NationStates Jolt Archive

South Defese to re-unite with the motherland! (OPEN)

South Defese
17-04-2009, 02:16
The Daily News

The current acting president, Melissa Pandid, has called a press conference in reaction to the Senates vote to re-unite with North Defese. Calling the action "completely illogical" and demanding the senate "Remember what was sacrificed to give us independance". The Senate has ignored her protests and the vote was cast 525-10.

North Defese Head of State General Hamson was delighted to hear the news. Declaring "a new golden age for the Defesian people!" He has however, demanded the following:
*The South must de-commision its military and dismantle the vehicles in order to incorperate northern styles into the vehicles and planes.
*All Southern flags are to be painted over, then replaced with a new Defesian flag, with 2 stars on the edges representing the nations before this act, and the middle star representing the unity of the new nation, the red bar honoring the soldiers lost, the white to represent a fresh start, and the green to represent prosperity.

The peoples reaction is incredibly varied, and a police investigation has shown a suprising increase of violent crime. The Senate and Hamson both promise to make the unification as smooth as possible, and urge the people to embrace the new Defesian age.
North Defese
17-04-2009, 03:54
ooc: Before someone shouts "GOD MOD BLAGH BLAGH BLAGH" we talked about this and its North Defese approved.

btw, if you try to dig deep youll find a conspiracy.
Gun Manufacturers
17-04-2009, 04:06
The ASoGM realizes that this merger of 2 nations may be extremely costly, and would like to inquire about purchasing all the decommisioned South Defese military equipment.
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 04:08
Generalissimo Andrew Filie was incredulous. Utterly incredulous.

"Are they retarded or something?" he asked to no one in particular. "Does anyone in that goddamn Senate recognize that there is, in fact, a reason that they seperated from the North in the first place, and they're conveniently ignoring that?"

His aide shrugged. "Not our place, sir."

"It is most certainly our place. North Defese is still a threat to us, and I want to know exactly what they're up to. Like I said, there was reason the two seperated, and I don't think a bloody civil war is likely to be forgotten by the populace of either country anytime soon." He read the summary of the report one more time. "I think its time the SSP was reintroduced into its other duty..."
South Defese
17-04-2009, 04:45
Unkown to the public, and anyone outside the senate for that matter, the members who had voted for the unification found their bank accounts suddenly jumped quite a few digits. The 45 who tried to resist found themselves dead in multiple car crashes, drownings, and fires.
None of which were printed in the newspaper.
Presidential Office
Usually the view from the large window overlooking Central Park calmed Melissa, but not today. She stormed into the office, severly pissed. She found Senate member Robert Blake waiting for her, along with a man she did not know. She didnt give him a second glance, she trusted her service agents with, literally, her life.

When she entered, the men didnt bother to stand up. It was considered insulting not to rise when a superior entered the room, but she took it in stride. She sat down, and pulled no punches.

"Robert, why the FUCK is the senate going with this? This is insane! Do you forget what we lost to gain our independance!?"

"Melissa," He began in a cool, crisp manner, "I think it would be within your best interest if you would stop resisting this move. Its making things...Difficult."

She was taken aback, then replied bitterly;
"I came into power because Joseph fought and died for this countries independance, if he had not, the revolution would have failed and you may have very well been on the street! I will resist this move because we have worked too hard to just roll over and let them steam roll over us!"

While she was talking, the man sitting next to Robert slowly moved his from his armrest, then let his arm fall on his lap. Because of the way the desk was, she could not see his waist, which was what they had planned on.

"Mrs. President," Robert began again, "If you stop resisting, you may find it to be more...beneficial for you. However, the senate has decided any resistance to this bill must be...repreminded."

She was aghast.
"Is that a threat?"

"It can be."
17-04-2009, 07:34
Belkalandian Senate

A page runs down a hall with a file of papers in hand and opens a door, inside is Belkalandian Senate Leader Lars Gründer and Secretary of Trade Egon Strauss sitting in fancy leather chairs looking out the windows talking.

"Sir, we just got this memo from South Defese. It seems the South Defesian Senate is trying to overruling their President in a matter that should not be decided by them." Reported the page. Lars looked over at the page and barked "What is this matter? And why would I be concerned about some other Senate when I'm having trouble keeping the support of my own?!"

The page, taken back by Lars outburst, replied "The South Defesian Senate is attempting to force a bill that would merge their nation into North Defese under complete North Defesian rule. Also, we've lost some funds from our banks shortly after the South Defese Senate held their vote. Because of our unqiue tracking system, we discovered that most of the funds we lost went into bank accounts belonging only to the senate members who voted for the reunification."

After hearing this, Egon Strauss stated "So that means someone is paying them off and are using OUR money to do so." Egon paused to think then spoke up "Do we know exact who did the transfer?"

"No sir, it seems that the one who did it covered their tracks well." replied the page.

Egon then smiled to the page "Thank you for bring this to us. We'll take care of it from here"

"Yes sir!" Spoke the page who then left the room and ran off to her other duties.

Egon & Lars waited until they could no longer hear the page's footsteps then turned to each other. "So what do you think Lars, who is pushing for the reunification?" asked Egon.

"No idea, our intel on the Defese situation is scatchy at best. We've yet to find the root of the whole damn thing. All we know is the they've been at each other's throut for years and the North Defese Emperor wanted all of South Defese as his playground. Last we've heard of him is that he's dead." said Lars

Egon laughed "Think maybe he's pulled a Emperor Palvatine and come back to life?"

Lars chuckled "Maybe he did, let's hope not! Now let's get a report ready for the Duke, he'll want to know that we, as a nation, have been robbed."

"Yeah... Think we should mention the whole Emperor reborn joke to him?" Asked Egon.

"Sure, the Duke likes jokes." replied Lars as he started paging pages to gather all the needed information to get the Grand Duke a full report.
17-04-2009, 09:11
Michael Vaughan, Head of Foreign Affairs, lay on a chair in the shade of an Elm Tree, shielded from the harsh sunlight. The day was hot: twenty degrees celsius, and already, despite his relaxed position, beads of sweat dripped down the sides of his cheeks, before disappearing God-knows-where underneath his collar. His retirement was coming in a month; and he had no desire of running for re-election. The day to day hustle and bustle of Government life had grayed his hair, wrinkled his face and left him with calluses on his fingers; probably from typing messages of varying degrees of importance.

He was, then, very surprised when his assistant, Mrs. Serena Tinker, came with a look of urgency on her face and her usually curly black hair looking like she had just been in a washing machine.

"What is it, honey?"

"We just got word that South Defese is merging with North Defese."

"And we should care, why?"

"Mike, goddamit, get up! This is a very serious matter!"

"Calm down, honey. It's just a nation merger. What's the big deal, anyway?"

"The President isn't approving of it. But she's being - well, forced into signing it or something by senators."

"That is a big deal. Grab me my laptop, will you?"

"Oooooh, get it yourself, you lazy bastard!"


"Oh alright. I can never resist when you look at me like that."

His assistant soon returned with a sleek, black laptop. Rubbing his hands, he fired off a quick message to the President of South Defese, pledging his support.
Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Reijvajik

Mrs President,
Please know that you have our support if you should need it.


Michael Vaughan
Foreign Ministry
17-04-2009, 13:18
Grand Duke Austin II was sitting in his office behind the polished mahogany desk with a nice, hot, fresh cup of coffee, watching the news on a small TV set located in the right corner in front of him. It was at that moment he heard the report on the Defesian merger and nearly span out his coffee. It was then that the Councilor of Foreign Affairs, Scott Robertson, ran into the room. "Sir, we have a probl-"
"The merger? I know, I just saw the news report."
"What should we do?"
The Grand Duke put his hand up to his well-shaven chin and considered for a moment. "All right, I want a full investigation launched on this. Oh, and send a letter on to their president pledging our support for her and such."
"Right away sir"
Council of Foreign Affairs
The Grand Duchy of Farenz

Dear Mrs. Pandid,

The Grand Duchy of Farenz wishes to express its full support of you. None of us are particularly fond of your northern neighbors, and your merging with them would almost certainly dissolve whatever diplomatic relations out countries had. We sincerely hope that your senate comes back to their senses soon.

Scott Robertson
Farenzian Councilor of Foreign Affairs
Hejmeddejs paradies
17-04-2009, 16:19
Official response from the government of Hejmeddejs Paradies. To department of foreign relation South Defese.

Our government is always concerned by democracy overruling the will of the people and we find it highly immoral what no election has been made to determine the will of the people in a matter of so grave importance. We are happy to see that you have stopped fighting as wars isn’t the solution but are regretting to see the powers of dictators triumph over free people yet another time. We are willing to help you in any way we can to insure that a free election is made and to keep your country free. As we are pacifists we can only insure you 6000 soldiers for a peace keeping operation but we will be able to deliver funds and food. We hope that you will reconsider your present actions. This is by no means meant as a hostile action but as an offer for assistance.

Yours sincerely department of foreign relation Hejmeddejs Paradies king Gustav the third and prime minister Jens Hansen

Occ please note that this is also printed in the national newspaper
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 21:12
Colonel Michael Grylls was one of the few SSP officers who hadn't walked off the job a week ago. This owed itself to the simple fact that he wasn't a fascist, and, therefore, had nothing to complain about.

However, a few things the fascists did had rubbed off on him. For one thing, he recorded things compulsively. For another, he found it highly irritating when someone in uniform acted undisciplined. You wore the uniform, you followed the goddamn regulations. And he was often annoyingly moralistic.

Which was why he was very unhappy right now. He was out of sticky notes, and he was stuck in a cargo container attempting to enter North Defese with two agents who apparently couldn't shut up and another who had brought a "Day Off" magazine (the Fanboyist equivalent of a 'Playboy'), branding him irreperably in the moralistic eyes of Grylls as a total perv. The fact that he didn't have his grey SSP uniform on didn't help his mood any; if he was on-duty, techincally, he should damn well look like it.

But that wasn't allowed; no, they had to be undercover. So now he was stuck in a foreign nation with a team of agents who so far had really not impressed him, having to dig up information on where the hell this reunification thing came from.

Nevermind that by treaty the Federation was supposed to recognize such a reunification. Treaties are for pussies. he thought.
17-04-2009, 22:04
Grand Dukes Office, Royal City of Steir, Belkaland

"Are you sure about this, Lars?" asked a slightly balding man.

"Yes Lord Razgriz, we triple checked it and everytime the funds ending up in South Defesian Senators bank accounts, the large amount went to a Senator Robert Blake, who we believe to be the one who proposed the reunification to the Defesian Senate. In total, we've lost nearly 10 million Zollars." Responded Lars.

Razgriz looked out his office window to look at Lake Steir "Contact the South Defesian President, tell her that I wish to talk to her in person, she can choose the meeting place. And inform her to be on guard, I fear that someone will attempt to assasinate her."

Lars answered "Yes, mi'lord."


To: South Defesian President Melissa Pandid
From: Belkalandian Senate Leader Lars Gründer

Greetings, the Grand Duke of the Principality of Belkaland, Lord Razgriz H. Demon, has requested a meeting with you to discuss the reunification of your nation and the nation of North Defese. It is extremely important that you agree to this meeting for the matters that will be discussed could very well influence the outcome of the reunification.

Also, the Grand Duke has asked that you increase your security as we believe you'll be targeted for an assasination to remove any threat you might pose to the reunification.

Lars Gründer
Belkalandian Senate Leader
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 22:34
It wasn't long before the ship carrying the agents, the Wyvern, arrived in the preeminent port of North Defese (OOC: Don't remember which one that is). Of course, the captain reminded himself, there was still customs to go through.
North Defese
18-04-2009, 00:05
[QUOTE=Belkaland;14710884]Grand Dukes Office, Royal City of Steir, Belkaland

"Are you sure about this, Lars?" asked a slightly balding man.

"Yes Lord Razgriz, we triple checked it and everytime the funds ending up in South Defesian Senators bank accounts, the large amount went to a Senator Robert Blake, who we believe to be the one who proposed the reunification to the Defesian Senate. In total, we've lost nearly 10 million Zollars." Responded Lars.


Lars answered "Yes, mi'lord."


The money came from you? That blows our plan out the water.
But whatever, we'll roll with it I guess...
The customs at Port Royall, (ironically, the only major port in North Defese), was rather lax that day, as it was raining sleet and the newscasters were calling it the "coldest winter on record", so most of the officials unofficially took the day off.

When the Wyvern entered the port, it was ordered to be transported to Dock 3, were an inspection team would oversee the offloading of the cargo.
To: Any it may concern
From: Acting President Melissa Pandid
I now relize my mistake in resisting this unification, I was not considering the good of the people, and the Senate has motivated me to see things their way, and I will not go against the will of the Senate.

Meliza Pandid

Statement from Melissa Pandid
National Telivision
"After reviewing all the facts and considerations, I have decided to turn control of the Armed Forces to the control of the Senate, I will not longer be the Command in Chief, that honor goes to Senate member Robert Blake, but I can assure you I will remain in charge of civil affairs until the unification is complete, in which Robert Blake will be the State Head of New Defese."
She pauses, then adds,
"May vos reperio verum."
North Defese
18-04-2009, 00:15
What part of, "this was pre-planned" do you not get?
Though I understand your reason, he is extremly busy, so I had to improvise.
I wont do it again, to avoid confusion.
The Emmerian Unions
18-04-2009, 00:16
What part of, "this was pre-planned" do you not get?
Though I understand your reason, he is extremly busy, so I had to improvise.
I wont do it again, to avoid confusion.

<<OOC: I read that part. I will delete it though.>>
South Defese
18-04-2009, 00:57
This may add confusion, but since ND likes to steal my spotlight it was unavoidable I guess, this takes place shortly after the statements and such.


Melissa sat in her office, but it would not be her office much longer. The Senate had voted unanimously to impeach her as President. Because she never chose a vice president to step in if she left, the Senate was now in complete control of the goverment.
Dan Howsner, her most loyal Service agent, was waiting for her outside the room, he had informed her that the Senate had prepared a helicopter that was waiting to take her to her ranch home in rural Isenburg, near the East coast of South Defese.
"East of New Defese..." She thought bitterly.
This was a coup, and she knew it. She also knew there was no helicopter waiting to whisk her away to live in comfort.
She wondered if they would shoot her or kidnap her, the building had tight security, but she didnt know how many agents were on the Senates payroll...

ooc: extremly busy, giving you something to work with.
Rest assured, a...peaceful chat with ND has affirmed that he will no longer give out SD statements or RP as SD peeps.
18-04-2009, 01:15
OOC: SD, check TGs
The Fanboyists
18-04-2009, 21:43
OOC: Thank ya, SD.


The SS Wyvern had, at this point, landed. Apparently the ND customs was being very lax today. Not that that bothered the SSP agents who had finally managed to sneak out of their container and into the harbor. So-far, unobserved.

The squad consisted of the aforementioned Colonel Grylls, Corporal Albert Saunders, Sergeant Fedor Hamberger, and Corporal Ben Silverman. Silverman was the immoral one (according to Grylls), Saunders suffered from being young, inexperienced, and curious (and so wouldn't shut up with questions), and Hamberger had the fault of trying to be helpful to Saunders.

The four agents strolled casually from the harbor up into the city's main avenues. They were all in plainclothes (in this case, grey or khaki greatcoats (made to be breathable), blue jeans, t-shirts or polo's, and the standard SSP side-arm, the Colt Lightweight Commander (concealed of course)) and sunglasses. Totally inconspicuous. It rather helped that it was a sunny day.

The first objective was to pay a liason to South Defese a little visit.
19-04-2009, 00:58
In Port Farenz
"What on earth!" the Grand Duke exclaimed when he heard the updated statements by the South Defesian president. This time he really did spit out his coffee. "Something is seriously wrong here. I have a feeling there is more to this that meets they eye, no, I am certain of it."

In South Defese
Unknown to anyone but themselves and part of the executive branch of the Farenzian government, namely the Grand Duke and Councilor of Foreign Affairs, several special agents had infiltrated South Defese by means of a private flight that was registered under the name of a wealthy member of the Grand Assembly (congress). There were at least two agents who were "touring" the capital, in other words, looking out for anything suspicious. They were both wearing slacks, white dress shirts, and waistcoats One of them was wearing an old-fashioned driving cap. They would have fit in in their own country, but here they stuck out like a sore thumb.
19-04-2009, 04:39
Grand Dukes Office, Royal City of Steir, Belkaland

Razgriz looked a recording of the South Defesian President's speach with Senate Leader Grunder & SecDef Maj. Gen. George Hammond.

"Did we send the memo in time Lars?" Asked the Razgriz.

"We don't know sir, we just don't know." Answered a quiet Lars

"Damn... George, what's your opinion on all of this?"

Hammond responded "It seems to me that the North Defesian Senate has pulled a coup without the general population realizing it. But she did give a warning of sorts. Notice what she says at the end? 'May vos reperio verum', that's latin for 'May you find the truth'. She knows something is wrong and is trying to warn the world of it.

Lars spoke up "Whatever it is, they crossed the wrong people. "

Razgriz then got up from his desk and walked up to a cabnet filled with alcohol and pulled out a bottle of Birkainian Vodka, "What are our options?"

Lars responded first "We can call on the South Defesian Senate to hold a popular vote with international oversight by several nations. That should stop any plans that's being made behind the scenes. However, I seriously doubt they'll do it."

George then answered "On the military side of things, we can always go the direct route and invade & restore the power to the President and root out this conspercy. But that wouldn't look too good on our part in the international community. Then there's the black option, send in blackops and assasinate the Senate, however, that may not kill this problem. Another option we have is a mix of the two, we send in blackops and extract the South Defesian President and leave a few men behind as to have eyes on the ground and to help form & organize a resistence movement if & when the merger accurs. After that, I'm not sure."

Razgriz downed a shot of Vodka and then asked "How soon could you have an extraction team ready to go in, General?"

"We have a BlackOps Typhoon with 3 Extraction Teams & a pair of MV-35 VTOL Transports onboard on its way back from the Fells Point Region, we can divert it to South Defese. At max speed, it'll take 3 days to get there."

Razgriz took this imformation in and thought it over for about 10 mins. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. Lars, I want you to send a message to the South Defese Senate that we desire for them to hold that popular vote with international oversight. Even though it'll likely not work, it should slow them down a bit. George, while Lars is handle that, I want that Typhoon just outside Defesian waters and ready to extract President Melissa. I want her in our hand ASAP! Also, begin readying the Kaiserlich Marine for deployment, but make sure it goes unnoticed."

"Yes sir." Stated Hammond & Grunder at the same time. With that, the two left Razgriz's office to follow their orders.


To: South Defesian Senate
From: Belkalandian Senate Leader Lars Gründer

Greetings, the Principality of Belkaland have been monitering the developing situation within South Defese and we have a serious concern that the reunification of South Defese into North Defese is not truely what the South Defesian people desires.

As such, we implore that you, the South Defesian Senate, officials elected to their positions by the people, allow those very same people to choose weather or not they desire to unite with North Defese. And as to prevent any manipulations to the vote, you allow international inspectors to insure that the vote is not tampered in any ways.

Failure to do so may result in the embargo of all Defesian goods & products and other actions.

Lars Gründer
Belkalandian Senate Leader


100 miles north of Plainsfier, Fells Point
KMV Otto von Bach, Typhoon-Class SSLPHN

A comms officer at his station began to receive a message, "Captain Bremer, new orders from... Secretary of Defense Hammond himself... We are to change course to bearing 278. We are to proceed at full speed to just off South Defese waters and wait for further order."

Captain Bremer nodded to the Comms officer then turned to the helmsmen, "Turn to 278, screws at full. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my quarters. First Officer Fassbinder, you have the bridge."

With that, the Captain left the Bridge.
South Defese
19-04-2009, 05:25
ooc: Fanboyist, its raining sleet and your men are wadering around in Khakis?
Nope, not suspicous at all.
To: Belkalandian Senate Leader Lars Gründer
From: The South Defesian Senate
You shout claims of wanting to help the peoples voice, and you question if the people voted into the senate by the people, are doing what the people want. You attempt to force a vote on an issue that was decided and is already being initiated, any vote on his will cost billions of goverment credits, not to mention the idea is ludicrious.
You then say you will embargo our goods, thus hurting the economy and hurting the people, who you claim your trying to protect.
You can ask for a vote all you wish, but the action is already in place.
Any Belkaland naval group that enters Defesian waters with the task of blockaiding the ports, it will be considered an act of war.
Please consider your actions wiser when trying to meddle with the internal affairs of a forgien nation.
Robert Blake
Melissa was gazing at a photo of her family, before the accident, when she heard gunfire on the front lawn.
Dan burst into the room, and told her quickly, "Theres gunfire in the frontlawn, some men dressed as ICDF (Inner City Defence Force(SWAT)) troopers were held up at the gate, apparently they just started shooting there way in after the guards denied entry, we need to go. Now."
She stood up and walked briskly with him out the room, she noticed his weapon was drawn.
"Im sure they havent made it this far yet."

"Its not just them im worried about ma'am"
19-04-2009, 05:31
To: South Defese
From: Office of Foreign Relations, Takaram

We are very... disappointed to hear of your merger with North Defese after all who have died to secure independence for your nation, Defesian or otherwise. We will be extending political asylum to any South Defesian unwilling to take part in this merger.

Cynthia Rose, Chief Foreign Relations Officer, Takaram
The Fanboyists
19-04-2009, 06:40
OOC: No, that's the color the great-coats are for two of them. The other two great-coats are grey. They are all wearing jeans, on account of the fact that they aren't used to the seasonal difference: its mid-spring in my country.

Also, ND or SD, I'll let you RP the sympathizer.

Grylls knocked on the door of a sympathizer they had been told they would be staying with.

Most of the sympathizers to the Fanboyists were in fact former exiles who had been expelled nigh on 20 years earlier during Grimmeberger's anti-communist crackdowns. Naturally, in settling in a new country, they had let down new roots, but never forgot their old nation. Fanboyists seem to be very nationalist. Strange, that.

Grylls knew he was looking for a "Samuel Davies." Of course, knowing the occasional screw-ups that occured in beauraucracies, he wouldn't be surprised if a Defesian opened the door and started talking in Defesian to him. That would be unfortunate: Grylls only spoke English, and the only person in the group that spoke a foreign language at all was Hamberger, and that wasn't even technically a foreign language: a German had better damn well know how to speak German, after all. Even if it was Fanboyist German (which has heavy Croat influences, and is principally based on High German). Somehow, Grylls figured, that wouldn't suffice.

He stared at the door, slightly annoyed. There hadn't been an answer. He knocked again, harder this time.
The Fanboyists
21-04-2009, 20:20
I declare a
to be an undesirable in this thread.
South Defese
23-04-2009, 23:27
The informant heard the knocking at the door, and checked who was there via the small camera hidden over the door, he could see three people.
When the man knocked again, he had the door automatically open. The room was washed in light, the dust was thick on the surface of everything in sight, and footprints and overturned furniture was scattered randomly around the room. It looked as if it was raided then abandoned.

The informant stood up from his console, and walked towards the foldable ladder to go down from the attic and meet his contacts.
The Fanboyists
24-04-2009, 20:59
Grylls looked the informant in the eye; from what he could tell, simply from the man's expression, he was trustworthy.

"Hello, good sir. I was told by a friend that we might find lodging with you. Could we continue this inside? The weather is rather despicable."
South Defese
25-04-2009, 18:18
He made a grand arm gesture, inviting them in.
"I apoligize if my accomidations to not meet your standards, I was visited by a Nothern Persuasion team not long ago."
He walked into the living room, gesturing at the overturned furniture.
"I keep everything important in the attic, please, follow me."
The Fanboyists
26-04-2009, 01:57
Shaking off under the small awning outside the door before entering, Grylls raised an eyebrow.

"Damn, they're efficient. Northern secret police here already? I thought the terms of unification hadn't been finalized yet? Oh, lead the way. You obviously live here, so you know it better than any of us, obviously."
South Defese
26-04-2009, 08:09
He began walking up the steps to the attic, remarking on the way up, "Oh the NDSS were here before the unification was even proposed, payed a visit to some senaters, which is why the vote passed with so much support--Ah, here we are."

He stepped into the attic, it looked as torn down and dusty as the rest of the house, but off to the side, there was a large computer terminal, with recordings from cameras all over the house and street, along with a continous feed of news reports. What wasent propoganda anyway.

"The NDSS were dispatched here after I scanned the bank account of some major powers in the Senate, their bank accounts had a anonyomous deposit of around $20,0000 USD...Shit..."

He broke intro a trot towards the terminal, a pop-up box had alerted him to a news report concerning the Capital Building.
"Damn, looks like they did it earlier then I expected. The Senates attempting to assassinate the president, they just launched an attack against the Capital Building. Im sure Melissa has the presidential chopper standing by...But im not sure if the pilot is part of this conspiracy..."
Capital Building Helipad
Dan has to shout to be heard over the roaring of the chopters blades, the wind buffeted the service team surrounding Melissa, as Dan was attempting to breif her of the situation.
"Dont worry ma'am!" he shouted, "The situation is under control! This helicopter is going to take you to Andrews Airbase, we have Air Force One standing by along with a escort," They reached the helicopters ramp, and were now walking into the chopper itself, "The plane will take you to New Rapsher, a military base has been alerted, and a division has been re-positioned to defend the area." They began to strap into the seats as the ramp closed and the helicopter began to slowely ascend, they no longer had to shout, the blades where muffled from the metal skin of the helicopter.
"Your daughter has been picked up from the school, a motercade is taking her to Andrew's as well, I will be in constant radio contact with the---"
A bullet suddenly broke through the dront windshield of the chopper, the pilot was hit in the chest, the bullet struck the heart and he was killed instantly, the co-pilot tried desperatly to gain control of the aircraft, but a second bullet struck, this time hitting to co-pilot in the lung, collapsing it instantly.
The Fanboyists
26-04-2009, 22:18
Grylls' face drained of color. "This early? It wasn't expected that they would be doing that for at least another week; we were supposed to tip-off Ms. Melissa." He looked at the three other agents with him. Unfortunetely, only Hamberger had combat experience, apart from himself. He had a rather skewed plan already forming in his head, but...

"Do you think we should go and help her?" Grylls asked the informant, taking part in some type of nonverbal communication with Hamberger, the silent discourse of two veterans.
South Defese
26-04-2009, 23:22
He stared at the moniter for a few more seconds, and a small explosion on screen verified that the presidential helicopter had crashed outside a local hotel.
Turning to the men in the room, he told them firmly, "Its very unlikley that she survived that crash, and im sure men are on the way to make sure the job is finished, and im even more certain members loyal to the president are en-route. Right now its a race, that hotel is on the other side of town, if we can reach it in time you might be able to distract here."
He swiped some keys off the desk, then walked briskly towards the staircase to get to his truck.
"Come with me, we need to be fast."
He had almost no combat experiance, but the 22. Glock on his belt made him feel more sure of himself somehow, stepping into this Ford F-150, he waited for the men to get inside.
The Fanboyists
26-04-2009, 23:26
Grylls gestured for Hamberger and the others to follow the contact. They quickly hopped into the truck. As he began to drive, the contact quite possibly heard four .45 Colt Combat Commander pistols being locked and loaded rather noisely. It was the rookie officers' way of comforting themselves, and the two veterans knew enough to know it didn't matter how loud they were. All they needed was a chance to help the President make her get away, if she had escaped, or to let the world at large know (and specifically the Federation) know that fowl play was afoot.

"Ready when you are, good sir." Grylls said deceptively politely.
South Defese
27-04-2009, 00:05
Crash Site
Melissa regained conciousness, moaning, sheopened her eyes to look around, her vision was blurry, and she could hear fire crackling and the distant sounds of sirens. As her vision cleared, she saw that the helicopter was upside down, and the whole thing was severly smashed, she attempted a few futile efforts to undo the safety strap, before giving up and slipping back into uncounsiousnes.
Main Street
He weaved the truck in and out of the lanes, running 3 red lights and attracting the attention of a South Defesian police cruiser.
He put the truck into high gear, blowing past rush hour traffic, before spotting a traffic jam on the street ahead, thinking quickly, he slammed on the breaks then swerved into the opposite lane. Cars screamed towards him, driving off the road in an attempt to avoid a collision, he managed to swerve it back into the right road after passing the traffic jam, the crash site now only a mile away. The police cruiser did not attempt to follow the Ford into the next lane, he stopped with the traffic then yelled into his radio for air support.
The Fanboyists
27-04-2009, 02:19
Silverman had visibly winced when they had woven in and out of traffic. Seeing as Grylls didn't like him too much, he smirked evilly.

"Subtle. I like it," he remarked drily. The other three agents prepard to hop out of the vehicle the instant they could do so safely.