NationStates Jolt Archive

Operation Axe's End (Open for Reactions, MT)

The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 01:33
OOC: I will be integrating the "Rights Breakthrough" posts into this, to consolidate for a larger liberalization program of the nation. This is open to all sorts of diplo-responses and reactions. I'd prefer no invasions at this time.


Vienna Times-Tribune
May 10th, 2009

By Carlos Vasquez

Vienna, Heroes' Square

Today Generalissimo Andrew Filie marked a major departure from the foreign policy of the Grimmeberger-era.

"Due to an utter lack of support, and, we have reason to believe, covert opposition from, the nations of the Imperial Fascist Alliance, namely the Fascist Federation of the Grand World Order, we have come to realize that there is no longer a place for the Federation within the IFA."

"For this reason, I am personally pleased to announce that as of now, the Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories shall be in no way affiliated with the IFA or the Grand World Order. Our troops fought in a distant land to help the GWO maintain its territory, to no avail, without so much as a formal "thank-you" from their so-called "Grand" Commander. "Grand" my ass! Nothing grand about him! And we shall have nothing to do with him, or his filthy alliance that delights in ensuring the repression of the people!"

"The GWO, and its "alliance" which it completely dominates can do nothing at this point but hold this great people back, to keep them from recognizing their potential."

"Some will undoubtedly complain of this. I will not name names, but I will say this to all those who doubt the truth of our charges against the GWO and IFA: Go fuck yourselves, you delusional pricks!"

The General recieved a raucous standing ovation for his remarks. This action comes only days after political opposition to the Generalship was legalized and elections were scheduled for the role of Governor and for a new legislative body. This break with the Federation's former right-wing-only-allies marks a dramatic change in the direction of the country's foreign policy. Whether this is for better or for worse, only time will tell.

Carlos Vasquez is a free-lance reporter currently in the employ of the Vienna Times-Tribune. He is a well-recognized commentator on foreign policy for various presses throughout the Federation, and we are pleased that he took the time to write this article for your veiwing pleasure.
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 01:37
Earlier this Week:

Vienna Times-Tribune
May 5th, 2009

Out of Nowhere...
By Thomas Andrews

Today, Generalissimo Andrew Filie announced that governorships would revert back to elected positions, as of tomorrow at midnight. Elections for governorships are scheduled for September this year.

As a part of this reform, Filie made a stunning announcement: after having been banned for nearly 20 years, political parties will once again be considered legal organizations, and will be permitted to elect members of a Federal Junta to help the Generalissimo in his role as Head of State.

The planned Junta will have 75 members (to prevent ties), and three 'leaders.' The Junta will lack full legislative power, but will be able to propose laws for the Generalissimo, and may pass laws on its own. The catch is that if the Generalissimo vetos a law, it cannot be overridden, though it may be reintroduced for consideration.

Filie calls this "Another step in ensuring that the nation's leaders are accountable to their people." The fascists that opted not to revolt during the revolt last month have gone ballistic, calling this "communism." Former Generalissimo Grimmeberger was dismissive of their complaints, though phrasing his dismissal in a way inappropriate for a family newspaper.

"You can take your goddamn complaints and shove them up your asses, you anal pricks!" he is reported as having shouted at a press conference.

This is the first resurfacing of democracy since a Republican government founded in 1989 disintegrated as a result of catastophic economic failure in the Federation in 1990.
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 01:39
Also earlier this week...

Vienna Times-Tribune
May 9th, 2009

Party City!
By James Ralphson

Today Christopher Sover announced the reinstatement of the Popular Democratic Party as a legitimate political party of the Federation. Sover has also announced his candidacy for leader of the Junta, or a Junta seat.

This announcement came within hours of the announcement by Croatian Governor-General Heinrich Grimm of the formation of the Federal-Republican Party (see breakdown of the parties and their views on page A3) and the reinstatement of the National Worker's Socialist Party by Alexander Fayless, an acknowledged admirer of Stanley Neniven.

Approximately three hours after the reinstatement of the Popular Democratic Party, Quinn Samuels announced the re-forming and reinstatement of the Libertarian Party.

Field Marshal Grimmeberger was mildly critical of Filie's earlier decision to reverse the ban on political parties, saying "Now look what you did Andrew; our politics are going to be a mess now. No one will ever be able to keep track of all this shit!"

Page A3

The Right Party?
By Mira Ansic

With the rash of political parties being founded and the reintroduction of limited democracy, it is important for a citizen to be informed and ready to participate in our new brand of national politics.

So how does one know which of these parties is the right one?

Here's a guide. And if you're going to be joining in on these parties, leave the beer at home.

Each section has the name of the party, its leader, and its goal. The former 'state party' is marked as such. Older parties have their status listed as well.

The Nationalist Party - Head: Steven Grimmeberger - *State Party* - Goal: To ensure the absolute safety and primacy of the Federation in the world, and maintain a strong economic base to ensure the welfare of its citizens, whilst maintaining every civil right possible for the citizens. The military should occupy a place of respect in the nation, and a sense of civic duty should be instilled in every person. The family, as the most basic and strongest unit that civilzations are built on, should be encouraged and protected at every turn, whilst those without family should be encouraged and guided into a brotherhood, sisterhood, or familial unit so that the bonds between people may grow that much stronger.

The National Fascist Party - Head: James Derkins - Goal: To: Foil the expansion of communism and socialism at every turn; To ensure the primacy of the military in the national conscious, and insure its rightful place of honor; To build upon the family, the block from which mighty empires are sprung; to ensure the security of the Federation on the world stage; to ensure that a capitalist society does not vanish from the Earth; to instill a sense of duty and discipline in every man, woman, and child; to ensure the integrity of the moral fabric of society, that it may remain for millenia to come.
DISBANDED - Investigation of Activities Pending

The National Worker's Socialist Party (Formerly: The National Workers' Revolutionary Party) - Head: Alexander Fayless - Goal: To work towards the creation of a workers' state where the common man can work without the risk of exploitation, poverty is no more, and the will of the people is supreme in the future of the nation. To ensure the liberty of every person, and to break down racial and religious barriers that prevent the harmony of people living together. To create a truely secular state, and to help make sure that freedom and human rights are upheld else-where in the world.
DISBANDED - Reinstated

Popular Democratic Party - Head: Christopher Sover - Goal: To campaign for the enfranchisement of the people and the creation of a Democratic Republic in the Federation in order to give the people a greater part in the destiny of the Federation. To ensure the peace and safety of the people; to maintain the rights of the citizens of the Federation, and to maintain a place of prominence in world affairs.
DISBANDED - Reinstated

Libertarian Party - Head: Quinn Samuels - Goal: To ensure the protection of the rights of all citizens of the Federation throught the loosening of government regulations on the individual; the combatance of fascism, communism, and other oppressors world-wide; that the government's duty is to defend the people of the nation; recognizing that isolationism may be necessary to achieve this goal.
DISBANDED - Reinstated

Federal-Republican Party - Head: Heinrich Grimm - Goal: To maintain the federal system that has served us so well, install a republican government to lead the Federation more effectively, ensure the sanctity of life and liberty; maintain a strong presence in the world at large; to help protect liberty wherever it is found in the world; to recognize that no government or people is perfect, and to offer assistance to others around the world, regardless of race, creed, or ideology. To maintain a secular state, while not degrading the place the respect due to various creeds.
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 01:41
Heinrich Grimm was a popular man. Very popular. The appointed governor of Croatia, Grimm had overseen massive amounts of growth (resulting in a regional drop in the unemployment rate to 1%), organized numerous public works projects, and enjoyed taking afternoon strolls through the streets of Zagreb, talking to people, learning what needed to be fixed tomorrow...a truely gifted man. And he was, of course, a young, rising star at only 28.

Which was young, in the game of politics he now found himself embroiled in. His founding of the Federal-Republican Party weeks earlier had caused a furor in the political community, as had his rapid building of coalition of like-minded individuals with one goal in mind: bring down the dictatorship. But peacefully, gradually, and with the approval of the people, and, if possible, Filie, who seemed a reasonable enough man.

All this was true about the man, but at the moment, it was all taking a backseat to something else running through the man's mind.

He looked at the young reporter, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to interview him. The young woman looked to be from the province he now called home. And damn! he thought. She's not half-bad looking..

"So, what caused you to form the Federal-Republican Party?"

"I admire General Filie's work, and the later work that Grimmeberger did to lay the framework for Filie, but I don't think the people should be content with just this. I think that the best thing for the nation is that the people are able to play a major role in their own destiny."

"What do you think about the criticism that the hard-line fascists are taking against you?"

"I think they are misguided and have an archaic way of thinking. As for the Nationalists? I believe that this party has many of the same goals of the Nationalists, and I hope that those good people who have brought our country so far since the Patricianate will help us forge a better future."

"What do you say about rumors that you are planning on running not only for a spot in the Junta, but for one of the leadership roles?"

"I'd like to say, that, in a few words, they are true."

"What do you think is the next step the party can take to help bring about your vision of the future?"

"Not violent revolution, certainly. That sort of thing is only counter-productive, in my opinion. No, we'll be organizing protests for more participation in the government for everyone. I think Filie's opening-up of the governorships and the creation of the Junta are good first steps, though."

"Anything you'd like to say or ask of those who might be reading this report tomorrow? Any questions that I might be able to answer for you?"

"Yeah. Can I get your phone number? You know, in case you want to expand on the story?"

Mira Ansic looked at Grimm with an amused glint in her dark brown eyes. "Yes." She scrawled it on piece of paper and slid it across the table to Grimm. "There you go."

"I trust that last bit is off the record, right? Think of the scandal!" he said, chuckling.

"Of course. Well, I'll be seeing you around, then."

"Likewise," Heinrich said, getting out of his chair.

OOC: W00T! 1000 posts!
17-04-2009, 01:44
The United Kingdom of Telvira would like to congratulate the Federation on taking these steps towards democracy, and reaffirms its commitments to aid in your defense against any enemies.
-Prime Minister Edward Caithana
-King Cyrus II
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 01:57
To King Cyrus II and PM Edward Caithana,

I would like to thank you for your reaffimation of our alliance and promise of aid and defense in the face of a dangerous world.

I also thank you for our your congratulations regarding our progress towards democracy. I believe that democracy will benefit our people in the future, as they are allowed to guide their own destiny.

Thank you very much.

Generalissimo Andrew Filie
Head of State, Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories
Commander-in-Chief, Federal Armed Forces
The Fanboyists
17-04-2009, 22:46
OOC: Jump ahead a month in NS time.

Filie was doing the unheard of. He, the Generalissimo, was speaking, civilly, to a leader of the opposition.

Admittedly, it was only somewhat strange: he had talked to Heinrich Grimm before, only it had been with him regarding the Governor-Generalship of Croatia. Not as a leader of a majority in the Junta.

Of course, how he had done it was a matter of debate. Some would claim election fraud, but it was fairly unlikely as, even if fraud were committed in a few places (it wasn't, at least not by the Federal-Republicans), it was not enough to make a difference. This was mostly because the FRP had recieved 51% of the vote. The next runner-up, the Nationalist Party (many were still quite satisfied with the government) had received about 42% of it. The rest hadn't even been close. Which was all the same, rather strange; the FRP was literally only a month old at this point. So it was astonishing that it had garnered such a massive following. Oh well. Filie would just have to work with it...

OOC: the meeting begins!
18-04-2009, 11:13
The Duchy of Rechburg sends its congratulations to the Federation on its move to democracy.
In light of this move Duke Blaise wishes to offer the federation any aid it requires in trade and development.

Furthermore the Duchy of Rechburg wishes to extend the hand of military assistance in the defence of the federation should it be required.
18-04-2009, 11:37
(OOC: Sorry didn't notice the time shift)

Official Communiqué
While we find your decision regrettable, we will make no attempt
to sway you from the path you feel is right and hope that we will
be able to maintain diplomatic links even in this ideological shift.
The Fanboyists
18-04-2009, 21:58
OOC: That's fine, Fictions. Doesn't matter.


To Duke Blaise of Rechburg

I would like to thank you for your well-wish regarding our gradual transition to a more democratic government. I beleive that a greater stake in one's future is the best way to foster a sense of civic duty and keep the best ideas rising to the surface.

I would also like to thank you for your offer of military assistance in the event of an attack. At this point, that is thankfully not necessary, but should it become necessary, I would like to thank you in advance for making such a sacrifice for us.

Generalissimo Andrew Filie
Head of State, FFNAT
Commander-in-Chief, Federal Armed Forces


To the government of Fictions,

We are sorry that an ideological split would jepordize the relationship between our nations. I hope that our departure from a similar ideology in order to forge a new future for our people does not cause any hard feelings between us or our people. We would like to continue friendly diplomatic relations with Fictions and the IFA if possible, as we do not feel the organization is evil, simply that was not one that encouraged our reaching towards a new future that is more democratic in nature.

Thank you for your understanding.

Generalissimo Andrew Filie
Head of State, FFNAT
Commander-in-Chief, Federal Armed Forces
18-04-2009, 22:13

The Republic of Reijvajik
La République de Reijvaien
Vacones ç Reij

Congratulations; and may your journey towards political and civil freedom be a fruitful one.

Ignatius Riley-Smith
Foreign Ministry
The Fanboyists
18-04-2009, 23:52
To Ignatius Riley-Smith, Reijvajik Foreign Ministry,

Thank you for your encouragement on our new path.

Generalissimo Andrew Filie
Head of State, FFNAT
Commander-in-Chief, Federal Armed Forces
The Fanboyists
19-04-2009, 00:13
Grimm looked at the General. He was well aware that his position was unique in the Federation. If it weren't for the fact that Filie had personally barred himself from using the power, he would have had the power at anytime to have armed guards escort Grimm from the room and have him executed minutes later.

But he hadn't, and he wouldn't. Filie was of much too moderate a temperment for that. If he found Grimm to be a real problem, a state-sponsored smear-campaign would suffice. But he didn't plan on that either.

Because on the whole, Heinrich Grimm thought in a very similar way to Andrew Filie.

Grimm was in a unique position for another reason: in addition to being head of the Junta, he was also still Governor-General of Croatia. This was not terribly remarkable at first consideration: he had been Governor-General of Croatia before the elections.

Except that he had not run for reelection. He had been written-in so many times that he was actually reelected. He had accepted simply out of civic duty: the people there wanted him as their executive, so he would answer their call.

At Grimm's side stood Mortimer Dunlop, another Federal-Republican Counselor (as members of the Junta were called). Mortimer hailed from Nova Scotia, in the Federation's New England province. Like Grimm, he had been a Governor-General. Unlike Grimm, he had not been reelected, nor had he run for reelection. Dunlop was arguably the second-most influential person in the FRP, and had been among the first people who had flocked to the cause.

"Well, you all have been swept into office on a tide of public opinon, so tell me, why did that happen? Evidently I've been doing something wrong, or I'd be talking to Nationalists right now. So please, tell me what you think needs fixing. All of it. No softening your blows," Filie began simply.

"I believe the issue is, sir, nothing specifically to do with you. I think the problem is with the institution: the Federation has been one form of dictatorship or another since it was formed: the one attempt we had at democracy was over-powered by liberals: simply put, not enough people from all sides got involved last time, so no one really looks on that last experiment in democracy as legitimate in the slightest. They're tired of one political entity dominating the show for so long; we were elected because we're the friendly opposition. Just friendly enough to Nationalist ideals that we can work with you, but just different enough to make you more accountable to everyone." Grimm sat back, his peice done for now.

"Friendly opposition, eh? I don't call it very friendly of you. Now my life is harder," Filie said with a grin and a chuckle. "But fair enough. So do you think electing the executive is the next step?"

"I would think so. Nothing is to say that you or your predecessor's regime is discredited but, lets' face it, people need to change a little bit every now and then, as long as things stay safe. A little variety, if you will. Nothing would stop you, of course, from even running for election as executive, if we were to have elections for the position." Grimm scratched the stubble on his chin. "An agreement that a dictator or Generalissimo would still hold power, but they are accountable: they are elected, and can be impeached by the people. What do you say to that?"

Filie looked minorly suspicious. "And...I'm assuming the Junta won't be a permanent structure...?"

Now Dunlop spoke. "Of course not. Don't be silly. We'd need a proper Senate or Assembly. The Junta is little more than an advisory council at this point. We need something to put a little balance against the General."

Filie looked somewhat bemused, or maybe it was just being lost in thought. "We'll have to talk more about this...but..." he trailed off. "I kind of like the idea." He laughed and looked at them. "Steven will go ballistic, of course, but we can definitely see about that."
The Fanboyists
19-04-2009, 02:41
And so, on May 14th, 2009, Generalissimo Andrew Filie and the members of the Junta, along with all the Federation's Governor-Generals, signed a solemn agreement.

The agreement, signed in Vienna, known as the Vienna Accords, have the following functions:

1) The transition of the post of Generalissimo to an elected position, to be elected once every 5 years. Re-election is permitted, but more than two consecutive terms are not permitted.

2) The Advisory Junta will be dissolved. In its place, a more permanent Federal Senate and Federal Assembly will be elected. The Senate providing three Senators for each province, and the Federal Assembly having representation based on population.

3) Direct elections for the above posts (Couselor, Senator, Generalissimo) shall take place at the soonest possible time.

4) Repression of persons based on political belief is a crime.

5) The members of the Federal Armed Forces are required to be undeclared or apoltical for the duration of their service.

6) An independent judiciary will be appointed, to interpret the law and settle disputes.