Rip Everything Apart (Semi-Open, MT).
The capital city of Darhar was surrounded by them. The various different rebel groups, all fighting for complete control of the island nation of Zunola. None of them had ambitions to leave Darhar in any form. Captain Kanga Natzu, the leader of the Zutsi Front, was pleased that he had acquired the twenty-five surface-to-surface missiles for use on Darhar. They stood on the hills surrounding the capitals, the hills which marked the end of the Zyunu Desert. And the hills which would mark the end of the First Republic of Zunola. All for the glories of the great Zutsi people.
Natzu knew at least ten of his enemies, all armed with missiles like his own, were also surrounding the capital, about to do exactly the same thing as the Front would do. They had acquired all this of the shattered country's various arms dealers, along with black market auctions. As soon as the city was in ruins, the country would explode in blood. They all knew this.
Natzu inspected his missiles. They were in their launchers know, prepared to fire at the moment he ordered the fire teams to. Natzu would memorise the capital first. The people gathered here today would be the last people to see it again after the end of today.
It was night, the perfect time for such an assault. The people of Darhar were the lucky ones. They had escaped the poverty, hunger, disease and bloodshed of the country outside of the city, the third world conditions of absolute hell. The government, a military junta, hadn't done a thing, just exterminate more of the rebels. Now, what had happened to a third of the population was happening to them.
"I'm sick of the site of pure evil," spoke Natzu. "Fire all of our missiles at the capital of evil. Destroy them all!"
In a few minutes, the first missile was fired by the Front. Many more followed from all sides. In a few hours, the capital was devastated. That marked the beginning of the Zunolan Civil War.
* * *
Natzu stroked his pet tiger Hutu. She was a good lioness, tamed for him. She was also a weapon, regularly used to devouring the corpses of Natzu's enemies. He was in his hut, a simple old straw complex like all the other huts in the Camp of the Front.
"Captain, I have good news," smiled General Kaga Al'Musu. "The Ebola attacks on Islamic Zunola have been successful. The virus has wiped out their forces, and we await your orders to attack their camp."
"Don't risk it. Throw another infected monkey in," ordered Natzu, conducting the first attack of the Civil War. Many more would follow, hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions. The country would be in ruins by the time the last group standing prevailed. The question everybody was asking was; who would that be?
It wouldn't be Islamic Zunola by any strech of the imagination.
* * *
Poverty. It was everywhere you looked now. Children dying in the street, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, you couldn't turn and not see it. Everybody was hungry, all the buildings were destroyed. Put frankly, the country was a hell. There wasn't a single structure standing. There was just huts. Children were used as soldiers, flung into battle by the various factions without consideration. Women were either soldiers or sex slaves. There wasn't anything in this country except death.
The government had collapsed. The only city, Darhar, had been absolutely destroyed by surface-to-surface missiles. Warlords were rising everywhere, arms dealers making a profit. Pirates controlled the waters outside the country, making it nearly impossible to get in. The country was shattered completed, any trace of stability, peace or hope brutally torn apart by the rebel factions. A third of the population had died before the Civil War.
How many would die during it?
That made Captain Natzu smile.
* * *
((OOC: I want a small, fun RP, so only ten nations may deploy a force of 10,000 maximum, with a maximum of 500 fighter/bomber aircraft and 10 ships per nation. All nations may post condemnation of the war, promises for humantairian aid, etc. Zunola is an island off the coast of West Africa.
All the factions are armed with guerrila weapons, etc. AK-47, RPG-7, etc.
The Zutsi Front.
Led by: Various generals following coup against Captain Natzu.
Forces: 13,750.
Objective: To establish an ethnic Zutsi state in Zunola.
Zunolan Popular Resistance.
Led by: Chester Mourui.
Forces: 13,150.
Objectives: To work together for the common good of Zunola.
Status Alive and well.
Political map:
15-04-2009, 23:07
Federation Of Lingard
The Federation is devastated by the events in Zunola and realized the need for stability. The Federation army will deploy a Division to the Country in a peacekeeping operation. The Purpose of hte Divison will be to ensure that aid releifs can get through and begin the setting up of a coalition government.
End Of Press Release
The Lingard Navy First Expeditioany Unit was sailing towards Zunola shores, the lead ship, the Indestructable had sent two Squadrons ahead to secure landing zones at which the forward units aboard the ship would deploy to secure a airfield to land the rest of the Division and the heavy units.
Over Zunola Coast
Eight F-21's tore over the Coast of Zunola, over the predetermand landing zone and began to do recon sweeps.
OOC-I'd like to deploy peacekeepers to Dahar. OK with you?
IC-The United Kingdom of Telvira is horrified by the conditions in Zunola. To destroy that much of a society merely for power is horrible. To insure some semblance of civilization, a Telviran peacekeeping group will be deployed to Dahar, to rebuild it and provide a safe haven for noncombatants. I pray that the factions settle their differences peacefully.
-Prime Minister Caithana
Southport, Telvira
The 4th Carrier Battlegroup left its moorings in the early morning and headed towards Zunola. Comprised of the Nimitz-class carrier Lion, the Iowa-class battleship Grace, and three Zumwalt-class destroyers, it would escort and provide support for the Zunola Force (ZFOR), comprised of two Army regiments, an armored battalion, and a heavy complimet of engineers and civil-liason units. Once Dahar had been secured, the air wing, comprising of two squadrons of A-20 Razorback attack aircraft, 2 squadrons of PAH-6 Cheetah attack helicopters, and numerous air and helicopter transport squadrons.
(ORBAT coming soon)
15-04-2009, 23:14
Intership Transmission
Telvira Fleet, Telvira Fleet, LIngard Navy, are we to understand that you are prepareing to deploy peacekeppers to Zunola?
LNS Indestructable
Intership Transmission
From Flagship TNS Lion
Yes, we are setting up in the city of Dahar. Is there a problem?
15-04-2009, 23:17
Intership Transmission
Negative on problem, only we too are deploying units to acheive peace, just thinking that it makes sense that we work together to solve this mess rather then work seperatly.
Intership Transmission
Understandable. I suggest we hash a joint strategy once our troops are on the ground. Acceptable?
15-04-2009, 23:21
Intership Transmission
Agreed, our current plan is to send a marine force ashore to secure a landing area where we can deploy our main Peacekeeping Divion of 9,500 men and equipment.
The pirates who controlled various ships off the coast of Zunola were truly astonished to see military vessels in the waters which had for the last years under control of various pirate cartels. Most of the ships they controlled were cargo ships, though a few of the pirates had gained controlled of military ships, though their lack of experitise in that field had failed them. If it hadn't, the Civil War would probably have started a year ago.
One of the pirates, Mutzu Kuizu, a 27-year-old armed with an AK-47 and wearing desert camoflauge military uniform, was standing on the deck of the cargo ship he and his pirate crew had taken control off recently. That ship was the last ship to have sailed towards Zunolan waters since the foreign vessels just across the water. The oil tanker he had, along with a few friends, was in danger.
"By God! By God! Jutsu, foreigners are arriving! They're doing scouting runs over the coast!" shouted Mutzu to his captain, Jutsu Kluz, pointing at the foreign carriers and that nearby the ship.
"Hide! Hide for the sake of our souls, hide!" shouted Jutsu.
* * *
After his 'session' with a young 10-year-old girl had finished, Captain Kanga Natzu smiled evilly as foreign aircraft flew above the Camp of the Front. Those foreigners would die of shock whenever they set foot in whatever hellhole they would land in. He would leave them alone for now, but whenever they got on ground - Ebola attacks would follow.
There was no cure for it as of the moment. Hell followed for the infected after a day or two before claimed them. He thanked whatever deity resided up in the clouds for Ebola Zunola. If you touch somebody with Ebola Zunlona, you are infected. Quite simple. Deadly but effective. The tactics of Natzu's sick little mind.
15-04-2009, 23:26
Over the Coats
The Fighters flew lower and searched for anything that would pose a threat to the landing forces and marked them for strategic strike later.
"Sir, we have armed hostiles on a cargo ship on the horizon." Captain Lamont turned to the gunnery officer. "Must be the pirates they were talking about in the briefing. Show em a taste of what we can do. Two Harpoons, one at the center, another at the bridge. Anything left after that, take 'em out with the Thermopylaes." "Yessir."
Two Harpoons streaked out from the Zumwalt-class destroyer Royal Fury. Captain Lamont doubted that anything larger than an AK or an RPG was onboard that ship, but it always helped to wave the flag.
Meanwhile, two F-22Ns, the carrier-based version of the F-22 Raptor, took off from the Lion. They banked over the ruins of Dahar and searched for anything that could seriously hamper the landings.
15-04-2009, 23:31
Omega Squadron
"Jesus" Omega one exclaimed as the Telvirian ships fired on the assumed pirate vessels, which were going to be picked up by the Navy ships. The Squadron watched as the Harpoons got closer to the pirate ship
"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" screamed Mutzu as the foreign missiles hit the ship. He was still on the deck, just lying down on his stomach. There was an RPG-7 missiles on a small crate beside him. As a last act, as the missiles hit the ship, he fired it towards one of the foreign ships, missing by a good bit. Then the ship started to sink, slowly.
What the foreigners hadn't taken into account was that this was a ship containing hundreds of thousands barrels of crude oil. The oil poured through the gaps, exploding onto the water at an alarming rate. Any fish swimming about were dead as sirloin steaks cooked in an oven.
15-04-2009, 23:37
Omega Squad
"Fucking hell!" Omega two gasped as they saw this happen.
"Her Idestructable, we've got a major oil spill, we'll need to change the landing plan, recommend Plan B" Omega One said.
"Damn" The Admiral muttered "Tell command Plan B"
OOC: Are your Airports defended? What are the defense?
Cabinet Room
Government House
Brayton, Tolvanic Home Islands
"Moving on to the next matter at hand, a civil war in Zunola. If you turn to Page 105 of your packet you'll see the NDI's brief on the country. It appears to be your run of the mill developing world shithole with rampant disease and extreme poverty. The military junta that used to run things collapsed last week after a massive rocket attack left the capital in ruins. Our best indications are that are at least sven factions vying for control of what's left. we don't have a hard count on any force levels, but we estimate the most of them have between 1,000 and 5,000 militamen with mostly light weapons. The largest force is the "Zutsi Front" which appears to be able to field more men than the other six factions combined. Typically such a petty squabble, albeit a bloody one, would be of no concern to us. However, due to Zunola's proximity to our African colonies the threat of instability affecting them is high. As a result, the NDI and the Combined Staff recommend deploying a small peacekeeping force to the area to keep a lid on things."
Prime Minister Hutchins looked up from his briefing packet to speak, "Thank you, Director Moore. What do you and General Sanchez have in mind?"
General Sir Jorge Sanchez, Chariman of the Combined Staff, responded by pulling up a slide, "Sir, I recommend deploying two Royal Army Brigade Combat Teams, one each motorised and airmobile, a Royal Marine Expeditionary Unit, and some special ops teams. We also plan to deploy a Surface Action Group to help keep a lid on any pirate activity that the conflict might breed. Of course our forces will have the benefit of air support from RAB Kenyara. All in all, we expect to deploy about 8,000 ground troops and nine warships, plus dedicated support from the nearly 200 aircraft at Kenyara."
Hutchins though for a moment, "If that's the consensus I'll support the deployment. I'll speak to Mr. Harris and Lord Tucker after the meeting, I see no reason why we won't have Parliamentary approval by tomorrow evening."
"Holy shit." Captain Lamont watched as the burning oil incinerated the water around the ship. "Is there anything we can do?" "Not really, sir. It happens all the time." "Damn." Well, they sure had shown the flag. "Tell the task force to watch out for more hostiles and send our AAR. Then proceed to the coast to support the landings." "Yessir."
Meanwhile, on the amphibious assault ships carrying ZFOR, V-25 Goshawk light tiltrotor transports and EC 660 heavy helicopter transports began loading up troops. These men belonged to the 1st and 2nd Ranger Regiments, the units tasked with the peacekeeping effort. Along with them was the 13th Armored Battalion, which had already seen similar action in Guartama. When the go-ahead was given, these aircraft would take the troops into Dahar, where they would begin their task of rebuilding the city.
The threat of biological weapons was known, so the troops had received additional training, especially in dealing with Ebola. They had the appropriate chem suits, and back in Telvira a cure was being developed. In the meantime, they would simply have to try and stop an attack before it could happen.
((OOC: There are no airports. During the fighting, they were all destroyed. All of them.))
Captain Natzu laughed hysterically as he saw the idiotic foreigners fired missiles at an oil tanker. That type of stupidity should have died with the ZNS Zulu, but no, clearly these foreigners had taken lessons off the Zulu!
He ordered one of his generals to get a few helicopters up. Not to fire at the foreigners, just to crash into their little ships and try to destroy them. It would be quite entertaining, watching the 'first class' foreigners come in contact with true Zunolan war methods. He smiled again at that.
* * *
The first helicopters, small former news helicopters with RPGs and guns attached, were flying towards the biggest foreign ship they could find, firing at them uncontrollably in an effort to draw attention. If one of them could crash into one of the ships, it would be brilliant.
15-04-2009, 23:47
OOC: Just gonna have to make my own then
Five Airforce Cargo planes flew over the island. Once inshore the cargo door at the back opened and out jumped the Lingard Special Forces. The Federation rangers. They had been dropped into an area of flat land that was empty and they would be able create a landable airstrip in a few hours.
An escort of F-21's followed them.
"INCOMING!!" As the helicopters approached, several things happened:
A flight of four F-22N Raptors fired off a total of 28 air-to-air missiles at the choppers. These missiles were designed to hit supersonic fighters, so the helicopters had basically no chance.
In case any got through, battery upon battery of SAMs were ready on the Zumwalt-class destroyers. These could destroy anything in the sky, short of a strategic bomber.
In case even that didn't work, the Lion had double the number of SAMs of the Zumwalts, as well as a large number of fighters. Five more were now in the air and heading towards the helicopters.
Private Ansuti Dastiu was flying one of the simple helicopters. He was sweating heavily now as he saw the foreign ships fire these missiles towards his friends. But he had a cause. The two centuries of oppresion of the Zutsi people must end. That was why he kept charging forward, towards one of the ships, a small one, just looking to crash into it and -
That was whenever one of the missiles hit his tiny former news helicopter and blew it to a million little pieces, Ansuti vanishing off the face of the earth in a mere instance.
((OOC: Would it be possible for one of the helicopters to hit a ship, or is this like expecting an Ancient Egyptian soldier to beat a U.S. Marine using their respective standard weapons?))
OOC-One can get through. Do you mind if I Rp that part (the chopper crashing into the ship) oh, and lol and your location
OOC: Since the fun's starting already, I'll jump ahead a bit.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The Task Force, created by combining Amphibous Ready Group 17 and Surface Action Group 33, had arrived near Zunola just in time to watch the Telvirans sink an oil tanker, naturally this had led to a variety of foul curses being directed at the Telvirans for such an amateurish move. The Marines of RMEU 12 were businly preparing for a landing in force somewhere along the Zunolan Coast. Of course their actual deployment was pending the arrival of the 3rd Airmobile Brigade from Fort Seward via C-17. Once the paras and Marines had secured a suitable LZ, the 35th Motorised Brigade could begin deploying as well.
In the meantime, six F-194A Pandora multirole fighters deployed from Royal Air Base Kenyara to begin patrolling the airspace near Zunola and deal with any aerial resistance the locals might muster.
((OOC: Sure. And I love playing third world African hellholes. ))
It would be simple, really. Fly a few suicide helicopters into the small fascist camp, fire a surface-to-surface missile, use the troops to kill any survivors. That's what an assault on the Facists United Camp, a small little camp compared to the huge Camp of the Front. General Ala'n Mas'u was sitting inside an old pick up truck which had had its armour increased with a bit of steel, which reallyt only came in use against rabid lions which werre promptly shot and then feasted upon.
As soon as they arrived, he ordered his troops to encircle the camp quietly, then after he gave the signal - a surface-to-surface missile flying into the camp - they would advance in. Simple enough for those idiotic, corrupted people.
After about an hour, the first suicide helicopter took, followed closely by his ten brothers. They crashed into the camp, probably wiping out half the forces of the fascists. After about twenty minutes of suicide runs, a missile was fired directly at the heart of the camp, probably bringing the facists' forces down to the fifty.
"I can't stand fascism any longer," muttered Mas'u. "Do a quick troop run in there, kill any survivors."
The troops advanced into the camp, the camp smothered in blood and broken pieces of news helicopter machinery. There were several gunshots heard every ten seconds, marking the deaths of about fifty more people. The soldiers wouild be given two sex slaves for that for them to have a 'session' with tonight.
OOC-got to go. Will RP helicopter ship crash when I get back
OOC: Since the fun's starting already, I'll jump ahead a bit.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The Task Force, created by combining Amphibous Ready Group 17 and Surface Action Group 33, had arrived near Zunola just in time to watch the Telvirans sink an oil tanker, naturally this had led to a variety of foul curses being directed at the Telvirans for such an amateurish move. The Marines of RMEU 12 were businly preparing for a landing in force somewhere along the Zunolan Coast. Of course their actual deployment was pending the arrival of the 3rd Airmobile Brigade from Fort Seward via C-17. Once the paras and Marines had secured a suitable LZ, the 35th Motorised Brigade could begin deploying as well.
In the meantime, six F-194A Pandora multirole fighters deployed from Royal Air Base Kenyara to begin patrolling the airspace near Zunola and deal with any aerial resistance the locals might muster.
Captain Natzu thought he could just make out another foreign fleet in the distance. These foreigners, they had no respect for a group of peoples whose objective was to brutally and savagely slaughter each other with every weapon at their disposal, did they? The Front would have to fly a few more suicide helicopters at them. Of course, there was an extremely low chance of even one case of sucess in such operations,. but even if one could hit a foreign ship, it would be a good day for the Front's ego.
Several more suicide helicopters took off, about twenty. They made their way through the madness of the ocean below to the foreign taskforce in the distance, and began to drive their aircraft straight towards any ship they wanted to.
One helicopter made it through. As the 40mm AA guns on the container ship Azhan fired, the helicopter slammed into the bridge. The ship was engulfed in flames and smoke. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!" exclaimed Captain Lamont. "Get the Tomahawks ready. I want those guys obliterated.
In the end, the Azhan did not sink. But the incident cost Telvira 119 sailors and a lot of humanitarian aid supplies. That was the supreme irony: the Zunolans had just destoryed the very goods they needed to survive.
On the Zumwalt-class destroyers, several salvos of Tomahawk missiles flew out towards Zunola, targeted on Zutsi camps. Follwoing these up were air strikes by F-35Cs and F-22Ns.
Undaunted by the loss of the Azhan, the first of the Ranger's helicopters began lifting off from the assault ships and moving towards Dahar. The Iowa-class battleship Grace moved inland to provide supporting fire, as did two of the five Zumwalt-class destroyers. F-22Ns flew overhead constantly, providing cover against any more attacks.
OOC-is Dahar coastal?
Ranger Force
5,000 Rangers
150 M1126 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICVs)
40 M1127 Stryker Reconnaissance Vehicles (RVs)
60 M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun Systems (MGSs) [mounting 105mm guns]
20 M1129 Stryker Mortar Carriers (MCs)
13th Armored Battalion
100 M5A2 Schwarzkopf tanks
80 M118 Fastbacks (AA variant mounting 4 SAMs and 2 Gatling guns)
More to Come!
United States of PA
16-04-2009, 01:32
Hearing of this, Task Force 32.5 sailed frm San Diego, consisting of the USS Gerald R Ford, 1 Hunter Class CGM, 5 Arleigh Burke DDGs, 3 Zumwalt DDGs, with 8 AAVs in attendance carrying the 4 Marine Brigade(Reinforced) to the country on a peacerestoring Operation, withdrawing as soon as the Force is landed, the Brigade numbers almost 10,000 men
OOC-PA, the opening post says 10,000 troops max
((OOC: No, its at the heart of Zunola. and PA, edit your post to make your number of troops 10,000 or lower.))
Throughout the country, scouting helicopters from the Zutsi Front were taking off. They were armed with missiles and guns, and were small former news helicopters, like the suicide helicopters but armoured better. Their only goals, really were attempt to hold back the foreigners long enough for a surface-to-air missile to be launched, acquired from an arms dealer, one missile at each plane. The helicopters were even given orders to, if defeaten, to do all they could to crash into the foreign aircraft. Private Muka Kalas knew this well.
He was flying through the air contently, near the extinct volcano Mount Zungala, which overlooked the ruins of Dahar. There were a few foreign airplanes approaching him. He fired his missiles and guns at one of them, hoping to destroy it. He knew his orders.
The Northern Baltic
16-04-2009, 01:47
OOC: Could we get a map by any chance?
Military Warehouse, Bay of Nations Coastal Area, The Northern Baltic
Two men walked into the vast warehouse. The noise of their footsteps echoed loudly. Then, one of them spoke.
"Don't you think we're taking on too many revolutions with this next assignment?"
The second one cleared his throat, and then spoke, "No. Defiantly not. We have the support of the UWR and we defended ourselves against seven nations in the Baltic-Maldorian War. We can bear the burden."
The first one nodded and they both turned down a long corridor where the first one handed a list to the Commander there. Nodding quickly, he grabbed the radio and made an announcement:
Attention! Attention! Command has contacted us and tells us that it wants the following equipment shipped out to the docks ASAP....
The two men then turned around and sighed.
"Two more warehouses to go to."
"Command sure loves their heavy weapons. How much are we giving the Socialists? 100 Type 69 tanks? 200 Type 63 APCs? 400 Alvis Saladin armored cars?
"Yeah and plus those 2,000 QBZ-95 Assault rifles, 1,000 QBB-95 Light machine guns, 3,000 Makarov PM pistols, 1,000 RPG-7, 400 DShk Heavy machine guns, 200 120mm mortars, and 60 FIM-92 Stingers."
"And you can't forget those 30 Mi-2URP helicopters and 25 85mm D-44 artillery guns."
The first one nodded. "They're going to have so many weapons they won't know what to do with them. That's why Command decided it was best to send along 50 advisers to assure everything gets used properly."
"I assume they'll also be analyzing the doctrine of the rebels as well, right?"
"Of course. We need to see if we should keep supplying the Socialists."
Bay of Nations
10 Longboat Class Cruisers, 3 Udaloy Class Destroyers, 4 Krivak Class Frigates, 2 Kiev Class Aircraft carriers and 3 Oscar-II Class submarines were now in the Bay, having already checked and double checked all their equipment. Once the merchant ships were loaded, it would be the job of the warships to make sure the ships, and their cargo, made it to their destination.
Official Communique
To: the Democracy Upheld
From: The Northern Baltic
We are very interested in your struggle and we would like to extend an offer of friendship to you in the form of 1,000 QBZ-95 Assault Rifles, 2,000 Makarov PM Pistols, 300 RPG-7s, and 80 FIM-92 Stingers. We would also like to offer a large sum of money to you,, however, we would like you to, at first, commence talks about forming a front with the Socialist Front in order to form a more powerful faction.
Official Communique
To: Zunolan Socialist Front.
From: The Northern Baltic
We are very interested in your struggle and we would like to extend an offer of friendship to you in the form of a large amount of weapons we are currently sending. We would also like to offer a large sum of money to you, however, we would like you to, at first, commence talks about forming a front with the Democracy Upheld in order to form a more powerful faction.
United States of PA
16-04-2009, 01:55
OOC:edited, i keep missing those things
16-04-2009, 02:16
"Ralkovia will be supporting the establishment of a Jewish state in Zunola," said a crippled voice from a man sitting on a throne in the shadows. His voice seemed broken as if he had been shouting all his life. Luciano Luciferus Natas had been. As the Death Guard commander and almost complete ruler of Ralkovia he had the power to simply overpower the Empress and make her declare support or else she might find herself having the death guard guarding her instead of protecting her.
One of the armored soldiers bowed and pushed opened the large steel door. He walked through and headed only a few steps before being confronted by large jeweled doors with his fellow death guard on each side. Both nodded their heads and went to attention, a quick sign of respect to the Oberstagfeld(Captain Commander).
The messenger, the Oberstagfeld, face covered in the Imperial Black of the palace death guard hand curled into a fist and raised it to his heart. With a loud thump the death guard's standing in front of the door went back to parade rest, their large antique halaberds(pole axe with spear at top. The bottom has a blunt striker with sharp hooks that can catch chainmail and pull it to ribbons) striking the floor. While it seemed purely ceremonial to the untrained eye it was the only way of opening the door. The strikers had a small pin which fit perfectly into the locks on each position. It was again a secret only known to the death guard.
The doors creaked open despite the fact that it always made the Empress annoyed. Of course she could not do much about it because of their age and the millions of times metal on metal striked each other caused the door to creak. However this time the fanfare was skipped with a brush of the hand.
The death guard bowed before the Empress before telling her that Ralkovia would be supporting David's brothers in the conflict in Zunola. It was with that that Ralkovia made the following statement 3 hours later.
Ralkovia has deemed it necessary to make sure Zunola is turned to a Jewish state. Only then can Zunola be ruled as G-d intended. Ralkovia will be sending aid for the time being until troops can be sent. All factions our urged to surrender to David's Brothers before Ralkovian hellfire arrives. By the G-ds and by the Emperor's Zunola shall be a Jewish state. Ralkovia urges its allies to join its quest and establish a Jewish republic in Zonala. With a Jewish government the religious rights of all the other people of Zonala will be protected as the Jews, being the most persecuted people in the world, will respect the minorities better than any other form of government.
A statement to the world was delivered. It was short but right to the point. Ralkovia would crush the enemies of the Jews. Oppressed people everywhere would be free as Ralkovian Jews were. In fact Ralkovia had boldly claimed itself the protector of the Jews. Many accused the nation of being a hostile force in the world and an interloper in affairs not its own but Ralkovia was a nation bent on protect Judaism and Jews and if that meant sending its armies to aid fellow Jews in establishing a new country Ralkovia would send its armies across the world.
To: Davids Brothers
From: The Minister of Religion- Judaism
Ralkovia will be sending heavy support weapons including tanks, apc's, and helicopters. We will also be sending death guard immediately to help train your valiant soldiers. Ralkovian soldiers will be arriving in Zonala as soon as the western Heveba theater is clear, which should not take longer than 2 weeks. If you can hold out until then a large force will be available for the creation of a Jewish state.
OOC: Could we get a map by any chance?
Military Warehouse, Bay of Nations Coastal Area, The Northern Baltic
Two men walked into the vast warehouse. The noise of their footsteps echoed loudly. Then, one of them spoke.
"Don't you think we're taking on too many revolutions with this next assignment?"
The second one cleared his throat, and then spoke, "No. Defiantly not. We have the support of the UWR and we defended ourselves against seven nations in the Baltic-Maldorian War. We can bear the burden."
The first one nodded and they both turned down a long corridor where the first one handed a list to the Commander there. Nodding quickly, he grabbed the radio and made an announcement:
Attention! Attention! Command has contacted us and tells us that it wants the following equipment shipped out to the docks ASAP....
The two men then turned around and sighed.
"Two more warehouses to go to."
"Command sure loves their heavy weapons. How much are we giving the Socialists? 100 Type 69 tanks? 200 Type 63 APCs? 400 Alvis Saladin armored cars?
"Yeah and plus those 2,000 QBZ-95 Assault rifles, 1,000 QBB-95 Light machine guns, 3,000 Makarov PM pistols, 1,000 RPG-7, 400 DShk Heavy machine guns, 200 120mm mortars, and 60 FIM-92 Stingers."
"And you can't forget those 30 Mi-2URP helicopters and 25 85mm D-44 artillery guns."
The first one nodded. "They're going to have so many weapons they won't know what to do with them. That's why Command decided it was best to send along 50 advisers to assure everything gets used properly."
"I assume they'll also be analyzing the doctrine of the rebels as well, right?"
"Of course. We need to see if we should keep supplying the Socialists."
Bay of Nations
10 Longboat Class Cruisers, 3 Udaloy Class Destroyers, 4 Krivak Class Frigates, 2 Kiev Class Aircraft carriers and 3 Oscar-II Class submarines were now in the Bay, having already checked and double checked all their equipment. Once the merchant ships were loaded, it would be the job of the warships to make sure the ships, and their cargo, made it to their destination.
Official Communique
To: the Democracy Upheld
From: The Northern Baltic
We are very interested in your struggle and we would like to extend an offer of friendship to you in the form of 1,000 QBZ-95 Assault Rifles, 2,000 Makarov PM Pistols, 300 RPG-7s, and 80 FIM-92 Stingers. We would also like to offer a loan to you, however, we would like you to, at first, commence talks about forming a front with the Socialist Front in order to form a more powerful faction.
Official Communique
To: Zunolan Socialist Front.
From: The Northern Baltic
We are very interested in your struggle and we would like to extend an offer of friendship to you in the form of a large amount of weapons we are currently sending. We would also like to offer a loan to you, however, we would like you to, at first, commence talks about forming a front with the Democracy Upheld in order to form a more powerful faction.
The Socialist/Democrat Front of Zunola.
I would like to announce that the Northern Baltic's suggestion for a united socialist and democrat revolutionary front in Zunola was already in discussion, and our two forces have united under the Socialist/Democrat Front.
We now control double the territories we controlled as seperate groups, and we hope that your supplies will arrive soon. We are suffering severely in terms of supplies and outbreaks of Ebola are getting more regular, along with HIV/AIDS.
The Socialist/Democrat Front.
"Ralkovia will be supporting the establishment of a Jewish state in Zunola," said a crippled voice from a man sitting on a throne in the shadows. His voice seemed broken as if he had been shouting all his life. Luciano Luciferus Natas had been. As the Death Guard commander and almost complete ruler of Ralkovia he had the power to simply overpower the Empress and make her declare support or else she might find herself having the death guard guarding her instead of protecting her.
One of the armored soldiers bowed and pushed opened the large steel door. He walked through and headed only a few steps before being confronted by large jeweled doors with his fellow death guard on each side. Both nodded their heads and went to attention, a quick sign of respect to the Oberstagfeld(Captain Commander).
The messenger, the Oberstagfeld, face covered in the Imperial Black of the palace death guard hand curled into a fist and raised it to his heart. With a loud thump the death guard's standing in front of the door went back to parade rest, their large antique halaberds(pole axe with spear at top. The bottom has a blunt striker with sharp hooks that can catch chainmail and pull it to ribbons) striking the floor. While it seemed purely ceremonial to the untrained eye it was the only way of opening the door. The strikers had a small pin which fit perfectly into the locks on each position. It was again a secret only known to the death guard.
The doors creaked open despite the fact that it always made the Empress annoyed. Of course she could not do much about it because of their age and the millions of times metal on metal striked each other caused the door to creak. However this time the fanfare was skipped with a brush of the hand.
The death guard bowed before the Empress before telling her that Ralkovia would be supporting David's brothers in the conflict in Zunola. It was with that that Ralkovia made the following statement 3 hours later.
A statement to the world was delivered. It was short but right to the point. Ralkovia would crush the enemies of the Jews. Oppressed people everywhere would be free as Ralkovian Jews were. In fact Ralkovia had boldly claimed itself the protector of the Jews. Many accused the nation of being a hostile force in the world and an interloper in affairs not its own but Ralkovia was a nation bent on protect Judaism and Jews and if that meant sending its armies to aid fellow Jews in establishing a new country Ralkovia would send its armies across the world.
David's Brothers.
Comrades in Ralkovia,
By God, we thank you for supporting our cause. We confirm that we will be able to withstand attacks for a fortnight, but our supplies, as with most fronts, are starting to run out. We request that Ralkovia begin sending us supplies - food, water, etc. - soon. Our weapons are well stocked up thanks to several raids of military installions in the territories we control before the war broke out, and we thank Ralkovia for supporting our cause.
David's Brothers.
((OOC: Be aware that I don't intend for David's Brothers to prevail.))
United States of PA
16-04-2009, 02:38
Our President has decided to support you as well, we will provide supplies as soon as we can get some men in to build a airport.
16-04-2009, 02:44
(Ooh well me and baltic were talking and it would seem it would be in our best interest to get the david brothers to unify with the socialist and democrats. What would you say to that idea.
However even if they don't prevail I can bring some heavy force in and knock back the tides of quite a few of these movements)
((OOC: Nah, I don't have much plans for the Brothers. And PA, the S/DF or the Brothers?))
"By God," gasped one of Brothers' scouts, staring at the hijacked cargo ships and helicopters flying towards the camp. They all knew which force used those tactics. The largest in the country. "Zutsies! Zutsies!"
Five hundred Brothers gathered instantly around the beach. There was a round of By Gods and various curses before the first helicopter from the Brothers Air Group took off. A missile was fired at it instantly, destroying it instantly. A few more took off in the following moments, all of them shot down immediately. The Zutsies had developed skill in the field of air-to-air attacks.
A missile was fired into the centre of the gathering of Brothers on the beach. It killed nearly all of them in the blink of an eye. Soon, the Brothers found their Head Camp under attack by 5,000 troops from the Zutsies.
"Shit! No!" shouted a few soldiers as their last helicopter was shot down, a mere hour after their first one was shot down. His voice was silenced by the firing of a pistol.
The Head Camp of David's Brothers was suited in a forest. So, it was hardly suprising whenever a forest fire broke out, thanks to all the crashed helicopters. The bullets kept firing for an hour or two, slowly dying down as troops were burned alive. The Zutsies were evacuted, having lost 500 soldiers, retreated to their cargo ships, and the 'suicide helicopters' were soon being used as aircraft to put out the flames with water from the sea, after an hour or two just to make sure the Brothers had all burned alive slowly.
The Front gathered into the remains of the former Head Camp of the Brothers, pleased for having won a new territory. Their advance would continue tomorrow.
Hunu Laka, the leader of Hutua Force, smiled as he heard the news of the Zutsi attack on the Jews. The Hutuans hated the Jews after they wiped out many Hutuans in the 1980s, whenever they had control of the government before the military junta took power.
"Thank god for the Zutsies!" smiled Laka, speaking to his generals. "Thanks to them, we can know begin the assault on their last two camps near us! Send all the forces we can spare to attack them, wipe out the Jews from Zunola, my generals!"
Overconfident sonuvabitch. thought the generals collectively. But still, they would gather the forces needed for an assault on the territory of David's Brothers. The forces would probably be ready very soon.
United States of PA
16-04-2009, 03:44
OOC:Sorry i've been changing my mind so much, im going to stick with the Peacekeepers, i've got a headache to rival a major hangover
The Northern Baltic
16-04-2009, 03:49
Off of Zunola
The ships arrived, unharmed, off the coast of Zunola. Three Mi-35 helicopters prepared to take off from the Kiev Class carriers and would then do a flyover of the coast, to assure it was safe to land supplies. After, supplies would start to land. Meanwhile, a message was sent to the Democratic Socialist forces in the area that the supplies had arrived.
16-04-2009, 03:53
(I assume your borders are pretty open so their would be nothing to prevent me from landing.)
From the C-130's came the first landing troops. They carried with them a special weapon called the Razorback, it would deal with those pesky enemy helicopters but that was besides the point. Troops and weapons began to assemble as the Ralkovians landed and came in contact with their brothers. They carried with them hundreds of galllons of water and food along with medicine and the weapons they carried.
"The supplies have arrived!" shouted one of the scouts back at S/DF Head Camp.
One hundred of the S/DF soldiers quickly gathered around, and their generals led them marching towards the supplies, with air support from helicopters above. The troops were fast, moving quick through the tropical forest which was the only forest in the country without a trace of Ebola in it. Yet.
The S/DF soon arrived at the place of landing of the Northern Balticians.
"Thank you, comrade," smiled one of the generals, approaching one of the foreign generals. "These supplies will be needed much in our fight for freedom. Tell me, are your troops staying here? We will need them."
* * *
((OOC: The pirates would be a bit of a problem. You shot them, oil spill, they shot you, you dead!))
"Thank you," smiled the leader of the Brothers in a camp which a Hutuan assault would commence on later the day. "These weapons will be put to a good use!"
"We have threats from all sides now. The Zutises are going to conduct a massive assault on us from the north, the Hutuans from the south. If only the Abrahamic Dictatorship of the eighties hadn't killed so many Hutuans, we wouldn't be in these mess.
16-04-2009, 04:09
Several of the death guard smiled even though it was covered by their camoflage masks. Opening crates they showed them the chemical weapons they had. Most were marked with deadly skull and bones however a few of the crates were marked with the letters K2O3L2 or the Ralkovia military insignia for KOLOKOL. It could be absorbed through the skin or through the lungs however it was a paralyzing agent and used by death guard everywhere. Easily passing through gas masks that did not have special protection they were gas weapons that could put an entire army to sleep in a matter of seconds.
The Northern Baltic
16-04-2009, 04:58
The Beach
As the equipment landed, 250 men, 100 combat advisers and 150 combat marines, exited the ships. The leader, a tall, heavily bearded man came forward and said, "We are here to stay, train, and fight alongside your men."
The leader of David's Brothers, David Gisu - the name of the group was a reference to the Biblical king, not Gisu - was in shock whenever he saw the chemical weapons from the Ralkovians. They had arrived quickly, just in time to avoid the advances of the Zutsies. Though, if the troops had any sense at all which some of them did, a few too many Zutsi suicide helicopters would be in tiny little pieces by the end of this. Though the Razorbacks mattered more to his men than chemical weapons. What rebel didn't like to blow up a helicopter or two?
"Thank you, friends," grinned Gisu. "These weapons will be used greatly as we establish the Jewish state of Zunola. I expect this will do more than halt the Zutsies in their advance across our territories, yes?"
* * *
"Brilliant," smiled on the generals. "We have been running dangerously low on supplies recently. It is good to be restocked by our new allies, and to know you will fight alongside us. For now, I think our soldiers need more expertise in the field of fighting before we unleash them on the Huatans, yes?"
The supplies were handed out equally, various soldiers gasping as they drank water or ate food. Soon, some supplies were taken away via pick up trucks, where they would go straight from the beach to the camps in which an assault on Huatan territory would take place. Or a defence against Huatan attack. In a civil war, who really knew what the fuck would happen?
16-04-2009, 09:32
Lingard Forward Operations Base
The rangers had succeded in making the area landable and the first of the Transports began to land. Within two hours the Division was on the ground and was putting up defense's and improving the landing strip for the Fighters of Operational Group One.
The Lingard Airbase was soon surronded by defense's of Ditchs and a chainlink fence with guards patroling the permimeter. Tents went up across the area and bigger pavilion like tents were contructed to hold aircraft and Vheicles.
"Major General Sir" A Colonol said running into the Command Tent "First Transport group is heading home, second one ETA thirty minutes, tehy got our IFV's and mobile SAM's, Helicoptor gunships are flying in from the Fleet ETA one hour"
"Thank you Colonol, keep me updated"
Private Zutu Alsa was flying his helicopter high in the sky over the territories of David's Brothers. He was euphoric after the victory over the weak force last night, taking complete control off the Head Camp - or headquarters - in a matter of hours. Oh, the sweet, rather bloodly taste of victory. The advancement would continue until all the other factions were surrounded by them, in which, as the leaders had foretold to them via radio, an 'all out assault' on everything single thing un-Zutsi would happen, wipinhg out all the other factions and establishing Zunola as the world's first Zutsi state, after years of oppresion by the various governments, from the Stabilization Interim to the military junta of two days ago. Sweet, sweet victory!
He had simple orders. Just conduct a scouting operation, get a few details about the amount of troops left for the Brothers, the rest of it. He would have hundreds of sex slaves by the time this war was ended if he continued like he had, ten kills in a row last night!
The Brothers, Jewish scum, were collapsing. According to Zutsi intelligence, they were out of supplies and giving up hope. They had made a desperate attempt at merging with the S/DF would failed horribly. The socialists and the democrats remembered what the Jews had done in the 1980s.
Yes, he would soon be back in Yadra Camp, sipping water and having a session with -
A missile suddenly hit the helicopter out of nowhere, shattering it into tiny little pieces. That was the first kill by a Razorback from Ralkovia in Zunola.
* * *
"Thank you God!" cried Moses Tulu, looking upwards. "Thank you for giving these tools of your Will!"
Tulu had just shot down a Zutsi helicopter, a revenge for his sister, who was most likely either dead or a sex slave for the Zutsies. His comrades, Falik and Zulk, were cheering as well, though their sick little minds were more focused on if they would get a West African woman or an Arab for tonight's 'session'.
"Thank God for the sex sessions with Arab women!" screamed Falik, before Moses, the leader of the group, slapped him.
You sick little immature, cannibalistic, hope-destroying sex addicted earthworm, Moses' eyes seem to say.
Lingard Forward Operations Base
The rangers had succeded in making the area landable and the first of the Transports began to land. Within two hours the Division was on the ground and was putting up defense's and improving the landing strip for the Fighters of Operational Group One.
The Lingard Airbase was soon surronded by defense's of Ditchs and a chainlink fence with guards patroling the permimeter. Tents went up across the area and bigger pavilion like tents were contructed to hold aircraft and Vheicles.
"Major General Sir" A Colonol said running into the Command Tent "First Transport group is heading home, second one ETA thirty minutes, tehy got our IFV's and mobile SAM's, Helicoptor gunships are flying in from the Fleet ETA one hour"
"Thank you Colonol, keep me updated"
Captain Natzu was smoking some light tobacco as his generals informed him of the situation in the South and in the skies above.
"Foreigners, they do not realise the powers of the great Zutsi people," muttered Natzu, before returning to his usual commanding voice. "Fire a few missiles at them in Forces of God territory, if we can. Confuse the bastards, get them attacking the Forces."
"Sir, if that doesn't-"
"Do not complain. Get out there, get a surface-to-air missile or twenty out there and blow a plane up, understood? A Civil War is never a good time for what you people call respect, you know?"
* * *
In an hour or so, twenty surface-to-air missiles were located just inside the territory controlled by the extremist Christian group the Forces of God. They were in their launchers, all ready to be fired. Thanks to a good deal with the arms dealers involving marijuana, sex slaves and maybe a bit of cannabis, they had manged to get 50 more missiles for the Cause, a small price for such fine material.
As the foreign aircraft flew overhead, the first missiles were launched, followed by the second, and the third, until all the missiles were launched and straight towards what some undiscovered tribes in some tropical forests referred to on first sighting as 'metal birds'.
16-04-2009, 09:53
2nd Transport Group
"We're buddy spiked, DIVE DIVE DIVE!" Transport Lead yelled and the entire squadron Dived downwards. The F-27 escorts deployed countermeasures behind the transports to cover their egress, nether the less one Transport, Transport six was shot down and a F-27 was damaged. The F-27's then angled downwards and locked onto the first of the Launchers and fired AGM missiles at them, before moving onto the next one as the Transports bugged out toward the FOB.
As you would expect, that one missile nearly wiped out all of the forces on the ground, who died happy men for having shot down one of the planes and having damaged another. The Zutsis hoped the foreigners would blame it on the Forces of God - the missiles, after all, were fired in their territory - and start a campaign against them, meaning the Zutsis could make an advance also and hopefully avoid a battle with foreign forces, because, as Captain Natzu put it 'battling the foreigners directly would lead to deep shit'.
Their bodies lay there, lifeless on the ground, a pool of blood and guts forming around them. A few of the surviving troops retreated straight into the treetops of the forest, a rather idiotic decision considering nearly all forests in Zunola had Ebola in them.
16-04-2009, 10:02
The 2nd Transport group and it's escrots landed at FOB Freedom. The Protector IFV's were unloaded, checked and prepared for combat. The Fighters were fuled and the First of the Helicoptors were arrriving
Captain Natzu had been disturbed by his generals just before he intended to light some marijuana, annoying him greatly. If they interuptted him during his sex sessions, he would have them hung by the skin.
"What now, you cannibals?" grumbled Natzu. He needed a smoke before he slept, just to give him extra crazy dreams.
"The foreigners have established a Forwarding Operating Base in our territory, sir," reported one of the generals, rolling his eyes at Natzu's attuide towards liberating the great Zutsi people from oppresion and fighting various scm who dared call themselves Zunolans.
"Leave them be unless the attack us," ordered Natzu. "Now go, I need a smoke!"
Fucking son of a whore.
16-04-2009, 10:14
F-31X's were sent out in pairs to conduct recon flights of the surrodning area and look out for postions of threat
F-31X's were sent out in pairs to conduct recon flights of the surrodning area and look out for postions of threat
The Zutsi Front.
Dear comrades,
The Front wishes to stress that we pose no threat towards your forces inside Zunola, and will not intervene with any peacekeeping missions you may undertake. We request that your nation does not assist any of our enemies, due to such actions seriously hindering our goals of a Zutsi state, governed by Zutsies and for Zutsies. We request you do not intervene in our operations in Zunola and we will continue our operations.
We also send our condolences to the families of the lost by the recent surface-to-air missile attack by the Forces of God, and we tell you now; we will destroy the Forces of God for these actions.
The Zutsi Front.
16-04-2009, 10:29
Command Tent, FOB Freedom
"How could they know about that?" The Major General said "It happened two hours ago, news couldn't have spread that quickly"
"Unless they we're behind it?" The Colonol suggested.
"Keep your eyes open and weapons ready" The Major General Ordered
The Hutuan Force decided it was time to make a push into a new territory. The territory of the Forces of God, that is. Attacking the S/DF or the Brothers would be suicide considering the unconfirmed reports the former had foreigners in their ranks and the latter had chemical weapons. The Forces of God was the prime target of Hutua, followed closely by the Zutsies, though that would be like commiting suicide if they didn't liberate their people in the Forces of God-controlled territory soon; then the assault on them would begin.
As of now, they would keep their invasion as quiet and as suprising as possible. Five hundred more soldiers were placed among the ranks on the border with the Forces, making a fifth of all Huatan forces there. It was a gamble, they all knew that. The Jews and the S/DF could start an assault on them anytime unless they liberated more of their people from the death camps of the Forces of God. Hopefully, no foreigners would notice their move, because if they did, and it became public knowledge, the Force could be destroyed by the S/DF, the Brothers and the Forces of God, leading to a conflict between them and...
Shit. Then the Zutsies would intervene. The assault on the Forces of God would have to commence extremely soon.
16-04-2009, 11:12
Delta Flight, of the Recon Squadrons observved the quiet but visable from sky build-up of troops and radioed back to base. The General ordered a Battalion in IFV's and supported by AH-5's to the area to prevent conflict
The rather modest pick up truck was driving through the S/DF territories, carrying supplies which would be used in the assault on Huata. One thousand soldiers, backed by foreign weapons and a few armed former news helicopters, would be present to see the beginning of the end for the Hutuan Force. As soon as the pick up arrived, the supplies were taken quickly, AK-47s loaded and helicopters ready to take off. They were all awaiting a signal from the Head Camp. And they got it soon.
Private Alsan Mulu was in one of the painted green former news helicopters, armed with missiles and machine guns. Below him, the troops were charging savagely into Hutuan territory, wiping out the suprisingly small force there in a matter of minutes. A Hutuan helicopter took off and started firing at him, but Mulu quickly launched one tracking missile which destroyed the helicopter, swiping off its roter. It seemed almost like an ambush awaited. Either way, Mulu kept going forward, advancing through the blue sky over the barbaric desert below. He had to fire the occasional missile, of course, but the amount of ground made up in a matter of hours was stunning. There had to be something awaiting them. Something.
Who knew. Who knew...
((OOC: Others are still allowed to join.))
16-04-2009, 12:10
Whisky Flight, of Eight F-21's blasted over the attack, the fore front of the incoming Lingard force to try to stop the fighting.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The powerful RADARs of the TF's escorting destroyers detected the incoming helos moments after take off. Once it was clear they were on an intercept course for the TF and refused to respond to multiple radio warnings the TF AAW Coordinator aboard the destroyer Suarez passed the word to engage the inbound helos. Seconds later twenty-four SIM-65 "Sabre" SAMs lept from the TF's VLSs and sped towards the helos at Mach 3. The Sabre had been designed to shoot down supersonic anti-ship missiles and high performance fighters, the hapless helos stood no chance of surviving.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The powerful RADARs of the TF's escorting destroyers detected the incoming helos moments after take off. Once it was clear they were on an intercept course for the TF and refused to respond to multiple radio warnings the TF AAW Coordinator aboard the destroyer Suarez passed the word to engage the inbound helos. Seconds later twenty-four SIM-65 "Sabre" SAMs lept from the TF's VLSs and sped towards the helos at Mach 3. The Sabre had been designed to shoot down supersonic anti-ship missiles and high performance fighters, the hapless helos stood no chance of surviving.
As one would expect, the SAMs hit all of the aircraft and killed most of the pilots instantly. Most of them were blown into tiny little gobsmacked pieces of metal, though at least three aircraft only had their rotors swiped off, and their pilots were doing all they could to steer the aircraft into one of the destroyers. One of them hit the sea instantly, being absorbed by oil from last night's spillage. The other two managed to just keep out of the water, doing all they could to hit at least one of the destroyers.
One of the helicopters crashed into the sea, just missing one of the destroyers, but the last surviving one, its pilot somehow still alive, was steering straight towards the destroyer. He was on target. If he could just go unnoticed he would hit this destroyer and the Gates of Hell would be opened on the destroyer...
Whisky Flight, of Eight F-21's blasted over the attack, the fore front of the incoming Lingard force to try to stop the fighting.
Mulu was the first pilot to notice the flight of F-21s. Without stopping to think, he fired three air-to-air missiles at one of the planes, then fired the remaining missiles at the others, one on each plane. It was suicide, he knew, but the S/DF would remember him well if he destroyed eight foreign aircraft.
Straight after launching he missiles, he charged towards one of the planes, with the goal of crashing into it and killing both of them. Thanks to a last minute move by that plane, one of the missiles he had fired hit his former news helicopter, killing him instantly. The helicopter was in pieces know, the wreckage speeding downwards, towards the desert below.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The County class destroyer, in keeping with its primary mission of area air defence for Tolvanci battle groups, was outfitted some of the most advanced tracking systems in the world. A lone helicopter, let alone a damaged one, stood no chance of eluding its sight. The remaining helo is quickly targeted by two differ Mk. 37 "Linebacker" CIWS and quickly engaed at a range of nearly one nautical mile. Nearly a hundred 35mm shells tore towards the crippled chooper within a second.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The County class destroyer, in keeping with its primary mission of area air defence for Tolvanci battle groups, was outfitted some of the most advanced tracking systems in the world. A lone helicopter, let alone a damaged one, stood no chance of eluding its sight. The remaining helo is quickly targeted by two differ Mk. 37 "Linebacker" CIWS and quickly engaed at a range of nearly one nautical mile. Nearly a hundred 35mm shells tore towards the crippled chooper within a second.
The helicopter was torn apart by the shells, and its remains crashed into the water. It lay there, lifeless. That was when the pirates came.
* * *
It was an oil tanker. The ship they had stolen ten months ago was from an old Zunolan oil company which exploited the natural richness of Zunolan territory quite contently, until the fighting kicked off. Then the CEOs and directors retreated into foreign tax havens and reside their, growing fat on their sheer wealth.
The oil tanker was just sailing through the water. The pirates weren't attempting to anything, but the pirates about that ship were in shock whenever they saw the grand foreign fleet, and they quickly did all they could to turn the tanker around by, thanks to lack of mainteince and ther sheer fact the pirates had little skill with ships suprisingly, they couldn't. They were heading just in front of the foreigners. They were dancing with the devil hear. Their lives could end at any moment and there was nothing sane they could do about it.
Zazu Laga was hungry. He had been hungry for as long as he could remember. Zazu had just about survived the Darhar Bombings, but he had been taken captive by the Zutsies. He had just escaped from the Zutsi slave camp, huddled up in a cave, crying himself to sleep. None of this made any sense at all. The nation was shattered, in anarchy, and rumour had foreign nations were assisting the different factions so as to advance their idelogical goals. Zunola had gone to hell. Luckily, he wasn't anywhere near a forest - strange for Zutsi territory - otherwise he would probably be loaded with every disease discovered since the 1600s.
Laga couldn't tolerate this anymore. He couldn't stay hungry any longer, he couldn't cry himself to sleep any longer, he couldn't drink his tears and urine any longer. This was it. He was at breaking point, like all the populace. Resistance.
Armed resistance. The Zutsies, the Socialists/Democrats, they were all slaughtering the innocent people of Zunola. They had all played apart in destroying this nation, shattering it into tiny little jigsaw pieces in which three quarters of the pieces were lost. The country would never fully recover from this conflict. But armed resistance by the people, for the people could end it all quicker, rather than have each faction just attack each other like barbarians, flying helicopters at foreign fleets hopelessly. The resistance was born that night.
Laga got up. There were a few AK-47s lying about the place. He picked one of them up and fired it at a tree. That marked the beginning of the Popular People's Resistance Forces.
* * *
Six hundred and fifty troops already, based in the ruins of the village of Daka. Zazu was now the leader of the PPRF, and, thanks to lootings of several old military installions, they were now well stocked and well armed. Discussions with the various drug, sex and arms cartels who were makinf a profit in Zunola were already taking place, with the goals of establishing a regular supply of weapons and supplies, until a foreign nation took notice of the new force.
Until then, PPRF would have to keep a low profile, doing everything it could to go unnoticed by the Zutsies, for the PPRF's Head Camp was at the heart of Zutsi territory.
OOC-whoah, this got large fast. Quick summary, please?
IC-The helicopters flying to Dahar landed a bit of a ways outside the city. They disgorged engineers units and Rangers, who began building a large fortified encampment outside the city. Christened Fort Lonesome by the Rangers, this would be the main operating base the Telvirans would use until the entire force arrived. With the city out of range of the battleship, it was sent home. The carrier and the Zumwalts remained.
OOC-whoah, this got large fast. Quick summary, please?
IC-The helicopters flying to Dahar landed a bit of a ways outside the city. They disgorged engineers units and Rangers, who began building a large fortified encampment outside the city. Christened Fort Lonesome by the Rangers, this would be the main operating base the Telvirans would use until the entire force arrived. With the city out of range of the battleship, it was sent home. The carrier and the Zumwalts remained.
((OOC: Well, whenever the Lingardian fleet was sailing towards Zunola, they were attacked by a 'suicide helicopter', basiclly a rebel-controlled former news helicopter which does a kamikaze run onto enemy ships and they shot a few missiles at pirate-controlled oil tankers, creating a massive oil spillage in the waters in Zunola, killing many animals and hindering foreign naval advances. However, Lingards arrived in the country and has established a peacekeeping base, though a failed attempt by the Zutsi Front to frame the Forces of God so as to make the Lingardians think the Forces of God attacked their planes with missiles has led to a feeling of distrust between the Zutsies and the Lingardians.
Ralkovia has started supplying David's Brothers with chemical weapons and other supplies, and the Northern Baltic is supplying the Socialist/Democract Front. As my last post dictates, the 'Popular People's Resistance Forces' has been founded as a group which will create a 'people's state in Zunola' and the rest of it.))
Ten former news helicopters were tracking the Telviran advancements onto land. All the pilots though their orders, quite simply to crash into the new Telviran base at all costs. They were also low on fuel. They were from the Zutsi Front, as most of the 'suicidopters' were. While the Telvirans were just setting up their base, they headed straight downward, heading straight towards the Telvirans at an alarming speed.
IC-As the choppers descended, the Telvirans opened up with Stinger handheld SAMs and the few HAWK SAMs that had been unloaded. A pair of PAH-6 Cheetah gunships that had just arrived fired their GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling cannons at the choppers.
IC-As the choppers descended, the Telvirans opened up with Stinger handheld SAMs and the few HAWK SAMs that had been unloaded. A pair of PAH-6 Cheetah gunships that had just arrived fired their GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling cannons at the choppers.
((OOC: Can one of the helicopters crash?))
The SAMS and the Gatlings tore apart the helicopters, destroying most of them in a matter of minutes. A few of the helicopters shot down still headed straight towards the camp, not that their pilots were still alive and well.
They flew straight down, some with their rotors off, some not. About four damaged helicopters were falling straight towards the Telviran camp, their speed picking up...
"Scatter!!" shouted the Rangers. As they dove for cover, three choppers and various bits and pieces of the others fell to the ground. A series of explosions resounded as the helicopters tore thought he crude sand berms that served as walls. When the smoke cleared, the Rangers counted 23 dead and many more wounded. And the base was destroyed.
In the aftermath, there were serious rumors about the merit of sending ZFOR to Zunola. Some in Parliament were talking about impeachment.
"Scatter!!" shouted the Rangers. As they dove for cover, three choppers and various bits and pieces of the others fell to the ground. A series of explosions resounded as the helicopters tore thought he crude sand berms that served as walls. When the smoke cleared, the Rangers counted 23 dead and many more wounded. And the base was destroyed.
In the aftermath, there were serious rumors about the merit of sending ZFOR to Zunola. Some in Parliament were talking about impeachment.
Captain Natzu was overjoyed as his generals told him that the suicide helicopter attack on the Telviran base had been a success, and some Telviran politicians were calling for impeachment. This was a great victory for the Front, at least in his view.
"Brilliant! Tonight we will celebrate our first great attack! Get the wine out, get the women, tonight we are celebrating!" declared Natzu.
"But sir, what about the-"
"We are having a celebration tonight, nothing else!"
United States of PA
16-04-2009, 23:33
The Pennsylvanian 4th Carrier Battle group entered the Area, it consisted of 1 Gerald R Ford Class Carrier, 1 Hunter Class SGM, 5 Zumwalt DDGs, and 3 Arleigh Burke DDGs, with 8 Amphibs in Attendance to land the Ground troops that would than Return to the West Coast as soon as the Troops were dropped with all their gear
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
The TF had spotted the oil tanker long ago on radar, while it was tracked intently it was mostly ignored amidst the chaos of the sucidial helo attack. However, as the tanker continued to lumber towards the TF commander, Rear Admiral Lord Oscar Fuentes (The Fourth Earl of BahÃa Roja) dispatched a flight of assault helos escorted by two AH-64E gunships to intercept the tanker. Aboard the assault helos was the REMU's organic Special Boat Service (SBS) platoon and a supporting Royal Marine rifle platoon, shoould the tanker refuse to alter course, they'd be boarded by force and Fuentese doubted very much that hostiles would like squaring off with Tolvanic SBS commandos at all.
with 8 Amphibs in Attendance to land the Ground troops that would than Return to the West Coast as soon as the Troops were dropped with all their gear
OOC: Thus trapping your men ashore with no means of evac. Are you aware of how risky, and foolish, that plan is?
United States of PA
17-04-2009, 00:00
OOC:They will build a airfield ,they will be there for close to a week depending on how long it takes to take off supplies, by which time they should have a airfield built to use
"Shit!" screamed one of the pirates. "They're coming, they're coming!"
The pirates were scared shitless at the prospect of being attacked by foreigners. Due to experiences with the old Zunolan Sea Command, they didn't want anybody entering their ship. They had no other prospect except a most suicidal supplement.
The pirates had planted a powerful bomb inside the ship, which they had got off one of the many arms dealers in the country for a few hundred USD. Whenever it exploded, hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil would be unleashed once again on the waters of the Zunolan coast. It would also hinder the foreign advances if all went well, meaning that the different factions would continue killing each other without a care in the world and that the foreigners would larn to loathe the pirates for the rest of eternity, if they already hadn't.
The pirates merely started to fire at the aircraft carrying the foreign tropps towards their ship, missing by a good bit whenever they fired an RPG-7. Suddenly, the ship exploded and more oil was unleashed on Zunolan waters, throwing oil everywhere, even a bit on the island itself. That would please the Zutsis, the Hutuans, the Brothers...
United States of PA
17-04-2009, 00:07
OOC:Whose ships was that in front of?
17-04-2009, 00:16
"Our priority should be to crush the Zutsi front to protect our backsides," muttered a death guard with his fist smashing against the parcel of land occupied by the Zutsi. The other Death Guard nodded and smiled as they exited the hut they were residing in.
With that a large satellite was designated to spy on the Zutsi. It began to take snapshots of the places occupied by the Zutsi. The death guard in charge of the operation let out a grin before walking over to a vehicle radio and spurting random words and numbers.
A cry was released on the Nuremstrike almost 1530 miles away as 45 "death scream" missiles were launched. They were cheep to make, had an amazingly powerful charge, and a large kill radius. These missiles would aim at their targets and release a loud scream from air flow hitting small grooves as the engine boosted them to mach 4 when they were 3 seconds away from the target.
((OOC: Tolvan's ships.))
The Zutsi forces were devastated by the 'scream missiles'. The Zutsies had never came in contact with such weapons, and over 5,000 of the Front's forces were killed, along with many PPRF soldiers. This news was unwelcome by Captain Natzu.
Natzu broke into a rage at this information. He smashed a few plates and punched the straw walls of the hut, actually punching through them. The worst thing was that the celebrations had been cut short by the attack.
"You idiots!" shouted Natzu at his generals. "How could you allow such a thing? I will hang you by the skin for this, you traitors! You have betrayed the Front!"
The generals turned to each other, nodded and in a matter of seconds, Natzu found twelve pistols pointed at his head.
"Friends, I don't..umm..believe-" started Natzu, before being silenced by twelve bullets to the head.
A coup had just taken place in the Zutsi Front.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
After watching the tanker explode the helos had simply turned around and returned to the task force to unload. TF 23.8 quickly changed course to avoid the slowly creeping oil spill, cleaning up the mess would be someone else's problem, and began moving towards less crowded waters.
As the TF relocated, the LHD HMS Baradar launched four AH-64 gunships. The big attack helos quickly set out towards a nearby fishing village where intel indicated several pirate skiffs were docked. It was time to take the fight to the enemy.
17-04-2009, 00:32
It was only a matter of time before Ralkovian tanks rolled over the land the Zutsi had just fought for. APCs loaded with Ralkovian death guard swooped from the right side as they traveled down the coast. They would head inward and crush the Zutsi.
Task Force 23.8
Twenty nautical miles east of Zunola
After watching the tanker explode the helos had simply turned around and returned to the task force to unload. TF 23.8 quickly changed course to avoid the slowly creeping oil spill, cleaning up the mess would be someone else's problem, and began moving towards less crowded waters.
As the TF relocated, the LHD HMS Baradar launched four AH-64 gunships. The big attack helos quickly set out towards a nearby fishing village where intel indicated several pirate skiffs were docked. It was time to take the fight to the enemy.
The pirate-controlled cargo ships docked at the small fishing village were shocked by the sight of gunships approaching them. The local populace, all pirates in one way or another, stared in awe at the gunships, until they opened fire, in which they scrambled for cover.
The gunfire tore open a cargo ship containing salt, and it swarmed onto the beach and into the sea. A few people were actually killed by the salt, as the gunships continued firing. In a matter of minutes, the fishing village was destroyed. Bodies lay scattered throughout the place, small huts torn to pieces. Survivors, mostly children, were hiding in the bushes, most likely attacked by an Ebola-infected monkey.
The tide swept in, absorbing some of the blood from the Zutsi sand.
((OOC: Sorry for describing your attack but I feel that it will make this RP go quicker if I described it.))
It was only a matter of time before Ralkovian tanks rolled over the land the Zutsi had just fought for. APCs loaded with Ralkovian death guard swooped from the right side as they traveled down the coast. They would head inward and crush the Zutsi.
The Zutsi forces were crushed by the elite Ralkovian Death Guard. The tanks devastated the small villages and camps of the Zutsi in a matter of minutes, absolutely destroying the Zutsi Front's forces in the amount of time it would take to cook a steak. The various drugs being grown were also devastated, which would have long-term effects on the Zutsies getting arms in exchange for drugs as soon as they requested new supplies. The Ralkovians made much ground, coming up to the Head Camp of the PPRF, really a large village.
News hadn't even reached the Head Camp of the Zutsies yet, so as far as the generals were concerned, they were still the dominant force inside Zunola. If the Ralkovians attacked the PPRF - the only faction which had links with David's Brothers - then any chance for an equal, democratic society in Zunola would be gone. The Brothers would kick up the Abrahamic Dictatorship again, the S/DF would probably turn communist sooner or later and the Huatans would exterminate everybody not Huatan, as the Zutsies would do with anybody not Zutsi.
Would the Ralkovians attack PPRF? Or would they continue they assault into Zutsi territory? Or would they do both?
OOC: I thought the RP was progressing rather quickly myself, but it's cool.
Task Force 23.8
Eighteen nautical miles east of Zunola
With the success of the gunship raid, the pilots hadn't expected to encounter such fierce resistance and so they had been able to engage fare more aggressively than they would have under normal circumstances, the TF was moving to the next phase of newly christened Operation Swift Thunder. Eight CH-101 "Mule" assault helos and four CH-53F "Stallion" heavy cargo helos took off from the Baradar loaded with a reinforced rifle company outfitted with full MOPP gear. In addition, the RMEU's fifteen LVTP-5 "Alligator" amtracks were inbound loaded with another reinforced rifle company. Finally, several LCACs, LCUs, and LCMs were launched to land additional vehicles and equipment including four M20 "Hellhound" MBTs to secure the village.
OOC: I thought the RP was progressing rather quickly myself, but it's cool.
Task Force 23.8
Eighteen nautical miles east of Zunola
With the success of the gunship raid, the pilots hadn't expected to encounter such fierce resistance and so they had been able to engage fare more aggressively than they would have under normal circumstances, the TF was moving to the next phase of newly christened Operation Swift Thunder. Eight CH-101 "Mule" assault helos and four CH-53F "Stallion" heavy cargo helos took off from the Baradar loaded with a reinforced rifle company outfitted with full MOPP gear. In addition, the RMEU's fifteen LVTP-5 "Alligator" amtracks were inbound loaded with another reinforced rifle company. Finally, several LCACs, LCUs, and LCMs were launched to land additional vehicles and equipment including four M20 "Hellhound" MBTs to secure the village.
There were several survivors, all of them children. They were walking about aimlessly, some stopping to kneel down and mummy or daddy's corpse and tell them to wake up, while the older ones comforted them. One of the children, ethnically Indian, walked up to one of the troops;
"The big helicopters shoot the village. Are you hear to help village?" asked the boy desperatly in broken English.
17-04-2009, 01:13
(Could you re-edit the map Zunola I can't figure out where exactly I am at and if I'm lost I can't strategize.)
With the Ralkovians succeeding very well at utterly destroying the Zutsi Front, ZFOR made another attempt at Fort Lonesome. This time, they surrounded the area with HAWK missiles, bunkers, and troops, then started building up the fort. Meanwhile, the Ranger force was almost all deployed to Dahar. They hadn't made any effort to enter the city yet-the Telviran commander wanted a secure fort, in case there was any retreating to be done.
ORBAT: Ranger Force
5,000 men
150 M1126 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICVs)
80 M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun Systems (MGSs)
40 M1129 Stryker Mortar Carriers (MCs)
100 M118 Fastback Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs)
20 M5A2 Schwarzkopf Main Battle Tanks (MBTs)
40 M119A1 105mm towed howitzers
60 HAWK SAM systems
(Could you re-edit the map Zunola I can't figure out where exactly I am at and if I'm lost I can't strategize.)
((OOC: Done. Green is Zutsi, Light Blue is Brothers, Greyish-Whitish is Hutua, Dark Red is Forces of God and Dark Blue is S/DF, Brown is PPRF.))
17-04-2009, 01:26
Ralkovia would crush everything in its way and that meant the Zuti and the Peoples Resistance. Ralkovian jets began to take off this time they were aimed at the part of the island controlled by the Zuti. The land to the west would be crushed under Ralkovia.
With Fort Lonesome secure, ZFOR began planning for it's first foray into the city. Three Stryker mortar carriers, with the mortars removed, were filled with MREs. They were occupied by the driver, the track commander, who was on a .50cal machine gun mounted on a ring in the front of the vehicle, and three Rangers who would hand out the MREs and bottled water. They were in full combat gear, with their rifles slung. Escorting the Strykers were two M118 Fastback IFVs, armed with a 30mm cannon, but not carrying infantry. The convoy rolled into Dahar around midday.
They were gathered there. Samar Shabazz, Hunu Laka, Liuh Casa and Zazu Laga. Beside pick up troops with an MV gun attached, the leaders of the four minor factions in Zunola had all come to the same conclusion in ten minutes.
"The Ralkovians are trying to conquer these island for the Jews," muterred Samar. "Our only hope is to destroy them. Every single last one of them."
There were murmurs of yes from both leaders, followed Liuh Casa - the only female among them - spoke.
"So, we are in agreement? All our forces will united for the common good of these isles under the Zunolan Popular Resistance, and we will together create a new state for the common good of the people, with an autnomous Christian area and Huatuan area being created as soon as this war ends and the Second Republic is established, yes?"
A chorus of 'yes' followed.
As the meeting ended, two Hellfire missiles flew towards the encampment. They had been launched from a MQ-9 Reaper armed UAV which had been orbiting the area. The Reaper was armed with fourteen Hellfire missiles, and had been waiting for a target of opportunity. The meeting of the leaders was too good to resist.
OOC-Zunola, are you gonna RP the civilians in Dahar?
17-04-2009, 01:41
In a few hours over 5000 Heinzguard had landed along with tanks and hundreds of Piv-30 APC. Not to mention the infamous Cruzscud vehicles they were like the russian katyusha rocket cars of old but much deadlier with much larger fire power. Ralkovia was set to destroy everyone but the S/DF.
The Northern Baltic
17-04-2009, 01:55
OOC: I hope its okay if I assume they arrive safe and sound in the S/DF main camp. If not, I can change it
IC: Isaac sat down. The Mi-24 touched down a few hours ago and he still felt a little queasy from the ride. Taking a gulp of water from his canteen, Isaac was then approached by Luo, one of the Marine commanders. Luo was a native from the Shujun region of The Northern Baltic, and had fought in the ranks of the Shujunese Liberation Front against Northern Baltic government forces in a six year long civil war. Her expertise on guerrilla fighting would be a great help when it came to training the S/DF forces. Both took halfhearted salutes, as such formalities were not very strictly followed in the Northern Baltic. Then, the order of business was discussed. Luo spoke.
"We have some scattered reports of foriegn forces in the area. I would've suggested a combined-operation of sorts, but we shouldn't risk fighting against another nation unless the S/DF is attacked first."
Isaac nodded. "That seems sensible enough. Did you take a look at what Command send the rebels? QBZ-95s?
Luo shook her head. "I didn't see, but I can see why Command would want to have faith in these guerrillas. They seem dedicated enough."
Isaac smiled. "Dedication may not win wars by itself, but it certainly does help. Now lets see how well they shoot."
Walking into the main building in the camp, Isaac requested to see the General. When he was found, Isaac would explain how he wanted to begin the training as soon as possible. There would be several stations.
Infantry would have an accuracy station, a rapid fire station, an obstacle course, an urban combat course, an APC dismounting course, a grenades course, and an RPG course.
Drivers would have a tank course (involving rough terrain, shooting while on the move, and flanking exercises), an APC course (troop dismounting, fire-support, urban environment scenarios), and a jeep course (rough terrain, sharp turning, and recon)
Pilots would have a helicopter course (target practice, position spotting, and supply unloading in a mock combat zone) as well as several flight simulators the Marines had brought with them to prepare them to fly one of several planes in the Northern Baltic arsenal, in cause Command decided to supply the S/DF with an airforce.
17-04-2009, 02:00
(The S/DF merged with several other factions to duke it out with me.)
((OOC: There's probably one person in Dahar after the bombing...))
"Shit!" screamed the leaders.
They ran straight towards a pick up truck, though they were too late. The missile hit, and exploded. The leaders were all killed instantly, destroying the pick up trucks as well. The Telvirans had just done something they would regret for the rest of their nation's existance.
Of course, they wouldn't realise that until the Civil War ended.
* * *
Chester Mourui was sitting quietly in the head camp of the PPR, sipping a cup of tea. He was, like everybody else on the isle, black. He was meeting with his new generals, after the Telvirans - the news had spread quickly - had killed all the other leaders.
"Barbarians, those Telvirans are," nodded Chester confidently. "Still, we will do what the late would wish us to do. My generals, have our representatives been sent to David's Brothers yet?"
"Yes, sir," replied one of the generals. "Hopefully the Ralkovians won't kill them, otherwise we will succeed."
"Good. Continue as normal, inform the troops. Remember, salvage as many arms as you can. I wouldn't trust the Northern Baltic completely, friends. Get ready for tonight's assault on the Zutsies. Now, go and enjoy yourselfs."
((OOC: Thank you Telvira.))
OOC-My troops have been hit with suicide helicopters twice. They're gonna be looking for revenge and they didn't know about the agreement, so it makes sense. Plus, I wanted an excuse to shoot Hellfire missiles from a UAV.
OOC (cont'd)-There would have to be some semblance of a population in Dahar. People naturally move back into areas where there is some form of shelter, even if it's ruined buildings
OOC-My troops have been hit with suicide helicopters twice. They're gonna be looking for revenge and they didn't know about the agreement, so it makes sense. Plus, I wanted an excuse to shoot Hellfire missiles from a UAV.
OOC (cont'd)-There would have to be some semblance of a population in Dahar. People naturally move back into areas where there is some form of shelter, even if it's ruined buildings
A local boy came out to greet the convoy, clearly starving and thirsty. He held a baby in his hands, it starving also.
"Hello? You help? Or no? You hurt or help? Please help," the boy said unoconfidently.
((OOC: Please enter 'The Trade'. If you destroy the Cartel, the Civil War ends much quicker.))
IC-"We help." One of the soldiers handed the boy two MREs and two bottles of water. "Anyone else need help?"
17-04-2009, 22:20
As the representatives arrived they were triple and quadruple checked for anything that could be used as a weapon. They were stripped from their clothes and now stood naked as a Ralkovian death guard used a metal detector and a bomb sniffing dog to check for explosives that might have been ingested. Then they were given a cavity search by a Bjorn Co. rectal autosearcher. Finally they were sprayed with anti-bacterial, anti-virals and neutralizing chemicals before being handed a new pair of clothing. (The others were burned)
Then and only then were they allowed to meet with the representatives of the David Brothers. Of course this was while the David brothers were inside a Ralkovian RESISTAR Armored cars(REinforced Super Isolation Safe Transport- Attack Resistant) and the PPR in another. The cars could stand a large warhead blowing up under it or within 10m's of it. It also had a large filter capable of keeping clean air even in the heaviest region of fall out.
Unless the PPR had figured out how to store a hydrogen bomb in a man's stomach their would be no way they could hurt anyone. However Ralkovia was more worried about the representatives being decoys for a large attack and all patrols were put on red alert. Several satellites began to take pictures of the PPF soldiers in the area and looked for any large gatherings.
The boy talked to the soldier again, after downing the bottle of water and giving his sister some food.
"Mother and father in ruins near," pointed the boy. "Many other people in ruins."
"Thank you. Here, give these to your parents." The soldier handed him another two MREs and another two water bottles. The lead Stryker started playing a recording using a stereo system.
"Attention! We have food and water! We wish to help!"
As the representatives arrived they were triple and quadruple checked for anything that could be used as a weapon. They were stripped from their clothes and now stood naked as a Ralkovian death guard used a metal detector and a bomb sniffing dog to check for explosives that might have been ingested. Then they were given a cavity search by a Bjorn Co. rectal autosearcher. Finally they were sprayed with anti-bacterial, anti-virals and neutralizing chemicals before being handed a new pair of clothing. (The others were burned)
Then and only then were they allowed to meet with the representatives of the David Brothers. Of course this was while the David brothers were inside a Ralkovian RESISTAR Armored cars(REinforced Super Isolation Safe Transport- Attack Resistant) and the PPR in another. The cars could stand a large warhead blowing up under it or within 10m's of it. It also had a large filter capable of keeping clean air even in the heaviest region of fall out.
Unless the PPR had figured out how to store a hydrogen bomb in a man's stomach their would be no way they could hurt anyone. However Ralkovia was more worried about the representatives being decoys for a large attack and all patrols were put on red alert. Several satellites began to take pictures of the PPF soldiers in the area and looked for any large gatherings.
((OOC: Ralkovia, can you RP the Brothers?))
"Mr. Gisu, it is a pleasure to meet with you," greeted one of the representatives. "Now, I have a proposal for you. How would the Brothers like to join the PPR? We are a movement which wants to work together for the common good of Zunola. We will grant permission for a Jewish autnomous state, with complete control over its own affairs."
"Thank you. Here, give these to your parents." The soldier handed him another two MREs and another two water bottles. The lead Stryker started playing a recording using a stereo system.
"Attention! We have food and water! We wish to help!"
In ten minutes, a hundred people were lining up near the convoy for food and water. Some were barely old enough to walk, some were being carried on a strecher due their body being paralaysed. But they all wanted some food water and to get out of Zunola quickly.
17-04-2009, 22:58
The brother looked at the Ralkovian Death Guard, the brother representative had a look of greed on it. If Ralkovia didn't support what the PPR was saying then they could easily conquer the rest of Zunola and establish the Abrahamic Dictatorship again. This was risky because if they lost the Jewish population in Zunola would surely be doomed. Although the Ralkovians had not lost a single soldier and had wiped out every enemy in their path. However if the Ralkovian affirmed his support for this idea then the Jews would have an autonomous state.
The Ralkovian merely looked to the electronic map, his face was unreadable do to the mask he was wearing. His fingers carving out deep ravines into Zunola. He then looked at the side of the screen and pressed send. Instantly a map appeared on the representatives of the PPF RESISTAR car. It showed a large portion of northern Zunola, mostly in the Zutsi part, colored blue with several ralkovian flags planted along the border.
The Death Guard then spoke, his voice was absent of emotion, like an automaton,"Ralkovia would support this momentary merger should the Zunola's north be declared property of the Jewish State of Zunola. We will not accept anything less than that. And for the protection of the division of Zunola ralkovian troops will be placed on the border until a time we deem the Jewish State of Zunola stable."
Gisu nodded and merely muttered,"What the ralkovian said."
"We agree. The territory you control will be the Jewish State, self-governing and autonomus, with no influence from the central government expect in the field of the State still being a part of Zunola. If the Brothers merge with the PPR, all of us can bring the fight to the Cartels and the Zutsies."
17-04-2009, 23:13
The death guard nodded and Gisu nodded.
"I agree," said Gisu.
The death guard merely nodded indifferent to the whole war since he had gotten his demands. However he would still have to fight.
"We will begin Operation Sodom and Gomorrah immediately," said the automaton of the death guard. From silo's across the Ralkovian fleet that had just arrived over 90 tomahawks and 30 'screamers' rocketed towards the Zutsi camps.
In ten minutes, a hundred people were lining up near the convoy for food and water. Some were barely old enough to walk, some were being carried on a strecher due their body being paralaysed. But they all wanted some food water and to get out of Zunola quickly.
The Telviran soldiers handed out MREs and water bottles, as well as dispensing medical aid to those who needed it. "Tomorrow there will be another group of us." blared the speaker. "They will give you proper homes, as well as more food and water. We have a fort on the outskirts of the city. If you have any problems, go there." The troops had begun to ease off and were handing out candy bars and gum to the kids. "Is there anyone in charge?" queried the convoy leader.
Coastal Village
The Marines distributed food and water to the handful of survivors they'd located and treated those with injuries. Once the survivors were fed and treated they were evacuated to a refugee camp several kilometers down the coast from the ruined pirate village.
Meanwhile the Marines withdrew back to their amphibs are quickly as they'd landed. The Combined Staff, with the support of the Government, had altered its strategy and no longer wished to deploy mass numbers of ground troops ashore given the ferocity of the fighting and instability of the situation. For now the Tolvanic forces would concentrate on anti-piracy operations using a combination of naval forces, Marine raids and airstrikes.
The Telviran soldiers handed out MREs and water bottles, as well as dispensing medical aid to those who needed it. "Tomorrow there will be another group of us." blared the speaker. "They will give you proper homes, as well as more food and water. We have a fort on the outskirts of the city. If you have any problems, go there." The troops had begun to ease off and were handing out candy bars and gum to the kids. "Is there anyone in charge?" queried the convoy leader.
The small boy who had meet the convoy leader earlier came up to him again.
"No," nodded the boy. "We from village hurt by bad men. We came ruins to run away from bad men. Brother taken away by bad men."
The death guard nodded and Gisu nodded.
"I agree," said Gisu.
The death guard merely nodded indifferent to the whole war since he had gotten his demands. However he would still have to fight.
"We will begin Operation Sodom and Gomorrah immediately," said the automaton of the death guard. From silo's across the Ralkovian fleet that had just arrived over 90 tomahawks and 30 'screamers' rocketed towards the Zutsi camps.
The Zutsi camps were severely damaged by the Tomahawks and screamers. They hit the camp quickly, all but destroying nearly half of the Zutsi camps. Whenever the onslaught ended, the generals had ordered troops along the coast and the border with PPR be strengthened by quite a bit, half of Zutsi troops being stationed on the borders. On the coast, pirate ships seemed to guarding the Zutsies, probably being the Zutsies had their own form of 'navy', at the widest strech of the imagination.
In case the foreigners tried to get into the heart of the Front via air, there were numerous surface-to-air (and surface-to-surface) missile launchers, with the teams needed, stationed across the Zutsi-controlled territory. The Zutsies were preparing for a huge battle in their territories and the last thing they would do would to give up without a fight.
((OOC: I'd like to ask you all, once again, to enter 'The Trade' thread. If you can collapse the Sutzas, you can end the Zutsies' supplies, along with slightly harming PPR supplies.))
"I'm sorry." The track commander raised his voice. "We'll be back tomorrow, with more food and water. And we'll start building you people real houses. In the meantime, we need all the sick to come forward so we can take them back and cure them."
OOC-I will join the Trade thread, but at the moment I'm running a war RP of my own that is taking a bit of my attention.
((OOC: Cheers.))
"Sick?" asked the boy. "There many sick here. Very sick. Many sick over there."
The boy was pointing to a large house currently in ruins, but clearly enough to house 'sick' people. It seemed the people had agreed to put the sick in that house, though those with Ebola - 'the bedbound disease' - had been killed instantly by the villagers.
Not that the troops knew that.
The Northern Baltic
18-04-2009, 03:48
Off the Coast
The Tarantul III Class took the wave full on, and the hull rose and dropped accordingly. This was yet another fleet of merchant ships bearing supplies for the, now united, PPF. Traveling with the convoy were 6 Tarantul III Class, 3 Krivak Class, and 5 Longboat Class. All of the Tarantul IIIs and Krivaks were traveling with skeleton-crews and would be immediately transferred over to the PPF, creating the PPF's navy. Also aboard the ships were more helicopters, 25 Mi-24 and 30 Mi-8s, as well as 5,000 QBZ-95s (with plenty of ammo and ammo producing machines) and 300 BTR-60 APCs and finally, 25 Mig-29OVT multirole fighters with a full load of anti-air and anti-ground munitions (however, no cluster bombs as those are not used by the Northern Baltic). An additional 300 soldiers were put on the ground, to train and fight alongside the PPF forces.
Rebel Camp of the PPF
"And you see, you put the ball bearing in there, and then run this wire from here to here..."
Luo walked up to Isaac and smiled.
"Done teaching them how to make toys?" she asked, playfully.
Isaac smiled and responded, "Hey, they may not be the missiles we have at home, but these Katusha rockets can deal some damage, specially when used in large numbers" Isaac motioned in the distance, where, hidden in the forest, there was a large munitions depot containing hundreds of Katusha rockets.
"And they already know how to fire them, aim them, clean them..."
Isaac interrupted her. "Of course. Before we even started building them."
Luo nodded, then spoke: "The gunships are ready. Should we begin our first join offense?"
Isaac hesitated for a moment, then climbed aboard one of the Mi-24 gunships. The target: a Zutsi camp a short distance away.
First, the tanks and APCs would move up and engage in a skirmish with perimeter forces, then, seizing the initiative, the gunships would flank and engage enemy forces at the rear of the camp, assuring the troops did not simply run away. Then, the gunships would lightly strafe the camp, after which the tanks, APCs, and dismounted infantry would flood into the camp, eliminating any remaining resistance.
Off the Coast
The Tarantul III Class took the wave full on, and the hull rose and dropped accordingly. This was yet another fleet of merchant ships bearing supplies for the, now united, PPF. Traveling with the convoy were 6 Tarantul III Class, 3 Krivak Class, and 5 Longboat Class. All of the Tarantul IIIs and Krivaks were traveling with skeleton-crews and would be immediately transferred over to the PPF, creating the PPF's navy. Also aboard the ships were more helicopters, 25 Mi-24 and 30 Mi-8s, as well as 5,000 QBZ-95s (with plenty of ammo and ammo producing machines) and 300 BTR-60 APCs and finally, 25 Mig-29OVT multirole fighters with a full load of anti-air and anti-ground munitions (however, no cluster bombs as those are not used by the Northern Baltic). An additional 300 soldiers were put on the ground, to train and fight alongside the PPF forces.
Rebel Camp of the PPF
"And you see, you put the ball bearing in there, and then run this wire from here to here..."
Luo walked up to Isaac and smiled.
"Done teaching them how to make toys?" she asked, playfully.
Isaac smiled and responded, "Hey, they may not be the missiles we have at home, but these Katusha rockets can deal some damage, specially when used in large numbers" Isaac motioned in the distance, where, hidden in the forest, there was a large munitions depot containing hundreds of Katusha rockets.
"And they already know how to fire them, aim them, clean them..."
Isaac interrupted her. "Of course. Before we even started building them."
Luo nodded, then spoke: "The gunships are ready. Should we begin our first join offense?"
Isaac hesitated for a moment, then climbed aboard one of the Mi-24 gunships. The target: a Zutsi camp a short distance away.
First, the tanks and APCs would move up and engage in a skirmish with perimeter forces, then, seizing the initiative, the gunships would flank and engage enemy forces at the rear of the camp, assuring the troops did not simply run away. Then, the gunships would lightly strafe the camp, after which the tanks, APCs, and dismounted infantry would flood into the camp, eliminating any remaining resistance.
Whenever the APCs arrived, the Zutsi forces immediately started firing rocket propelled grenades at them, most of them missing quite a bit but a few somehow hitting a few of the APCS, suprisingly. Whenever the gunships arrived, the Zutsies were so shocked that they had no time to fire RPGs at them, many Zutsies being killed quickly.
Whenever the last forces of the Baltic/PPR entered the camp, they were suprislingly ambushed by Zutsi forces. However, the ambush was short lived, the gunships savagely destroying the Zutsies in a matter of minutes.
Any survivors were cleared up by the tanks and the troops, very little casulties for the Northern Baltic/PPR but hundreds for the Zutsies.
The Northern Baltic
18-04-2009, 15:46
Former Zutsi Camp
Only a few sporadic rounds of fire were heard as the tanks pushed to the other side of camp and several of the gunships touched down. Isaac stepped out, to survey the camp. The Zutsis had put up a better fight then expected, but the operation had been a success, and, to replace the losses and expand the PPF's armored force. 800 Type 63 APCs and 600 Type 59 tanks were expected to arrive at the end of the week. A further 30 Q-5 'Fantan' and 50 Frog-7 surface to surface missiles were also expected to arrive, to assist the PPF in the future in neutralizing enemy ground targets. Also, several hundred loudspeaker systems were being put in the shipment, for demoralizing enemy troops and carrying out recruiting efforts in towns.
((OOC: Cheers.))
"Sick?" asked the boy. "There many sick here. Very sick. Many sick over there."
The boy was pointing to a large house currently in ruins, but clearly enough to house 'sick' people. It seemed the people had agreed to put the sick in that house, though those with Ebola - 'the bedbound disease' - had been killed instantly by the villagers.
Not that the troops knew that.
"Thank you."
The next day, the convoy returned, now with a large ambulance. A group of medics went over to the house and began to do what they could for the sick.
Another group of engineers began setting up prefab shelters. They weren't as good as real houses, but it was better than living in rubble. The troops on the mortar carriers directed the inhabitants towards the shelters.
Former Zutsi Camp
Only a few sporadic rounds of fire were heard as the tanks pushed to the other side of camp and several of the gunships touched down. Isaac stepped out, to survey the camp. The Zutsis had put up a better fight then expected, but the operation had been a success, and, to replace the losses and expand the PPF's armored force. 800 Type 63 APCs and 600 Type 59 tanks were expected to arrive at the end of the week. A further 30 Q-5 'Fantan' and 50 Frog-7 surface to surface missiles were also expected to arrive, to assist the PPF in the future in neutralizing enemy ground targets. Also, several hundred loudspeaker systems were being put in the shipment, for demoralizing enemy troops and carrying out recruiting efforts in towns.
Captain Nanza Le'Muku had been made head of the suicide taskforce responsable for firing missiles into the camp taken over by the PPR and her unglorious allies. They were camoflauged well, blending in well with the jungle. They had about thirty surface-to-surface missiles on them, and were getting just in range of the former camp.
"For the Motherland."
As soon as they were in range, the missiles started firing, rushing through the jungle at incredible speed towards the PPR-controlled camp.
18-04-2009, 16:39
Three Ralkovian Stealth Jets, modified F-117's, had taken off from the Supercarrier, the Santiago. Now they were to be supporting the spearhead of the baltic forces until Ralkovian death guard could arrive. That was why they had easily found the position the missiles were firing from. However they would waste no time using the bombs they had to destroy a rocket position. They began to drop kolokol grenades on the enemy who were in the open. If that didn't work a bomb would have to be used but kolokol would put the enemy out in just under 3 seconds.
The teams had launched several rockets which were heading straight towards the former camp by the time the Ralkovians dropped their grenades. The teams were slowly destroyed, one of the grenades actually exploding one of the missiles just before it was to be launched, wiping the teams out instantly, blowing blood and guts across the immediate area.
About seven missiles had made their way into the Baltic-controlled camp.
The Northern Baltic
18-04-2009, 21:21
Former Enemy Camp
Radio chatter stopped for a second as a recon team reported:
Sir, incoming enemy missiles. Headed straight for the camp! I repeat...
As quickly as they could, The Northern Baltic forces moved everything they could to the outskirts of the camp, but it was not soon enough. The missiles reached the camp, leveling what few buildings remained and killing 6 Northern Baltic troops, wounded 3 more, and killed or wounded two dozen PPR rebels. The missiles also destroyed a sizable amount of ammunition and a dozen vehicles.
Seizing the initiative to get back at their enemy, the gunships took off, fully loaded with soldiers. In total, 8 Mi-24s and 25 Mi-2URP helicopters lifted off. Flying low to avoid radar detection, the helicopters aimed to take the closest camp by surprise. The Northern Baltic commanders also called in a flight of PPR Mig-29OVTs, armed with smart bombs and other anti-ground weapons, to conduct the first strike against the enemy camp, then, while the troops were still reeling from the first attack, the helicopters would arrive and destroy the camp.
Secretly, thousands of PPR forces were crossing from the border with the Zutsi-controlled territory directly into the enemy. They went through the jungle silently, going unnoticed through the firing of missiles and the foreign attacks of several Zutsi camps. Soon, they arrived at the Camp of the Front.
It was all about stealth. The troops were dressed in stolen Zutsi uniform, and made their way into the heart of the Camp. Whenever they were at it's heart, they opened fire. The Zutsies opened back, but their poorly trained troops were no match for the well trained soldiers of PPR. Soon, the Zutsies were beaten back, and the Head Hut was stormed vioently. The takeover had happened so quick that the generals were still in a meeting. The troops knocked them out then intercepted some radioes to send a message to the Ralkovians and the Northern Baltic.
"PPR here, we have stormed the Camp of the Front, Zunola is free! We Request transport."
OOC: Mind if I lend military aid to the Zunolan Popular Resistance?
The Northern Baltic
20-04-2009, 03:59
The gunships received the message and circled the area to make sure it was clear and then touched down to provide transport for the troops. Mig-29s flew in formation overhead to guard from any unexpected movements.