disarm, the Democratic forces are required to disarm.’ He answered.
‘Now, if you excuse me for one little moment, I need to make sure that your enemy also surrenders.’ He the said, while walking back inside, grabbing a megaphone from the table, and appearing again.
‘Attention Democratic Forces, United States of Pennsylvania! You are asked to surrender, turn in your weapons and leave this zone IMMEDIATELY! I repeat, turn in your weapons and leave the zone!’ The Kaptéin shouted into the electronic megaphone.
‘As you may hear, we are also still trying to contact the other side. It seems they are significantly harder to reach.’
04-05-2009, 18:20
[OOC] VL i doubt USPA can do anything as 1000 missiles are STILL flying toward his base.But it seems he just ignores that.