Attack of New Marktoria(MT)
The Marktoria State
18-04-2009, 01:48
"Seven dead, twelve wounded, sir. Scouts report that the enemy is moving in on the west bridge" reports Private Jones of the Marktorian Commonwealth army. "Dear god! Only one hour and the fatalities are this high!" exclaims Colonial Mustard, commanding officer of the New Marktoria Commonwealth forces. "Robinson! Take that comm link and go up in the Methodist church steeple. Keep a look out for the enemy! Johnson! Take your men and form a perimeter around this area!" Mustard commanded, as he took a swig of whiskey and grabed his firearm. All the men waited patiently for Robinsons report. The Colonial stared intensely at the steeple, waiting for some signal from Johnson. It was mid Afternoon and the sun blinded Mustard so much that he raised his arm to block the rays. A smoke cloud slowly drifted from the ruined city. The cloud momentarily blocked out the sun and the Colonial saw, in the distance, the Clocktower. He remembers, as a boy, how he used to climb up the tower and peer at the Methodist steeple. The view was so perfect, you could even see the bellman toll every 9:00 on Sunday. Then, like a nightmare, he realized what a huge mistake he just made. Before he could say a word, he saw out of the corner of his eye, a rocket streamed across the landscape. "ROBINSON! GET DOWN!" Mustard shouted, but it was already to late. The rocket hit the Steeple and the tower collapsed. The Colonial heard a faint toll of the church bell as the Steeple crumbled. Faint gunshots were heard. They were close. And the enemy knew their position.
Ooc:New Marktoria is a apart of the Marktorian Commonwealth, the collection of colonies ruled by the Marktoria State. Terrorist have now attacked the colony, overpowered the Commonwealth forces and have now taken one third of the city. I hope this could turn out as a fun rp. NO GODMOD!
The Marktoria State
18-04-2009, 04:09
Prime Minister Mark Davis paces back and forth in his office, troubled by the event. It is now night time. The terrorist attacks have been ongoing for several hours now in New Marktoria. Davis took out a cell phone and called the Minister of the Military.
"Yes, Prime Minister?" answered Gerald Dugale, the Minister of the Military.
"Gerald, we have a crisis on our hands, as you know." stuttered Davis
"I am aware, Prime Minister"
"I want you to raise the DEFCON level to 3 and be in my ready room in 1 hour with full staff."
"Yes, sir"
He hung up the phone. The Prime Minister stood there for a while, gazing blankly out the window. He finaly called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Listen," he said, before allowing him to talk,"I want you to make an announcment to the world community. The Marktoria State needs help. Fast. Thirty eight Commonwealth Soldiers are dead. Hundreds of citizens have been masaquered. We are in a state of terror."
"Yes, sir." the minister said.
Davis hung up the phone and placed it on his desk. He took a great sigh and left the room.
"Schedual a press conference," he said to his assistant,"Marktoria is in a state of war.
18-04-2009, 21:48
Not that it matters much other than how fast I can react, where in the RL world would your nation be.
I would be supporting your Government.
The Marktoria State
19-04-2009, 02:12
ooc:Switzerland-type mainland, but with a small firth streatching into it.
The Colony is an island, like Malta.
The Marktoria State
19-04-2009, 23:18
It has now been two days since the fighting broke out in New Marktoria. The ragged troops of the Marktorian Commonwealth have been on the move since then. Colonial Mustard, the commanding officer of the Marktorian Commonwealth leads a band of 21 soldiers through the body-filled streets of New Marktoria. Last night, Corporal Raynor had found out through a secret radio transmission that the remaining Commonwealth forces are assembling at the Port. Numbering at about 3000, the Commonwealth army has greatly diminished from the original 15000 troops stationed before the attack. Word has gone through the ranks that the Marktoria State has sent an expeditionary force to New Marktoria. It will be a long 4 days until the fleet will reach the colony. But the Commonwealth forces are fiercly patriotic, and known for there bravery. Colonial Mustard makes his way north to the port. It could be trap. But its a risk he has to take. Anything is better than walking the dead streets of this hell on earth. Mustard knows the civilian casulties are incredibly high. Every now and then, Mustard and his men will encounter groups of civilians making there way through the rubble. Mustard tells them to head North towards the Port. Most listen. But then theres the few who would rather hide and skirmish.
The Colonial stops and sniffs the air. "Corporal! Do you smell that?" he calls out. Corporal Raynor also stops and sniffs the air. "My god, sir. The Sea!" Raynor exclaims. Private Johnson runs up to the block to survey the landscape. A smile comes to his face. "PRIVATE! WHAT DO YOU SEE?" yells Mustard. "Commonwealth forces, sir! There at the Port!" Johnson answered back. The Colonial runs over to Johnson, while Corporal Raynor took out a smoke. "Dear God!" exclaimed Mustard as he stared in disbelief. "Men! We are here! Godspeed!"
The overjoyed men rushed to the port. Colonial Mustard took over command from Lietenant-Colonial Reed. With the arrival of the Colonial, everone was in great spirits. But the celebrations will quickly turn sour. They will now need to withstand 4 more days of relentless attacks before the expeditionary force arrives.
The Marktoria State
20-04-2009, 01:43
Meanwhile, at Marktorian Central Command, Minister Dugale has made preparations for an Expeditionary force. General Stukov will command the Expeditionary force. But Prime Minister Mark Davis has another duty for Stukov; Find the source of the Terrorist attacks and "pacify" the combatants with whatever means nessacary.
The Marktoria State
24-04-2009, 16:37
New Marktoria was in choas. For the last three days, Colonial Mustard and his rag-tag bunch of Commonwealth soldiers have been holding off the insurgents, hoping for the expedition force to arive.
Three Days Earlier
"Colonial, the last of the soldiers arived." spoke Lieutenent Reed. Mustard came came out of a battered dockhouse and staired aimlessly at the city. "Reed, by now they know we are here, he said quietly. It was strange. Mustard and his 20 men arrived at the port on Sunday. It was now late afternoon on Monday. Defences have been made. Patrols have been sent out. There is no sign of the enemy. It was almost as if they left. "Where the hell are they!?" Mustard ranted. Everyone was silent. Then, from an ally way, a patrol officer came sprinting towards Mustard. "SIR! SIR! We need to mobilize! They are on there way!" he screamed. "Calm down! What did you see?" Mustard asked. Private Johnson, who was stationed in the light house, called down to Mustard. "Sir! This doesnt look good! Come up quick!" Mustard, Reed, and the Patrol Officer rushed up the stairs of the lighthouse. When they made it up, Johnson pointed towards the southeren end of town. They could see thousands of people moving in military formation. "Jesus Christ! These arent fucking terrorist! There mercenaries!" Reed exclaimed. Mustard took out his comm link. "Corporal Raynor! Ready everone! We got hell on the way here!" That night, the fighing began.
It is now Friday morning. Colonial Mustard and Corporal Raynor are sprinting towards a wharf. "Raynor! Where is Reed?" the Colonial shouted out. Raynor stared blankly, as if multi-tasking five different things. "We got split up yesturday when the lighthouse collapsed!" Raynor replied. A figure was coming down from above to the Wharf. "Its Johnson! God damn, Johnson! Do you ever die?" shouted Mustard. Private Johnson ignored Mustards remark and began talking."The west flank is in pretty bad shape! Another surge will break it! I think we sh-" he began before the deafening sound of explosives, followed by the collapse of a nearby building. "Look lively, Johnson!" shouted Raynor, before shooting an insuregent dead behind him. The Commonwealth forces were shaken. From 3000 they have diminished to 300. "Colonial! I dont know about you, but the West Flank needs help." said Raynor. "Go then. And if you see Reed, tell him i will be at the Central Flank." Mustard replied. Raynor sprinted off. "Johnson! Come here!" Mustard bekoned. "Yes, sir?" he answered. Mustard took a swig of whiskey, only to find out it was gone. As he tossed the bottle in the water, he said,"Remember this day, son. Remember the day of the last stand of the Commonwealth against tyrany. I want you to become more than yourself. We all want to walk away from this damned city. But we are sworn by oath to protect. To serve. And to die." Mustard unsheathed his rapier."It is likely we will be doing the latter today. But we will have done it honourbly and heroicaly. As i have asked you before, become more than yourself. Private, will you join me?"
"I will follow you to whatever end, sir"
"Then we will march to grand posterity! Onward Comrades!" Mustard shouted.
Mustard came out of the Wharf with Johnson, and they rallied the flanks for a last charge. Lieutenent Colonial Reed came up from a defence and joined in. Bullets flung past Mustard. He felt the wind sweep his face. He felt the hot morning sun shining on his face. But he did not feel fear. Nor did any soldier that day. That charge took the lives of 30 Commonwealth soldiers. But 538 insurgents perished from the heroric deeds of the Commonwealth. But victory was far from complete. The soldiers were losing there edge. They couldnt continue. They were being pushed back. The brave soldiers were at there last defence; the wharfs. Mustard and Reed knew that another surge will surely be the end of them. But they kept fighting. Then, as if from an act of god, a huge blast hit the port. Mustard imediatly knew that it wasnt a terrorist bomb. He snapped his neck to the sea. And sure enough, a fleet of Marktorian navy ships sat. The Expedition force has arived. "Call a charge! Play the Credence!" joyously shouted the Colonial. The soldiers exited the Wharfs, and the Commonwealth theme, Credence, was played. The battle was over. The Terrorist began to route as soon as the Expeditonary force made it on shore. Victory was had. But the mission far from over. War has begun.
The Marktoria State
25-04-2009, 05:25
Marksburg was an industrial city in the North East of Marktoria. As the celebrations in New Marktoria continued, Corporal Raynor slipped away. Now, by strange circumstances, he has arrived here at Marksburg. It was night in Marktoria. Clouds covered the stars, but the moon still shone brightly through the veil of clouds. Raynor boarded an elevated train. As the train rode on, the city landscape slowly began to fade away. There was an abandoned warehouse called The Works on the outskirts of Marksburg. Raynor had the intention of heading to that dreary place. He got off the train and boarded another. This course will take Raynor straight through The Works, where he will disembark. As the warehouse came into view, he got up and readied to get off. The train came to a complete stop. As the doors opened, a man robed in black came from behind the terminal. Raynor walked towards the hooded man as the train moved away.
"I have returned" said Raynor
The hooded man stood there silent.
"Greetings, Arcturas. Welcome home." the man finaly spoke
The two started walking toward an elevator.
"There is good news, master. War has begun." began Raynor
"Good, good. The Commonwealth did not suspect you?"
"No, master"
"Everything is going as planned then"
"But, master, wouldnt the Expeditionary Force finaly trace this right back to here?"
"It will be much too late before they realize this. Besides, i would like to know what happened to your allias"
"Jim Raynor has been pronounced dead after the crash of flight 279."
"Excelent. The board is set. The pieces are moving"
The elevator door closed. The Works went quiet.
25-04-2009, 09:49
To: Prime Minister Mark Davis
From: Duke Blaise
Duchy of Rechburg
Sir we would be prepared to assist you in your struggle, however having only the flimsiest information on the causes and extent of your struggle.
I would like to send a team of specialists to meet with your people, these specialists will consist of Special forces, counter-insurgency specialists and special investigators from our research department 717 who specialise in information gathering and interrogations.
The Marktoria State
25-04-2009, 20:19
To: Duke Blaise
The details of our situation are quite vague. We know this much about the insurgence.
They are of Marktorian origin.
Many of them are native to the New Marktoria colony.
Recent interrogations have proven that they are part of a sect called the "Dominion"
We have dealt with the Dominion before. When Marktoria was founded, there were several groups that tried to claim power. The Dominion was one of them. It is a facist group with a militarist ideals. When the current government was installed, they revolted. The military rounded them up and imprisoned them. Some were sentenced to death. We thought the Dominion was long gone. Apparently not. At first we thought this was an insurgent attack, but latter we realized that the military tactics they were using were almost identical to ours. The Dominion has returned. And the Marktoria State fears a civil war is near. There will definatly be a coup. The Expeditionary force will continue their search. Hopefuly we can stop this.
It will be greatly appreciated if you could help out in the investigation process. But we must warn you, it could be risky. I personaly feel that Marktoria is on a path towards civil war. And my government does not want your people to get caught in the middle of this. Whatever help you can muster, though will be appreciated
Prime Minister Davis
OOC:No offense, I like the idea, but your military seriously sucks if they are overpowered by terrorists and lose two thirds of a city lol. Anyways, I may very well join in, probably with your governments side, but I might be a terrorist supporter lol. Nice idea though.
The Marktoria State
25-04-2009, 20:59
ooc: lol. thanks. it turns out they arent terrorist though as first thought. Its a militia facist group, who have the same military tactics as the Commonwealth.
26-04-2009, 08:11
The Special Rechburg group flew in from the expeditionary fleet that was maintaining position 100 km off the coast.
The first Blackhawk to land at the airport closest to the capital consisted of Rechburg Special Forces, they ensured the airport was secure, the leading Blackhawk was followed by two more and then the 4 Galaxy aircraft that had flown in from Bremen-Rechburg landed with the specialist transport onboard. There transport was 2 SUV's and 2 warrior APC. Once organised the small convoy made their way to the Prime Ministers office.
Once there the group lead by Admiral Hugh Davout is to meet with the Prime Minister and Marktorian Government officials to decide on what action should be taken.
Any chance of a map or something to give me some bearings who is where and where places are. Also can you give me some idea if you have preferences on the outcome, I dont want to take you off your intended storyline.
26-04-2009, 09:22
Day 2 of the New Marktoria fighting
The bartender poured another shot of Grey Goose into the stranger's glass. The man surreptitiously swung up his arm and grabbed the double-shot glass and drained it within a second. He sighed contentedly and smiled at the bartender.
"I have to say Mac, you have some good vodka," the stranger said.
"Its the last bottle so I'm charging you extra," warned the bartender.
"It's all good, it's all good! Another round! Haha!" the stranger laughed and slapped the top of the bar. "In fact pull me out a bottle of your best whiskey too, I feel like celebrating."
The bartender brought out a bottle of Jim Bean and sat it in front of the stranger who promptly dropped a pair of gold coins with strange writing and images on them; definitely foreign currency. But hey, it was gold, and for the bartender that meant that this crazy stranger got the best.
"Very sad that you don't have a bottle of Jack, but I'll take what I can get."
The bartender looked around, sad to see most of the bar empty due to the recent violence that had suddenly broke out, and then looked back at the stranger. He was a tall fellow, just an inch over six feet. With golden-blond hair cut short and startling ice-blue eyes he might have been a poster boy, not to mention he wore a very nice three-button pin-stripe suit with a flamboyant red, silk shirt. The man even had a pocket handkerchief. The bartender was reminded of nothing less than an American 1920's Prohibition-era gangster.
"It's a bad time to be in the city my friend," warned the bartender, leaning forward conspiratorially towards the stranger. "Terrorists and revolutionaries, fighting and killing anyone they come across."
"Didn't do anything to me," smiled the stranger, he pulled off a swig of Jim Bean.
As if by chance of fate the main entrance to the bar banged open and five men wearing ski-masks, body armor, and toting assault rifles entered. The lead fighter raised his rifle and fired off a burst of rounds. A few snapped past the bartender, breaking bottles and the full length mirror that hung behind it. Others put new air holes into the ceiling. The other occupants of the bar dove to the ground or behind tables, screaming in fear.
"We are taking over this building in the name of the Revolution to fight the government pigs!" the lead terrorist cried. He glared to his right and two men hiding behind their table quickly ducked. He glanced left and was treated to the same fear ebbing through a woman and two other men. The feeling of control and awe-inspiring fear uplifted the man. Damn, but it felt good to be a gangsta'.
Suddenly the man at the bar stood up. The bottle of Jim Bean in his hand was broken, the top half broken off by one of the bullets that had grazed by him. The lead terrorist watched as the man set the bottle down and raised his left hand to his right shoulder, a look of shock on his face. A bullet from the leader's assault rifle had grazed his shoulder and a nice, bloody rip was showing clean through the black blazer and shirt underneath. The man turned towards the leader and glared at him.
"Give me $4,000 right now," he demanded. The leader looked back at his cronies, who all broke out laughing.
"Who the fuck are you to demand anything from us?" one of the terrorists laughed. The leader and two of his men walked forward, standing right in front of the man. "You're nothing but an insignificant pretty-boy." As the terrorist continued to insult him the man undid the buttons of his suit.
"In fact," continued the leader. "I might as well put a bullet through your head and sell your suit to a bum on the street! Of course it will be uglier than a bum might be use to, but then who knows, he might want it. Ahahah!" The leader laughed, closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them he stopped laughing.
He was staring into the barrel of a pistol. The stranger had moved faster than any of the terrorists could have imagined. "I just bought this brand new Brioni pin-stripe. Now look at it. Ruined! You picked the wrong guy to fuck with today."
The bullet tore the back of the leader's skull out, sending waves of blood and brain matter all over the floor and hitting his cronies. One of which, standing to the left of the now dead leader, swung his rifle up. The Brioni-suited stranger grabbed the corpse of the lead terrorist and swung it around just as the other pulled the trigger, sending a jet of lead into the back of the corpse. Using his momentum with swinging the corpse the man jumped right and swung his arm up, barrel of his pistol aimed exactly between the legs of the second closest terrorist and pulled the trigger. The man fell screaming, gripping his nether-regions.
The stranger jumped over the bar, grabbed the bartender, and dropped behind it. The bartender cursed and yelled. The stranger smiled and held up a small piece of metal. It looked just like the sort of thing used to keep fire extinguishers from setting off. A metal pin.
The terrorist pushed the corpse of his commander aside and heard a metal thud at his feet. He looked down and proceeded to defecate. A MK3A2 hand grenade rolled between his shoes. The explosion knocked the windows out of the bar. The terrorist's body was tossed to the other side of the room, landing in pieces.
The suited man stood up in the smoke from the blast and brought his pistol up. The fourth terrorist was groggily getting up from falling over, shaking his head from the ringing that was obviously vibrating through his head. The man pulled the trigger and a third round tore out a new eye socket for the would-be terrorist. The suited man jumped back over the bar and walked over to the last of the men that had invaded the bar. His rifle was three feet away and he grasped for it. A shining, black Butteri designer shoe smashed his fingers inches away from the handle. The heel twisted, eliciting a cry of anguish from the writhing terrorist.
"Who the hell are you anyway?" the man demanded.
"The name is Rick Messerrand. Like I told your buddy: you screwed with the wrong man today." Rick raised his custum Beretta 92 9mm and cocked the hammer. "And you still owe me a new suit." The hammer fell and another ear ringing shot echoed out.
Rick sighed and clicked the magazine button, letting it slid out to be replaced with a fresh one. He checked it over then slid it back into its holster inside his blazer. The bartender was now standing up, looking in horror at his bar. The grenade had ripped three corpses apart, covering the underside of the bar with blood and guts. Two other corpses were bleeding like sieves on the floor. Several of his regular customers were either unconscious or wounded. Not to mention that all his windows and most of his booze was broken.
Rick walked up to the man. "Sorry about the mess." He tossed a small bag onto the bar. Several gold coins fell out, same as the ones that he'd been paying with before for his liquor. "If you'll excuse me, but I've got to find the head honcho of this band of idiots and wrangle about 5k out of his ass for ruining my suit. Good day to you."
Without another word Rick left the bar. He needed to poke around the under city of New Marktoria and find out who was responsible for all the fighting.
ooc: A single member of one of my country's organizations, rather eccentric fellow, on vacation who gets embroiled within the plot. sorry for rp'ing your guys, but I don't think you'd mind a few cannon-fodder being killed off. Also, we have no clue as to what these so called terrorists are wanting, no objectives, not even a few shouted cries of "Revolution!" or "Liberty for the Free Peoples!", something political no?
The Marktoria State
26-04-2009, 20:39
ooc:The Terrorist belong to a facist group called the Dominion. It has long been pronouned dead. When DaviMic(the former occupents of Marktoria) left, it started a power stuggle. When the current government, a liberal democratic socialistic centralized republic, was installed, the Dominion revolted. The Military overpowered them, and the Dominion ceased to exist. New Marktoria is an Island colony belonging to the Marktoria Commonwealth, a collection of colonies which is ruled by the Marktoria State. Now, apparently, the Dominion has arised again. The Marktoria State believes that Civil war could begin, if a Coup is stagged. Not the current Senior Citizen Coup.
The Marktoria State
26-04-2009, 21:10
The Special Rechburg group flew in from the expeditionary fleet that was maintaining position 100 km off the coast.
The first Blackhawk to land at the airport closest to the capital consisted of Rechburg Special Forces, they ensured the airport was secure, the leading Blackhawk was followed by two more and then the 4 Galaxy aircraft that had flown in from Bremen-Rechburg landed with the specialist transport onboard. There transport was 2 SUV's and 2 warrior APC. Once organised the small convoy made their way to the Prime Ministers office.
Once there the group lead by Admiral Hugh Davout is to meet with the Prime Minister and Marktorian Government officials to decide on what action should be taken.
Any chance of a map or something to give me some bearings who is where and where places are. Also can you give me some idea if you have preferences on the outcome, I dont want to take you off your intended storyline.
ooc: Your planes just landed at the Marktropolis Airport. You will be escourted to the Executive Complex(if you look into it deeper, i used to call it the Dominion Complex, but that would be very confusing for the story line.). As for a map, i will work on that.
"General Davout. I am Mark Davis, Prime Minister of Marktoria. This is Minister Dugale of the Military Ministry and Minister Henderson of the Foreign Affairs Ministry." the young Prime Minister said. "We welcome you to Marktoria, even though a crisis is at hand. Come with us."
26-04-2009, 22:22
Rick stood in one of the market centers in an open air plaza of the city of Marksburg. All around him were the detritus of partying and celebration. There were even a few drunks still sleeping soundly on the cobble-stoned street corners, the alcohol from the night before keeping them from feeling uncomfortable. A statue in the center of the plaza was festooned with garlands and pieces of ribbon, some long-dead hero sitting on a horse with saber raised. The bright yellow flowers wrapped around the bronze head kind of took away from the fearsome expression on the statues face.
A passing street urchin, laughing with a few friends came running through the plaza. He was looking backwards when he ran straight into Rick and fell over. He looked up in surprise. "Gee, sorry mister, didn't see you there!" He got up, dusted himself off, and turned to leave. Rick placed a heavy palm on his shoulder and swung him around. He gripped the little boy's wrist which held Rick's wallet securely within its tiny grasp.
"Little boys shouldn't be stealing from strangers," said Rick, putting some intimidation into his tone and look. "It's not nice."
"Let me go!" the urchin kicked Rick in the shin, then proceeded to yelp.
"That's why I like wearing knee-high jack boots. Keeps little shits like you from denting my legs," smiled Rick. The knee high boots went along with a dress uniform that signified Rick as a soldier in the Commonwealth Army. He'd neatly purloined it from a rather happy drunk lieutenant who'd been more than happy to drink all the alcohol that Rick had bought him. As well as divulge his responsibilities within his unit's intelligence section.
"Listen kid," Rick said, getting the urchin's attention. "Point me in the direction of the nearest army barracks, ok? I'll give you some money in return." To show he meant what he said Rick let the kid go and flipped him a gold coin. The street urchin's eyes became as large as hens eggs. He looked up at Rick then back at the coin as if he expected it to disappear at any moment. Then he nodded.
"It's two blocks south of the plaza, on the left. There's an enclosed barracks for a unit stationed here."
"Thanks kid," smiled Rick. He picked up a duffel bag and set off at a brisk pace. "Don't spend it all in one place."
It took less than fifteen minutes to follow the street kid's directions. Rick found the barracks. A guard standing on duty, who looked like hell from obvious lack of sleep, stood waiting. Without hesitation Rick walked up in his best marching form and was pleased to see the guard snap to a weary attention, a worried look on his face at probably slacking at his guard duty.
"Private, I need to see the CO of this barracks. Lead me to him," Rick ordered.
The Marktoria State
26-04-2009, 22:30
Rick stood in one of the market centers in an open air plaza of the city of Marksburg. All around him were the detritus of partying and celebration. There were even a few drunks still sleeping soundly on the cobble-stoned street corners, the alcohol from the night before keeping them from feeling uncomfortable. A statue in the center of the plaza was festooned with garlands and pieces of ribbon, some long-dead hero sitting on a horse with saber raised. The bright yellow flowers wrapped around the bronze head kind of took away from the fearsome expression on the statues face.
A passing street urchin, laughing with a few friends came running through the plaza. He was looking backwards when he ran straight into Rick and fell over. He looked up in surprise. "Gee, sorry mister, didn't see you there!" He got up, dusted himself off, and turned to leave. Rick placed a heavy palm on his shoulder and swung him around. He gripped the little boy's wrist which held Rick's wallet securely within its tiny grasp.
"Little boys shouldn't be stealing from strangers," said Rick, putting some intimidation into his tone and look. "It's not nice."
"Let me go!" the urchin kicked Rick in the shin, then proceeded to yelp.
"That's why I like wearing knee-high jack boots. Keeps little shits like you from denting my legs," smiled Rick. The knee high boots went along with a dress uniform that signified Rick as a soldier in the Commonwealth Army. He'd neatly purloined it from a rather happy drunk lieutenant who'd been more than happy to drink all the alcohol that Rick had bought him. As well as divulge his responsibilities within his unit's intelligence section.
"Listen kid," Rick said, getting the urchin's attention. "Point me in the direction of the nearest army barracks, ok? I'll give you some money in return." To show he meant what he said Rick let the kid go and flipped him a gold coin. The street urchin's eyes became as large as hens eggs. He looked up at Rick then back at the coin as if he expected it to disappear at any moment. Then he nodded.
"It's two blocks south of the plaza, on the left. There's an enclosed barracks for a unit stationed here."
"Thanks kid," smiled Rick. He picked up a duffel bag and set off at a brisk pace. "Don't spend it all in one place."
It took less than fifteen minutes to follow the street kid's directions. Rick found the barracks. A guard standing on duty, who looked like hell from obvious lack of sleep, stood waiting. Without hesitation Rick walked up in his best marching form and was pleased to see the guard snap to a weary attention, a worried look on his face at probably slacking at his guard duty.
"Private, I need to see the CO of this barracks. Lead me to him," Rick ordered.
Private Jolstein looked at the neatly groomed Commonwealth soldier. "What is a Commonwealth soldier like your self doing in Marktoria?" he asked.
The Marktoria State
26-04-2009, 23:01
"General Dugale! The city is secure. All insurgents have been pacified." reported Private Raybird over the comm link. General Stukov looked to the sea. Time to pack up, he thought. But something else was on his mind. Colonial Mustard, the hero of the Commonwealth was missing. In his place, Lieutenant Colonial Reed took charge. The whereabouts of Mustard were unknown. Right ofter the battle for the port, a soldier also went missing. Corporal Raynor was at the celebrations, but seem to have disappeared midway through it. Something was up. But the General could not figure what. "Ready the ships, Mr. Charchovy. We set sail tonight." he commanded through his comm link. There next Destination; the Island of Maseraunt. It will be another 4 days until they reach Maseraunt. But the Expeditionary force is patient, and ready.
26-04-2009, 23:25
Private Jolstein looked at the neatly groomed Commonwealth soldier. "What is a Commonwealth soldier like your self doing in Marktoria?" he asked.
Rick raised an arrogant-officer eyebrow. "That's not for privates such as yourself to know soldier." Rick pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was a standard Commonwealth Military Mandate, ordering that the commander of the Marksburg Barracks speak with and comply with all demands of Lieutenant Richard Fallswell. It was signed by the general chief of staff.
The private about shit his pants when he saw it. Rick smiled inwardly. The forgery had cost him about a hundred gold Thrashian Imperial Ducats to bribe a military aide at the central headquarters in New Marktoria to get it. But it was worth it.
"Take me to your CO, now. Or I will have you on latrine duty until judgement day."
The Marktoria State
01-05-2009, 01:05
Rick raised an arrogant-officer eyebrow. "That's not for privates such as yourself to know soldier." Rick pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was a standard Commonwealth Military Mandate, ordering that the commander of the Marksburg Barracks speak with and comply with all demands of Lieutenant Richard Fallswell. It was signed by the general chief of staff.
The private about shit his pants when he saw it. Rick smiled inwardly. The forgery had cost him about a hundred gold Thrashian Imperial Ducats to bribe a military aide at the central headquarters in New Marktoria to get it. But it was worth it.
"Take me to your CO, now. Or I will have you on latrine duty until judgement day."
The private quickly showed the man through the Barracks until they reached a building. "Here you are, sir" the private stuttered. Inside, there sat a familiar face. The man named Arcturas, who had an allias of Jim Raynor.
"Ahh, a Commonwealth soldier. State your purpose." the imposter commanded. Arcturas glanced momentariliy at the window.
The Marktoria State
01-05-2009, 19:14
General Stukov sat alone in his quarters on the head Naval ship. Mseraunt was deserted. He felt like he was on a wild goose chase. Some info has been gathered. The Computer Archives on the island had a good indication to another attack on a military outpost another 4 days out at sea. According to his orders from the PM, he was supposed to find any link to the terrorist and neutralize it. But Stukov knew it was a diversion. He had a monumental desicion. Follow orders, which would probably lead to another empty island, or go home. Stukov knew something was up on the mainland. Then it dawned on him. It was all staged from the very begining. The Attack on New Marktoria was to distract Marktoria from a larger threat. The first thing that came to his mind was 'coup'. "Mr. Charcovy. Ready to set sail. Find the quickest route to the Marktropolis port. We are going home." he commanded through his Comm link. "Excuse me, sir?" Charcovy questioned. "Thats an order, Captain!"
01-05-2009, 19:58
Admiral Davout and his team of specialists greeted the Marktorian Government ministers, after the introductions they sat down.
The Prime Minister of Marktoria had given a brief summary of the situation, Admiral Davout listened attentively, occasionally writing down notes.
When the summary was completed, the Admiral sat for a moment looking at the map spread out on the table.
He looked to the Prime Minister
"Sir may I suggest we first secure the capital, the airbase/airport out side the capital and the nearest port. With these secured I can then bring in the reinforcements required to deal with the situation.
At the moment a 100 miles off shore I have the Expeditionary fleet waiting for my instructions, they can land a mechanised Brigade and all its supporting units in the port within 2 days.
Within that time period I will also have an airborne Brigade landing here helping to secure your capital, the other units required will be brought in as the situation warrents it.
I suspect sir, these will be the minimum forces we will need, but equally its a matter meeting for force with force as well as gaining the trust and security of your people."
The Battlehawk
01-05-2009, 20:01
TO Marktoria Government
FROM: SEC STATE Republic of the Battlehawk
The Republic would like to offer it's support to your government, terriorism is not a poltical weapon, and for those who would use it, their days are numbered. A Level Two Intervention group is en-route should you accept our help
Theresa Green
The Marktoria State
02-05-2009, 01:05
Admiral Davout and his team of specialists greeted the Marktorian Government ministers, after the introductions they sat down.
The Prime Minister of Marktoria had given a brief summary of the situation, Admiral Davout listened attentively, occasionally writing down notes.
When the summary was completed, the Admiral sat for a moment looking at the map spread out on the table.
He looked to the Prime Minister
"Sir may I suggest we first secure the capital, the airbase/airport out side the capital and the nearest port. With these secured I can then bring in the reinforcements required to deal with the situation.
At the moment a 100 miles off shore I have the Expeditionary fleet waiting for my instructions, they can land a mechanised Brigade and all its supporting units in the port within 2 days.
Within that time period I will also have an airborne Brigade landing here helping to secure your capital, the other units required will be brought in as the situation warrents it.
I suspect sir, these will be the minimum forces we will need, but equally its a matter meeting for force with force as well as gaining the trust and security of your people."
The Prime Minister looked at the General. "General Davout, I would like for my people to not worry about this matter. With that said, I confirm your right of passage within our borders. I dont want, however, a considerable foreign force in Marktoria. It could lead to a possible panic. But as you can see, we have an absence of 250,000 active soldiers. That is due to the Expeditionary force we sent to New Marktoria. Therefore we appreciate any forces you bring."
Davis looked more intence. "We have begun a secret police program." he quietly spoke. "Its main initiative is to try to neutralize the seperatist movement. I will inform you on any info that happens to show up."
With that, the Prime Minister moved along.
"The Capital will be secure by morning. Now I must ask how many soldiers do you plan to bring here?"
02-05-2009, 10:51
Opening his folder Admiral Davout handed the Prime Minister a page with the Rechburg forces available. The Expeditionary fleet will secure surface as well as airspace over the Rechburg operational area, other units can then be shipped in if required.
100 Miles Offshore:
The Permanent Mobile Expeditionary Task force consists of : - (Campeltown - Normandie - Rechburg)
Admiral Hugh Davout
Flagship -CVN Blaise.
10 Warhammer Class FF
10 DDG Ducal Class Destroyers
10 DDG Caledonian Class Destroyers
2 CGN-1 Renown Class Cruisers
8 Littoral Combat ships @ 4 anti mine, 4 Anti sub.
10 LHD 1 Wasp Class landing ship
1 CVF Duke Leo Class Aircraft Carrier (F35 II Fighters)
1 CVN Blaise Class Aircraft Carrier (F/A-18 Hornet strike fighter)
1 Hauptstadt class CVN
4 attack submarines.
2 Ticonderoga class cruisers
1 Battleaxe AA cruiser
2 Battleaxe cruiser
6 Roll on Roll off carriers (Naval HSV) (1st HSV Fleet)
6 Container ships (Military version) (4th transport Fleet)
1 mechanised Brigade See below for TOE of the Mech brigade.
1 battalion Special Forces
1 Detachment (Research Department 717) (Intelligence)
TOE for seaborne Mech brigade
1st Mechanised Brigade: - Designated 1st ready reaction Force.
Brigade Headquarters
Commander - Brigadier Hans von Bock
1 Boxer Command vehicle
Signal Squadron
Attack Helicopter Detach.
1st Armoured Regt ( 1ST Normandie Dragoon Regiment)
1st Armd Battalions = 30 T97D MBT
2nd Armd Battalions = 30 T97D MBT
1st Armoured Inf Regt
1st AA Troop x 6 manpack starstreak missile
1st Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
2nd Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
3rd Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
6th Armoured Inf Regt
2nd AA Troop x 6 manpack starstreak missile
1st Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
2nd Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
3rd Armoured Inf Bn = 84 warrior (500 men)
SP Art Regt = 24 AS90
REME Workshop = 60 Vehicles
Eng Squad
LRATGW troop 12 x Guided Anti Tank Missiles
LRGM Troop 12 x “Lurker missiles”.
AAGM Troop 9 x SL-AMRAAM units (AA guided missiles.)
AAGM Troop 9 x Starstreak on Titan chassis
Rechburg Medical Corp Detach = 24 Ambulance (Boxer)
Anti Tank detachment
Armoured Recce Squadron - 12 Lancer II
To be flown in once the airbase is secured, The paradropped units will secure the airbase and then the rest of the Brigade or Division can be flown in.
1st Parachute Brigade
Commander Brigadier Cal Hobson
24th Mobile Air defence Battery
-(9 SL-AMRAAM units each.)
Pathfinder Platoon (Para) or 20 Chinook. (These will be airdropped to secure airfield)
1st Special Forces Bn (Para) or 20 Chinook (These will be airdropped to secure airfield)
1st Para Bn (Para or 20 Chinook. (These will be airdropped to secure airfield)
1st Air Assault Inf Bn - 20 Chinook
2nd Air Assault Inf Bn - 20 Chinook
1st RHA - 12 x 105 how - 20 - Chinook, 1 x "120mm Mortor Batt (9 Mortors)
1st Eng Regt - 20 - Chinook
1st Attack Heli Regt - 12 Apache
2nd Attack Heli Regt - 12 Apache
3rd Attack Heli Regt - 12 Apache
3rd Air Assault AA Bn - 9 x Starstreak Man pack - (These will be airdropped to secure airfield)
1st Air Assault BN REME - 20 - Chinook
1st Close Supp Regt - 16 Lurker Missile launchers - 10 Chinook
1st AT Coy- 16 x teams of 2 per Javelin launchers. - 4 Chinook
1st signal Sqn - 3 Chinook
1st Recce Sqn - 6 Lancer II - 8 Chinook
1st Aviation Sp Bn - 20 Chinook
Military Police - 5 Chinook.
Admiral Davout allowed the Prime Minister to read the strength reports, sir these info sheets do not include the air support from the 3 carriers with the expeditionary fleet, the air cover will be extensive.
MR Prime Minister, please let me be frank, I am aware that you do not want a flood of foriegn troops wandering your country, it is for that reason I am only landing two brigades initially.
Rechburg has had significant experience in putting down revolts and civil wars, both our own as well as international. To us information is the strongest weapon in these situations, and with this in mind we will cover your nation with the most modern intelligence gathering systems available. Our research department is exceptionally experienced in interrogations and using the latest drug therapies we can and will break all suspects to the point they cannot resist our questions.
Sir with accurate information, we can surgically eliminate the enemy, already our intelligence gathering teams are out in the field, as we speak the final satellite positions are being located; if a bug moves we will know about it.
The Marktoria State
02-05-2009, 22:17
"Davout, I must say, I am impressed." acknowlaged the Prime Minister, as he handed the reports to Minister Dugale. "Mr. Prime Minister, permission to speak?" Dugale asked. "Granted. All opinions must be heard." answered back the Prime Minister. Gerald Dugale, a retired 5-star General, was a hard-nosed old man. His years of experience, under the DaviMic regime and the current Marktorian government, has given him a superb understanding of war and its tactics. However, this gift of militaristic genius has made him practical. Most of his associates note at his cynical, pessimistic additude. "Admiral Davout, I appreciate the help you give us, but these steps we are taking are clearly just precautionary. I suggest that we take this to another level. Mr. Prime Minister, with all do respect, I know what the Dominion is capable of. They will expect us to secure the capital and all military bases. Admiral Davout, I am suggesting that you will land your sea brigades as planed at the port, but your Air units be relocated to Marksburg, an industrial city in Northeast Marktoria, also the second largest. By doing so, it will establish a significate force on both sides of the country. I hope that this is possible? Oh, with clarification by the Prime Minister ofcourse."
03-05-2009, 05:46
Admiral Davout listened carefully as Minister Dugale spoke, he quickly glanced at the map to refresh his memory of the location of the cities.
"Yes that would be acceptable, I believe that we can do that, though we will also need to land extra troops at each location as they are seperated by a considerable distance.
However my Duke has given me the power to decide if we need to expand the forces and I do see that occupying both locations opens considerable opportunities.
So with your permission sir, I will order the landings to go ahead, I will also request further troops to reinforce each sector. I expect another mechanised Brigade in each will suffice."
Could we have some sort of Map please?