NationStates Jolt Archive

Sutufinai Aligned Worlds (FT, Intro)

23-04-2009, 17:25
A quick OOC explaination:
This version of the Sutufinai is not related to my MT version of the Sutufinai.

This faction is not Human, It is an alien faction.
For art on this alien, click these links below. (Art is not mine.)

The Sutufinai Aligned Worlds (often pronounced "SAW" or "S.A.W.") is populated by Sutfen, a Psuedo-Taur like species of aliens that compared to humans are relatively small in stature. Standing at roughly three feet at the "Mainshoulder", their head is usually at four feet in height. Their physical assembly is unique as they have six limbs, two arms and four legs.

Despite their small size, their physical structure allows them to use normal human sized weapons adeptly while bipedal beings of their size would be knocked over. However, while they are reasonably adept at combat, the Sutfen are a race more situtated with gaining intelligence, Spying, and stealth.

Being a quadrupedal species, unless they need something to go about their work the Sutfen go about without clothes. They often wear harnesses or "belts" to allow for them to carry ammunition and tools.

Weapons wise, on the personal level, the Sutfen use Gyrojet weaponry because of it's (Sci Fi) accuracy, range, and lack of a major recoil. These weapons are also light and easy to handle, which allows larger and stronger weaponry to be lighter for the smaller beings to carry and handle.

Starship wise, the Sutfen are somewhat anachronistic. Their main ship the "Gato Class K" is asthetically designed after the Human WW2 "Gato" Submarine. However these ships are outfitted with technological stealth systems rather than Physical stealth systems. Using technology to mask sensor returns and to create a psuedo "Bubble" of Light-bending stealth. The ships are powered by basic fusion plants that power Gravitic drives, backup Ionic engines are built into the ships but they are not used unless the gravitic drive is down.

(OOC Note: While Sutfen stealth is highly adept, more technologically advanced factions may be able to find the Gravitic Disruptions via sensors of the Sutfen Drive systems.)

Weaponry wise, the Sutfen favor Kinetic impacting railguns for their ship's "Deck Guns". These railguns are used in a combination AMS (Think CIWS, Anti-Missile-System) and Anti-Fighter role for smaller caliber weapons and a anti-starship role for the larger deck guns.

However the most prevalent weapons used are the Gravitic acceleration Torpedeos. These weapons have a basic Fusion pile onboard thatp owers a Fast acceleration, high speed torpedeo. The Torpedeos are not Kinetic Kill, but rather they detonate their Fusion Piles as a rather large Fusion Warhead when they get within a specific distance to an enemy ship.

(OOC Note: This implies, that while the weapon is exceptionally long ranged and extremely fast... The Amount of damage it deals decreases with range as the Fusion Pile is used up for the Engine and for the warhead.)


The Sutufinai Home Planet is a Earth-Like M Class planet which is a mix of Mountainous regions and forested Lands. Few Plains regions exist which has spurned the widespread growth of arboreal species such as birds and ground dwelling birds. Birds akin to Kiwi and Ostriches are the main foodsource for the the Sutfen who call the planet home. Sutfen of course are Omnivores who eat fruits, vegetables, and Meats.

Sutfen are highly inquisitive creature which thrive on "Finding out more" on any subject. This has, of course, caused internal chaos which lead to civilwars and internal conflicts, but overall it is what has caused the relatively far technological advancement in such a small species.

--- OOC, and closing.---

I'm not going to post a "Hi, look, we're here!" post to everyone. This is basically a FT Factbook. My faction is of course secretive, and will begin appearing in Open FT roleplays. =)

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how I can improve this factbook, please make suggestions and share the ideas.